High Magic Earth

Chapter 865: princess

The fairy tale world is an extremely safe world, but it is also a very dangerous world. It is not the foreseeable dangers that need to be careful, but the humble things that cannot be noticed.

Although there is no strange thing that stepping on a frog will cause death, but it is not far away.

Different countries have the same situation, that is, people are filled with various reasonable or unreasonable. Most of these distant countries are divided into two extremes. One is that the residents of the kingdom live and work in peace, without bullying and war. Even the bullies are silly and cute, and everyone looks great.

But this is also the most dangerous place, because these people are not like a normal person in terms of communication or life. Turning people into frogs and stepping on them may be uncomfortable for many people, but for them In fact, there will be cheers.

It's just like. . Two completely worlds.

The second is much better. Their lives are more realistic and close to the real style. The palace and castle of the king are still magnificent, and the civilians on the ground floor are ragged and full of poverty.

But is it safer?

The kingdom is still full of danger, not only facing ordinary threats, such as attacks from bully robbers, but also subject to greedy nobles and terrible magic.

Although wizards and nobles in this kingdom are not as ridiculous as the former, they are also not easy to mess with, because their methods are often more clever and cruel, and they are more scheming than ordinary people.

When you come to the latter's kingdom, you come to the fairy tale paradise, which is not as good as the former.

The Kingdom of Andalusia belongs to the former, and as a princess, Giselle naturally inherited most of its style, outstanding appearance, and staying in front of the window for a day without feeling tired, a beautiful singing voice, and There are teeth that can keep white and fresh without brushing.

This is a strange place, full of incredible.

Unbelievably, a giant monster climbed into the castle where Giselle lived, and she was able to fall safely and smoothly, and it happened to fall on Prince Edward's horse.

Even the two had just met for the first time, but decided to hold the wedding tomorrow, but she was not surprised, but rather accustomed.

Because she feels that she has found true love.

Well, although things are a bit weird, the general direction is always good.

The wedding of the two was scheduled for tomorrow. Giselle put on a white puffy princess dress, and a fat servant of Prince Edward drove her to the castle in a carriage.

"Am I late?" Giselle asked with a smile when she was in the carriage. Her voice seemed to have some kind of strange magic, always with joy and laughter, even making others feel it. happy.

"No, Her Royal Highness." The chubby servant pulled the door around in a hurry, straightened his hat, and then took the time to bow to Giselle, but the fat body seemed a little funny.

"I wish I hadn't been late." Gisele seemed to have heard nothing else, and the whole person was immersed in the great joy of the upcoming wedding.

"Just in time, Her Royal Highness."

Giselle broke free from the carriage and then jumped on the stone steps in front of the castle hall.

The fat rabbit tied her snowy bow, and the beautiful blue bird brought her a crystal crown.

On weekdays, the playful little animals sorted out everything before the wedding for this rash princess and put her makeup into the most beautiful bride.

"Hee hee!" Giselle shed a series of laughter in the garden in front of the castle. She ran towards the wedding hall, and soon left the clumsy servant behind.

"Don't worry! Don't be so rash!" her best friend, the little squirrel, jumped beside her, shouting anxiously, while running through the treetops and fences in the garden.

But Princess Giselle, who was only focused on the grand wedding, did not notice it at all. She ignored it and ignored the advice of her best friend and ran to the castle with a smile.

The beautiful long brown hair fluttered behind her head, and with her excellent appearance, it did feel a bit dreamy.

until. . She was stopped by an old woman.

A man in a black cloak, shrouded in a cold windbreaker, with a eagle-hook nose, sharp eyes, a weird shape of dead wood branches in his hand, covered with patches, a strange smile on his face, and an unpleasant laughter Old woman.

She should not be a good person, forgive me for choosing people for their appearance, because she looks like a witch.

But Princess Giselle didn't seem to notice this, and found that her way forward was blocked, she just politely whispered an apology, and then detoured, trying to move on.

Unexpectedly, the weird witch also moved aside, and then blocked again on Giselle's path.

"Oh, what a lovely bride." She said hoarsely, and as she said, her hands moved closer to Giselle unconsciously.

But as if he hadn't seen it, Giselle said indifferently, "Thank you." Her gaze kept staring at Prince Edward Castle, not far away, and focused on the wedding.

"But I'm going..."

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the elderly witch, "No hurry, no hurry!" She stopped again on the road of Giselle's progress, "Mother-in-law, I have a wedding gift for you."

"Thank you." Giselle said with a smile. "But I really want to go." She held her hands together and put them on her chest. "Look, I'm going."

She flicked to the side, avoiding the witch's hindrance. Seeing that the prey of her hand was about to escape, the witch immediately grabbed Giselle's wrist and said, "That's a wishing well, dear."

Giselle was dragged by the old witch while still staring at the direction of the castle. "But all my wishes will come true." She said.

The obese servant did not know when to catch up. He hid behind the two, watching the princess being dragged away by the witch, he took off the hat on his head and rubbed it in his hands.

"I really have to go." The witch and the princess moved away, and at this time, the little squirrel who jumped on the wall and lost the princess figure suddenly heard Gisell's whispering noise, and it stood up and looked around , And immediately saw the old witch and Princess Gisele walking side by side on the garden path.

"Don't you just make a wish on the day you get married." said the old witch, "that well is the most effective."

Appearing in front of the two was a secluded path. At the end of the path was a spring with emerald green luster. The water spewed down at three meters and fell into the pool below, forming a natural wishing pool.

"My dear, just close your eyes and make a wish." The old witch dragged Gisele to the wishing pond and took her up the steps to the edge of the pool without water.

The deep wishing pond was dark and not bottomed out, only a turquoise spring running down the wishing pond. Giselle stood beside the wishing pond and felt a chill coming from the face.

"Oh, that's right, get closer."

Behind him came the voice of the old witch, and Gisele moved involuntarily.

"Are you making a wish?" she asked.

"Yes." Giselle had some misery, but still smiled kindly, closed his eyes, and began to sincerely make a happy wish for his future life. "We have always lived happily... ah ah ah !!!"

Before Giselle's words fell, she felt a huge force coming from behind, she screamed, and then fell down involuntarily, to the bottom of the dark pool.

"Ah..." The witch's ancient and hoarse spell came from behind, accompanied by a strange luster, and Giselle's figure disappeared instantly in the fall.

The squirrel standing on the wall whispered, then covered his mouth in surprise, and the servant who was hiding aside ran out crawling and crawling out, crying out in horror, "Where did I go, my dearest queen Your majesty, where did you get her?"

At this time, the old witch who had stood on the edge of the wishing pool had disappeared, and was replaced by a queen who was dressed up to be ugly and weird. She was the mother of Prince Edward, Her Majesty the Queen of this country.

She smiled triumphantly, then raised her eyebrows, "A place that would never exist, and live happily ever since..."

Giselle felt like she was stuck in darkness, surrounded by twinkling stars, as if she were in an infinite night sky. She floated, and there was no weight around her, which was very interesting.

Giselle does not have any sense of crisis. She is still looking at her surroundings curiously, and some time, some bright spots of light begin to converge on her.

"Oh! Be careful!" The light spot hit her face, and then touched her on the shoulder exposed outside the dress.

These light spots, like stickers, began to quickly gather to Giselle, knowing that she was covered with her entire body, and then wrapped up, and approaching, the huge light mass wrapped in Giselle flashed again.

"Boom!", this time, the light group finally touched something. It hit the black wall fiercely, and then, like broken glass lenses, it gave out a crisp sound of ding dong dong. Break, and then scattered all over the place.

Giselle was among them, she fell to the wall all at once, her brown hair scattered to the ground.

"Stop it?" Giselle looked at the surroundings with some curiosity. She noticed that the ground underneath seemed to have some holes for ventilation, so she put her eyes on it and looked at it.

No one seems.

Giselle pushed open the gate of the circular passageway. In an instant, the world flipped and Giselle crawled out of the sewer.


"Look at her, wearing a dress."

"Is it marriage escape, how come out of the sewer?"

"The young people nowadays are really energetic."

Because the sewer was located near the sidewalk, it did not affect the passing vehicles, but some cars very close to Giselle honked a few times, because her white puffy princess dress was too big.

Pedestrians around looked at Giselle curiously, and then murmured, but did not stop, because New York is a big city, and a fast-paced busy city.

"This is...Where..." Gisele looked around dumbly, the towering towering building was taller than the largest castle she had ever seen.

The changing multicolored patterns of the squares are even more dazzling than the stars in the night sky. There are crowds of strangely dressed people all around, and there are many fast metal boxes beside them.

"What about Edward." Giselle finally panicked because she found out that she knew yesterday that the destined Prince was not here, and he was gone.

She grabbed a pedestrian next to her in panic, "What about Edward." He asked helplessly, but the pedestrian was just startled, and then broke away from Giselle's palm hard, without answering at all.

Giselle stumbled along the crowd, she didn't know where it was, or where she was going.

Unknowingly, Gisele walked up the road, and there was a red light, and the car drove on and off the road.

"Didi! Di!"

The fast-moving vehicle madly honked its horn and dodged to the side. Fortunately, this is the main road of New York. The speed is not going fast. Giselle’s white princess dress is particularly dazzling in the evening before the car can crash. Make a sharp turn before her to avoid.

Giselle didn't know anything about her dangerous situation, but in the midst of it, as if there was some kind of good luck protecting her, these vehicles avoided her smoothly and did not hit Giselle.

It was only soon that her good luck was used up.

A black suv looks like a mad dog~www.wuxiaspot.com~ flashes left and right on the road, and all the vehicles behind it are damaged by it, and the discerning car has been far away from it.

There is also a series of suvs in the back of this suv. This kind of situation that can only be seen in the blockbuster is obviously exciting for residents living in New York. Pedestrians on both sides of the road are holding mobile phones and are constantly shooting. And there was a lot of talk in a low voice.

Soon, this argument turned into a scream and a loud reminder, because they saw the not-so-distant Princess Giselle standing in the middle of the avenue without knowing it.

"Be careful!"

"Flash away!"

There was a cry of exclamation from the crowd in Princess Giselle's ear. She could understand the meaning of these words, but she didn't understand why these people let herself hide. At the next moment, Giselle's involuntary turning back saw two of them. The lights are twisted and twisted, but the speed is not reduced and finally came straight to myself.

Giselle didn't know what a car was, but as a human instinct, she still felt and realized before a heavy object hit. She unconsciously raised her arm to block her face, but it was too late. (To be continued.)

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