High Magic Earth

Chapter 890: track

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"Give up! Gave up!" Brian whispered madly, and then rammed all the way back to New York City. The original three-minute journey was abruptly shortened by half, and the suv maintained its highest speed almost throughout the journey.

Pedestrians on the road saw his crazy drag racing side by side. If it wasn't too much for what happened in New York tonight, it seemed that some people were panicked, otherwise Brian's crazy drag racing would be a big news.

But now his behavior is just a small episode under the chaos. No one cares what he did. At most, the guy with some good deeds will be strangely speculating about what the car is about to do to make him so anxious, maybe just sit inside. An agent who often appears in movies is performing urgent tasks, or just a guy who is taking advantage of the fire.

The roaring suv swiftly avoided the crowded lanes. With the support of nzt, Brian's brain calculated the time of all traffic lights handover, and the entire New York lane information was under his grasp.

Through precise calculations and a sharp response, Brian's vehicle was not blocked by a red light even once, and he went all the way to the crowded New York City.

It wasn't until the calculations that Brian figured out that it would never be so smooth ahead, he heavily depresses the brakes and then shouted, "Get off!"

Dragging Stan and others who are still confused, Bryan stumbles down from the car with Volchart and others. He pulls them quickly away from the place, away from the car, and then enters a lively large shopping center.


Among the group of people, only Stan’s thinking was still clear. Vrchart was worried about his wife. Farid didn’t know what the situation was now. He was curiously looking at the crowds around him, and the flashing malls. .

They ran into the mall panting all the way. During this period, not only the crowds of people looked at these guys curiously, but also attracted the attention of the guards. If it wasn't for Bryan to show the FBI certificate, I'm afraid it would be another entanglement.

After Bryan took them to stop by the fountain in a wishing pool in the mall, Stan took a breath and then asked with a gasp, "So... what to do next, say first Well, if you continue to run, you don’t have to worry about me, I will stay here."

After all, Stan is old, he is not as good as the younger Volchart and the more active young boy Farid, plus he is a well-respected world-class best-selling author, and his physical strength is far behind the years of seeking in Europe. The wife of Volchat and the Bryan trained by FBI secret service.

These hundreds of meters ran down, in fact, has already killed his old life.

"No, it's not us." Brian calmed his breath and replied, "But you."

Facing the puzzled eyes of several people, he continued, "We are here to part ways, that guy... Actually, you have all seen him, but you don't remember it, but it also means that he will not hurt. you guys."

"But I don’t have to. He might already know that I’m the one who’s behind me, otherwise why have I been chasing us down, of course, I hope my guess is wrong, but we must act separately now Now."

"Don't go back to the FBI headquarters. After everything is done, someone will naturally find you. Good luck."

Volchart and Stan looked at each other, but after a few steps, Brian turned his head suddenly, "Oh, yes..." said the three of them sideways, "Finally, welcome to new York."

. . .

The experience of escape is no stranger to Brian. He has experienced the thousands of kilometers of the deserted area of ​​the war, and also experienced the cleansing escape of his companions on the desert island, and more successfully escaped from Paris under the chase. Ever.

After disintegrating the team of parliamentarians who want to use nzt to control the world, Brian once experienced a long time of FBI system training.

Brian with the support of nzt had mastered things much faster than ordinary people. After going through system training, he was no longer the ordinary young man who had just entered the FBI and would not do anything.

After leaving Volchart and others, Brian quickly slipped out of the back door along the scarcely monitored place in the mall. He was fortunate that the mysterious man could not use the monitoring resources to find himself, otherwise he would never be so easy to leave.

Other cities are not easy to say, but surveillance in New York is almost everywhere. For the FBI, it is too easy to find a target that appears.

When passing by an open-air clothing store, Brian took off the hat hanging outside and put it on his head while the boss was not paying attention.

He can't be exposed outside the building for too long. If he thinks right, the crow is the man's eyeliner, even more terrible, and all the birds can be used by him.

"Magic is really a magical thing. Seriously, I'm a little bit tempted."

"Biubiubiu!" Brian made a wand-throwing gesture. "Look, how cool, it's much cooler than the special effects in the movie."

Brian's dream is to become a superhero, and what it takes, first of all, there needs to be a place where you are different from ordinary people. As your logo, it is also a superhero logo.

Otherwise, your title will probably not be cool at all, for example. . Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, what the **** are these, and are they superheroes when they can play?

Well, being able to play especially is indeed different from ordinary people, but I am afraid that your title will have no recognition.

Obviously, magic is a very special ability.

For example, the Scarlet Witch, one of Brian’s favorite heroines, of course, he also has many other favorite heroines, Natalia Romanova, Serena Kyle and so on.

Brian even thought about his own code name, and called him the Prince of Magic. . Wait, what a bad title again, forget it, he hasn't thought about it yet.

But in reality, Brian knew that this strange power and this strange existence should not have appeared in this world.

Including the silver tongue and others they already know, they are the source of everything.

Too young to say that these guys will become unstable factors, just like now, they come from different worlds, they can not adapt to the operating rules of human society in this world so quickly, they also have a strong personal power.

Too strong individuals will challenge the existing rules, and this is often the beginning of all turmoil.

On a larger scale, their existence will challenge humanity's understanding of the entire world, break all existing physical laws and cognitions, and even affect the direction of existing technology, allowing the world to take another path.

Brian does not know whether this change is good or bad, but change means chaos.

nzt brought Brian a developed brain domain. In addition to playing for the FBI, he is also a very good multi-field scientist.

The identity of the scientist is telling him that the existing physical rules are often not unique, they are not the truth, but are the rules that humans have summed up during their continuous development and exploration of the world.

As humans learn more and more about the world and the universe, they are constantly updated, and they are added and supplemented. Any mistakes will often lead humans to go astray for a long time.

And the less you know about knowledge, the more backward you are.

Humans on the earth are the strongest. Many people think that there must be other intelligent races in the universe, but after all, they haven’t really seen them, but now the appearance of these guys has proved at least one thing. Parallel space is probably Human beings are not alone.

Although its companion is still human.

But similarly, the appearance of the same kind not only means friendly exchanges but also the possibility of war.

If you fall behind, you will fail. Concealing the existence of magic and the people in the book means concealing knowledge. Brian is not sure whether the existing technology is the right way, and how much change can magic bring.

But if other people have both magic and technology, then obviously they only have a lot of difference in technology.

So the reason of the scientist is telling Brian that these things can not be concealed, no matter how much shock and fluctuation this will bring to the world, no matter whether those ordinary people accept it, but the news must not be covered up.

This is like the original Copernicus.

But it is a pity that Brian is not just a mere scientist. He is also an FBI and a special consultant of the FBI, although he has retired.

Science knows no borders, but scientists are nationalized. Brian does not only consider human beings. He first considers the interests he represents.

So he can't let the news spread out, at least he can't let the strong evidence, or something spread outside.

The number of silver tongues seems to be quite a lot. If other countries know it, it will be a flood disaster for the whole world.

The ghost knows whether these people with strange powers choose to obey or resist when facing the national call, and only God knows how many strange things they will summon during this period.

When Brian dealt with the events of the mysterious man, he first thought of control, but found that the mysterious man is proficient in magic. No one in the world understands magic. In the face of extremely uncertain magic, they may not be able to control it at all. , Only to be replaced by the eviction plan.

Drive them out of this world and return to the original world, and if these people have silver tongues and other existences, the whole world will not lag behind in magic, and it can continue to guarantee the strength and interests of its own country.

This is the tacit agreement between Brian and Berika.

As the FBI, one of the largest intelligence agencies, Brian knows that the biggest vulnerabilities often come from within, so this matter must be concealed from any other department. Apart from the power of the FBI, they have little help from the same level of strength.

so now. . There is very little power to help Brian.

Pushing down the hat that just got his hand down, Brian quickly looked for an easy target, and after accidentally getting a few wallets, he entered a small shopping center again.

If the opponent can use magic to make the crow his own eyeliner, then the best way is to not be exposed to the building.

Birds always get people's attention when they enter the shopping mall. In this way, they will also find that they are being monitored or their whereabouts are exposed again.

After a few turns, Brian mixed the crowd into the clothing store.

His anti-tracking experience is rich, but they are all facing ordinary people. In the face of a magic wizard, Brian is not sure what to do. He can only use those conventional methods based on experience, and then use nzt, Make up for some small details found.

First, he needs to change his outside.

On the way he came, he had tossed several empty wallets into the trash bin and concentrated the cash in a men’s wallet. As for the fingerprints on the wallet, these are small things. When the troubles are over now, the FBI will settle him. .

"The suit, be more solemn." Brian entered the clothing store and said directly to the clerk in it, "I will attend a funeral in a while, and I will be in a hurry."

The clerk immediately understood that there was not much nonsense, and turned to get a set of clothes for Brian. Using this time, Brian came to the dressing room, threw away the unnecessary extras on his body, and then took out the dedicated contact phone.

Brian thought about it and dialed a number, but at this moment, he seemed to feel that the corner of his eyes seemed to see the glass parquet girl printed on the window glass behind him suddenly smiled.

He suddenly turned his head, nothing, and the pattern of the glass parquet still stayed there neatly.

Was it his own illusion, Brian frowned.

But with nzt's almost dead-end analysis, Brian instantly realized, no, it was not like that.

If it is a normal situation, it may indeed be his own illusion, but now he is facing the chase of a magic wizard, any abnormal situation may be caused by magic.

Brian immediately realized that it was not good, he almost rushed out and rushed out, but it was too late.

A pair of mercury-like flowing hands stretched out from behind the huge dressing mirror behind him, suddenly grabbed Brian's arm, the other hand covered his mouth, with great force, he shouted All of them were turned back into pieces, and then pulled him back into the mirror.


The mobile phone that lost the owner dropped to the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ issued a "beep--beep--" dialing sound, and Brian resisted with great power, and his body was instantly submerged into the mirror.

It was too late when the clerk took the clothes for Brian. She had no time to see a pair of feet exposed in the air. At the next moment, Brian's figure completely disappeared in front of the dressing mirror.

"Sir, what are you doing?" The clerk walked over holding her clothes strangely, but after looking around, she didn't find Brian's figure. "Sir?" she called again.

It's a pity that no one can respond to her. The smooth dressing mirror silently reflects her figure. The calm mirror looks like nothing happened.

Only the confused clerk was left standing, holding the mobile phone picked up from the ground, looking around strangely. (To be continued.)

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