High Magic Earth

Chapter 897: Pre-war

The golden light swept over and fell to the middle of the three people, separating Yi Xiaomeiji and Larry in three directions.

Yi Xiao took a step back, but fortunately he put away the three slabs read by Meggie in advance, otherwise they would be shrouded in by golden light.

The ghost knows what this is.

Yi Chou said he was confused.

Dementorship can only read people's thoughts in an instant. It is not like forgetting the sky and the soul-taking spell, which can directly control human memory.

Yi Biao didn't see Athena in Brian's head. She was regarded as a hole card by Brian. Even if Brian had no confidence in this, she still hid her memory about Athena at the last moment before the sleep.

I don't want anything.

Perhaps in Brian’s opinion, a god, fighting with a traveler from a different world, no matter who wins or loses, is a good thing for humans in this world.

The premise is that there really will be conflict between the two.

Athena shot straight down like an arrow. After all, she was not a Poseidon like Poseidon. Poseidon would cause a monstrous tsunami when she came to the world, but Athena could not set off an earthquake on the ground.

The light was quickly fleeting, revealing the figure inside clearly, and Athena, dressed in a golden battle dress, gently hung her hands on her hands, then half-kneeled between the three.

She wore a golden crown with olive-like patterns on her head, and her long golden hair shone like gold foil in the sunlight shining from the big hole she broke.

but. .

"Who are you?" Yi Biao asked strangely.

Athena stood up and two strangely shaped sickles appeared suddenly in her hands, even Yi Biao didn't see what was going on.

"My name Athena." She said lightly.

Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows, tilted his head in distress, and had just finished speaking of God's bad words, or saying God's words, Athena appeared here, and could not help Yi Xuan think of something very bad.

Silver tongue. . It’s not so spiritual. I didn’t read according to things. Can I say that I can’t speak in the future?

Of course Yi Xuan knew that it wasn’t his silver tongue that summoned Athena. He had just got the ability of silver tongue. He was just curious as to where Athena popped out.

Is there a **** in this world?

The sudden appearance of Athena made Yi Biao's head froze for a few seconds, but soon, the vague memory became clear like the ripples of the microwave on the lake.

Yi Xiao likes to throw his useless memories into the meditation basin, so the remaining memories are also very long, but they are all useful things. When they are really recalled, they are much faster than ordinary people.

He quickly thought of the shape of the Athena in front of him, "Amazing... God of War..." A movie, Yi Chou murmured subconsciously.

Okay, so all the problems have been solved again, either Volchart or Stan did a good job.

Are they not afraid of demolishing the world?

"I said it was a misunderstanding, do you believe it." Since Athena was summoned, Yi Chou felt that a fight might not have been avoided, but he still didn't want to fight so confusingly, especially the other party. . A god.

A **** who is not Loki.

Athena stood up and turned to Yi Chou. Her helmet was extended with golden lines, blocking her temples and nose bridge, and it looked like an ancient Greek helmet.

"It's you... trying to kill God." She seemed to be asking, but the tone was actually stated.

Yi Xuan thought it was pure disaster, "I have said... This is a misunderstanding." Yi Xuan shook his head in distress.

He even more doubts that the Athena in front of him came here to find his own stubble. There are so many people who want to kill God every day, why don't you see her to find those guys.

She could not wait to come down just after she said this, and the few secret peepings that Yi Chou felt could not be faked.

"What should I say..." Yi Biao sighed and decided to spread the most direct evidence in front of Athena at the fastest speed to see if he could fight this seemingly meaningless battle.

"I said that the **** to be killed is not you, his name is... Many people call him God, he is also called Jesus, anyway, many names refer to him, this is my enemy, not you, I don't even Knowing that you are in this world is a misunderstanding."

"Right... don't you know him."

"No." Athena said, "but I am also a god."

"Well, if I have any disrespect and offense to you, I apologize for this." Yi Huo said, "I just hope that there will not be a meaningless battle between us."

Yi Xiao does not care about an apology, this thing is really meaningless to him, the loss and the time wasted after the battle is really what is really important.

The attitude was sincere, but Athena seemed unmoved, "Give me the slate." She said, "That's what belongs to God."

Yi Chou froze for a moment, then frowned, "You came for them."

"But I haven't heard that this is God's thing. The meteorite landed in Egypt. You can say that it does not belong to me, but it also does not belong to you."

"Hand it over," Athena said again, and stepped forward slightly.

Yi Xiao's eyes fell on Larry, at this time only his ability, Yi Xuan has not yet gotten, and. . The slate was placed on the coffee table not far from Larry.

This slate does not seem to require Larry to activate itself at night, however. . Yi Chou is still very curious about Larry, maybe he really has some kind of creativity that belongs to silver.

"I don't know what you want to do with the slate, but you don't have to come to me. You have been hiding in the dark. I believe you also see how I got these three slabs."

"I will leave here when I finish my things. You can find other silver tongues. With your strength, no one can refuse you."

"You can get slate through them, not through me."

Athena suddenly crossed her hands, two sickles merged into her left hand, and at the same time she grabbed her right hand, stopping the fourth slate flying to Yi Chou in mid-air.

Yi Xiao's pupil shrank slightly. It was difficult for him to catch Athena's movements. Although he was not as good as Barry Allen, it was much faster than most creatures.

"Do you know what God can't do?" Athena asked Yi Chou calmly.

"Make a piece of rock that you can't lift yourself?"

Athena glanced at Yi Biao and said again, "Godfather can create a terrible existence stronger than him, and a humble existence weaker than him, but he can never duplicate himself."

"Every creature is unique. This is the rule of the world, and the only thing the gods cannot do."

"This rule sounds like a loophole." Yi Xuan shrugged.

"That's because you are ignorant enough."

Yi Xiao took a deep breath, and he finally told himself that there is no need to let go of such a dead brain, "Well, if you insist that the second one created by magic is not me, then it is understandable, after all, it is magic."

"However... Have you ever heard of the concept of parallel worlds."

"What you call this group of high gods constitutes the world in the end..."

"You said it is a parallel world." But Athena suddenly spoke, interrupting Yi Chou again.

Yi Chou was stunned for a while, and understood the meaning of Athena. Parallel world, parallel world, since it is a parallel world, it means that the two worlds are not originally the same world.

Strictly speaking, the same person in two worlds cannot be counted as the same person.

At this time Yi Biao finally remembered that the guy in front of him was not just called Athena, the name also meant the goddess of wisdom.

So Yi Chou decisively gave up his argument with Athena, or so-called sophistry.

"Then these things have anything to do with the slate I said." Yi Xiao asked.

"No one knows them better than I do. Their original mysterious power and magic attached to them can make them create anything, including God, except for themselves."

Yi Chou's complexion calmed down, "That is to say...these four slabs are unique."


"Thank you for telling me such important news, but they still cannot give you."

"It's not strange."

Yi Xiao looked at the slate in Athena's hands and fell into a long silence. Except that Meggie, who was still under the control of the Soul Spell, still had no response, the others were present. . Well, only Larry was alone, and had swallowed silently.

He has already seen the power of Yi Chou, and now. . A god?

He only hopes that this battle will not affect himself.

But at this moment, Yi Biao suddenly smiled and asked, "Yes, can you really make a big rock that you can't lift?"

Athena didn't answer this time, because the response to Yi Chou was a roaring golden light.

In the light. . There was still a blurry figure.


The gravel cracked, and a mass of black shadows resembled meteorites, instantly striking through the upper floors of the hotel, and then smashing crazy towards the ground.

. . .

"Head, that golden light landed at the Hilton Hotel."

An FBI agent hurried over and said to Mike who had just handed the mirror to Ike.

Mike looked at him suspiciously and questioned, "Landing?"

"Uh...fall." The detective quickly corrected his words.

Mike glanced back, Stan was taking out the typewriter again and unceasingly beating, Volchart and Lisa looked at the place where the golden light fell with some concern, Farid still looked careless, while Ike was Sweaty holding the mirror and walking around with Stan.

After pondering for a few seconds, Mike did not disturb these people, but made a gesture to several nearby agents and then quietly left.

The suv started abruptly, and the goal of the forward route was the Hilton Hotel that fell behind.

. . .

Larry quickly ran down the stairs carrying Meggie carrying the slate, and it was hard to imagine that his thin body could explode with such strong strength and endurance at this moment.

The moment Athena started, she threw the slate to Larry.

At the same time there was a sentence in his heart, "Run!"

Larry had planned to run away with a shit, but at the moment he left, he saw Meggie still stunned. The evil magician didn't know what to do to her. Meggie still looked dull.

A large hole was pierced through the ceiling, and obvious cracks could be seen on the floor. If the girl was thrown here, she might fall after the floor cracked.

So Larry decided to take her away. Larry knew that he was not a superhero in the movie, but he threw a little girl away and ran away from here, he could not do it.

And Athena also created a good opportunity for him, because in the next moment, she and the magician flew out of the hotel at the same time.

So Larry no longer hesitated, holding the stone slab, carrying Meggie, and then running towards the stairs in an instant.

The elevator has been damaged. It seems that Athena broke the line near the elevator shaft when she descended from the sky. At this time, the huge chaos caused by two violent collisions finally fermented. Outside the room, there were crowds of people screaming and escaping.

They didn't even know what was happening, they thought it was an earthquake, and there must be nothing wrong with leaving the hotel anyway.

There were call girls in bath towels, and middle-aged businessmen in pajamas with big belly pissing. Larry was carrying a golden slate and carrying a girl. She usually looked suspicious and sneaky, but at this time, it caused nothing. note.

Because everyone is busy escaping.

But the twelve-story staircase made Larry miserable, and even worse, he couldn't run down the fourth floor, but found that Meggie still looked dull, but the instinct of action was still there.

In fact, she didn't need him to carry it on her back, and with Meggie, she would leave.

"Damn it!" Larry was crying. He felt unlucky, first at the museum, then a large group of fbi and weird magicians.

Anyway, this series of things come down, there is nothing good.

Finally, running out of the hotel, Larry took Meggie and gasped into an unmanned corner~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And as he gasped on his knees, a fierce brake sound appeared not far away .

"Get in the car!" A roar came from Larry's ear.

He looked up and found that it was a black SUV parked diagonally in front of him not far away. He was already very familiar with this kind of car. This is fbi.

However, Larry's consternation seemed to be suspicious and alert in Mike's eyes, so he immediately took out the FBI's proof and shook it in front of Larry's eyes. "Come up!" he shouted.

Larry has never seen Mike. Although Brian is behind everything, and Mike has always been with Bryan, it is not surprising that Larry and Mike have no direct contact.

So Larry could only roll his eyes weakly and dragged Meggie away.

Suv quickly drove away with the dust, but Larry, who had just got on the bus, did not notice that the slate that he had been holding in his hand seemed to be faintly lit.

Behind Meggie's fair neck, a faint magical pattern appeared. (To be continued.)

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