High Magic Earth

Chapter 913: Extreme Fantasy (3)

"Maybe give it a try." While Brian diverged his thoughts, Dumbledore suddenly emerged again.

Without waiting for Brian and others to ask, Dumbledore explained himself, "I thought it was alive, maybe a magical creature that I didn't know, but since it's a dead thing..."

"Perhaps Transfiguration is useful."

"That is to say...Larry can now resurrect the small sphinx, and then you can make it bigger again." Brian continued immediately.

"And yes... confident to become as big as it is...big." Brian pointed to the Statue of Liberty, which was nearly twenty stories tall.

The Statue of Liberty was originally forty-nine meters, and even if Yi Chou did not use the Transfiguration Mantra, its volume was already large enough.

In fact, when the volume is huge to a certain extent, there is no need to consider its means of attack, because the huge size is enough to destroy everything.

The Statue of Liberty had no offensive means at all, but with just a few random grabs and rampages, the buildings near the Hudson River had been completely destroyed.

You cannot continue to let it go on like this, otherwise I am afraid that the whole of New York will be destroyed.

Facing Brian's doubts, Dumbledore hesitated and nodded to confirm, "Perhaps, I can try my best."

At this time, Dumbledore was not the strongest white wizard, and Brian knew that he could not be asked too much, and it seemed quite good to be able to do so.

So he immediately pulled Larry next to him, dragged him to the moonlight, and stuffed the Sphinx into his hand.

"What... what, this..." Larry stared at the small human face lion in his hand, and the soft and bright silver moonlight spilled into his palm. The next moment, the sphinx shook his body suddenly. Like a yawn, I came to life lazily.

"It's beautiful." Dumbledore's ice-blue eyes were fixed on the lazy Sphinx, and his eyes hardly blinked. "It's beautiful..."

"Magic ability." He added.

Larry handed the Sphinx in his hand to Dumbledore. He almost couldn’t wait to take it over. Then the wand in his hand lightened slightly, and the Sphinx rolled over and fell to the ground. As if inflated.

When it landed, it had become half tall, like a little lion that had just grown up.

But he has a face.

Feeling the consumption of magic power, Dumbledore confirmed again, "Perhaps."

"Then go," Brian said immediately. "What are you waiting for."

Dumbledore glanced at Brian with an ice-blue pupil, but said nothing more, "Relax." He nodded, "I will protect you, Muggles."

"Of course." Brian squeezed a smile, barely keeping the conversation going.

Dumbledore turned over and mounted the Sphinx. At this time, the Sphinx, half tall, had begun to obey his orders under the maintenance of the Dumbledore Transfiguration.

The sphinx began to grow larger and larger under the continued support of Dumbledore’s magic, and it was even as tall as two floors.

But at this moment, Dumbledore suddenly turned his face, even the face with the giant sphinx.

"There seems to be a lot of Muggles." Dumbledore asked, pointing to the surrounding buildings. "Your house is very tall, and the more people you live in."

"No one is there." Brian shrugged. "After the monster appeared, we began to expel people who lived here, so that there was no time to evacuate... They are dead."

Dumbledore frowned slightly. Although he didn't think Muggles and wizards were the same kind of people, he didn't look down on Muggles. Instead, he thought that Muggles needed protection, so he didn't approve of this massacre of Muggles.

Without hesitating for too long, Dumbledore urged the Sphinx to move forward, and the speed of progress was gradually getting faster and faster.

"Go, Sphinx." Brian muttered in a low voice.

Both the left and the right side looked back at Brian. He shrugged and pouted, "It's quite appropriate."

"Okay." He clapped his hands, and there was a trace of burnout on his consistently confident face. "Let's think about what she should do soon." Brian pointed to Meggie. "Heal her." He told Stan Said.

"This is not Dumbledore's savior, but she is our savior."

. . .

The Sphinx is running faster and faster. Under the impetus of Dumbledore’s magic, even its volume has become more and more huge. When approaching the Statue of Liberty, it has become half a floor. So high.

It can even step on a car with one foot, because its sole is as big as a car.

The movement of the Sphinx naturally attracted Yi Chou's attention, but the speed at which it became larger was too fast. When it ran quickly in front of Yi Chou, it was already the same situation as before.

During this period, Dumbledore threw a few spells at Yi Chou. Although they were unremarkable, they were extremely powerful.

This directly hollowed out his remaining magic.

"Dumbledore?" Yi Xuan asked Dumbledore. He manipulated the giant body of the Statue of Liberty and paced a few times, confirming again, "Aforth or Aberforth."

"Aforth Dumbledore."

Dumbledore's voice was very calm. Although he was very cold and did not think that Muggles and wizards were a class of people, his attitude was normal when facing Yi Huo, who was also a wizard.

And is a powerful wizard.

At this time, Dumbledore was not the strongest white wizard, and Yi Biao's power was clearly at a certain peak.

With Dumbledore's vision, he could naturally see that the stone sculpture in front of him seemed not to have been modified by the Transfiguration Curse, which means that it was so tall in itself.

Although he turned the Sphinx into the same height as the Statue of Liberty, it seemed to be more powerful than Yi Huo, but the ability to directly resurrect such a high Statue of Liberty itself means that Yi Huo has a high degree of magic.

This is completely different from step by step, because you know, even if Dumbledore barely maintains the volume and height of this sphinx, it is very difficult, because his body has almost no magic power.

This is also the reason why he is not optimistic about Larry. He is just a Muggle. Although he is not a wizard, he has some special powers. But in the end, his magic power is very weak, not enough to support him to accumulate huge things.

"Afusi..." Yi Huo whispered softly, "It's a young man, not an old man."

"I really look so old." Dumbledore subconsciously touched his chin. "Why do both people think I should be an old man."

"When I get older, I will naturally get older. You only remember when I was old. Can't I be young."

Even let these guys say that Dumbledore didn't even feel confident, and felt that he was really a bit old.

"Those people." Yi Huo asked boringly, "Who, Brian and Stan."

"You know those two Muggles?"

"Muggle... Now I believe you are Dumbledore." Yi Chou said casually, "So, you should already know everything about yourself, I don't mean the future, I mean... you exist the truth."

"When the moon rises," Dumbledore said. "We can be resurrected, and this is our lifespan."

"Yes." Yi Xuan nodded. "And I am different from you. I am real. You are just some of the life that has been given to the statue. It is a more magical and advanced metamorphosis than Animagus. It can even give objects a short life and eternal memory."

"But you are not true after all. You cannot be the one in the future, nor can you replace the ontology. If I want, I can make thousands of you, Dumbledore."

"What are you doing here, do you want to stop me." Yi Chou pointed to the Sphinx riding on Dumbledore.

"Maybe." Dumbledore replied, "Always try it, not wait until things can't be saved and regret it."

Yi Xiaoming knew that Dumbledore could not be real in front of him, he was just a hand-made, a substitute, a short life after Larry was resurrected, but for a moment, Yi Bao really thought Dumbledore stood In front of myself.

A young version.

But out of favor with fellow wizards, Yi Chou did not immediately start, but continued to ask.

"It's just why you have to stop me. I don't seem to do anything, or say... do you really know the reason, then Muggle really told you."

"You haven't investigated the cause of the incident." Yi Xiao chuckled lightly. "The nostalgia for the chapter-breaking uprising has always been your characteristic Dumbledore, but it is the kind that is not very popular."

"I just don't want more innocent Muggles to be hurt." Dumbledore thought about it and replied, "The wizard is much more powerful than Muggles, so we should not hurt them, we should protect them."

"Transfiguration works well." Yi Xuan suddenly pointed to the Sphinx below Dumbledore.

"What?" Dumbledore froze, not understanding what Yi Chou meant.

With a sigh, Yi Chou continued, "I mean you are a natural Gryffindor, have a very good talent on the Transfiguration, and are reckless and arrogant."

Before Dumbledore answered, Yi Chou asked, "Do you really think Muggles need protection, do you really think Muggles are innocent?"

"No one is innocent. I believe you know this sentence. Of course, it doesn't make much sense. After all, there are very few good people in the world. We will not consider it first."

"But Muggles need protection?" Yi Chou sneered. "You haven't entered the twentieth century when you were young, that is, even the First World War hasn't started, and your thinking is still in the Middle Ages."

Despite being frowned upon by Yi Huo's series of rhetorical interrogation and cynicism, Dumbledore immediately grabbed the focus of Yi Huo's words.

"They don't need protection?"

"If the Phoenix Society just needs a slogan, well, the Muggles need protection." Yi Huo shrugged in disgust.

"Why?" Dumbledore continued to ask, "their bodies are very fragile and as fragile as the wizard's, but we have spells and magic powers, and they don't."

"But they have something more powerful." Looking at Dumbledore's puzzled expression, Yi Chou suddenly glanced aside, as if he heard something familiar.

After a few seconds, Yi Xiao reached out a finger, "Why? I believe you will know it soon."

The distant sky suddenly heard a buzzing sound, the noise was pulled very fast, and it sounded like a group of hardworking bees and other insects.

Soon, lines of dense black dots appeared on the distant sky, they were scattered, but the speed of progress was extremely rapid.

It is a fighter group, and the number is countless times that of the first time.

. . .

"Oh... wow!" Lancelot sat diagonally on the handrail of the stairs, and swiped down smoothly from above, but the smooth staircase handrail was drawn out because of Lancelot's hard armor. Deep marks.

But now the entire skyscraper is busy escaping. No one has time to condemn Lancelot's lack of quality.

The only people who followed Lancelot were unable to speak because they were not available, and even taking a deep breath would waste precious time.

It was Robert and Giselle.

The two men ran as easily as Lancelot, almost keeping up with them, so as not to lose the figure of Lancelot who descended the stairs very quickly.

And the two can't stop, they can only get faster and faster, because there is an evil dragon behind them still biting them tightly.

Of course, Robert still has some resentment against Lancelot, after all, because he doesn’t hit a woman, because if he hits a woman, with his skill, he can solve this poor dragon that won’t let go. .

They don't have to run for so long.

This is a witch, not a woman. Even if the witch counts, she is still in the form of a dragon. This belongs to the mother dragon and not a woman.

But now these reasons are not clear to Lancelot.

He strictly abides by the rules of the knight, and is particularly abide by the bottom line of his heart, not hitting women.

Unable to catch his breath, Robert finally chased Lancelot at the corner of a staircase. He gasped and asked Lancelot, "How long do we have to run, the man you said is in where."

As a lawyer, Robert has the worst physical strength and is not as good as Princess Giselle who often plays with small animals in the forest Anyway, the evil female dragon witch is Edward’s mother, and she won’t hurt Edward anyway.

The thirty-story skyscraper has almost been run down the stairs by them. After hearing Robert's near-collapse problem, Lancelot, who was running very easily, thought about it and pointed out the window. "That's that."

They happened to pass by the outer corridor of the hall, and the windows in the corridor were luxurious. Looking out the huge window frames, it was possible to see where Lancelot lived originally, which was the venue of the exhibition.

But apparently Robert, who was only looking at his escape, didn't pay attention to it at all, and he didn't know which Lancelot was referring to.

He is more concerned about another thing, that is. . "When was the Sphinx in New York, isn't it in Egypt, and it seems... It's yawning, this thing is alive?" Robert wondered, "And hell, the Sphinx is this Are you going to fight with the Statue of Liberty."

"It's crazy, is this world crazy or am I crazy, really a crazy world." (To be continued.)

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