Before Jiang Yuan left Chongming Martial Arts Hall, he was very happy.

Ji Feiyue reminded him not to forget about the Abyss tomorrow and agreed to meet in front of the Level 4 Abyss.

Standing at the entrance of Chongming Martial Arts Hall, Jiang Yuan looked up at the sky and a drop of rain fell on his face.

It started to drizzle again.

Thinking of Beijiang City.

Jiang Yuan sent a message to Li Mengzhu, asking her how the investigation on the epidemic was going.

Li Mengzhu quickly replied with three words,

"Still investigating."

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it.

Jiang Yuan went to the Warrior Guild and registered as a Level 2 Warrior.

Hearing his arrival, branch president Chu Xiong was alarmed and came down to check it out in person.

As soon as he arrived.

He saw that the new combat power test machine that Jiang Yuan punched was shaking and rumbling continuously.

The violent air wave knocked over all the testers around.

A girl climbed up and saw the number on the combat power test machine, and her voice trembled with horror: "2, 260,000?!"

To be precise, it was 267,843!

The damage exceeded 260,000!

More than 6,000 strength points + Xinhuo breathing method + ripple force method, this is the damage that Jiang Yuan can deal in the basic state without any skills, martial arts, talents, equipment and relics!

Comparable to a fourth-level power-related transfer warrior!

Although the blonde beauty Aisha knew Jiang Yuan's identity and was mentally prepared in advance, she was also frightened by this number.

The whole audience was silent and shocked to speechless.

It was not until Chu Xiong came to his senses and walked over that the silence was broken.

"260,000 damage is comparable to a fourth-level strength-related warrior. He deserves to be the first in the Great Xia Martial Arts Exam!"

He said with emotion.

Aisha also reacted and said respectfully: "Branch President."

She introduced his identity to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan was also slightly surprised after hearing this. He didn't expect that the man in front of him was the second person in charge of the Nanjiang City Warrior Association.

As for the old man named Qin who had resisted the hollow cavity and had a burly white hair, he was the president of a higher level.

"This is our first meeting,"

Chu Xiong smiled at Jiang Yuan and said, "How about moving over and chatting?"


The upper level of the giant bell tower of the Warrior Association.

In the president's office.

Chu Xiong personally handed the second-level warrior badge to Jiang Yuan.

"Although your damage has met the requirements of the fourth-level transfer warrior, unfortunately the level has not been reached yet, and I cannot violate the rules to issue you the badge of the fourth-level transfer warrior."

"But with your strength, it should be very fast to upgrade to the fourth level, it's just a matter of time."

Jiang Yuan looked at the badge in his hand that had more stripes than the first-level badge, nodded, looked at Chu Xiong opposite and asked: "President Chu, can I challenge the Warrior Tower now?"

Chu Xiong was stunned, "You want to challenge the Warrior Tower?"

Jiang Yuan nodded.

Chu Xiong pinched his chin: "Indeed, you have reached the second level, reaching the minimum level limit for challenging the Warrior Tower."

The Warrior Tower is also a trial place established by Yankong Saint, one of the founders of the Warrior Association, and other strong men.

It is a mysterious place with independent space, in the shape of a giant tower, named Warrior Tower.

The Warrior Association in each regional city has a portal to teleport in.

The original purpose of the Warrior Tower was to allow the transferred warriors in different regions to communicate and learn from each other, and to use their martial arts talents. However, since there would be no death or injury, it gradually evolved into a place of competition similar to the ranking competition.

The Warrior Tower is extremely mysterious.

A second-level transferred warrior will only be matched with second-level opponents, but because it can record history, there are even phantoms of martial arts left by strong men a hundred years ago.

So when you enter it, it is possible that the opponent on the opposite side will be a strong man a hundred years ago, or even the phantom of the young king.

The Warrior Tower has nine floors, corresponding to the second to ninth levels and the king.

As for why there is no first level, this is also a mystery.

But the Warrior Tower is indeed limited to the minimum level of LV10 to enter, that is, the second-level warrior can challenge.

Each level has the top ten strongest people in history, and their names are engraved on the tower body, allowing time to wash away, waiting for the challenge of later comers.

If you can break the record left by your predecessors and get into the top ten, you can even get extra rewards from the mysterious existence of the Warrior Tower.

It could be equipment, martial arts, props, or even a special skill that the strong in the past deliberately left for future generations.

"I'll ask you again, there is only one challenge opportunity for each level of the Warrior Tower. Are you sure you want to challenge it now?"

Chu Xiong stared at

Jiang Yuan said.

"If you are well prepared, with your strength, you may be able to touch the top ten in history..."

"I've been ready for a long time." Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

His Prison Finger had also reached the perfect state through the Supreme Analysis last night. Now it is at its peak. If you want to further sublimate, you have to fight.

Chu Xiong nodded, "Okay."

He took out a black teleportation stone and handed it to Jiang Yuan.

"This is a teleportation stone that can enter the Warrior Tower. You can enter after crushing it. You can freely choose when to start."

Jiang Yuan nodded and put it away.

The two chatted for a while.

Then Jiang Yuan said goodbye and left.


Not long after Jiang Yuan left.

A burly white-haired figure appeared in the house.

Chu Xiong: "President."

Qin Nantian nodded: "I heard everything."

Chu Xiong: "Do you think he can make it to the top 100?"

"It's hard to say. Everyone who can squeeze into the top 100 in the Warrior Tower is a rare monster. Some have already died in the abyss, and some are still alive, standing on the front line of resisting the abyss."

Qin Nantian was interested: "But I remember that the last person in Jiang Province who squeezed into the top 50 in history was Bei Zhenyuan, right?"

Chu Xiong showed a trace of awe in his eyes and said: "Yes, Bei Zhenyuan, the King of the North, challenged the Warrior Tower when he was in the second level and ranked 39th. After him for 30 years, no one has entered the top 100 again."

Qin Nantian smiled and said: "Maybe there will be one soon, and more than one."

Chu Xiong asked curiously: "One is him, who is the other one?"

Qin Nantian smiled and said nothing.

At the same time

Lin Qingyan crushed the black teleportation stone in her hand at home, and her figure instantly appeared in a mysterious place. In front of her was an ancient tower that towered into the sky. The names on each floor of the tower were shining with golden light, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

Some names are characters that exist in textbooks. For modern students, they are just like myths and legends.

"In my previous life, I started to challenge from the fourth level, but the highest I ever reached was only the third and fourth at the eighth and ninth levels." Lin Qingyan thought to himself.

Some people are truly powerful in their lives, but they did not have time to grow up and died in the dark and turbulent era of the abyss invasion.

They passed by briefly like meteors, but the light they left behind was enough to illuminate history.

Even a proud person like Lin Qingyan did not dare to underestimate those human race strongmen who were engraved in history.

"In this life, I will definitely stand shoulder to shoulder with them, and even surpass them!"

Lin Qingyan made up his mind and stepped into the Warrior Tower.

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