The more he fought, the more he was defeated.

Seeing that the alien demigod was about to strike with anger.

At the highest point of the Great Xia territory, a majestic voice was furious, spreading throughout the universe.

"You dare!"

An old figure appeared at the Lagrange point between the moon and the blue star.

He was wrapped in endless divine light, exuding the power to suppress the world. He raised his hand and first cut off a willow branch of the magic tree that stretched to the blue star, and then summoned thousands of meteorites, which smashed into the ten thousand meter high thunder magic tree on the dark side of the moon!

The demon tree roared: "Feng Xuan, do you want to be my enemy?!"

Old Feng's white hair fluttered, his eyes were like lightning:

"You want to be my enemy!"


On the other side.

The cut-off half of the willow demon shadow was still as big as a mountain, smashing towards Nanjiang City with an unstoppable force of destruction.

At the critical moment.


An extremely bright light lit up in the air.

Countless snow-white feathers fell in the air.

The huge willow demon shadow was blocked in the sky, and tens of thousands of void thunders seemed to encounter an invisible barrier and could not move forward a single step!

In Bei Mingxue's shocked and surprised eyes.

A red figure appeared in the sky, holding a horn emitting bright light.

The momentum emanating from him was so strong that it seemed to support the world and drown the four seas.

Just standing there, it seemed as if people saw a giant Kunlun Mountain.

The moment he appeared, the turbulent hollow space calmed down instantly, and the remaining beasts looked terrified.

The whole sky was full of wind and clouds.

The clouds kept rolling, and the buzzing sound that resounded in all directions came from the zenith and echoed over the entire Nanjiang City.

Countless people in Nanjiang City looked up in horror.

Luo Xi: "Mom, this is..."

Luo Ningyan looked respectful: "King."

Luo Xi was amazed, it was the first time she saw it with her own eyes.


The slender young man next to Bei Mingxue spoke in awe, his eyes full of reverence.

The Ten Lords will be the core of power under the Great Xia royal family, but only three of the ten are kings, and the other seven are quasi-kings.

In the era of God's Abandonment, the strong are respected.

The Three Gods and Nine Kings of Great Xia are the ones with the most say and the most responsibility.

Lin Qingyan looked at the red figure that was walking down from the sky, her eyes flickering, and she remembered that she had the same experience when she became king in her previous life.

Stepping on the ice dragon, crossing the abyss, thousands of people looked up in awe...

What a glory.

"Anyone who dares to offend Daxia will die!"

The indifferent but majestic voice of the red king echoed between heaven and earth.

The next second.

The clouds tore apart, and a white beam of light that annihilated everything fell straight from the sky, hitting the huge thunder willow shadow, submerging it in the white light.

After one blow.

The smoke dissipated,

The red king waved his hand again, and more than a dozen white beams hit the empty cavity in the sky, and the empty cavity was completely closed!

The world returned to peace.

Qin Nantian clasped his fists at the figure from a distance, and said in a deep voice: "Qin Nantian, meet Dean Chen."

The red king nodded slightly.

The figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

He came to the outside of Nanjiang City.

He raised his hand and condensed a bloody giant hand as big as a mountain, smashing an eighth-level beast that was biting Bai Tu's body.


The surface of the moon.

The natural disaster king Feng Xuan confronted the Moon Demon Tree, also known as the Lord of the Dark Side of the Moon.

Attracted countless eyes.

Some came from the abyss of foreign lands, and some came from all over the Blue Star.

"All along, because of your neutral position, we have relaxed our vigilance against you. I didn't expect you to take action at this moment..." Feng Lao's tone was cold, exuding a chilling murderous intent.

The Moon Demon Tree snorted coldly,

"What do you know? I am doing this to keep the situation balanced."

"You can only blame him. The power he controls is too against the sky and has already involved the taboo area."


Feng Xuan's eyes flickered.

The Moon Demon Tree shook its huge branches, and countless lightning surged, shattering the meteorite.

"Your Blue Star human race is already blessed by heaven, and several generations of geniuses have emerged. If he is allowed to grow up, the current balance between the Abyss and the human race will definitely be gone. By then, even I will be involved."

"That's why I will take action to eliminate this uncertain factor that will affect the balance. Feng Xuan, you have also stepped into the realm of God, so you should understand what I mean."

"Hand him over, and I can turn a blind eye to Bei Zhenyuan's breakthrough to the semi-god."

"What do you think? A fourth-level ant and another one in Daxia are both worth it.

Demigod, you won't lose out in this deal."

For His proposal.

Before Old Feng spoke,

An indifferent voice came from Blue Star.

"I will be the first one to kill you when I become a demigod."

Feng Xuan laughed, "Did you hear that?"

"Let us hand over the young people with the most potential..."

The old man smiled coldly and replied with three words.


The Moon Demon Tree was instantly furious when he heard this. The terrifying power surged on the surface of the moon like a tide, and the thunder of nothingness surged like an ocean, and the universe was trembling.

"If you want to protect him, just wait for a full-scale war. Countless powerful beings will wake up from their slumber, and peace and balance will be gone forever."

"You can't afford that price!"

"You talk as if we are afraid of death." "Feng Xuan raised the staff in his hand, and the dazzling and terrifying starlight brewed in the staff.

"My Great Xia can be what it is today, not by sacrificing anyone, but by not fearing death! The sacrifices of the predecessors pave the way for the descendants, so that generations can rise to the top. No one cannot die, including me."

"Clearing the way for outstanding descendants like Jiang Yuan is what we old people should do."

"Whoever dares to come to start a war, just come!"

Feng Xuan finished coldly.

A starlight shot into the depths of the universe, leading endless meteorites and fire rain to fall from the sky and hit the back of the moon.

The Moon Demon Tree was angry: "You *&%&4%&! ! "


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