The first time, the last time, the last time.

From Lin Qingyan.

Jiang Yuan learned.

On the second day of the abyss invasion.

A horrible disease called the Black Curse broke out in Beijiang City and Nanjiang City at the same time!

It seems that this disease that combines curses and bacteria has been hidden in the human body for a long time.

But it suddenly broke out overnight!

In just two days, hundreds of thousands of people died because of it!

Most of them are ordinary people.

A few are low-level warriors of the first and second levels.

The Black Curse is extremely troublesome and difficult.

Even if the Warrior Association uses super-level healing scrolls, it can only alleviate the rapid damage to the body caused by the symptoms, but cannot cure it.

"It seems that because mid-level and high-level warriors have stronger life magnetic fields, the black curse virus cannot break through and penetrate into the body, so warriors above level 4 are almost immune to this disaster."

"And in order to prevent the spread of the black curse and increase the number of cities affected, the upper echelons of Daxia used a relic to isolate the sky and earth, covering Beijiang City and Nanjiang City. No one is allowed to enter or leave without permission."

"Look at the Star Domain Network, now it is full of reports about this incident."

Lin Qingyan said, opening the living room window.

Although it was daytime, it was dark outside like night, and heavy rain was pouring.

A layer of light red light curtain could be vaguely seen covering the sky.

Jiang Yuan opened the Star Domain, and the first hot search was [Black Curse].

Scroll down.

The video shows a large number of disaster-stricken cities, and people with black spots on their faces are desperate and collapsed, looking extremely miserable...

"Wow, mom, wake up, wake up..."

Looking at the scene in the video where a little girl was crying in the rain while holding her mother's body, Jiang Yuan felt extremely heavy.

"So that's it..."

"The black curse."

"This is the culprit that caused the unknown disease in Beijiang City."

"That's what the playmaker said..."

"In other words, the people from the Church of Suffering are the masterminds behind all this?!"

Jiang Yuan murmured, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

Lin Qingyan said: "Not only the Church of Suffering, but also the Abyss believers and the Mechanicus were involved in this matter."

"On the second day of the outbreak of the Black Curse, that is, yesterday, a ninth-level Abyss believer high priest and a ninth-level mechanical monster appeared in the center of Nanjiang City, announced the name of the disease, and claimed to sacrifice a total of 8.5 million people in Beijiang City and Nanjiang City to the Abyss."

"Although the two were finally suppressed and repelled by President Qin and others, they still caused more than 50,000 deaths, and caused all the machinery in Nanjiang City to go out of control, and all transportation was stopped."

"Now everyone in the city is in danger."

"Will the Ten Lords come forward?"

"Well, not only them, but even the royal family has come forward. After all, it involves the lives of millions of people. It is said that they are actively looking for a solution, but you'd better not have too much hope."

Lin Qingyan said with his arms folded.

The black curse of the previous life could be stopped because the Red King brought the relics in and died together with the [Yin Lord], eliminating the strange curse carried by the plague.

Otherwise, even the demigod would be useless.

She sighed softly: "Although I don't want to admit it, you and I are the same in this matter. We can't do anything."

Jiang Yuan remained silent, suddenly stood up, and walked towards the door.

Lin Qingyan: "Where are you going?"


"Don't forget the favor you owe me, and don't think of using your fire to save people. You can't purify the black curse, and the powerful vitality will promote its spread." Lin Qingyan said to his back.

Jiang Yuan didn't answer, but waved his hand with his back to her, and his figure disappeared in the rustling wind and rain.


Because he was worried about his family.

Jiang Yuan was eager to go home, and he rushed all the way in the wind and rain.

Soon he arrived at the Warrior Guild.

The Warrior Guild headquarters has also become a refuge at this moment. On the first floor alone, there are many refugees with black spots on their faces, looking anxious.

Seeing Jiang Yuan coming in.

They all looked surprised.

"Dad, that big brother has no black spots on his face." A little boy pointed at Jiang Yuan and said to his father.

"Jiang, Jiang Yuan classmate?!"

The blonde beauty Aisha, who was distributing food with others, was surprised and delighted to see Jiang Yuan.

"Miss Aisha, are my parents here?"

"Yes, yes. I will notify the president immediately!" Aisha said hurriedly.



Under Aisha's leadership.

Jiang Yuan came to the 33rd floor of the Warrior Association.

Met my parents and my aunt's family.

They were sitting on the sofa in the room chatting, in a low mood, as if there was an invisible cloud covering them.

"Dad, Mom." Jiang Yuan called softly.

Several people turned their heads to look.

"Xiao, Xiao Yuan?!" Jiang's mother stood up in disbelief.

Mo Xixi burst into tears and rushed over.

"Yuan Guo~!!"

She hung on Jiang Yuan's neck and cried loudly.

"I thought you were dead!!"

"Wow wow wow wow!!"

"That's great!!"

The family met and cried with joy.

But after the joy of reunion.

Jiang Yuan saw the faint black spots on their faces, and his pupils shrank.

"Dad, Mom, Aunt, Uncle, Xixi, you...!!"

"Mom and Dad are fine, as long as you are safe." Jiang's mother wiped her tears.

Jiang Damu also nodded vigorously and forced a smile.

Jiang Yuan's throat moved, and his voice was hoarse:

"Is this... a black curse?"

Mo Lingfeng and Tao Yufeng sighed softly.


"This is fate."

"It's okay if we die when we are old, but it's a pity for Xixi." Tao Yufeng looked at Mo Xixi, her eyes red, and tears could not stop flowing.

Mo Lingfeng reached out and took her into his arms.

Jiang Yuan looked at them, feeling bad.

He looked at his cousin who buried her head in his shoulder.

She raised her head, tears on her face, wiped her red nose with her fingers, and grinned at him:

"Brother Yuan, don't show that expression, I feel very good now!"

"And Sister Yan and that sister Bei who looks very powerful also said that they will find a way to save us all, I believe them!"

Looking at the girl pretending to be strong.

He looked at his parents who forced a smile to reassure himself.

Jiang Yuan felt an inexplicable pain in his nose.

This was the first time.

He was so scared as never before.


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