The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

Unable to withstand the repeated questioning of Xiaoyi and Mo Xixi.

Jiang Yuan admitted it.

"My awakened talent is indeed more than E-level, and the job I changed is not an ordinary assassin."

"For some reasons, I think it would be better to hide it."

"I became a warrior a few days ago, and killing that abyss monster raised my level."

"I haven't told my parents about this yet, and they don't know it yet."

"As for the money, it is indeed the signing fee for joining the guild, so don't worry."

After hearing this, Xiaoyi and the other two were silent for several minutes.

Mo Lingfeng asked, "What is your current level?"


Jiang Yuan said embarrassedly, "I went to the abyss these days. I was afraid that you would worry, so I lied... I'm sorry to have worried you."


The three members of my aunt's family couldn't say a word at this moment. They were so shocked that they didn't know where to start.

It took less than half a month from the 3 points of blood and qi during the awakening ceremony to become a warrior, and during this period, I killed a LV7 abyss monster.

I sneaked out to the abyss for three days, and when I came back, I became a LV9 first-level extreme transfer warrior.

When did upgrading become so easy?

You should know that it takes a few days for a novice hunter to kill a beast in a team in the abyss, and the experience must be shared equally.

After LV6, hunters with insufficient ability may not be able to upgrade one level in a year.

Not to mention that there are professional warriors who died at the hands of abyss monsters just after going into the abyss, or who gave up going into the abyss because of the death of their companions. Their levels will be fixed there for life.

Someone has done statistics.

In ten years, only 10% of the human race will persist in going down to the abyss to kill fierce beasts and constantly upgrade themselves, and only 5% of this part of people will be above the third level.

Most people in human society who do not have outstanding qualifications will still choose to be ordinary people in society, work in a company like my aunt and her husband, live a stable life, and spend an ordinary life under protection, at least without the risk of death.

Under the premise of only one life, killing monsters and upgrading is not really as simple as in the game.

Persist, either die or become a very rare strong man!

For ordinary people, a second-level or third-level transfer warrior is already a very powerful strong man.

So Mo Lingfeng and Tao Yufeng were so shocked when they heard Jiang Yuan's current level.

Their 17-year-old nephew.

Half a month ago, they were still worried about whether he could be admitted to the third-level martial arts university and his future life.

Half a month later, he suddenly became a quasi-second-level warrior that they all looked up to.

It's just...


Mo Lingfeng's voice seemed to be squeezed out from his teeth, "A quasi-second-level warrior before the college entrance examination... If your parents knew, they would be scared to death."

"My legs are already weak." Tao Yufeng smiled bitterly and sat down on the sofa.

Not only her, Mo Xixi also seemed to be dizzy after drinking fake wine, and her feet seemed to be stepping on cotton, and she could hardly stand.

"You, are you really my brother Yuan? You are not a monster pretending?!"


Jiang Yuan knew it would be like this.

He looked at Yan Runan and said, "Miss Yan, if there is nothing else, can you please leave first today?"

Yan Runan was stunned. Usually, she was the only one who came and went as she pleased, and others were too busy to welcome and flatter her. This was the first time someone took the initiative to chase her away.

But she didn't care about these things.


"Uncle and aunt, I'll leave first. Sister Xixi, let's eat cake together next time."


Mo Xixi was very reluctant: "I'm leaving now. Sit for a while..."

Yan Runan smiled and said, "Next time, next time I'll take you to [Shang Qingtian] for snacks."

Mo Xixi's eyes lit up immediately,


"Of course."

Jiang Yuan sent her to the door.

Before leaving, Yan Runan had a serious conversation with him,

"Student Jiang, do you remember what I said last time? With your strength, you can definitely apply for Shenwu University."

"Shenwu University only recruits 50 people in one province every year. Do you really believe that I can squeeze into the top 50 in the province?"

Yan Runan smiled and pointed to his eyes covered by black satin, "I believe in my own eyes."

"In my opinion, those awakened S-level geniuses and epic professions in Nanjiang City, the eye-catching geniuses are a little worse than you."


Jiang Yuan did not comment.

"Believe me, what you can get at Shenwu University is not comparable to the other three top martial arts universities. One of the three demigods of Daxia is the former president of Shenwu College."

"Whether it is the number of secret realms or the quality of strong people and students, Shenwu University is well-deserved to be the first. The preferential treatment for students is also top-notch."

"You can think about it carefully."

Jiang Yuan's first choice in his heart is also Shenwu University, but he still said calmly:

"Let's talk about everything after the college entrance examination."


After sending Yan Runan away, Jiang Yuan went through another round table interrogation.

Finally, he dispelled the doubts of Mo Lingfeng and the other two, and confirmed that the boy in front of him was the nephew (cousin) they watched grow up, and his body was not occupied by monsters.

"That's great, that's great."

"If my sister knew that you are so promising now, Xiaoyuan, she would definitely be very happy."

Tao Yufeng wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled from ear to ear, happy and relieved.

Mo Lingfeng nodded and asked Jiang Yuan: "When do you plan to tell them about this?"

"After the college entrance examination, I want to give them a surprise during the college entrance examination."

Jiang Yuan smiled.

He also has a plan hidden in his heart.

My father is a sentry in the army, and my mother is a nurse in the Beijiang City Hospital system. They live in two places for a long time and can only meet once.

If I can get into a top Wuhan University, I can use the relationship of the top Wuhan University to make them stop working, or transfer their jobs, so that the two can live together in Nanjiang City.

This way I can feel more at ease.

Mo Lingfeng nodded: "Whatever you do, just know what you are doing. Your aunt and I will support you behind the scenes."

"Thank you, uncle. One more thing, I plan to move out soon." Jiang Yuan said,

Tao Yufeng blurted out: "How can this be done? You are not yet an adult..."

Mo Lingfeng put his hand on her shoulder and interrupted: "Although he is not yet an adult, in terms of strength, he is already a height that we cannot reach."

He looked at Jiang Yuan: "There must be a reason for you to move out?"

"I'm afraid it will disturb you."

Tao Yufeng hurriedly said: "How could it be... You have lived here for three years, we are all used to it."

Mo Xixi nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes."

Mo Lingfeng smiled: "That was in the past. I heard that a quasi-second-level transfer warrior can break rocks and even steel with a little force. The training ground must be as big as a basketball court."

He looked at Jiang Yuan and sighed: "For you, our house is indeed too small."

Jiang Yuan smiled embarrassedly.

Tao Yufeng didn't know what to say.

"Then I'll go back to my room first. Auntie, remember to take these tonics. These genetic medicines are prepared by me for Xixi. It's time for her to increase her blood and qi."

Holding these genetic medicines stuffed into her hands by Jiang Yuan, Mo Xixi felt like she was in a dream, and her whole body was light and floating.

I never thought that I, Mo Xixi, would become a rich man one day, and one day I would have free genetic medicines...

It was like a dream.

Unlike Mo Xixi, Tao Yufeng waved her hands repeatedly: "These tonics are too expensive, you keep them for your parents..."

"I've sent them to them too, so don't worry."

Jiang Yuan smiled, and the two were reluctant to accept them.

After doing all this.

Jiang Yuan went back to his room to pack up.

Tao Yufeng looked at the tonic in her hand and said with emotion: "I never thought we could be so convinced... If I tell others about it, they will probably be envious."


"That's great!! I have a genius cousin who is a quasi-second-level professional warrior! I have a genius cousin who is a quasi-second-level professional warrior!!!"

"Brother Yuan is so amazing!!"

"If Qingqing and the others knew, they would be envious to death!!"

"Hahahaha, I, Mo Xixi, will also have a backer from today!!!"

Mo Xixi jumped barefoot on the sofa, like crazy, excited.

Tao Yufeng said disdainfully: "This crazy girl, she doesn't know how to learn more from her cousin."

But as she spoke, she couldn't help laughing happily.

Under the warm yellow light, the family in the living room were full of smiles, proud and proud.

Jiang Yuan saw this scene through the crack in the door and couldn't help but smile.

Although it was his aunt's family, they had long been his family to him.

I hope to be reunited with my parents like this soon.

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