The ground around him rolled, and more than a dozen man-eating vines as big as buildings emerged from the ground, biting at Jiang Yuan with their bloody teeth! But before they got close. A flash of black and red flames appeared on Jiang Yuan's body, and all the man-eating vines burned on their own, twisting painfully in the flames and turning into ashes! "Bang!" Jiang Yuan kicked his feet and disappeared on the spot. If you look down from a very high place, you can see a black shadow moving at a very fast speed on the ground. Destructive death rays continued to fall from all directions, smashing huge pits on the ground.

"Because you are afraid of the flames on my body, you keep a distance from me. Are you trying to kill me?"

Jiang Yuan thought to himself as he looked at the woman in black skirt who always kept a distance of a thousand meters from him.

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

Dozens of huge wooden thorns fell from the sky again.

Jiang Yuan ran to the fallen silver-white fang, pulled it out, and slashed the sky with the undead phoenix flame into the sky, chopping and burning all the wooden thorns!

As he ran, he analyzed the situation, with rainbow light flashing in his eyes.

Choosing to keep a distance from me means that He is afraid, afraid of his undead phoenix flame.

His regeneration must not be infinite, and it is very likely that it can only be used once.

In this case...

Jiang Yuan's eyes flickered slightly, and with a squeak, his body stopped abruptly.

Throw the silver-white fang into the air.

He gathered power with his fists, wrapped them with the Undead Phoenix Flame, and slammed them into the ground!


With a loud bang, the ground sank and shattered, and countless cracks spread in all directions.

"Boom boom boom!"

Like the eruption of underground fire, the black and red flames spread in all directions along the cracks like magma! !

Jiang Yuan, who looked a little pale, stood up, stretched out his hand to catch the silver-white fang falling from the air, and sneered at the woman in the black dress in the distance.

Don't you want to hide?

I'll burn the entire ruins, and see how you can hide.

The woman in the black dress looked at the black fire spreading in all directions in horror, feeling the rapidly rising temperature in the ruins, and then looked at Jiang Yuan with a sneer on her face.

As if she had sensed Jiang Yuan's intention,

He was completely angry.


One raised his hand.

The destructive death rays rained down on Jiang Yuan, and the power of each one was comparable to that of Wu Ping's arrow.

The only drawback was that it could be dodged.

Jiang Yuan moved across the land at lightning speed, avoiding one destructive death ray after another.

Seizing the opportunity when the woman in black was furious.

Use [Super Speed] again.


Jiang Yuan appeared in front of the woman in black and slashed with his sword.

"One sword flow, armor cracks..."

This sword contained his spirit, talent, martial arts and skills.

The power would only be stronger than the punch just now!

But at this time.

The woman in black was unusually calm, and a triumphant expression appeared on her constantly changing face.


A flower bud growing on her chest blossomed, revealing a black eye.

The moment Jiang Yuan saw that eye, he realized that he was careless.


Jiang Yuan, who rushed to her, froze for a moment, his fighting spirit completely suppressed by a great spirit.

The woman in black dress raised her hand, and a bright and huge purple flower bloomed in her palm again. In the center of the flower, dense human eyeballs grew, staring at Jiang Yuan.

For a moment, Jiang Yuan's heart seemed to be grabbed by an invisible hand.

Skill - Wind of Fear!

A touch of darkness instantly enveloped Jiang Yuan, interrupting his skills, and endless fear surged in his heart.

"Giggle, giggle..."

The black dress woman's face kept changing, and the appearance of her mother and aunt appeared. Her figure kept enlarging in front of Jiang Yuan, and her contemptuous and mocking laughter kept echoing in his ears, trying to drag Jiang Yuan's mind into the quagmire of fear from which there was no return!





One after another, damage appeared on his head. Although the Undead Phoenix Flame and the Fire Breathing Technique were constantly restoring his health, his health was still decreasing.


A sharp vine pierced Jiang Yuan's body, which was harder than D-grade alloy, like a sharp knife, bringing up a trace of light golden blood and lifting him up.

Looking at Jiang Yuan, whose golden eyes had lost their color and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, the woman in the black dress laughed a sharp and strange laugh, full of ridicule and pride.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle

... (Fall into the abyss of nightmare)"


A sharp knife light with black and red flames passed by, sweeping across the neck of the woman in black dress.

The head of the woman in black dress flew backwards.


"? !"

In his unbelievable eyes.

Jiang Yuan, who should have fallen into the abyss of nightmares, reached out and grasped the vine that pierced his chest, and burned it with a flick of the flame.

Falling from mid-air to the ground.

The blood hole in Jiang Yuan's chest ignited black and red flames.

At the same time.

The head of the woman in black dress fell to the ground and was quickly burned to ashes by the Undead Phoenix Flame.

The part of the body stained with black and red flames was abandoned, and the headless body began to grow, twist, and swell. Countless strange plants and flowers grew out of his black skirt, multiplied, and inserted into the ground...

In less than a moment.

In front of Jiang Yuan, a blood-red giant flower shaped like a meat mountain appeared, covered with strange plants, flowers with human faces, vines with teeth, and countless trees with tentacles.

They roared, screamed, and roared with endless malice and anger, wanting to destroy everything around them!

"Bang bang bang bang bang! ! "

In a frenzied state, He began to destroy everything around him irrationally, and beams of destructive death light shot out, with a power more than ten times that of the previous one.


Jiang Yuan, who had retreated to a distance, took a deep breath, as if to drain all the air in this area.

The Fire Breathing Method was fully operational, absorbing and devouring the breath of life from all directions, nourishing billions of cells.

The fire in the mysterious realm in the body was burning fiercely, dispelling nightmares while protecting Jiang Yuan's will to remain pure and clear forever, free from any evil erosion and pollution.

"Bang bang bang——"

The Immortal Body Forging Method was fully operational, and the heartbeat made a huge sound, like a god beating a drum, and the majestic blood and qi surged and boiled in the body like molten lava, releasing a violent force that swept everything!

At this moment, Jiang Yuan could feel that his spirit had reached its peak.

He had been tempered to the extreme The potential of the ultimate began to bloom in the body, and the power was sublimated.

[Ding! Your talent [Supreme Analysis] analyzed the true meaning of body forging in battle, your immortal body forging method reached the twelfth style, activated an immortal cell, strength +50, speed +50]

[Ding! Your talent [Supreme Analysis] comprehended the mystery of breathing in battle, your Xinhuo breathing method reached the state of full concentration, physical recovery +200%]

[Ding! Your talent [Supreme Analysis] comprehended the essence of spirit in battle, your understanding of the Great Sun Extreme Visualization Method deepened, spiritual attribute +100]

[Ding! Your talent [Supreme Analysis] analyzed the source of momentum, you mastered the pressure of martial arts]

The boy raised his head with a full-scale increase in momentum, his golden eyes radiated lightning, reflecting the terrifying giant flower evil creature in the distance, and his young and handsome face was filled with a bloodthirsty grin like a beast.

"Exploding Star!"

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