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Over the Posuo River, heavy rain poured down.

Several figures appeared in the sky in the distance, and with the support of flying props, they quickly flew towards the high-speed air track.

"Captain, look." Shen Yi shouted.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Explosions continued on the orbit, from beginning to end, and the defensive formation was in danger.

"It's the Blood Explosion Array. It's indeed those lunatics."

Zhang Wei said solemnly.

"Oops, if the defensive formation is broken, the air rail will definitely be hit in two by the water dragon, which will definitely cause heavy casualties."

"Gu San, use your ability to control the wind to make us go faster!"

The young man named Gu San smiled bitterly, "I think so too, but it's already the fastest."

"team leader."

A burly man shouted, "I've got a great idea."

"Yan Shan, you are covered in dead muscles and are the slowest among us. What can you do?" said the charming-looking Shen Yi.

Zhang Wei: "Anyway, let's listen."

Yan Shan chuckled, "Captain, have you ever heard of shot put throwing?"


The explosion exploded outside the window, and hot wind swept into the car.

‘Cao Xiaoyu’ opened his arms and his hair danced wildly.

"In this world, people die in pain and despair every moment. Don't you think suffering is the true meaning of the world?"

"Ferocious beasts, natural disasters, diseases, curses, misfortunes...the world will eventually come to an end, and countless people will live and die without knowing why."

"Watching others struggle in pain, and blooming with traces of human brilliance in despair, this is... this is the greatest value of short life!"

"Our Suffering Church was established to bring the deepest suffering to the world. It can be said that our existence is to change this dirty world. How about it? It's great, right?"

The girl said excitedly, with one pupil dark and happy, and the other pupil devoid of fear.

She stretched out a hand towards Jiang Yuan and invited: "How about it? Do you want to join us and distort this boring world bound by rules?"

"I reject."

Jiang Yuan looked at 'Cao Xiaoyu' in front of him and said coldly: "I'm not interested in changing the world."

"I don't think there's anything great about singing about suffering and pain."

"In my opinion, there is no difference between you and the Abyss believers."

"This is really rude, comparing us to those empty shells."

Cao Xiaoyu shook his head, "The difference between us and them is huge."

"We are the directors, the people who control the puppets behind the scenes. Those madmen are just toys that we can manipulate casually. What we want to do... is far grander than them!"

A sly and smug smile flashed across her face, "Hey, do you know what we plan to do next?"

"I'll definitely scare you if I tell you."

She looked excited and her tone was mysterious.

"I can listen and see."

"You said you're not interested, that's a lie. Hehe, do you want to say it? I really want to say it, but if I say it, [Evil Judge] will definitely be angry..."

She struggled and finally thought of a good idea,

"Well, you join us so I can tell you!"


Jiang Yuan slowly pulled out the jet-black Tang Dao from the void. It was the rare high-level weapon that Lin Qingyan borrowed from him when he faced the Yin Lord's clone in the dungeon trial. Its name was - [Black Wolf Killing Blade].

"I told you, I'm not interested."

"I would like to advise you, if you don't come out of her body..."

In his perception, the girl's spirit was sinking deeper and deeper into the realm of fear, and her vitality was getting weaker and weaker, and she could not last long.

'Cao Xiaoyu' looked at him and laughed loudly: "What? Are you planning to kill this innocent young lady? She is only fifteen years old, pure and innocent, and has never even been in love. She has suffered from you. Can you get rid of the implication? "

Jiang Yuan holds a black knife in one hand, and the black clothes transformed into a fallen black robe are hunting and dancing in the strong wind. His golden eyes are clear and his expression is indifferent, like a judge executing death in the dark night.

"You can try."

'Cao Xiaoyu' stared at him for several seconds, raised his hands,

"Forget it, forget it."

"The murderous look on his body is simply terrifying to death."

"Today I will show mercy and return her to you."

"Anyway, I'm just here to say hello, and try to see if I can win you over to our side."

"Now that the talks have broken down, there's nothing to say."

a ball

Pink light emerged from behind the girl's head, transformed into a red puppet shadow wrapped with silk threads, stared at Jiang Yuan with a weird look and smiled:

"That's all for today. Don't forget our name, we are suffering..."


The black knife drew a perfect arc in the air, cut through the red puppet shadow, and split it in two.


It smiled strangely after being split into two halves, and turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

"When we meet again next time, the clouds of suffering and despair will surely cover you..."

"Protect your relatives and friends, although it will eventually end in BE... Hehe..."

After [Miss Puppet] left.

The Martial God clone returned to Jiang Yuan and walked into his shadow.

He used his mental power to check the situation of the school uniform girl. He found that her life characteristics were good and there was nothing abnormal in her spiritual world.

Jiang Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that for the puppeteer.

The life of an ordinary girl is not worth mentioning at all.

The main target is still Jiang Yuan.

He chose to possess the body of the girl next to him, probably to observe him closely...


The sound of the broken magic circle came from outside.

The moment Jiang Yuan turned his head to look.

The water dragon hit the center of the sky rail heavily!


The whole sky rail shook violently, shook violently, and under the huge impact, it left the track and gradually tilted to the left.


The carriages of the sky rail twisted and collided, making a harsh sound.

All the people in the carriages screamed and grabbed the handrails. Some people who didn't hold on firmly hit the bulletproof windows directly, one after another.


"Not good!"

Zhang Wei's face changed when he saw this scene, and he said angrily: "Hurry up."

"Okay! The power is charged!"

Yan Shan said, and his right arm after using the multiplication talent was as thick as a giant's hand. He grabbed Zhang Wei and charged backwards, and then threw him towards the sky rail!

"Go, Captain!"


Accompanied by a sonic boom.

Zhang Wei flew like a meteor towards the crashing Skyrail, and the oncoming strong wind distorted his face.

Just as he was about to approach the Skyrail.

A young figure in black clothes and black hair suddenly appeared in the air near the Skyrail, with a pair of golden eyes shining in the dim rain curtain, like two bright candles in the dark alley.

"Who is that person..." Shen Yi was surprised.

"It seems to be protecting the target." Gu San was shocked, "He's fine, which means..."


In Zhang Wei's shocked and stunned eyes.

Relying on the flying skill of [Wind God Blessing], Jiang Yuan stood in the air under the rain, bathed in the rain, and punched the rushing water dragon!

Crimson shock + black lightning flash...

Crimson lightning flash!!


The fist force exploded, and countless crimson lightnings surged!

With Jiang Yuan as the center.

The rain curtain with a diameter of ten meters evaporated instantly, forming a vacuum zone.

A crimson spherical shock wave briefly appeared in front of the fist, colliding with the roaring water dragon.


The two briefly stalemated for a second.


The terrifying shock wave condensed into a crimson beam of light, which penetrated the huge body of the water dragon in a straight line.

The water dragon summoned by the fourth-level water mage was blown up by a punch!

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