The weather was bad, but the weather was bad.

On this day, Beijiang City was covered with dark clouds and the sky was gloomy, as if it would rain heavily at any time.

People were rushing around on the street.

It seemed that because of the low air pressure, no one's face was happy and was shrouded in gloom.

Beijiang City First Hospital.

A car stopped.

Jiang Yuan and Li Mengzhu, who had changed into daily clothes, got out of the car.

"This is the First Hospital."

"Let's go."

The two walked towards the hospital.

A girl with a ponytail in school uniform walked out of the bakery on the side of the road holding a newly bought bread. She accidentally glanced at Jiang Yuan's back and was slightly stunned.

"His back looks a bit like the guy I met in the dungeon..."

Pei Jia thought of the handsome boy she had only met once. She thought he was just an ordinary candidate, but she didn't expect him to be so powerful, so powerful that he was beyond imagination. He became a well-known national champion.

As the two walked into the hospital, Pei Jia retracted her gaze.

"He is from Nanjiang No. 1 Middle School. It shouldn't be him. He just looks a bit like him..."

If it is really him.

Then I have to thank him.

Not only to thank him for the topaz honey, but also to thank him for protecting my sister in the final place...

I heard from my sister that the reason why they were able to survive the incident was because of his existence.

"I wonder which university he will apply for." Pei Jia thought to herself.

She and her sister have decided to go to Shenwu University. Although her score is not enough, considering the preferential treatment for geniuses, the admissions teacher of Shenwu University still agreed to admit her.

If she and he apply for the same university, maybe there will be a chance to meet in the future.

The hospital, which was shrouded by an invisible magic circle, was now overcrowded.

Even the corridors were filled with beds.

The nurses were in a hurry, their faces full of fatigue.

Some young nurses had not rested for three consecutive days and nights, and could only rely on potions to replenish their energy.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart,

No wonder my mother always said she was busy, she was really busy and couldn't get away.

"Are there so many sick people in Beijiang City?" Jiang Yuan asked Li Mengzhu.

Li Mengzhu frowned, "This is the first time I've seen so many patients."

"Although there have been several explosions recently, the injured are all minor injuries, and they should be cured soon."

"It seems a bit abnormal." Jiang Yuan said.

Li Mengzhu nodded: "I'll have someone investigate it carefully later."

A man shouted angrily: "Why is it not my turn yet? I've been waiting for three hours."

"Yes, yes, why do you have to wait so long?"

"Hurry up and get me admitted."

The patients and nurses and doctors were clashing and shouting, the air was oppressive, and there was an indescribable irritability that was slowly fermenting and intensifying.

Jiang Yuan passed by a child running in the corridor.

He suddenly stopped and turned his head to look.

Li Mengzhu: "What's wrong?"

The thought that flashed through Jiang Yuan's mind suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't remember it.

He shook his head,



Inside the nurse station.

"I, I'm dying."

Nurse Sister Mo collapsed in a chair.

Tao Chunru poured a medicine into her mouth, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and regained some spirit.

"Hold on a little longer. When this wave of wounded is over, we should be able to rest for a while."

"No, no, I feel I will die on the spot if I continue. No matter how much overtime pay you get, you have to live to spend it." Sister Mo said.

Another nurse was also puzzled, "It's really strange."

"How can so many people get sick collectively, and the cause is unknown, and the symptoms are particularly serious..."

"It seems to have started a week ago. Recently, more and more people have come to the hospital. Recently, even professional warriors have come. Logically, they should rarely get sick."

"Could it be some kind of plague spreading?" Sister Mo guessed.

"But Dr. Zhao has done the test. He is a doctor of a rare profession and is good at analyzing symptoms. Even he said it is not a plague, so it should not be." Tao Chunru smiled bitterly.

"That's poison?"

"I don't think it's possible. Toxicology tests can definitely detect it, but now it seems that the patients are suffering from common diseases..."

"But according to the latest examination, aren't their hearts and other organs aging rapidly? Even the healing technique used on them didn't work.

No matter how effective it is, purification is useless. "

"It's annoying."

"Xiao Jiang, the condition of patient No. 749 has worsened."

"Head nurse, I'll be there right away."

The young nurse said, dragging her tired body to push open the door of the nurse station, and saw a doctor standing at the door, with a familiar black-haired boy and a long-haired lady with sharp eyes and a fierce momentum standing behind him.

Young nurse: "Zhao, looking for a doctor? What's the matter?"

Doctor Zhao said: "Xiao Jiang, this is Captain Li from the Inspection Department. I want to find Nurse Tao for something. Is she there?"

"Inspection Department...?" The young nurse looked at Li Mengzhu in surprise, "Yes, yes..."

She turned her head and shouted to the nurse station: "Sister Tao, someone is looking for you."

The door opened.

See Tao Chunru's figure.

Jiang Yuan smiled brightly and shouted:


Tao Chunru was stunned when she saw Jiang Yuan, and said: "Xiao Yuan? Why are you here? Didn't I send you a message saying I'm busy today and can't go back? "


Jiang Yuan hadn't said anything yet.

There was a clang in the nurses' station, and a nurse's tray fell, smashing the medicine.

She looked at Jiang Yuan in disbelief,

"Number one in the country? !"

"Isn't he the number one martial arts champion in the country? !"


Several nurses, including Sister Mo, jumped up from their chairs.

"He, he is..."

The young nurse also stared at Jiang Yuan in a daze, and finally understood the source of the familiar feeling.

It was from the photos on the Internet.

The black-haired boy in front of her was the national champion who caused heated discussions on the Internet!

Sister Mo was so shocked that her eyes almost popped out, and her dull eyes wandered back and forth between Jiang Yuan and Tao Chunru.

"Xiao, Xiao Tao? What did he call you? Mom? ”

“Yes, this is my son, Jiang Yuan. "Tao Chunru introduced proudly.

The nurses all gasped, as if struck by lightning.

Sister Mo's computer crashed, and her brain went blank.

She had ridiculed Tao Chunru several times before, relying on her son's awakened D-level talent, saying that his son was not as good as her own son. Although her own son did not get into Wuhan University, he could at least be a security guard in the future with his talent. She also called Tao Chunru and said that she could introduce a job to her son. She also thought that Tao Chunru had teased her about her son having the same name as the genius who ranked first in points. But that was really your son?!

Why didn't you say it earlier?!

We are all colleagues, isn't it good to be equal?

How come your son suddenly became the top scholar in the country?

That's the top scholar!

A peerless monster that can only be produced once a year!

You are an ordinary family, isn't it enough to get into a third-tier Wuhan University? Why can you produce a top scholar?

I can't play with you like this...

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