High Martial Era
Chapter 359 Civilized Demigods! Killing
The Seven-Star Civilization, the earliest six star realms evolved from the Star Bridge, connected Feixing and the other six planets, so they were named from the ‘First Star Realm’ to the ‘Sixth Star Realm’.
For example, the astral channels of Blue Star and Flying Star are the third astral realm.
The passage between Lan Tiexing and Feixing is the sixth star realm.
When Li Yuan, Duanmu Hong and others rushed to the sixth star realm.
Feixing, the headquarters of Xinghuo Martial Palace, is in a special palace in the deepest part. Chapter 359 of "The Age of Gaowu": Civilized Demigods! Killing is being played, please wait for a moment. After the content is updated, please refresh the page to get the latest updates! 《
The era of high martial arts
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