High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1063: Can't see the gap

In just a little more than a second, the change of the poison island Kongzi was over, and then stepped on, the ground seemed to explode like a small landmine, suddenly burst out, and the poison island Kongzi himself seemed to be thrown out by a projectile. The streamer turned into a red flame and shot towards Qin Heqing.

The speed is so fast, although it has not reached the point of supersonic speed, it has also reached the level of close to the limit of sound speed. A layer of pale, fog-like sound barrier clouds emerges in front of her uncontrollably, like a warhead, Bumped towards Qin Heqing.

It’s a pity that she is not facing anyone else, it is Qin Heqing, an existence that has become a so-called fairy **** in life, so let alone a sprint approaching the limit of sonic speed, even if it really reaches the level of supersonic speed, in Qin Heqing His eyes can also show clear movement trajectories and body shapes like normal people running.

So Qin Heqing stretched out his hand in front of him and tapped gently, seeing the poison island Kongzi who was about to rush in front of him, suddenly stopped--

The rushing posture was the same, but the inch of distance between the two was like the end of the world, no matter how much Poison Island broke through, he couldn't cross it.

Seeing this, Dudao Kongzi's eyes flashed, and he immediately screamed and slashed with the knife.


The arc of the moon that rose up into the sky slashed out, cutting through the air, but in the next instant it shrank rapidly, condensed into the half-inch void between her and Qin Heqing, like a static picture, stopped in poison. In front of Dao Kongzi and Qin Heqing.

"Presumably you can see that I use space technology, so as long as you can't cut the space and break the barrier I set between you and me, then no matter what kind of attack you make, it will end up like this time. The same, being concentrated in it can’t make progress.” Because it is not a real fight between life and death, but a relationship of performance and martial arts, Qin Heqing, who is not worried about what kind of poison island Kongzi is, patiently reminded.

As an immortal in the pot, playing with space, supported by a world, is really not a big deal.

Even if he was a bit tougher, he wouldn't be unable to get even more exaggerated methods.

It just consumes more energy and world potential.

Therefore, Qin Heqing would not use this method to fight the enemy without a last resort.

Of course, for now, there is nothing that can force him to use similar methods.

"Huh." Hearing this, the poison island snorted and immediately changed his strategy. Instead of attacking him from the front, he changed his footsteps. After rushing out a big L, from the other side--that is, Qin Heqing attacked him from behind.

It was still the fangs that started the hand, and the scarlet crescent shot towards Qin Heqing like lightning.

Qin Heqing randomly turned around and waved his hand, and Dudao Kongzi's attack was dissipated lightly by him.

Suddenly, Dudao Kongzi's expression stagnated, and he did not believe in evil and cut out several knives again——

"Sura Ghost Claw!"

Counting knives quickly merged in midair, gathered into a huge ghost hand sharp claws, and grabbed Qin Heqing.

"It's interesting." Qin Heqing smiled.

At the same time, when he raised his arm, an equally huge energy palm with clearly visible palmprints shot out with his movements, at a rapid speed, and collided with Shura's ghost claws.


The loud noise spread, and Qin Heqing's figure was immediately enveloped by the diffuse energy smoke.

However, Dudao Kongzi did not hesitate at all. With a single stroke of the sword with both hands, he smashed Huashan with one force and cut it down to Qin Heqing's location again.


A huge blade like a heavenly sword descended, blowing away the white mist formed by the heat burning the air when the energy was surging, and slashing it off Qin Heqing's head.

"You are murdering your husband." Upon seeing this, Qin Heqing exclaimed.

Then the figure flashed, and suddenly appeared behind Dudao Kongzi, his left fingers were brought together, blocking the knife that Dudao Kongzi was accompanied by, and the other hand lightly dropped and pressed it on the shoulder of Dudao Kongzi. ——

"What did you do?" Dudao Kongzi, who suddenly found himself unable to move, frowned and asked.

"Do you know the immovable golden binding method?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"Are you immovable golden binding method?"

The so-called immovable gold binding method Poison Island Kiezi naturally knows that it is a kind of imprisonment spell that suppresses demons, ghosts and enemies with invisible power, but isn't it an air suppression method—it is to forcefully compress air with mana to form imprisonment or mountain, suppress The enemy’s power of action makes every action of the enemy have to pay several times or even ten times more power than usual, but unlike Qin Heqing, when one hand falls, the whole body seems to be frozen, except for thoughts and mouth. The place is immobile.

"It's really not immovable golden binding method. It's a Taoist forbidden technique called Taishan Town Spiritual Art. It's just for your understanding, so I have to ask if you know immovable golden binding method." Qin Heqing said. While moving his hands away from the blade and shoulders of Poison Island Kongzi, he took two steps back at the same time and said with a light smile.

"Does Taoist... the magic of the kingdom over the sea?" Regained his freedom, and relieved the second stage of Shura breathing method, the poison island Kongzi who was in the bursting state of the entire concentration exhaled a long blushing mist, looking towards Qin Heqing confirmed.


"It really deserves to be a civilized country since ancient times, and the effect of the spell is really unique! So it seems that the adventure you got this time is also related to that ancient country." Poison Island Suizi turned and walked back to the scabbard she had thrown aside. Beside, bend over to pick it up.

"It's true." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively.

"Congratulations." After a meal, Dudao Tsuizi murmured somewhat depressedly, "It's just that, the gap between me and you has widened again."

"Then try to catch up again. If I was hit so easily, it wouldn't be like the Kongzi I know." Qin Heqing walked up to her, helped her tidy her loose hair, and smiled. Said softly.

"Don't worry, I'm not that easy to be defeated." Dudao Kongzi smiled.

"That's good. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

After that, Qin Heqing didn't stay in the pot world any longer, and left the pot world with the poison island Kongzi and returned to the hotel...

It was just that before he could sit still, or wonder what he was going to do next, all his thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the phone again.

"Really well-known?" Qin Heqing looked at the call notification on the phone with a little surprise, and connected the call.

"Mr. Qin, I am Maeto, where are you now?" Before Qin Heqing could speak, Maeto Xiao's slightly eager voice was transmitted over the phone.

"Outside, what's the matter?" Qin Heqing glanced at the poison island Kongzi who was also looking over, and asked in a flat tone.

"Something went wrong." Mato Akatsuki also made an announcement simply and told her what was in her mouth.

It's still related to Kiyoshi Kashiwagi...

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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