Although very helpless, Mr. Tanaka is really hard to say anything. Otherwise, where does the countermeasure bureau face?

Anyway, for a while, Mr. Tanaka is not good at asking for the Tianhe Cleansing Curse in Qin Heqing's hands, unless he wants to completely tear his face with Qin Heqing.

"Well, I will go back and search the database to see if there is any purification spell that meets the requirements in the bureau... I don't know who among the children in the current bureau can have this qualification to learn the purification technique. "Mr. Tanaka sighed with a headache.

"No, it's a big countermeasures bureau, and even an internal member with the qualifications of practicing spells can't be found?" Qin Heqing was a little surprised.

Are you selling miserably, or are you deliberately fooling me to make me despise the weight of the strategy?

"There are not many people who can practice spells, but there are few special talents who can master spells in a short time and make them commonly used spells. After all, geniuses are not that easy to collect. "Mr. Tanaka shook his head and explained.

"Then let those masters who have already become talented directly transfer to cultivation!" Qin Heqing reminded.

"It can only be a backup option when the situation is urgent. As for now, I think it's better to re-train, and it will save you that when you really need to fight against the evil **** in the future, there will be a shortage of people on the front line and logistics." Tanaka I put out a way that I think about the future and the overall situation.

"...All right, this is the internal affairs of your countermeasure bureau anyway, so you can do whatever you want." Qin Heqing glanced at him, shook his head and said, "Is there anything else? If there is none, I will go back and review."

"Review?" Tanaka asked surprised. "Oh, I remembered that less than a week is the time for the semester test of Toyonosaki High School. It always depends on your activities outside, until you forget you are still a student. Current high school students."

"So life is difficult." Qin Heqing sighed.

"That's OK, then you go back first, and when we pick up other people in the southern country, we will call you again." Mr. Tanaka smiled.

"I'm not afraid I'm killing it?" Qin Heqing asked unexpectedly.

"For the ultimate victory, the necessary sacrifices are allowed. What's more, you didn't intend to kill people on purpose." Mr. Tanaka patted Qin Heqing on the shoulder, comforting.


After that, Qin Heqing didn't stay at the countermeasures bureau any longer, left the building, took the subway to the clubhouse in Setagaya, and rested there.


"Ayukawa, what was going on at that time." In the exclusive office of the clubhouse, recalling the previous scene of Qin and Ayukawa beside the Qing Dynasty asked.

"I don't know. I just feel that there is a force that is repelling the penetration of my power. I wondered if my strength was not given enough, so I strengthened it a bit. Who knew he would explode." Ayukawa replied with aggrieved face when thinking of the explosion of the infected person.

"I didn't blame you, I just want to know the nature of that power and the feeling of confronting your power." Qin Heqing laughed, and explained slightly apologetically.

"I know." Ayukawa shook his head. As an old bedmate, she deeply understands how indifferent Qin Heqing is when dealing with non-related people. She doesn't think that the death of an infected person will make Qin Heqing blame her, so she thinks about it carefully. The situation at that time gave a detailed account of the feeling of power confrontation.

"How to put it, it feels a bit like pressing a spring, it seems that you can completely press it down and break it in the next moment, but when you really do that, it suddenly explodes like a bomb. I was caught off guard and was taken. He was caught off guard and failed to suppress the existence of the infected person."

"In other words, if the skills and control are in place, can the infected person actually survive?" Qin Heqing asked quickly after hearing this.

"I don't know, but I think it should be fine." Ayukawa replied.

"Unfortunately, there are too few such infected people, and they are all in Nanguo, and they are all in the hands of Nanguo and Lao Mi. Otherwise, where are they still used here to guess? Just get those infected and try them one by one. Can Ayukawa's ability save their lives?" Yue'er said, listening to the conversation between the two.

"Then, shall we go to the Southland again?" Ayukawa looked at Qin Heqing for a while, and hesitated to suggest.

"There is no need to toss about it. In this matter, the people in the countermeasure bureau will only be more anxious to get results than we are, so we just wait and see the changes. I believe that it will not take long for the countermeasure bureau to trap those in People from the southern country got it back." Qin Heqing waved his hand, stopped the two of them from thinking, calmly said.

"That's true." Yue'er nodded in agreement.

"Now we can be sure of four points. First, the heretic power is very infectious, and pure purification may not completely eliminate the hidden dangers on the body. Therefore, in the future, when we come into contact with the heretical power, we must take relevant protections. And carefully clean up the hidden dangers that may remain on the body afterwards. Second, the Tianhe Cleansing Mantra is of great use, whether it is to save people or clean up oneself, this is the best choice. Third, the mutation may remain in the cytoplasm. As long as it can solve the special matter, the so-called mutation and mania will be self-defeating. Fourth, the spiritual consciousness problem, if the various spells circulating in the country on the other side are still useful, it means that even if the mutation inducement is temporarily unable To solve it, we should also have a way to suppress the spiritual transformation that is infected, so that they can still maintain their human nature." Qin Heqing didn't care about what Yue'er said, looking at Ayu Chuan, Yue'er, and those who were listening. Imari Walnut explained.

"What's the use of knowing these?" Imari Walnut asked questioningly.

"It is convenient for us to know what methods can be used to save people, even if it is completely treated, it can also give us a good idea, so that when we are really in trouble, we can't even find the clue in a panic." Qin Heqing explained.


Then, not long after, Qin Heqing's phone rang suddenly.

Qin Heqing took out the phone and looked at the label on to connect, and put it to his ear——

"Why, miss me?" Qin Heqing smiled and said with a relaxed expression.

Obviously, the owner on the other end of the phone is not unfamiliar with him, not only is he not unfamiliar, but also very close to him, otherwise he wouldn't make him speak such ambiguous words in the first sentence.

"My friend, Mari is dead." After a pause, the owner on the other end of the phone whispered heavily.

"Mari? Is that the person you showed me the photo last time?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.


"How did you die?" Qin Heqing asked more curiously.

"Died in a traffic accident, but..."

"Don't you suspect that her death is related to spirituality?" Qin and Qing Wenxian understood the elegance, and took the conversation very understandingly.

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