After waiting for a while, after communicating with his family, Qin Heqing left the mourning hall with Sumita Sari, who had really come to bid farewell to Miss Marie, and went outside again.

However, the two did not speak immediately, but walked in silence for a while before Sumita Sari spoke again. But the content is still not asking whether Qin and Ms. Qingmali’s death is related to spirituality, but about the process of acquaintance between her and Ms. Marie, as well as the bits and pieces of memories from the past when they were dating together. It looks like they are talking about it. .

So Qin Heqing didn't stop either, letting Sumita Sari use this way of narration to vent the sadness brewing in his heart, until the two sat down in a cafe.

"Sorry, let you listen to so many boring things." Sumita Sari said apologetically, remembering how rude his behavior was.

"No." Qin Heqing smiled and shook his head. "On the contrary, it made me understand you better, so I can continue to talk about similar things. I am very willing to continue listening."

"Thank you." Sumita Sari looked at him and said softly.

"In our relationship, there is no need to say such things."

Sumita Sari was silent, and after a while, he opened his mouth again and asked "Mari she..."

"Same as you think." Qin Heqing shrugged.

"That..." Sumita Sari hesitated, but did not say the rest for a long time.

"Can you avenge her?" Qin Heqing took over her words and asked Tian Shali what was in his heart.

"Yeah." Sumita Sauri responded.

"It's okay, but..."

"What?" Sumita Sari asked.

"But we also have to know who her enemy is." Qin Heqing said with a wry smile.

If it is an ordinary death accident, then no matter whether the soul of the deceased will eventually become a ghost, the soul of the deceased should stay with his corpse. This has not changed with the environment. The cause of death is complex and uncomplicated. The state of mind doesn't matter much, because this is the instinct of the new dead spirit, that is, guarding the corpse!

Later, for various reasons-for example, the soul of the slain person will entangle the murderer within a short time after the soul is separated, the soul of the person who died in a traffic accident will find the driver who killed him, and die of illness. He would go to the people he was worried about during his lifetime, leave his corpse, and follow an individual.

But in special times, such as the farewell ceremony of the body, the body will still reappear next to the body when it is burned.

As for the reason?

It's very simple, because the cry of relatives will call the dead souls of death, so that they instinctively return here, and then they should ascend to heaven, this mutated mutation, and become a true lone ghost and wander the world.

But there was no such thing as Ma Li, and even the ghost that was suspected of killing her did not appear, as if it had just disappeared, so Qin Heqing didn't find any clues.

No, I can't say that I didn't find it at all. At least the strong evil aura entwined with Ms. Marie is enough to explain that Ms. Marie's death was not an ordinary traffic accident, but a spiritual intervention, and a way of killing people with a knife. Come and kill Miss Marie.

Just like Qin Heqing has seen, the kid ghost wandering on the highway, or the dead soul walking on the side of the highway, they are the kind of way to save themselves by pushing or attracting good people to the center of the road. The evil spirits who came to harm the living beings to vent their resentment towards the living.

That's why Qin Heqing said to Sumita Sari with such certainty that Miss Mari was killed by a ghost.

But, that's it, no matter how much-such as tracking with this breath, it won't work!

Because the breath has been messed up, the breath of the many living people who have been here to say goodbye, and the yin created by Miss Mari’s death itself are contaminated, so I hope to use this breath to catch the target...

But these words fell in Sumida Saari's ears but they showed a different meaning. That is, who really killed Ma Li?

Was it the driver who killed her?

Yes or no, and what if the hatred is really attributed to that person? You can't expect Qin Heqing to kill each other for his friends, right? She is not so self-righteous yet.

It's not Fu Jiang.

Not to mention, that driver will also be punished by law in the future, so it doesn’t make much difference whether to find him for revenge or not.

Is that the ghost in sack?

Yes to sure, but where is he?

Involuntarily, Sumita Sari thought of the supernatural photo app that Qin Heqing had talked with during the date that day...

It's just that the question arises again, is it the ghost that killed Ma Li, or the app that killed Ma Li? If the former is okay, the big deal is to keep looking, and there will be a result one day, but the latter...

Should we regard the programmers and operators of the Lingyi Photo APP, as well as the legal person of the company, as enemies?

That's too much involved. Sumita Sari didn't think that Qin Heqing would do such a laborious and thankless thing for Ma Li.

Anyway, he was Qin Heqing, so he wouldn't do it.

Pay and report are completely out of proportion!

She is not Fu Jiang, as long as she has a face, she can get out of any unimaginable situation.

"Sorry, I took it for granted." Sumita Sauri said apologetically, who wanted to understand everything.

"It's okay, after all, you are not a professional in this area. It is natural that you will have some inappropriate ideas. There is no need to be so polite." Qin Heqing grabbed Tian Shali's palm, kneading it gently, and whispered. Comforted.

"I'm hungry, do you want to order something to pad, then we will go back to Tokyo to have a good meal."


Then Qin Heqing called the waiter...


"Lingyi Photo App..." In the afternoon, after returning to Tokyo, Qin Heqing, who had a big meal with Sumita Sari and sent her back, sat in a drink shop near Sumita Sari's house, and muttered secretly.

Then he took out his mobile phone and contacted his VIP customers.

"After finishing the trivial matters, who has any questions about the ghost photo app now, please hurry up, save me to work on other things and not solve your problems."



"Jun Qin, help me! There are benefits."

Then, various private chat interfaces popped up hooked up with Qin Heqing's line of sight, and asked him to focus on them.

"Then you."

Choosing the target, Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and immediately turned off other people's private chats and focused on chatting with the chosen ones.

"your address."

"Is it me, is it me?!"

"Don't say I'm looking for someone else."

"Wait, I'll send it to you."

After a pause, an address message appeared on the private chat interface, catching Qin Heqing's eyes.

"Take it down, then I'm past now?"


Immediately, Qin Heqing didn't talk nonsense, got up to check out and left the cold drink shop, rushing to the other party's address.

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