High-profile King

Chapter 659: Change strategy

After receiving the news that the Song family had indeed moved closer to Osturchi, Zhang Jiao further confirmed with a gloomy expression: "Boss, then do you know how many households in the ancient family of Yiyuan Chuan have lost confidence in the future? ?"

"Don't put eggs in the same basket. Even the street folks understand the truth," Li Binzhu said in a dull voice, "In fact, many big families in Yiyuan have split now.

Most of the manpower and material resources are of course still desperately maintaining the independence of the country, but a small number of people are still showing their favor to Ostur.

In this two-sided betting, if Yiyuan really perishes in the future, the family will at least not be liquidated. "

"I also understand this." Zhang Jiao frowned and said, "It's just that you, the giants, are so pessimistic."

"What do you mean by these giants like us?" Li Binzhu said unconvinced when he heard the words: "You are playing a game when the family is split, and when you consider the stakes, you halve it.

I don't know how many people's minds and calculations are involved.

As far as I know, in most cases, some cowards lose their guts, thinking about Ostur’s overwhelming power, and unconsciously mourning all day long.

Slowly began to ride the fence, secretly moving around in the name of family continuation, and finally, it was like this.

But most people are still at odds with Ostur, and would rather die than surrender.

This is how I am! "

"Don't be angry, of course I know you won't take this opportunity," Zhang Jiao said in a diffuse voice: "In fact, in history, the giants and giants have split up, relying on two completely hostile forces, each of which is the leader. Yes.

One of the most famous loyal generals in the pre-Xia Dynasty, Song Guozheng Qing Wen Shengxian scolded Yuan Man for generosity. Before his death, several uncles and nephews and brothers in his family had already taken refuge in the barbarians, so the Song family has not been destroyed and continues to this day. .

I was too idealistic just now, and overestimated Yi Yuan's sturdy national style and the tough family style of the giant family. "

Lord Li Bin gritted his molars when he heard these words: "You know a lot of historical allusions, but is this an apology or a curse?"

"Whatever you want." Zhang Jiao raised his eyebrows, and said, "When will you be able to make a breakthrough? After leaving the customs, I invite you to dinner and congratulate you."

Speaking of the progress of cultivation, Li Binzhu's mood improved, and he said proudly: "It's just a few days, and I won't be afraid of your plural fantasies even if I have become a "broken knife".

"It's not the boss, you have a relationship with me," Zhang Jiao pouted, "Why treat me as an imaginary enemy."

"Of the peers I know around you, you are the strongest right now," Li Binzhu said in a natural tone: "I don't use you as a target.

I want to try it with you when I get the sword skills.

Okay, I'm not talking anymore, now my head is starting to faint, I have to rest quickly. "

"Well, we'll see you when you leave." Zhang Jiao nodded and hung up the phone.

At this time, he was in an ancient academy at the end of Qingshu Alley.

And here is the only Xia Zong cultural site in Qitelun City. It is made of dark blue giant bricks. The ground is covered with light blue slate, called Qingzhai.

Qingshu Alley is named after this.

Dodging dead bodies from the main hall of the academy? He bounced out? Looked at the yards gathered in a pile, shrinking his head? Zhang Jiao secretly sighed, and a thought flashed in his mind? "Yiyuan's survival is nostalgic? The army has to get it." Knife and spear are really good, and there are still few bastards.

But the civil affairs department has been working for a long time, but people are floating up and down, and even the cadres of the central government have little responsibility.

How do you fight the Ostu people? It's no wonder that someone in the giant room of the rich family has begun to speculate.

It seems that I have to change Xu Tuzhi's original intention? Take some radical and brutal measures. "

While he was thinking, the entourages had cautiously avoided the dead bodies and approached them.

The fat and fat Deputy Chief Song suddenly said: "Congressman, I have already reported the situation of the Osturites just now to General Lu Rongtian.

He appeared very angry and replied that he would conduct thorough investigations through military channels? When necessary, use wartime decree to directly arrest relevant personnel? For military trials. "

Zhang Jiao didn’t expect that Song, who felt like he could only shoot horses and greet him, could actually do this kind of “big thing” independently? He was taken aback, and said noncommittal: "Which Osturians will give the green light? The round is academics.

General Lu, as the chief of sentiment in the army? Can you manage it? "

"After the civilian extinction incident in Chitlun City? It has been in a state of military control," Deputy Chief Song explained in a low voice: "Wartime laws can be applied to all situations."

"That's it." Zhang Jiao nodded, then looked up and down at him as if re-recognizing Ms. Song, and asked in a broad voice, "Right, Ms. Song, your name is Song Jiong, right?"

"Yes." Deputy Chief Song said respectfully.

"Yeah." Zhang Jiao replied meaningfully, without saying anything, walking towards the gate of Qingzhai.

Time passed slowly, and then it was evening.

The giants of the Yiyuan Central Government, the military, and the National Assembly rushed to the Qite Round Market to investigate and met at a cleaned up hotel in the suburbs.

After synthesizing the results of each other's field surveys, they randomly added a few meaningless detailed conclusions, and accepted the report of the original expert investigation team.

Formed the "Final Opinion" on the Zite round of market destruction.

After finishing the business, in the spacious living room of the B&B, with Zhang Jiao at the bottom right, Tan Haoran on the main seat, and Lu Rongtian sitting on the opposite side around a delicate tea table.

Outside the sliding wooden door, a pool of clear water gently rippled under the rockery, and the bamboo forest next to it was rustling in the breeze.

Tan Haoran took a sip of the tea in front of him, and sighed: "I really didn't expect the local turtles like Qitelun to have such an elegant place.

It’s a pity that I’ll have to bury it in the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Rongtian on the side is completely eagle-like military style, without the Yaxing of the Fifth Qing of Yiyuan, and said blankly: "Those Oscar It's like a stubborn donkey, pushing and not walking, but backing.

Ask them to send an investigation team to participate in the investigation. They said that Yiyuan’s internal affairs did not interfere, but in fact they used secret tricks, which is really unreasonable. "

"Although there is no evidence of Osturki's intervention in the independence incident in Qitlun City," Zhang Jiao smiled and said: "But anyone with a brain knows that if there is no instigation from the Crescent Sect, it will be a ghost.

Now the event has triggered a huge supernatural event, and nearly 2 million people have died.

The dead are still a trivial matter, but in the context of the spiritual catastrophe in the hinterland of the Great Zhou, it is too taboo to trigger a huge spiritual event.

If you really want to be planted on Ostur's body, it is not just as simple as the international condemnation in our human range. I am afraid that all the people will respond.

They are naturally clean on the surface, but they are not reconciled behind the scenes, making these methods normal. "


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