High-profile King

Chapter 708: Big shot

Hearing that Taoism assumed the names of the ancient gods Xi Wangmu and Nuwa, Gaogu Taoist leaders Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Taishang Laojun, set up the "Five Imperials" to lead the evil spirits.

Among them, the "Kunlun Temple" represents the line of the Queen Mother of the West, whose name is derived from the legendary ancestor of the demon race, the Supreme Queen Mother of the West, who lives in the sacred mountain, Kunlun.

And the son of Yasheng represents the true seed of the Five Royals.

Zhang Jiao, the mother of Zhang Jiao who once denied her six relatives and tried to kill her son to seek Taoism, is now the sub-sage of the "Shanhe Dashe" of Nuwa in Taoism.

In theory, as long as the Five Royals abdicated, the sub-sages could ascend to the sky in one step and inherit the throne, and their status was roughly equivalent to the crown princes in feudal countries.

But it's a pity that the five imperial princes in Taoism are at least a mythical level of cultivation. If you want to wait for them to die in the upper position, it may not be possible for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

In history, most of the sub-sages were older than the five imperial princes and failed to inherit the throne.

Fortunately, anyone who can become a Taoist Five Lord, not to mention his conduct, is bound to be a world hero with extraordinary aptitude, grandeur, great ability, great ambition, and great ambition.

He also heard about hundreds of thousands of years of Taoism as a resource for enlightenment. The cultivation can be called a thousand miles. After a certain level, it will naturally turn the goal of life to a higher level of immortality.

Slowly treat the mortal honor and power as contempt, and finally step into the exploration journey of the plane and the starry sky to find the deeper mystery of the avenue.

At this time, Yasheng came out naturally, so it was not completely without the opportunity to'climb to the sky'.

Zhang Jiao has been very familiar with the Taoist system through various inquiries. Hearing what the blue bird said, he knew that the ghostly chaos in the nearby border city was really alarmed by the big figures in the religion.

My heart moved, on the one hand, I wanted to explore the strength of the Kunlun Temple Sub-sage who was similar to his mother's status; on the other hand, I felt that it was a little early to get in touch with such a high-level figure in Taoism.

Su Shu on the side felt a little strange when he saw his uncertain face, but he still relieved Zhang Jiao and looked at the blue bird: "It turns out to be an envoy under the sub-sage of the Kunlun Temple.

Now that you know the identity of Consultant Zhang, you should also know who I am.

Can you explain why Xiya-kun has to cast such a large-scale wide-area spell to confuse my men and the evacuees? "

Jade Bird felt that Su Shu not only took the initiative to talk to him, he was neither humble nor overbearing when he mentioned his master, and he didn't mean to hide for the Venerable at all. Instead, his tone seemed to be questioning, and he felt even more annoyed in his heart.

But although it is only a demon bird, its wisdom has been developed early. I know that although the general pattern of Taoism ruling and controlling Jiangchu behind the scenes has not changed, with a series of national disputes and defeats in the war, Jiangchu traditional aristocratic powers and emerging military powers Faintly became more and more restless.

Although a frontier major general is not a big man who shook the Chao Gang, he is also a local powerful faction with military power, and he should not be provoked for no reason.

But he was afraid of being too insensitive and embarrassing his owner, so he said in a bad tone but not too much: "General Su, you don't want a dog to bite Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people.

The Lord originally used powerful magic weapons and talisman to appease the negative emotions of the general public within a radius of thousands of miles, so as not to turn into food for the spread of evil.

It just happened to find that you were slaying on the ground, and it feels like even if you kill all people who can be killed and deserve to be killed, this kind of time is not appropriate.

That's why I used the soothing curse to help you suppress the situation. You should be grateful. "

"It turned out to be like this." Su Shu said noncommittal. He neither continued questioning nor changed his words of thanks. He said very realistically: "But it is too close to the nuclear explosion zone. I plan to take a rest and continue on my way and evacuate. To the safety zone.

Now nine out of ten people are obsessed with Lord Xiya's spell, what should we do? "

Seeing that she didn’t know what’s good or bad, and didn’t have the mind to continue talking to Su Shu, the Butter Child’s voice gradually became sharp, “I’m here to be ordered to tell you. The soothing curse will be lifted in two quarters of an hour. harm.

When the time comes, you can continue any plan you want, but the Lord hopes that you will not go on a murderous vow for meticulous reasons, shocking hundreds of thousands of negative emotions. "

"I have a shortage of armed personnel under my command. If we can't kill the chaos, once hundreds of thousands of people are in chaos and the casualties are uncontrollable, it is not just the breeding of negative emotions." Su Shu replied and explained that he was just alive. The pain of killing.

Blue Bird was unwilling to quarrel with her, and murmured angrily, "If this is the case, please do it yourself." She stirred her wings up to the sky, and disappeared in a phantom light in a short while.

Zhang Jiao set up a pergola to watch Qing Yuzi fly away, and said in a long voice, "The demon bird is driven to be a messenger, this Lord Xi Ya is really worthy of the name of Queen Mother of the West.

Director Su, how are you really good for being so disrespectful to others? "

"I'm just taking my responsibility. UU reading www.uukānshu.com" Su said in a blank expression: "Consultant Zhang, the effect of the spell will disappear in a while, I am afraid that you are a legendary powerhouse, can you help? I stabilize the situation."

"Of course it can." Zhang Jiao shrugged and said: "Just now you didn't ask for help, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, you might have killed a fraction of these hundreds of thousands of people." Su Shupi said with a smile: "Consultant Zhang, frankly speaking, your murderousness is too heavy.

I want to stop the chaos by killing, not to change the evacuation into a massacre. I hope you will help stabilize the situation later, and don't kill people.

Lest you can't hold back your posture. "

At the same time, above a cloud of more than ten miles away, a beautiful girl in a plain white robe was sitting on a bluestone car pulled by a dragon, her eyes gleaming and her ears trembling slightly. Muttered: "This guy is still a killer, which fits my temper.

Xiaoqing, how do you feel about him? "

On the black jade armrest of the dragon carriage, the demon bird Qingyuzi stood humbly, hearing the owner’s question, with a anthropomorphic expression of flattery and replied: "My lord, I didn’t even talk to him. If I don't have any impressions, I feel like an ordinary person.

It’s all because I’ve stayed with Junshang for a long time, and I’m used to seeing the outstanding characters of the mountains and rivers, and then I can’t see the small mounds, rivers, and so on. "

"Xiaoqing ah Xiaoqing, although you have a sense of wisdom," the woman in the Taoist robe said with a smile: "Ming is powerful and knows how to advance and retreat, but after all, her vision is a little smaller, and she looks down on those rash heroes.

It is necessary to know that the dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow, and the Daze dragons and snakes compete, and it is not impossible to give birth to peerless characters. Besides, the consultant Zhang is said to be born in an ancient family, which can be considered as a foundation and heritage. "

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