Dan Jin wants to grow up quickly, but it is estimated that it will not be possible.

Unless Ye Kun takes back the dog charm ability given to her.

In addition, it has been more than half a year, and Dan Jin seems to have suddenly stopped developing.

Except for being a little fatter and growing a little bit of flesh somewhere, except for hair and nails, there is no longer any growth in terms of height.

It’s as if it’s forever frozen at 140mm height.

Thanks to this, Dan Jin will also wear Keli’s COS suit in the shelter from time to time, as well as Ye Kun’s favorite COS suit of the little auspicious grass god Nasida.

Including Little Fat Dragon Connor’s, and other characters.

These were all packed and brought by Qu Yunqing.

Regarding the reason why Dan Jin is not growing now, everyone has not cared, after all, it may be slow.

Besides, other places are not rising, or they are moving closer to Qu Yunqing’s figure~

Moreover, it is only 11 years old, this is not still early~

Height and appearance are fixed at 10 years old, so what is the difference between this and 11 years old?

“Ye Kun, something has happened!”

Qu Yunqing drank coffee while holding his mobile phone to welcome Ye Kun’s and Dan Jin’s return.

After handing the picture of the mobile phone to Ye Kun to check, Ye Kun’s expression gradually became serious.

Instead, Qu Yunqing saw Dan Jin eating a lollipop in his mouth, and immediately sighed.

Ye Kun always spoiled Dan Jin very much.

Lollipops are very precious and scarce goods, just like tobacco and alcohol, Ye Kun exchanged them from the Dragon Kingdom Exchange from time to time, and then hid them, and did not give them much to eat, most of them were eaten by Dan Jin.

“So that’s the case, have the urban animals along the coast changed…”

After reading the content of today’s revelation, Ye Kun also sat on the sofa and continued to look at the most discussed post in the [Dragon National Park] forum on his mobile phone.

The content of the post is a survivor who went to the coastal area of Guangzhou Province to collect supplies, found different changes in animals, and even one survivor ran into the sea to fish, and ended up catching a strangely looking big fish.

There are even people who get sick and have fevers and colds every day.

At first, everyone thought it was nothing, but the ocean was not polluted and grew a little faster, and the image was weird, maybe it was a fish from the deep sea?

And the cold and fever must also be his fishing on the beach and the cold.

To say that the weather in Guangzhou Province is true Nima cold, the closer to the sea, the colder, the temperature is not very low, but wet and cold.

Magic attack!

Therefore, there is no problem with a cold.

The question is…

He’s dead.

The body is full of unknown red spots.

The dead man was a very strong man, and he usually didn’t touch anything, but it was strange that he suddenly had unknown spots on his body.

The more you go, you can find that many animals have this feature, and you can also see dead animals, and you can see the body of a huge animal.

One by one, things became more and more strange, and eventually they took pictures of these, and when they returned to Shudi and finally connected to the Internet, they informed them of this matter.

Even the dead were wrapped in layers and prepared to be handed over to the official study of the Dragon Kingdom Vault.

After all, they guessed that it was possible that bacteria in the permafrost or something were spreading around the world.

Although it is frozen back now, the extreme heat before also completely melted the Arctic and Antarctic!

A large number of animal carcasses and a large number of bacteria in the frozen soil floated down to the sea with the melted water, and then to all the oceans and all the coastal cities!

The crisis from the permafrost is now beginning to circulate.

In fact, many people think that it has been spread for a long time, but because the extreme cold is too severe that it can only occur in the coastal area.

Just like the typhoon storm faced in the extreme heat, it should have been spread at that time, but it was not obvious.

After the typhoon passed, those who wanted to run could not run. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After the extreme cold came, a large number of people froze to death.

Perhaps the person suffering from the disease has already frozen to death, and it has not spread inland.

As a party in the coastal area, Ye Kun was silent for a while.

He seems to have paid attention to this matter, but he has a horse charm.

Just in case, he would also reach out from time to time to treat Su Qianxue and others to ensure their long-term health.

Not to mention a normal cold, even the great aunt got better soon when she came, and it didn’t last long at all, and it even made them very unwell.

“Ah, Ye Kun, do you say that this newly discovered disease will spread in our Shu land? I remember that there seemed to be many survivor teams collecting supplies along the coast, not to mention that the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom Refuge were still digging for oil and crude oil at sea and sending it to Shudi! ”

Qu Yunqing began to panic.

This is an unknown disease, and the fatality rate seems to be very high, at least the first person who died hung up a few days after contracting it.

“It’s hard to say, it is possible that the fatality rate is high, but the transmission is not strong?”

No, thanks to the thick clothes that everyone wears when they are outside, they also wear masks and scarves, hats, etc.

Thanks to this, you have to speak louder when talking outside, otherwise you can’t hear it clearly!

Through this, it can also be more or less effective in defending against some viruses.

As for what happens after taking it off, then who knows.

There is only a glimmer of what is happening to humanity at the moment, at least in the forum.

There will be a lot of animals, the death of disease, the mutation of mutation.

This may be caused by the bacterial virus infection of the frozen soil, and it is impossible to survive or hang, and the genes have changed after surviving.

What bacteria and viruses are in the frozen soil, then who knows.

In the deeper part of the frozen soil, no one knows how many years ago the bacteria and viruses are hidden (Wang Wang Hao).

It is estimated that 10,000 years ago was the youngest, and hundreds of millions of years ago were possible.

Not to mention the survivability of bacteria and viruses, which is outrageous.

Bacteria from 10,000 years ago can slowly come alive after thawing, and if they also come alive hundreds of millions of years ago, it seems that they can also accept it a little?

And there are a lot of bacteria in the world that do not die of heat, freeze, starvation and even can resist radiation and live in outer space.

“Ye Kun, when you contact others in the future… Try to stay away from some distance? ”

“Wait, when we hunt, we also have to see if the animal is sick.”

Living to the present, fear of death is inevitable.

They don’t want to be infected by this virus and die a painful death!

Especially when he dies, it is still very ugly, very terrifying and hideous!!

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