Jiang Yuyan, when he said the name, he would suddenly think of a certain woman, Jiang Yuyan.

A ruthless woman who kills until only the title of the play remains.

Really ruthless.

Even if it is a ruthless person in a novel, in contrast, Jiang Yuyan brings a higher impact.

That’s also, one is to read novels, and the other is to watch TV series three times on TV.

There is no doubt that Jiang Yuyan is also a ruthless person.

It’s just that she to people.

For Ye Kun, there is an indescribable arrogance and atmosphere, as if… Brothers, like brothers, I can’t wait to wear a pair of shorts and worship the same.

But for her subordinates, she is indifferent, and her eyes are as sharp as a blade.

Even her cronies, the women close to her, are the same.

Perhaps she is also used to it, and has been silent, as if she is a housekeeper.

Later, I learned that this woman was indeed a housekeeper, but she was also a black glove cultivated.

Those dirty jobs will be done by her in secret.

It can be said that since her father began to change, Jiang Yuyan has not been a good woman since she was a child…

It’s just that she has never shot at the weak, and even protects the weak, and her enemies are either evenly matched or strong.

Of course, the enemy does not count, she will trample the other party like an ant and completely trample to death!

She seems to be the heroine of the doomsday novel, among the 697 survivor teams in the Dragon National Park, Jiang Yuyan’s forces are the most unprovoked, and Ye Kun is mysterious, don’t provoke.

Of course, it’s normal to be ruthless in the apocalypse.

Su Qianxue once wanted to make herself such a person, but unfortunately, her natural personality couldn’t do it at all.

You can perform a little, but just a little.

For example, performing in Ye Kun.

When Ye Kun was there, she was still the same.

Natural, virtuous, gentle and kind, etc.

And will also like brain supplements…

Among everyone, the one who looked at it the most was Luo Wen, followed by Yan Bingbing, who was focused on Ye Kun.

Especially Luo Wen, if it weren’t for her, the first swing would not have come so quickly, and everyone’s relationship might have slowed down a little and become more intimate.

“Ye Kun, I hope that the next time we meet, we will both be fine.”

“At least, you’re not worse off than me.”

After all the materials were moved, the materials Ye Kun needed were also put in the living room.

After Jiang Yuyan directly asked Ye Kun for all the rest of the pack of cigarettes, she smoked one sassily, and after taking a long breath of the cigarette, she stood up and said to Ye Kun with a smile (BFFC).

In his gaze, there seemed to be a meaning to challenge Ye Kun.

“Then you are disappointed, maybe when you can’t live, I still live very moist?”

This was a little unable to speak, but Jiang Yuyan just smiled, turned around and waved to Ye Kun before leaving.

Seriously, a woman with a face resembling King Ida, Ye Kun really likes it.

It’s just that this woman is difficult to pursue and difficult to conquer.

Unless Ye Kun hangs with her now, and then becomes her man to manage her survivor team.

Otherwise, it would not be possible.

Invite her to join? Then she won’t say yes either.

She also has her arrogance, unless her arrogance is completely shattered!

After seeing Jiang Yuyan get in the car and leave, Ye Kun did not ask the women to come up and move things.

Although there are quite a lot, Ye Kun’s strength is very large.

It didn’t take half an hour to move to the sundries warehouse and put them in a pile.

The materials were also enough for him to build a mechanical renovation room.

At present, it is ready to open up a new space, the lathe has it, and the excuse is to trade with the Dragon Kingdom official, but it is actually a project to upgrade the shelter facilities.

It’s just that the lathe has been moved out, a lot of soil has been dug, and everything else has not yet been tidy.

If you leave it all to the system, you need too much material, and if you participate yourself, you will consume relatively little material. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Anyway, he has a lot of time, so he can pass the time, not to mention that he will not be tired.

The mechanical transformation room is built next to the parking room, and then the doomsday RV can be modified and upgraded, and cutting-edge high-tech products such as weapons and ammunition, drones and so on can be manufactured for decades.

How to say, this is not less!

At the beginning, Ye Kun wanted to open up this facility, but this needs to be paid, that is, it requires resources, so it can’t be opened!

“Ye Kun, have everything been traded?”

“Of course, I’ll melt these metal materials from tomorrow and start forging them piece by piece.”

Now Ye Kun has a new skill – mechanical modification master.

This is the top skill acquired by checking in to the system in early August.

Since Ye Kun usually always makes something and modifies a little thing, not to mention that there are many mechanical modification books and drawings piled up in the corner in the miscellaneous warehouse, so the women do not have any doubts.

All that can be said is…

Ye Kun, an all-round man!

Coupled with the fact that Ye Kun has also shown the ability to never forget, as well as a very high talent for learning, they have long been surprised.

“Whew… Okay, let’s talk about that Jiang Yuyan’s woman, she’s quite powerful, right? ”

Luo Wen asked Ye Kun while wiping her hair with a towel.

The rest of the women were still swimming and playing in the water, saying that they would take a bath, but in the end, they went directly to the pool to play.

“Well, you’ve seen her before, very similar to that female star, and even similar to the woman in the game character.”

“Then indeed, she was like… Like my kind, or even I feel that she is more dangerous than me? ”

Luo Wen said with a smile after putting on her glasses.

Her eyesight has miraculously recovered, and she can see more clearly than ordinary people.

But because glasses have been worn since childhood after learning to cause myopia, she will be very uncomfortable if you let her go without glasses for a long time.

Not to mention…

For Ye Kun, wearing glasses is also a charm that attracts Ye Kun, and everyone wears glasses on her!

Of course, the lenses have already been replaced with glasses without prescription, not to mention that there are many kinds of glasses without lenses.

From gold wire, black, transparent, and even medieval retro, it was also the glasses I chose for myself when I passed by a large optical store when collecting materials in Guangzhou Province.

Ye Kun likes her to wear glasses, so naturally she has to prepare more~

Sometimes Ye Kun would say that the glasses were like her body.

“Hehe, Ye Kun, you said… Who would you like if I stood with her? ”

“Is it me, or her?”

A queen of financial business, and a queen of entertainment in the underworld.

When asked about this proposition, Ye Kun also smiled.

“I like it all, are you satisfied with this answer?”

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