

Lighting a cigarette, Jiang Yuyan smoked dryly and looked at the remaining 17 people in front of him.

Some people have wounds on their bodies, others are only slightly bruised, or even slightly dirty.

After calling everyone, it is also for the future choice.

Team of survivors, disbanded.

Everyone can choose to go to other survivor teams to survive, or they can go to the Rongcheng Dungeon.

There is still one car that can be used, which may be good news.

You don’t have to walk away, you can get in the car and leave.

“If you want to go, go now… Although the dungeon side has collapsed, there are still many places to live in. ”

Jiang Yuyan did not have any retention or persuasion, and after speaking, she herself shrunk into the corner to smoke.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and then silently made their own choice.

The truck was parked outside, and it was late afternoon, even though the temperature was high, but it could barely accept it.

If you don’t leave this evening, when the day comes, it will be difficult to resist the invasion of high temperatures based on the current situation, which will make it even hotter.


A total of 14, all went outside and got into the truck.

Before leaving, someone asked Jiang Yuyan if he would go together, but Jiang Yuyan did not have any answer, so he remained silent.

“Leader, come with us! If you don’t come, we…”

“Yes, leader, let’s go together!”


After all, they are popular figures, they look at Jiang Yuyan’s lonely appearance, and they can’t bear to leave like this.

It was better to say that they all thought that Jiang Yuyan would leave with them, but as a result, they all got into the truck, and specially reserved the co-pilot’s position for her!

“Let’s go, I won’t go.”

“In addition, the dungeon is forbidden to have teams, so even if I go, all of us will only be scattered and assigned to work everywhere, so don’t expect me to lead you like before.”

After speaking, Jiang Yuyan never replied.

These are Jiang Yuyan’s selected survivors, all of whom can be trusted, not those who are violent in the outer gate who are prone to change once they lose their restraints.

Those people were also killed by Jiang Yuyan a long time ago, how could they still form a hidden scourge in his team?

If there is still one, it is probably not this scenario now, but rather want to do something wrong, right?

There must have been people who couldn’t like her as a woman, and even people who wanted to covet her beauty.

It’s just that……

Those people are long dead!

In the end, they rubbed for another ten minutes, and finally sighed and chose to leave.

They already knew that Jiang Yuyan’s heart was here.

Inside the collapsed building, not only her cronies and friends, but also her heart.

The remaining 3 people…

It wasn’t Jiang Yuyan’s people, but without Jiang Yuyan, they would have died a long time ago.

So when they saw Jiang Yuyan in such a state, they couldn’t let go at all.

“Why didn’t you follow and leave?”


Lighting another cigarette, Jiang Yuyan, who originally thought that only he was left, was about to go out and walk around the ruins of the big shopping mall, but he was stunned when he saw the mother and daughter shrunk in the corner.

Is that the truck can’t fit people?

Or did the mother and daughter refuse to leave?

It seems like…… I really heard the communication that those people wanted to take them away, but they refused, saying that they wanted to stay here with themselves?

It’s just that Jiang Yuyan didn’t have the heart to listen at all at that time, and directly ignored it.

“We … You saved it, and if it weren’t for you, our mother and daughter would have died a long time ago. ”

“Even if you stay here, we can’t just let you go.”

A gray-headed woman said slowly, looking at Jiang Yuyan with a crying voice.

As a woman, she knows Jiang Yuyan too well.

Not to mention that Jiang Yuyan also needed to be accompanied by someone, so she did not choose to leave.

I plan to accompany Jiang Yuyan here to see if I can get her out of the shadows from the disaster, and then follow her to the dungeon.

A few days slow is not a big deal.

Although it can be scary hot during the day, you should be able to hold out if you hide in the shadows.

The food and water in the backpack were enough for the four of them to eat for three days, and it was indeed a bit far from the Rongcheng Dungeon, but it only took a few hours to arrive.

“…… Are you worried about me? ”

Jiang Yuyan was silent, and she immediately understood what this mother holding her daughter thought.

She immediately smiled bitterly and came to her with a flashlight.


“Haha… Is that so…”


“Going for a walk?”


The mother nodded, then asked her twin daughter in her arms to stand up.

Soon, the group of four left the ruins, climbed outside and accepted the sweltering heat.

A group of four walked aimlessly around the ruins of a large shopping mall with flashlights.

No one spoke, and no one complained because of the heat, sweaty water.

It wasn’t until after walking around that Jiang Yuyan stopped, and then took out her mobile phone to see if there was any network.

The good news is that the network is still there.

Jiang Yuyan also saw the private messages of many people, and Ye Kun, who was specially marked and placed at the top by her, posted three consecutive times.

Thinking of this man, Jiang Yuyan smiled bitterly.

Since Ye Kun was able to come and ask about her condition shortly after the earthquake ended, there shouldn’t have been too many casualties on his side, right?

Compared to her shelter formed in the basement of a large shopping mall, Ye Kunna’s shelter built under the villa should not be seriously affected by the collapse?

Even the underground shelter is strong?

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuyan replied after seeing that the phone had only 25% of the battery left.

Jiang Yuyan: How is the situation over there?

The next thing is to wait…

Fortunately, Ye Kun saw the news.

Ye Kun: Although it may hit you, I am safe here!

Ye Kun: Let’s let go of the conversation, so late to recover… Where have you already been hit hard, right? What’s next for you?

Jiang Yuyan: As you said, I have indeed found a heavy blow here, or even almost completely destroyed!

Jiang Yuyan: I envy you, are you really safe and sound?

Ye Kun: Naturally, I have no reason to lie. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Jiang Yuyan: Is that right…

Ye Kun: What are your plans?

Jiang Yuyan: I plan to… I have already sent the surviving people to the Rongcheng Dungeon, and it is no longer suitable for me to continue living here.

Ye Kun: So you didn’t leave?

Jiang Yuyan: Yes, my heart has not eased yet, so I walked in the ruins before, and now I don’t know what my future should be.


Jiang Yuyan thought of the mother and daughter who followed behind her.

If it weren’t for the three of them walking with her, perhaps she would have thought even more about what to do in the future.

But now they are following behind them, because they can’t let her go!

So this led to the fact that even if Jiang Yuyan wanted to fend for himself alone, he couldn’t drag these three into the water.

This is really…

It was like being kidnapped by them.

Unless she disappears alone, at least send them to safety, right?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuyan turned her head to look at the mother and daughter who had been silent and kept reaching out to wipe the sweat on their bodies.

Seeing their appearance without complaint, Jiang Yuyan smiled bitterly.

“Are you willing to enter the dungeon?”

The mother and daughter were stunned for a moment, and the twin daughters did not answer, but looked at their mothers.

The mother thought thoughtfully, and then replied firmly with a smile.

“If you go, we will go, or we will go wherever you go, maybe our mother and daughter are a burden… But you are our lifesaver, as long as we can help, we will try our best to help you! ”

The mother’s answer involuntarily reminded Jiang Yuyan of the pictures of their mother and daughter helping themselves.

Her team of survivors does not feed idlers, nor does it leave any trouble.

Although the strength of their mother and daughter is small, they are always her firm support after making decisions, and at the same time, they have silently helped a lot behind their backs.

[Lifesaver], this is too much to look at.

If it is an ordinary person before the end of the world, it is estimated that it is also crazy gratitude, all kinds of money and gifts, and forget after a long time.

Maybe there will be a period of time when you can remember it all the time, and then there will be more contacts and so on.

What’s more, they will always keep it in mind, and whenever there is a need, they will stand up to help and so on.

Obviously, this mother and daughter are the third kind of people.

Or maybe the mother is this kind of person, and her daughter obeys her mother.

To such people …

It’s obviously a good fit to be one of her cronies…

Her mother, Asuka, is her English name, and her original name is Asuka Sakamoto.

At the age of 29, she was originally a neon person and a proper rich man.

After skipping grades from a young age, she went to study in Obi at the age of 16, and then became the wife of the son of a duke of the Obi royal family.

Her talent is high, and her appearance is very beautiful.

Otherwise, he would not have become the wife of the son of a duke in the royal family.

Her two 10-year-old twin daughters are also very beautiful mixed-race children.

It’s just that one of them was born with albinism, which is obviously a pair of twins, which is a very rare medical case.

Because of this, this causes the twins to look like one black and one white.

My sister’s name is Sophia.

Black-haired and blue-eyed, a well-beautified mixed-race child.

The younger sister is called Elizabeth, with white hair and pupils, she has been a little princess who has been very favored by the royal family since she was a child, and is loved by Queen Obiha, so she has this name after changing her name.

Elizabeth III to be exact!

Because she was so beautiful, as if she were an angel.

In fact, most boys and girls with albinism are not very good-looking, or even ugly.

What is called an angel is nothing more than a name for mercy and love.

Of course, most children with albinism are really ugly, but a few are good-looking!

It is because of this small part that it has the reputation of an angel.

Elizabeth, the younger sister of albinism in front of her, has been like an angel since she was a child, and as long as she does not grow crooked when she grows up, she is definitely a proper beauty.

In addition, she is loved by the queen, even if she does not inherit the throne, she has a very high status in the royal family!

Her sister is not valued because she is too playful, and her sister Elizabeth is very well-behaved and intelligent, so she is valued.

As for the surname, you can talk about it.

After all, their father is dead.

Originally, their family came to Dragon Country to celebrate and relax Sophia and Elizabeth, who had just passed their 10th birthday.

Later, after passing through Chang’an to see the ruins of the old imperial palace, the result was a high temperature apocalypse.

After learning that it was hotter over there, it was simply to find a very suitable place here to escape the heat, and then go back when it was cold over there.

Moreover, it is also because of the family’s mess that makes the son of the duke very angry, and there is a kind of feeling that he will not go back without an apology.

So I stayed in the hotel in the Dragon Kingdom, and when I wanted to go back, it was already late, and the airfield of the plane was no longer able to fly, and it was completely out of control.

And their family, in the end, the bodyguards who followed followed the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom in a car and went to the official shelter of the Dragon Kingdom under protection to stay temporarily.

When the weather recovers, go back.

It’s just that……

When I first came to Shudi, there were a series of car accidents, and even many people began to fight and fight.

Countless people who fled here rushed to get shelter, and the gangsters and others also seized the opportunity to attack the soldiers, and then snatched a large number of weapons and even a large amount of supplies from them.

Because Shudi had already begun the shelter plan, it caused their dissatisfaction, because they were excluded, even wanted and arrested.

In this way, it is simply a big fuss.

This kind of thing is not to mention in Shudi, in fact, it happens all over the Dragon Kingdom, even the world.

The car of the mother and daughter was naturally discovered by those people, and after killing all the sons and bodyguards of the duke, they took the mother and daughter and returned to enjoy.

They don’t care what identity these people are, the order completely collapses under the end times, and only the evil of human nature continues to increase.

Jiang Yuyan was also in the process of grabbing materials, summoning all his subordinates to sweep up.

Didn’t this just happen to meet the other party?

After seeing that the other party was still his father’s enemy, it was a red eye when the two sides met.

His father was killed by the other party the day before yesterday, how can he let it go when he sees him today?

In the end, Jiang Yuyan led his subordinates to kill everyone on the other side, and although his side suffered heavy casualties, he also obtained a lot of materials.

In the same way, she saved the mother and daughter… Seven….

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