Higher Level Wife

Chapter 108: :thought

   Here, Li De is taking the teapot from the little **** under the corridor and returning to the imperial study room. I made a cup of tea for the emperor and handed it over, but the emperor asked, "What did you mutter with Fengju just now?" Because Jin Fengju is the younger brother-in-law of Prince Rong, and the emperor is also in-laws, so the emperor only calls in private. His name is naturally a manifestation of grace.

"It's really impossible to hide anything from the emperor. Master Xiaohou asked the slave if the emperor did not use food well, saying that your cheekbones were all protruding, and it was distressing to see his appearance, and he said that he would bring something new and strange at night. I come to give the emperor an appetizer, but I don’t know what it is, and what kind of delicacies the emperor has never eaten? But since Xiaohouye said this, he is somewhat sure, the minion is really curious in his heart."

The emperor stroked the teacup for a long time without saying a word. After a long while, he stretched out his face and smiled: "It's hard for him to think about it, but it's a lot of thought. If that's the case, you go and let people say that Prince Xuanrong and the princess enter the palace. It is a phoenix. There is no reason to not let their brother-in-law and sister taste what they brought.

  唔, I’m afraid I’ve tasted it and I don’t know. "Li Dezheng's heart jumped, and he hurriedly laughed: "The slave felt that Prince Rong might not know, otherwise he was filial, and wouldn't he come to the emperor to offer his treasure soon?" "

The emperor smiled slightly and nodded: "Yes, that's someone who can't hide his mind. You still know forbearance in big things. These little things have long been known all over the world. Fengju is also a cautious person, and Duan Duan will not do it like this. The uncalculated things are settled, and that is the case, you can send someone to declare."

"Yes." Li Dezheng promised, wiping the cold sweat on his head when he went out. The Emperor of the Dark Road is now older, and his suspicion is getting heavier. It is not easy for Prince Rong and Xiaohouye to get such a comment. Of it.

Let’s talk about Jin Fengju’s return home. Sure enough, a bunch of people gathered to ask him. At the moment, he had to tell the emperor’s will. Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Jiang were a little unhappy. They secretly said that they had rewarded many things before, but they were going to celebrate the New Year. If you send people to do things, you shouldn’t be so overbearing. At any rate, the master hasn’t come back yet. This errand is dangerous. Once there are three long and two shortcomings, both of them can’t see them before they finish thinking about it. It's unlucky, so busy and spit on myself in my heart, and pray a few more times.

After the report was over, Jin Fengju asked the old lady without seeing Fu Qiuning in the crowd, and the old lady said: "I said before that the children have to go back to Wanfeng Xuan if they want to take a nap. I didn't let it. , You go and take a look."

Jin Feng raised his head and came to the warm pavilion. As expected, Jin Cangfeng and Jin Cangjiao were sleeping on the kang, Jin Zhuan and Lu huā were sleeping on the couch below, and Fu Qiuning and Yujie Yuniang were all sitting on chairs. He rested his chin with his hand and took a nap with his eyes closed.

"It's my fault that you can't take a nap now." Jin Fengju walked to Fu Qiuning and saw that she woke up when she was shocked. He hurriedly sat down on her shoulders and said with a small smile: "It's okay, I'm fine. But it’s noisy outside, so I came in and stayed quiet.” Yu Niang and Yujie also awoke and saw Jin Fengju, Fu Qiuning smiled: “Don’t you guys dare not speak out like rats. The two children sleep for half an hour. If today is short, I don’t dare to let them sleep for a long time, otherwise I can’t sleep at night.” Yin looked at Jinfeng again and said, “What are you going to do to let you enter the palace? Using so many things to bribe, it can be seen as a tricky thing. ."

   Yujie and Yuniang have already withdrawn, Jin Fengju smiled slightly and said, "What else is there?

   I told you last night, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. At this time, if you deal with it wisely, maybe you can try to come back before the new year, and you can reunite with your family. "

   Fu Qiuning nodded and said: "This errand doesn't sound like a good one. After you go south, you must be careful, take care of your body, and remember to be safe.,,

   Jin Fengju looked at him with a brighter smile on his face, and said softly: "Are you worried about me?

   I am very happy to hear you. "Fu Qiuning moved in his heart, but lowered his eyes, and said lightly, "Master, never want to worry about it. I am also on the same rope with you. I am both prosperous and prosperous. How can I not care? "Jin Fengju heard what she meant, clearly setting aside the relationship between the two people again, feeling a little anxious and unhappy, and coughed: "Qiu Ning, are you really just like this?" I know that you are my wife, if you are worthy of the name, today's fifth-grade Feng Guanxia, ​​should be yours. But it's not in a hurry. The future will be long. As long as you and I are in harmony, I'm not afraid of failing to achieve the first-class fate. "Fu Qiuning sneered: "Feng Guanxia?" Yipin Zhanming? I'm really not rare. Just ask for comfort and peace in this life. I think Sister Wan really likes it very much, but I just need to think about her.

   Jinfeng's face stiffened, and it took a long time before he smiled bitterly: "I know how you think of me in your heart.

   You are a different woman, and many of the ideas other women in this world dare not even think of. It's just my thoughts, you may not understand, Wanying always feels that she is not the same as before. And to you, it's not just because I can't get it..." "Master, why do you have to say so clearly? I know it in my heart. In fact, being a confidant of the Lord, for me, is what I want, and I don't want to do other wishful thinking. "Fu Qiuning poured a cup of tea for Jin Fengqi, and took the opportunity to interrupt him.

Jin Fengju looked at her idiotically for a long time, and finally sighed, took a sip of the tea, and then put away the affection in his eyes, and said lightly: "If you want to come to Zhuangzi, the vegetables should also come. I'll go out and see." Fu Qiuning also Standing up and saying: "In that case, Lou asked Yuniang and Yujie to go back and bring the leek huā sauce and the hoisin sauce. It's a pity that I made it by myself. The craftsmanship is not so good. I'm afraid it will not taste good." "I eat. It is very good, Qiu Ning should not be presumptuous." Jin Fengju said with a smile, and then went out. Here Fu Qiuning stared at his long and unrestrained back for a long while, and sat down sadly, thinking that Jinfengju, Jinfengju, you are a dragon and phoenix among people, but we have no destiny, so we don't have to think too much. You only said that your sister Wan has changed. You know that if I fall in love with you, I also don't want other women to get you. Instead of suppressing this pain, I would rather not love, and you should not blame me in your heart. There are many things in this world that cannot be fulfilled in the end. It is already rare to be a confidant like you and me, so why bother to be greedy and go further? When I hate to meet and are not married, this helplessness can only accompany us for life.

   thinking in his heart, he called Yu Niang and Yu Jie to come in, and ordered them to go back to the night wind xuan to get their own hoisin sauce and leek huā sauce. These are what she learned from books specially in modern times. Although they are not as delicious as the shabu-shabu sauces that she bought, they are almost the same. Otherwise, they can't make the belly of Jin Fengju and Jin Ming eat round and can't move.

In a short while, Yu Niang Yujie came back with the sauce jar, and Jin Fengju also came in happily and said, "Qiu Ning, go and have a look. The dishes have already been shipped. I picked the best and sent it to the palace in the evening. The rest is at your disposal. Everyone is curious, waiting to see you make this unique hot pot.

Fu Qiuning agreed. When she came out to see, there was already a table set up in the hall. Everyone had a pot on the table. She was busy getting people to take Chinese wolfberry, yam and jujube to make the soup, and then went to the kitchen to mix the sauce. Jiang Wanying, Xu's Huo's and others were all watching, because of Jin Fengju's proposal, even Jin Luanfeng couldn't care about any etiquette, and carefully observed Fu Qiuning's every step.

"That's all right, just wait for each person to put some on the plate when eating, dipping in the shabu-shabu-shabu-shabu to eat." Fu Qiuning stopped, looking at the big pot of sauce in front of him and said lightly: "It's actually very simple. Disappointed everyone, but don’t want to blame me. I didn’t let you come to see it. It was you all who came to learn. I said that you don’t need to learn at all. You still don’t believe it, just treat me as if I am hiding my own privates.

   Know now, right? After Fu Qiuning finished speaking, everyone couldn't help laughing. Xu also smiled on the side: "It's true, it looks so simple, and it's not pretty, it's dark~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Where do people like to eat? I really don't know how the Lord boasted that there is nothing in the sky and nothing on the ground. "

Jiang Wanying smiled and said: "My younger sister is guilty of old problems again. She always judges people by appearance. Now she even eats like this. The jujube mud cookie made by the chef in the mansion the previous year looked like shit, but it tasted like no one. You have eaten a lot, until today, you still want the sweet cake the most in [Room], but now you say that this sauce is not good-looking, I'll wait and see, you have the skills, don’t eat it later .

Xu's words were speechless, his face faintly changed color, and he coldly snorted: "Why don't I eat? I don't like eating, and I always have to take care of my father's face. I didn't know how to live before. , I don’t know to follow the Lord’s heart, so I don’t like me. Some people are different. They know how to please the Lord. People who like things I like, even if I hate them, I want to destroy them. Smiles like a huāer." Fu Qiuning thought to herself that this is a woman. Once he hates him, where can he care about the occasion and location? Even if you have anger in your heart, it's not easy to be insinuate in front of Jinluan Peak, right? Looking at the only man present, he saw that his face was a little embarrassed, so he hurriedly laughed and said: "I made my eldest brother laugh, but they are actually superficial things. I don’t know how many delicacies of mountains and seas I have eaten. In the eyes? It's all Fengju, he gets excited after eating well, it's like I'm making a fuss."

Jin Luanfeng heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I'm overly Qiang, this thing is indeed very interesting. Although it is superficial, it is coarse and fine. Fengju is also very praised. Yes, I think there are some under his name. The accounts of his shop are open, so I have to go out and talk to him.

  " As he said, he avoided hurriedly.

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