Higher Level Wife

Chapter 122: :Love in action

   Yu Niang tried her best to persuade her, and Yujie also helped her. Fu Qiuning herself thought about the time of the year, and she didn't feel a little shaken in her heart, but she was still hesitant. In the novels she reads in modern times, once a woman has a relationship with a man, no matter how firm she originally was, she will eventually have to Become soft around the finger. If you have a good man, you can have a happy ending: if you have a scumbag, you don't know how much torment you will suffer, and it may be a tragedy in the end. It can be seen that this matter of **** really has a great influence on the relationship between men and women. She can’t guarantee that if she has been in Jinfengju, she will be able to control herself not to fall in love with each other in the future. It is clear that nowadays, she will be shocked. Can you withstand the temptation of your skin's relatives? Once a woman loves, it is often the origin of tragedy.

  Speaking of which, I blame this **** man for his good looks, and he will kill him if he is gentle and considerate. Fu Qiuning sent away the Yu Niang and Yu Steps, lay in the quilt and bit the quilt, thinking that the Jade Emperor was really good. For scumbags, don't give such a perfect appearance and gentle means. This is simply harming the female compatriots all over the world. good? The Queen Mother was not there to persuade him, the Jade Emperor was a man, so naturally he turned to a man, but you are a woman.

   I fell asleep in a daze because of my wild thoughts.

Suddenly, Jin Fengju walked to the bed and said with a smile: "Qiu Ning, today I say that I will do what I want, otherwise my mother and Wanying will not let you go. They are still virgins after they have been married to the Hou Mansion for six years. I want to divorce you for this reason, even I have a hard time talking." As he said, he rushed over.

Fu Qiuning was frightened and dodged desperately, but finally couldn't dodge. He was hugged into Jin Fengju's arms, and his body suddenly became fragile. He couldn't help but let him do whatever he wanted. When he was getting fun, suddenly there was a spirit in his body and he woke up. Only then did I realize that it was a spring dream.

   Although it was a dream, I only felt that the legs were a bit slippery. I couldn't help but put my hand out and lightly wiped it, instantly flushed with embarrassment. Chun Meng is the first time for her. In the past, I only knew that men tend to have Chun Meng nocturnal emission. I did not expect that I would experience such a shame today. Fortunately, only the profane pants got a little wet. Lost sleep, I got busy and cleaned up, and secretly washed the trousers and dried them behind the screen.

   As expected, I have thoughts day by day and dream night by night. Jinfeng’s proposal of you **** is really harmful to me. Fu Qiuning thought to herself, looking at the sky, Dongfang was already showing her white belly. She knew that she could not sleep, so she sat in the room and closed her eyes for a while. She heard Yu Jie and Yu Niang getting up, washing sounds from time to time, and then she ran out. Freshen up.

After breakfast, I sent Jin Zangfeng, Jin Zangjiao and Jin Zhuanlu huā to go to school. They went back to the house and embroidered the huā for a while. In the middle of the morning, I saw Jin Ming led a dozen male and female servants and wives to come in to Fu Qiuning. He smiled and said: "Grandma, the Lord said, you can't let your mind go anymore, these people will be added here today. Don't worry, they are all personally selected by the Lord. I do some chores in the kitchen, laundry room and so on. Now I call my grandma to follow me on the trip. You still use Yujie and Yuniang by your side. You will buy a maid in the house these few days, and you will call a new one when the time comes. I'll call you."

   Fu Qiuning knew that Jin Fengju's arrangement was to prevent Jiang Wanying and Xu Huo from waiting to settle in the night wind, or else he should be personally checked by his young master in choosing the next person. He sighed in his heart and said with a wry smile: "No matter, if you send it here, you can stay, but you don't need to send the maid here anymore. Your master is too careful."

Jin Ming smiled and said: "No, the master is careful, otherwise the emperor can't leave such important matters to him. There is just one thing, the master is in the house, but it is seldom so careful. Li, how can he take care of the affairs of the house in his spare time? The outside affairs are too busy. This is the grandmother, who has been so attentive. In the past, the slave has never seen the master so thoughtful."

Fu Qiuning glanced at Jin Ming, smiled, nodded and said, "Your father is very powerful with you being by your side. If there is a gap, you will sing praises for him. Okay, you can go back and give me a favor. Your father thanked him, saying that I understood his thoughts, and I am very grateful."

Jin Ming agreed with a smile, and said: "The father is still in the palace now, just thinking about the grandma's side, so that the slave will come back first. Since the grandma said that, the slave has to rush back to serve. If there is anything wrong, grandma Just tell them what you want. "I went out while talking.

Yujie and Yuniang both leaned forward and laughed: "How? Let's just say that Grandpa Xiao Hou really took a lot of heart with grandma. Now it seems that grandma is too unreasonable, and even this can't make you change your mind. Isn’t it time to cover up even the hard-hearted?"

   "You don't understand at all" Fu Qiuning sighed, knowing that in this era, it is harder to find a confidant than to climb to the sky. She went back to the house and asked Yu Niang and Yujie to arrange work for those who had been laid off. Actually, there was not much work. These were all chores in the mansion on weekdays, unlike the noble and dirty work of those big maids and little maids. I don’t do all the hard work, so feeding pigs and chickens is also competent.

Qiu Ning was upset in her heart, so she got up and walked to the backyard, looking at the ground and the piglet in the pigsty that Zhang San had caught from the market. There was a weak "chucking" sound from the chicken coop. After a closer look, she realized that at some point, the hen had hatched a brood of chicks, and at this time she hadn't grown feathers. They are all hairy and plump, running around behind the hen, looking cute.

   "I don't know how long I can see such a scene." Fu Qiuning leaned against the tree and looked up. Overnight, most of the huā buds on the old apricot tree had bloomed, swaying in the sun.

   Fierce reluctance rose in her heart. At this moment, she even wanted to make a secret decision that no matter how forced by Jin Fengju, she would never move away. If it is impossible, she took a knife and slashed her face. Although the other party doesn't like herself because of her appearance, she doesn't believe in the dignified little Hou Ye, and she can still love an ugly monster.

Fortunately, this was just impulsive. Fu Qiuning thought that if she really disfigured her, then she would be too sad to be the first self-harming heroine in the house fighting. Moreover, not only would Jin Fengju not be able to face an ugly monster at that time, could it be that she? Can you face it? Even more scared the two children.

Because of left thinking and right thinking, there is nothing to do. Apart from hating Jin Fengju for failing to keep his promises and pressing on every step of the way, I also hate Jiang Wanying and others for the fact that there will be no wind and waves. All kinds of methods harm me. You are cold and smart, don't you know that I don't want to intervene in the fight for favor among you? How good would it be if we were all in peace like this?

   Why are you hurting me? This will only force me to be with Jinfeng, do you understand?

   In fact, Jiang Wanying certainly did not understand this truth. But she also understands that this is the world of men. As long as Jin Fengju wants Fu Qiuning, Fu Qiuning must rely on him no matter what he wants. Therefore, the decision is in the hands of Jin Fengju, never in the hands of Fu Qiuning. She wants to monopolize her husband’s favor. You have to get rid of Fu Qiuning. After all, she is different from the Xu Huo family. Not only does she have a higher status than herself, but even the status in Jin Fengju’s mind is gradually equal to her. If this continues, who can guarantee that she will not become a cousin in the future? The only woman in my heart?

   Finally, Jin Fengju was still acquainted in the past two days, but he didn't come to the evening wind. But he was just too busy, and didn't know that if he came to Wanfengxuan, he would be used by Fu Qiuning to vent his anger.

   After a few days of busying, I finally got down to leisure. Therefore, after going to the old lady Jin that morning, Jin Fengju couldn't wait to come to the night breeze.

Walking in the Yuchui Garden, suddenly I saw a big gecko lying on the rock. Jin Fengju couldn't help but wondered: "This solar term gecko has come out?" As he said, he walked forward and grabbed the big gecko. In his hand, he showed it to Jin Ming, and said with a smile: "Look and see, this head is not small

Woolen cloth. "

Jin Ming also smiled and said, "It's really strange. I haven't seen this thing at this time in previous years. I went to Qingwan Pavilion to deliver satin, and I saw one lying on the wall of the courtyard. At that time, the girl Qiuxia screamed in terror. I picked it up and threw it out from a distance. It’s just that the one in my hand today is bigger than that one. Could it be that gecko? Because there is too much food in our house, it’s too much to eat. It takes two or three days. So big?"

Jin Fengju laughed and scolded: "It's really nonsense. What Bishu eats is mosquitoes and the like. Now everything is resuscitated, most of those bugs have just emerged, and the mosquitoes don't even have a shadow. Where can they be eaten?" While talking, she frowned and said softly: "You said Qiuxia screamed in fright?"

"Isn't it? I didn't expect that girl Qiuxia was too courageous in Su Ri, so I was afraid of this little thing." Jin Ming took the big gecko from Jin Feng's hand, and was about to throw it away, just listen to Jin Feng's move: "Don't throw it away, take it to Qiu Ning for fun."

"Master, don't be kidding, give this to grandma? Grandma won't be scared to hide from you?" Jin Ming widened his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but saw Jin Fengju smile slightly: "If she is scared, You can throw this gecko anywhere in the yard.

   Jinming was stunned. He didn't know what kind of medicine he sold in the gourd, but he woke up immediately, secretly funny in his heart, and he was really hardworking in order to force grandma to move to the backyard. Tsk tut, so is grandma, can you beat the master? It's better to move in earlier, everyone is so happy, you have to use these methods.

While thinking about it, I came to the Wanfengxuan. Yujie and Yuniang were folding bottles in the courtyard. Fu Qiuning was sitting on the porch, wearing a light green spring shirt, watching them quietly and elegantly. The painting is like a lady.

   I know that as soon as this chapter comes out, I will definitely be scolded. Among them are adults who have given me a reward and a pink ticket. I am very helpless in this situation. You have already determined that Feng Ju is a scumbag. No matter how I write it, you all think I am a whitewashed man. You can't see what he does for Qiu Ning in his daily life, and spurn his three wives and four concubines by the standards of a modern man. So in your heart, Qiu Ning has always been like a stone, and let Feng Ju chase after him for a lifetime. This is in line with your intentions.

   As long as Qiu Ning has a slight move to Fengju, you can say that she is soft, and that she is the Virgin, unpromising and disgusting. But elder sisters, "Xian" is the word, I am writing romance novels. The male lead and the female lead always want to be together, and Qiu Ning always wants to be emotional. So soon it will be the husband and wife Qinse Heming, facing each other together. The future is beautiful. For adults who don’t like, I can only say sorry.*)

   Although I am destined to be scolded, I firmly believe that there are still adults who have been waiting for this day for a long time, so I still reached out for pink tickets and recommended tickets. La la la...

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