Higher Level Wife

Chapter 126: : The wind does not stop

"It's just the spring breeze. It's not pregnant with a child. What do you make up for? Go to court soon, don't be stinged here." After Fu Qiuning finished speaking, he was about to get up again, but listened to Jin Feng's behavior: "Okay." , Then I will go to the court when I wash up. You can sleep for a while and don’t get up. I won’t eat here this morning."

"How can I do it? Isn't it hungry? Who knows if there is anything going on in the early morning? What if I have to wait until midday? Is it always hungry?" Fu Qiuning insisted on going to the kitchen to make a bowl of sweet porridge for Jin Fengju and cooked it. Salted Duck Egg, made a few more side dishes, watching him eat it, and lingering with himself in every possible way, only then left under the continuous urging of Jin Ming.

Looking back, Yu Niang and Yu Jie also got up. It was too early for Jin Feng to lift up the court, so neither of them caught up. Now seeing Fu Qiuning personally served, I couldn’t help but blame myself very much, but saw that my grandma’s eyebrows and eyes were full of corners. The spring was full, and the two of them couldn't help being surprised. Could it be that Master Xiaohou and grandma were finally together last night? This is really a good thing, how did grandma figure it out?

After all, Yu Niang was clever, she pretended to clean up and walked into Fu Qiuning's bedroom, and only when she saw the stained red sheet on the bed, she finally determined what she thought, and she couldn't help but surprise: "Grandma..." Exit, but I don’t know how to pick it up. Do you want to say congratulations to you and Xiaohouye for finally having **** last night? This is too explicit. Other words such as love of fish and water, love of sex, and the like, are all explicit. After talking for a long time, I finally said: "Is it time to sing, "Should I sing "The husband and wife will return home ,NS?"

Fu Qiuning laughed with a "pounce". Fortunately, I just drank the water. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will come out at this time. The rain step is still standing there, not understanding, and said dazedly: "What's the husband and wife returning home? Right? Nowadays, except when Xiaohou is here, doesn't grandma stop singing all the time?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Yu Niang reaching out her hand and pointing to the kang quietly. She suddenly realized that she ran over to take a look, and listened to Fu Qiuning leisurely saying, "What's so beautiful? Don't you have such a day in the future? Yu Niang, Help me collect the list. I'm afraid it will still be useful these days."

"What's the use?" Yujie happily helped Yuniang to fold up the bed sheet, and put away the blood-stained mattress, and put on a new mattress. Looking back, I saw that Qiu Ning had simple hair. The site was finished with a bun, and a pearl hairpin was inserted on it. I couldn't help complaining: "Master Xiaohou gave so many jewellery. Grandma hasn't worn a point yet, but want to make those Feng Chai even eat the dust?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Do you like it? I will give you a copy when you get married. I have prepared the share for Yu Niang when she gets married. Only in this way can you not be in vain for all these years and you have shared the tribulations with me and survived these hardships. Day." Turning around and standing up: "Today I tell the people to clean up everywhere. If I expected it, it will be as short as three days and as long as five days. This evening, Fengxuan is afraid that there will be one It's a lively show."

"What do you mean by grandma? But what is the use of letting us put the list away just now?" Yujie's eyes widened, and Yu Niang was calmer than her. After only a brief thought, she worried: "Does grandma know what? Is it possible that Mrs. and Granny Wan are going to do anything against you? But where is there to catch them now?"

Fu Qiuning sneered: "If you have the intention, you can naturally find a handle. You don't have to worry, just as usual. Just wait for the hot lot to come, let's take a good look at Granny Wan's methods, and it's not in vain to be here. In a game of wealth and nobility, it is necessary to carefully learn how these women frame up the fight."

Yu Niang and Yu Jie were relieved when they saw her look like a bamboo on their chests. He giggled and said: "In that case, we will accompany grandma to watch this good show." While talking, the three of them went out together. At that time, people and brother Jin Zangfeng both got up, and Qiu Ning let them eat. He personally helped organize the schoolbags, and Fang sent the four children to school. Then turned back to Yujie and said, "You pack two packs of the desserts you made yesterday. Please go to the ancestors later. She likes to eat crispy sweet pastries every day, so you can pack sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and almond pastries. Some."

Yujie agreed, and here Qiu Ning went back to the house to continue to describe the flowers. Even if she went to the Kangshouyuan in Suori, she would never go early, because she didn't want to collide with Mrs. Jiang Jiang Wanying and others. Anyway, the old lady. Nor can I blame her for being late.

She didn't know that the Kangshouyuan at this time was not lively at all.

In the original hustle and bustle of the old lady's room, only Madam Jiang and Jiang Wanying were left talking in front of the old lady.

"Really? There is such a thing? I don't think it should be? Seeing that Fengju and Fu are very good these days. If you haven't done a husband and wife ceremony, where can you be respectful?" On the couch, the old lady dialed slowly While holding the tea cover, Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Wanying had just sent off their subordinates, and then personally told her that Fu Shituo had refused to have **** with Jinfeng until now. The old lady knew in her heart that this was the daughter-in-law and grand-daughter-in-law who would not give up. , The second method used to drive Fu Qiuning out of the house.

In fact, the old lady knows the matter in her heart, and she can tell at a glance whether a woman is a virgin.

Therefore, it seemed like a mirror in my heart that the grandson must have not had **** with Fu Qiuning yet. However, in this matter, the grandson was originally ashamed. Since he didn't care, he was happy to open one eye and close one eye. But how can the elderly be unbiased? Therefore, the old lady had also inadvertently persuaded Qiu Ning a few words insincerely, but it was not very effective, so they simply let their children toss themselves and stop intervening. At this time, hearing Madam Jiang and Jiang Wanying's words, she seemed calm on the surface, but she was taken aback in her heart.

"This matter is absolutely true. Grand-daughter-in-law dare to use her head to guarantee. Old lady, you have always seen how your cousin treats Fu, but you don’t expect her to be so generous. No matter how your cousin treats her in the past, It was a cause and effect planted by her parents, and her husband should never be blamed. Not to mention that her cousin is obedient to her and pampers her very much, but if she has a conscience, she should be grateful and abide by the wife's way. She is pampered and proud. Using the idea of ​​estrangement in the past as a threat, this kind of snake-hearted is really hard to keep. I shouldn't say this to reason, it's just... it's just that my cousin is embarrassed."

Jiang Wanying finished speaking angrily, and Mrs. Jiang faintly said beside her: "Yes, those things in the past will be forgotten. She shouldn't be absolutely wrong, she shouldn't ignore her husband's wishes and hold resentment, such a woman Don’t say that she is the daughter of the eldest son of the Zhenjiang Prince’s Mansion. Even if it is an ordinary official’s family, the Guogong Mansion can’t tolerate it. So the daughter-in-law came here to ask the old lady for instructions, and see how to deal with this matter.”

Old lady Jin sneered: "Aren't you all planning in your heart? Why bother to ask me? Now you are in charge of the affairs in the mansion, and you are naturally taking care of this matter." After falling, both Madam Jiang and Jiang Wanying's faces were white at the same time, knowing that this was because the old lady was dissatisfied with their private opinions. However, in order to get rid of Fu Qiuning's thorny eye, even if he offends the old lady for a while, he still can't take care of it. The big deal will slowly coax her to change her mind in the future. In any case, they are all in the family, and it is impossible for the old lady to ignore the love of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

So Madam Jiang stood up and said, "Yes, since the old lady is unwilling to take care of this matter, my daughter-in-law and Wanying went to ask that Fu, if she is really finished, Feng Ju won't need her to serve from now on. Tangtang A Master Hou, where can she be turned away from a woman?" He turned around and left.

Suddenly, the old lady behind him said indifferently: "Wait a minute, have you asked Feng Ju about this matter? It was Feng Ju who told you that he and Fu had not done the ceremony of husband and wife?"

Madam Jiang stiffened and turned back respectfully and said: "It was Wanying who asked Fu, she also showed off this as a merit. She probably consciously thought that riding on her husband like this was very beautiful. The old lady thought about it. How can such a frivolous and superficial woman be qualified to be the daughter-in-law of the Guogong Mansion? As for Fengju, what does the old lady do not know? He is now making that woman so confused, he has lost his identity and still doesn't know it. Can you still count on him Zhen Fu Tsun?"

"I think it's better to ask Fengju about this matter. Otherwise, if he comes back, wouldn't he complain in his heart? You should also be clear about whose contribution our government can have today. He is not only your son now. , And even more importantly, Master Hou, it’s always wrong for you to dispose of his daughter-in-law without asking him a word~www.wuxiaspot.com~."

After drinking the tea, the old lady Jun Youyou said to Luo Cui on the side: "Take my cloak. I haven't gone out for some days, and my legs and feet are a little bit painful. It doesn't matter, since this stall has happened, I will personally with you. Take a trip. If Fu does not repent, let alone you, even I can't tolerate her."

Madam Jiang and Jiang Wanying were stunned together, but after another thought, it was okay to secretly say this. They knew that Fu Qiuning was a person who would rather not bend. She refused to have **** with Jinfeng. There would be no other reason besides resentment. Now that he and others come to ask about crimes, it's like persecution. With that woman's personality, she would rather be put out instead of bowing her head. She answered that she should use the terms of serving Jin Fengju to replace her for the rest of her life.

Speaking of, Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Wanying's character positioning of Fu Qiuning is quite accurate. However, the omission is that they never expected that Fu Qiuning was also moved by Jin Feng's move. I have always insisted on refusing to have **** before, but I forcefully suppressed the growing feelings in my heart. Unexpectedly, being persecuted by them this time, they urged the other party to follow the boat along the water, and Jin Fengju's husband and wife turned from a misleading couple into a veritable couple. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (iancwm) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. The storm is coming again, but Qiu Ning will still be strong, roar, can he make his wife better? HahahaContinue to ask for pink tickets, recommended tickets, la la la······

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