Higher Level Wife

Chapter 138: : Important

   Little Houye ran to Wanfengxuan frequently these past two days, but he didn't spend the night here, but what must be done at night? Look at the dark circles under the eyes, they seem to be painted with ink. Although you have a heavy responsibility and the emperor's expectations, you should also take care of yourself. You are the pillar of the mansion of the country. "Fu Qiuning sat down opposite Jin Fengju, seeming to persuade her with diligence, but when Jin Fengju looked at her smile, she always felt that she was a pun in her words.

So he coughed, and said in his words: "It's okay to be busy, but there are too many things to worry about. Nothing else. Just talk about you, Qiu Ning. Living in this evening wind xuan is my heart trouble. , When you are willing to move to Fengya Building, I can let go of the big stone in my heart. Alas!"

"Even Fengxuan these few days is indeed a bit strange." Fu Qiuning nodded with a sensation: "The snakes first came out at this time. It usually takes nearly half a month to see them. Then these two days. Haunted again at night, the ghost was even more ridiculous. At first, I said it was the wronged soul in this yard, but I remembered that the master told me that the concubine in this yard was clearly dead in Shentang. I asked her if she had gone to the wrong place. , She only asked, she went away without saying a word. It can be seen that she really found the wrong place. Lord said that it is funny or not? Is there such a confused ghost in this world? Especially a ghost who is not dead and grieving, she She can't even remember where the people who killed her lived."

   Jin Fengju was still shocked on the surface. In fact, he was sweating early, and nodded: "Qiu Ning, what you said is correct, it is a bit abnormal. However, this Wanfengxuan is a restless life after all, it is better than..."

Before she was finished, she was interrupted by Fu Qiuning. She smiled and said, "What's the matter? The concubine feels that, as a result, the evening wind hall is a bit more lively and cold. Fortunately, the master is sympathetic and dials this. Many people are here to serve, and now there is such an interesting episode again. I live well, Xiaohouye don’t make any more ideas."

   Jin Fengju sighed dejectedly. He understood that at this point, whether Fu Qiuning had seen through these tricks he was playing, this action ended in complete failure.

"Lord, do you want to go out today?" Seeing Jin Fengju unknowingly drank a cup of tea, Fu Xianning refilled another cup for him, but listened to Jin Fengju gritted his teeth and said: "I won't go out, I left my beloved wife in the cold these days. Tonight should also be gentle and gentle." Hem asked you to give me such energy, you must be drained tonight.

   Fu Qiuning's cheeks are reddish, but his eyes are not allowed to meet Jin Fengju with some vicious and revealing gazes.

Jin Fengju admitted that he really couldn’t think of any good idea to force Fu Qiuning to move out. After talking to the old lady, he only listened to the old lady dumbfounded. Finally, he had to give his grandson an idea: "Wanying has always come to the city. , You might as well ask her to help you think of a solution, but at this moment, listen to what you said, Qiu Ning has probably seen through the ghost that you are smashing. If you press too hard, it will not be beautiful.

Ugh! Your grandma has lived more than half of my life, and it is the first time I have met such a woman to reason. You, a young master, didn't have to be so accommodating, but now that you have her in your heart, you really can't do anything. "

   Therefore, Jin Fengju thought about leaving Jiang Wanying in the cold. There was another scene of two children crying on his shoulder that day. Although he knew that 90% of Jiang Wanying had instructed the children to cry in front of him, he felt distressed. So I went to Qing Wan Pavilion, but in the end, she was still a little cold. She only said that Jiang Wanying had messed up this time, and asked her to find a way to get Fu Qiuning to move out of Wan Feng Xuan, otherwise she would not forgive her.

   Jiang Wanying really suffered a huge loss this time, but fortunately, cousin finally got loose. .

   As for whether Fu Qiuning moved out of Wanfengxuan, we can still observe and observe. So let this matter go for the time being.

   After half a month, Jinpengzhan finally went to Jiangnan to take up his post. When he was leaving, Jin Fengju and Jin Luanfeng gave him two red envelopes each wrapped in ten thousand taels of silver. Needless to say, the two brothers were of the same mind. They used this action to tell him: There is money in your own family, don’t covet those black hearts. Salt merchant's. Others have also expressed their own opinions, not to mention.

   Liu finally left a pair of children in the mansion. He followed her husband to the south and brought a few Ji concubines. Aunt Han and Aunt Mingyan stayed in the mansion with their children. It's just that Liu didn't worry about entrusting the children to them. Fortunately, when the children were old, they lived in the Kangshouyuan of Old King Jin. It would be good if the servants would take care of them.

   Jinfeng lifted the court this day, Prince Rong grabbed his arm and said that he would not let go, saying that if he did not go to the palace today, the two would never see him again. Jin Fengju was helpless, and thought it was time to go and see, sister is not an unreasonable person, why is this time so reluctant?

   Brother-in-law is the prince after all, what does she want? Once this jealous sound is spread, it will not be easy to explain to the emperor and the queen mother.

  Because he was about to leave, he saw a little boy next to Jin Yu riding over on horseback. Before he could get off, he yelled, "Master Hou, go home quickly.

   "What's the matter?" Jin Fengju's face instantly paled, just looking at the look of the young man, it was obvious that this big event at home was not a good thing.

"Aunt and grandma were on the way back to Beijing, the whole family was robbed by criminals. I heard that Mrs. Feng and his uncle were killed on the spot, and the aunt and the ladies did not know their life or death. The old lady just passed out, and the second lady was crying like tears. The second master has gone to the outskirts of Beijing. He has already sent someone to find him. The master wants you to go back as soon as possible. Now Master Feng is anxious to go out and ask someone for inquiries. Regardless of the panting, he said the matter in one breath, and before finishing speaking, Jin Fengju and Jin Ming and even Prince Rong were shocked and dumbfounded.

"Brother-in-law" Jin Fengju only uttered one sentence, and Prince Rong understood it, and said quickly: "Go ahead and I will send someone out to help inquire." And then, the remaining Jin Ming also rushed to the Hou Mansion, only the little one who came to report the letter

  厮, really can't run, just sit under the wall and pant.

   Jin Fengju dismounted from the front of the mansion. At this time, the mansion was already overwhelmed by dark clouds, and from time to time there were weeping sounds from around. Jin Yanfang is a very good person. When she was a girl, she was gentle and generous, and she was loved by people. Now that she has been in such a catastrophe, many people can't help but shed tears. I want to know too, is it okay to be a woman in the hands of thugs?

   He hurried to the Kangshouyuan, only to hear the sound of crying from inside.

   Jinyu was also there at this time, but the mother and younger brother-in-law both cried and couldn't move, so the grandfather of the country didn't know what to do. Seeing his son coming in, the old man breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, "Fengju, now you are the backbone of your family. Think about it, how do you get this idea?"

   "Feng Ben...Feng Ju...Hurry up and find a way to save Yan Fang, I'm just a girl.

..." Madam Fang rushed over as soon as she saw Jin Fengju. Jin Fengju looked sad, and quickly supported her and said: "Second Aunt Qianzi takes care of her body. I swear that as long as Sister Fang is alive, no matter what she encounters If someone is rescued, my nephew will do whatever it takes. In the future, in this mansion, no one is allowed to wait for her slowly, and her nephew will shield her from all wind and rain, and she will surely make her life happy and peaceful. "This seems a bit abrupt, and it shouldn't be for Jin Fengju to say it. Jin Yanfang naturally lives in Jinshi's mansion when she comes back, and her parents are the masters. However, Jin Fengju understands that only these words can comfort Mrs. Fang the most. Mr. Feng and his son died tragically, but only the female family members were missing. Even if everyone didn’t say anything about their end, they would understand it. Even if they were rescued in the future, they would still have no face to live, even if they didn’t want to die. The family, in order to keep her name, had to force her to die, just as Fu Qiuning predicted that she would be taken home.

   So what Mrs. Fang is temporarily worried about is not her daughter's life. Since she was not killed on the spot, it means she should be alive. With the current forces of the Jin family, it is not impossible to rescue people.

   Her biggest worry ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was after her daughter was rescued.

   With a loving mother, she naturally hopes that her daughter will live well. But even her husband, she doesn’t know whether she can persuade her. After all, in the door of wealth, under the big hat of the “hundred-year-old family”, everyone must be prepared to sacrifice for their family and fame at any time. Prepare, let alone a woman who has lost her virginity.

   Now that Jin Feng gave a word, he took all of Madam Fang's worries. He is now equal to the soul of the entire government office. Although he is young and a nephew, even his father, uncle, brother and sister have to pay attention to his words. He said he wants to protect Jin Yanfang, even if it is father and uncle. To sell him a bit of face. In this way, the daughter's life is finally guaranteed.

   What's more, the uncle and husband may not be hard-hearted people. With Jinfengju, they would probably be happy to push the boat. This is not impossible.

After comforting Madam Fang, Jin Fengju came to her mother again. Although Madam Jiang was not as sad as Madam Fang, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She was using her kerchief to wipe her tears. Seeing her son came, she choked up and said, "I must have a good life. Method, save the people first before talking..." At this point, I can't say anything.

   "Yes, my son has to work hard in this matter, and mothers must not be sad. It is important to take care of your body."

Jin Fengju wiped her tears for her mother, and came to the old lady again, and shook her hand firmly and said: "Old ancestors, please relax. You can't help being sad at such an age. Everything has grandchildren, as long as Yanfang is still alive. , The grandson will definitely rescue their mother and son." The crying eyes of the old lady were swollen, and now she only knows that she nodded, but she couldn't say a word while holding Jinfeng's raised hand.

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