Higher Level Wife

Chapter 140: : Yewen

  "Fu Qiuning glared at Jin Feng, but saw him raise her eyebrows proudly. She knew in her heart that this was the other party's retaliation for her refusal to move into the Fengya Building, and she cursed inwardly that she would repay him, so she turned her head and refused to pay attention to him.

At the moment, Jin Yanfang and others had not come over, and the place to live was already planned. There were more than ten courtyards in the Yucui Garden. Except for the Fengya Building Jinfengju, which is the closest to the garden gate, was still privately reserved for Fu Qiuning, it was selected from other courtyards. Jiang Wanying immediately went to arrange the decorations, such as "Zin Yue Pavilion", "Qing Ning Yuan", "Yin Shui Tower", "Autumn Wu Zhai" and so on. There are more than a dozen of them, and there are more than 20 little maidservants, and more than 20 other maidservants. The rest are the maid-in-law and daughter-in-law. So they sent a few big maidservants named Jianfeng, Qiuyu, Qiu Shuang and two little maid windows huā. Bingling went to Wanfengxuan, and most of the rest was prepared for Jin Yanfang and others. Knowing that they are suddenly in trouble now, it is inevitable that they are in love under the fence, so they must be extra considerate and considerate. This is naturally what the old lady meant. Otherwise, Jiang Wanying might not be so enthusiastic.

The formerly neglected Yongcui Garden suddenly became lively. Hundreds of people cleaned up in the garden every day. Yu Niang Yujie had long been longing for this garden, but she did not dare to go in on weekdays for fear that she would not be able to get out. But I am not afraid. Pulling Fu Qiuning, the three of them have been soaking in the garden for two or three days. They didn't need them to intervene just because of the chores at home, but Jiang Wanying was too busy. But she is a person who shows off her talents. She is so busy that she feels complacent. She finally feels proud in front of Fu Qiuning. She secretly said that even if I can't drive you away, the inner house of the Yasukuni Palace is still in my hands. What? snort!

After being so busy for eight or nine days, everything was refreshed. The courtyards prepared to live in were even more exquisite and elegant. The scenery was beautiful. They were planted with various colors of huā plants, bananas and begonias. Pets were also put in, and even the bed tents were papers. Jin Fengju walked around and was very satisfied. At this time, he received a letter from Jin Luanfeng saying that he could enter the mansion early the next morning.

These days, as Jin Yanfang and others were discussing about Jin Yanfang’s entry into the mansion, Jin Fengju rested in the backyard, most of them in the Qingwan Pavilion. Nowadays, he has been thinking of Qiu Ning for a long time. . I haven't seen it for a few days, but Qiu Ning is also thinking in her heart. The couple's two little sisters win the newlyweds, and they accidentally linger in the bed in the middle of the night. Jin Fengju put his arms around Qiu Ning and said, "Go to sleep. My sister Ming Erfang enters the mansion, but I don’t know how busy she is. Remember to go to the Kangshouyuan early to help the ancestor arrange arrangements and persuade the elderly. She is getting older. , Can't help being too sad." Fu Qiuning said with a smile: "Well, I know.

Yes, in the past few days, I heard people chewing their tongues, saying that Master Feng’s two daughters were all overwhelmed by the country. They were originally going to go to the palace to accompany the king and drive, but the emperor hasn’t drafted in these years, so she lost. Chance……"

Before he finished speaking, he heard Jin Fengju sneer: "Have you heard that too? No. Speaking of this, Master Feng is almost a laughingstock in the capital because of this. He just wants to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix, and finally compares his two daughters with each other. Mound is now 18 or 9 years old, and he is not worthy of others. Originally, many aristocratic children wanted to ask for marriage, but he only wanted his daughter to enter the palace. Speaking of short-sightedness, this Master Feng is really the number one, thinking about him. Our family is married, if according to his calculations, we should also marry our two daughters into Prince Lie’s Mansion, Prince Hong’s Mansion. Although this is three boats, no matter who enthroned, even if he cannot be rich, He can always save his life, but he only stares at the emperor, thinking that he will be able to fly to the top of the sky. In the end, the two daughters also suddenly fell from the cloud and were about to be sent down by the fence."

Fu Qiuning couldn't help but smile: "I told you that those two girls were a country full of power, but you had a lot of trouble with me, don't you really understand what I mean?" Jin Feng curiously said, "What do you mean? Could it be that? Who do you have to propose to the two girls? This is because I underestimated you, thinking about how you can know some famous kid..." Before finishing talking, Fu Qiuning gave a light punch in the chest. , I heard her bitterly said: "I naturally don't know any famous children, but my husband has a bright future now, and he is also the most beautiful man in Beijing. He is not even thirty years old. If I were those two girls , It is inevitable to be tempted."

"You mean me and them?" Under the dim moonlight, Jin Fengju's eyes were almost staring, and then as if he heard the funniest joke, he smiled and slapped his thigh straight and said: "Qiu Ning, I am eight The child’s father, do you think I’m a young man with high spirits? Don’t say that I don’t have this thought at all. Even the two girls, they are proud and arrogant and wait until they are eighteen years old. You, you, don't think about it if it's okay." "My master is really arrogant." Fu Qiuning pursed her lips and rolled over in Jinfeng's arms, suddenly listening to her husband's secret joy! "Is Qiu Ning jealous for me? If so, it means you have a good husband in your heart.

   is really a good thing." Before finishing speaking, his lover slapped her on the shoulder and listened to her sneer: "Who is jealous of you? But after hearing people chewing their tongues in the past few days, even Aunt Xu and Aunt Huo have said this in front of me more than once. Grandma Wan is now refusing to pay attention to me. They were worried, they didn't dare to ask you, because I was stupid and bold, so I couldn't help but ask. "

   Jin Fengju thought, oh my wife, you are more than stupid and bold, you can swallow the sky with the courage? A woman who is not afraid of snakes or ghosts, let alone my Jinfengju, is the emperor and prince, those ministers who have read countless people, I am afraid that I have never met in my life, how lucky I am to meet you.

As he thought about it, he smiled and said: "You women are love-hearted. Here I will tell you. Not to mention that the two girls can't have the heart. Even if they do, I have always been cold-hearted and cold-hearted. What's more, now that I have you, this heart knows the taste of true love. Not to say that it is a posture of the country, that is, the Nine Heavens Fairy descended to the earth, I would never look at it again.,,

"Everyone has a heart for beauty." Fu Qiuning said with a smile: "If you are truly stunning, why don't you just take a few more glances? Is it because you are afraid that you will not have enough concentration, so you can't help but feel guilty at this time. ?"

Jin Feng gave her a white look, and sneered: "No matter what it is, it is nothing more than a pink skull. The hue is not charming, but most people are obsessed with it. I dare not say that I just see through the world and feel like water. I can still control this aspect. Otherwise, for so many years, there will be some beauties I have seen. If I am willing, I am afraid I can't live in this mansion anymore."

The husband and wife were talking, and suddenly heard the sound of clappers coming from a distance, Fu Qiuning said: "Unknowingly, three shifts have been made, hurry up and go to bed. You will have to go to court tomorrow." Fu Qiuning clasped his arms even tighter, and the black hair of the two of them was folded together on the pillow and twisted into one piece.

When it was not light the next day, Fu Qiuning got up, and after sending Jin Feng to raise her face, she called Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao, changed them to new clothes, arranged for breakfast, and then changed their clothes and brought them. Yujie and the maidservant Jianfeng came to the Kangshouyuan together. Because the marriage was approaching, Yu Niang stayed in Wanfengxuan to do needlework, and watched the little maidservants do the work by the way.

   As soon as I entered the Kangshouyuan, I saw that there were dozens of maids in the courtyard, all dressed in brightly colored new clothes, and they all gathered together and whispered. She couldn't help but feel a little dazed about marrying. Why is this scene so familiar? After thinking about it carefully, Fang suddenly realized: This is not the situation when Daiyu of the 3rd version of the Dream of Red Mansions first entered the Jia Mansion, but there were not so many maids at that time. Because I thought of this, I was a little bit emotional, and secretly said that the two daughters of Master Feng have a graceful posture, I wonder how it compares to the Daiyu played by Chen Xiaoxu?

"Mrs. Ning is here." The little maids standing by the door saw her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and they were busy closing the curtains, and Qiu Ning smiled and asked, "Are the ladies here?" "Already. Come here, the second grandmother Wan, Aunt Xu, Aunt Huo, Aunt Cui, and the grandma and Aunt Mingyan in the Second Old Master’s Mansion are all here. You are the only one left.” The little maid said, Fu Qiuning stepped into the door.

"My sister is late today, so tell me what I should be punished." As soon as I walked in, I saw Jiang Wanying greeted him with a smile like a huā, and his warm and politeness once again made Fu Qiuning embarrassed. For girls, if not, with this ability to bend and stretch, I am afraid it is not the Huaiyin Hou of this dynasty. Huaiyin Hou was Han Xin, and when he was in despair, he was humiliated by a rogue under his crotch. Later, he became a great general and became the founding hero of the Han Dynasty. Later generations used him as an example of being able to bend and stretch.

   Seeing that everyone's eyes are focused on him, Fu Qiuning naturally can't embarrass Jiang Wanying too much. Isn't it just better than acting? Who can't? Anyway, my grandma, I took a few acting classes back then. So he smiled and said, "I just said that it’s still early to get up today.

   It's because I came late, but there is one thing. I haven't lost my courtesy even if the far customer hasn't arrived. Is this still fine? "

After saying something, everyone laughed, and the He family came over and said: "Is it the Feng Brothers training people, look at his room, which one can't be eloquent? We usually feel that we can talk, with the younger brothers and sisters. In a comparison, they turned out to be clumsy mouths and cheeks."

   Everyone laughed again, and suddenly heard the maids outside said: "Here is here, grandma is back." Everyone immediately gathered their smiles, and for a while, there was silence in the big room, and everyone was staring at the door.

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