Higher Level Wife

Chapter 147: : The cleverness of the girl in the room

Fu Qiuning frowned and said, "Who will it be? No, it doesn't matter. I have to get through this machine right now. It's just how to think of a way? The master has to calm down. It will be messed up and it won't help. I complain about Rong. The prince and princess are also useless."

Jin Fengju said annoyedly: "Why don't I know what to think of? It's just that the saint is furious, and the brother-in-law is outrageously wrong. What can I do to make it up? It's impossible to think of it." Having said that, his tone calmed down and stood up. After pacing and taking a few deep breaths, I felt my heart settled even more. He glanced at the dim sum and smiled: "Did you make this? I didn't eat dinner tonight, but I feel a little hungry." After speaking, he put it together in his mouth, chewed and nodded with a smile: "Okay." eat."

  Fu Qiuning saw him start to eat snacks, and knew that he had calmed down, and he was sincerely admired in his heart. After all, this is a major event related to the honor and disgrace of the Yasukuni government and even life and death. It is already very difficult for Jin Fengju to adjust his emotions so quickly. Looking at the young man in front of him who was slowly eating snacks bit by bite, she couldn't believe that he was not even twenty-five years old.

   After Jin Fengju finished his dim sum, Fu Qiuning said hurriedly, "Should I ask the kitchen to bring some food? Dim sum can only be used to cushion the stomach. After all, sweet ones cannot be eaten."

Jin Feng raised his finger to tap the table lightly and nodded: "Alright, let Jin Ming go to the kitchen to see if there is any other food to warm up, don't bother to make it now." As he said, he sat down at the table, and Fu Qiuning saw his eyes gleaming. , Knowing that he probably had a calculation, he was relieved, and hurriedly opened the door to Jin Ming, who had been waiting outside, and said, "Master is hungry. Go to the kitchen and see what hot dishes you can bring."

"Hey, so good." Jin Ming was overjoyed, thinking about my mother, this grandma Ning really has a means, I just said that tonight, my grandfather doesn't want to sleep, even if you take me, you have to follow me. Who Knowing that she had been here less than an hour, the father actually wanted to eat. While thinking about it, Le Diandian personally went to the kitchen, picking up a few dishes that Jin Fengju liked to eat in Su Ri, and instructed the cooks to warm them up.

Jin Fengju was talking with Fu Qiuning, and when the food came, he stopped the topic for a while. After having dinner, suddenly saw that it was all dark outside, he couldn't help but quickly said: "Qiu Ning, it's dark. Go back to Wanfengxuan." Fear Feng'er and Jiao'er should be anxious."

Seeing him urging him to go back, Fu Qiuning had a bit of reluctance in his eyes. For some reason, he didn't want to leave. He thought for a while and said: "When I left, I already told Yu Niang to come over here. Now let Yujie go back and say Once I stay here, they will be able to take good care of Feng'er and Jiao'er. What's more, the Wanfengxuan is no better than before, with twenty or thirty servants. What's more to be afraid of? Yes, it's better to let the housekeeper Jin Send someone to send Yujie back."

Jin Fengju couldn't bear her either. Hearing this, he nodded and said: "Also, Jin Ming, you can go there for yourself. You don't have to come back later, just stay there for them all night, I'll let Cailian Biyu take care of her. That's it, let alone Yanxi Ximing and the others."

   Jinming agreed to go. Jin Fengju didn’t talk to Fu Qiuning here. He just sat in a chair and meditated slowly. For a long while, Fang said slowly, “Qiu Ning, this time I’m afraid you’ll have to trouble you to help me.”

   "Master, do you have any idea?" Fu Qiuning's eyes lit up, and then lowered his voice: "Do you want to use Prince Hong?"

   Jinfeng smiled, squeezed her face lightly, kissed her again, and then whispered: "I know I can't hide it from you. In that case, you might not be able to guess what I want to do?"

"I can't guess this. I just thought, at this time, the more muddy the water is, the better. Instead of letting Prince Lie grab the handle of Prince Rong and attack, it is better to attack them with a group of poisons. Take up the vigilance and compassion of the emperor."

Jin Fengju looked at her in admiration, stroked her hair and said with emotion: "It's a pity that my Qiu Ning has become a woman. If he is a man, I am afraid that he is not also the leader of the country." After that, he nodded and said: "Yes, it is. You must use Prince Hong to attack them. You do what I said." After speaking, he whispered in Qiu Ning's ear.

The more Fu Qiuning listened, the brighter her eyes became. When Jin Fengju finished speaking, she couldn't help but nodded and said, "How come I immediately thought about it. It's just that, in this way, will Sister Fang and the other girls feel uncomfortable? what?"

   Jin Feng lifted his head and sighed, "I can't care about it at this time. But they are in our house. No matter what we say outside, as long as we treat them well, it won't matter."

   Fu Qiuning nodded, and then suddenly said: "Master, I also have an idea. Although it is just a small matter and cannot be resolved, it may make the emperor arouse a little understanding of Prince Rong, and reduce his anger a little."

"Oh? Let's just listen." Compared to solving this big problem by himself, Jin Fengju prefers to watch Fu Qiuning make suggestions for him. This makes him feel that his wife has forgiven him for what he did in the past, and started to regard his wife as his wife. For Jin Fengju, this is a good phenomenon that inspires him.

Hearing Fu Qiuning finished his idea, Jin Fengju couldn't help but nod his head: "Well, it's a good idea. Okay, so let's do it. The husband and wife talked for a while, before not knowing it was three changes, Fang rested on the bed in the interior of the study. At this time, naturally, I didn't have the thought of turning over the phoenix. I just hugged each other with clothes, and felt a strange peace of mind.

   When Fu Qiuning woke up, Jin Fengju had already gone to court. She sat up, the picking lotus jade outside heard the sound, and hurriedly walked over with the basin, and smiled: "The master won't let us wake up grandma. He said that the night before I slept last night, let my grandma wake up and come in to serve. "Because they are Jin Fengju's general girls, their status is naturally slightly higher than that of ordinary girls, so they don't need to call themselves slaves.

"Yeah." Fu Qiuning agreed, stood up and washed her face, Cailian combed her hair, and said, "Why are there so little jewelry on the grandma's head? Didn't the master not reward you? Even if grandma doesn't like dressing up, she should Wearing one or two is the right thing. Otherwise, don’t you let those who have shallow eyelids look down on them? Besides, we should also hinder the steps of some caring people. Our father is only for a good life and a bright future. I don’t know how many so-called famous ladies look eagerly. Now."

While Cailian said, he said to Biyu: "Last month, I was rewarded for the sway of my Dongzhu. I haven't been willing to wear it yet. Let my grandma take it for now." There was a step inlaid with a dangling big Dongzhu. Cailian smiled and said, "Grandma, don't worry about it. No one has seen this step, so I won't know it is mine."

   Fu Qiuning knew very well in his heart that these two gang girls had the lowest status among Jin Fengju’s wives and concubines. But they can stay safely till now, naturally, they have a little means. What I said just now is to make myself more vigilant. As long as Jin Fengju does not add women, they will naturally have the opportunity to rain and dew. As for giving myself this step, it is not necessarily to set a trap for myself. The two girls in the room shouldn't have the courage, probably most of them show off. To be honest, this step is indeed a top-notch item. Thirdly, when Jin Fengju saw that he was wearing the steps he gave to Cailian, he would naturally think that they are better, and the truth of loving the house and the black would be more pleasing to the eyes of Cailian in the future.

   Fu Qiuning looked on coldly, seeing that Biyu was honest and taciturn. I couldn't help but laugh, thinking about what Cailian is doing with such a clever girl? Wouldn't Jasper, who had not been her smart mind, stayed with Jin Fengju for such a long time. It can be seen that Lord Hou knows what people do, and no matter how much he calculates, it is nothing more than a futile calculation. Thinking of this, she smiled, Ren Cailian shook her head and said nothing.

   went out to look at the sun in the sky, Jin Cangfeng and Jin Cangjiao should have gone to school by this time. Fu Qiuning was no longer anxious, even though it was late spring, there were no flowers under the fruit trees. However, the specially managed flowers in Yuchui Garden are blooming just right. With pavilions, towers, and small bridges and flowing water, it is really a step-by-step scene, which makes it uncomfortable to see.

   was walking, suddenly I saw a person standing by the pool in the distance, looking like the figure of Princess Rong Jin Yanqiu, Fu Qiuning "chucked" in his heart, and secretly said to my god, is it the princess who wants to die? Indeed, what happened today can be said to be caused by her self-willedness. As a result, both the family and her husband have fallen into an unprecedented crisis~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not surprising that she can have any extreme thoughts.

   Thinking of this, Qiu Ning hurried over and didn't go forward, but stood behind Princess Rong. As long as she sees her actions, she can come and hold her. But after standing for a while, I felt that I was probably too worried, maybe the princess just wanted to calm down. As soon as I thought of this, I saw Princess Rong turned around and saw her with a slightly surprised look on her face. Obviously, she knew that there was someone behind her, but she didn't expect it to be Fu Qiuning.

"It turned out to be you." But when she heard Jin Yanqiu sneer, she looked bad. Fu Qiuning remembered that Jin Fengju had said that this princess had a wealth of background, so she valued the concept of hierarchy very much. She felt that she was a person with a lower status. It's not worth talking to her. So even though she didn't rob Jiang Wanying of face, she still talked and laughed the next day, but she didn't even look at herself.

   But Fu Qiuning didn't care about this, she was slightly blessed and said: "I have seen the princess and empress."

Princess Rong saw that her attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and she was neither panicked nor complacent in front of her. It was very different from the women she had contact with in the daytime, and she was full of praise when she remembered that her brother mentioned her, thinking that she was originally an abandoned woman, but now she turned over. Having truly become Jin Fengju's wife, she despised those dislikes a bit in her heart, and added a touch of curiosity. In addition, all the people in the residence in the past few days, including Jin Yanfang who just came back, all came to persuade themselves, especially after the brother came back, the persuasion turned into a censure, even the old ancestors also blamed themselves in their tone. I don't know what it means. Only this Fu Qiuning, who didn't know whether it was because of his humble status or what, had never said a word in front of him, because of this, the anger in his heart eased even more.

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