Higher Level Wife

Chapter 153: : Falling into trouble

Fu Qiuning nodded and said: "So that's it, yes, the Lord said last time that there are spies of Prince Lie in the mansion, but have they been caught?" After finishing speaking, Jin Feng raised his head and said solemnly: "I have let Jin Ming tentatively test people out and secretly. Searching, but to this day, there is no utterance. This is really strange. I have never encountered such a thing. It shows how well this spy can hide. But it's nothing. Even spies, we act with integrity and we are not afraid. Give him a handle, don’t worry, go to bed, I’ll get up early tomorrow morning, but my grandmother will get up and serve."

   Fu Qiuning couldn't help but laughed, and shook his head: "Why is your tongue getting more and more glib now? It's clear that he used to be mature and serious."

Jin Fengju smiled and said, "Is this bad? I'm only in my twenties. My ancestors and my wife say that I am too old, but what should I do if I am not mature? Is that a place where people can easily get confused? After you were together, I felt that I had recovered a bit of youthfulness. This is very good. Even when I was a teenager, I never felt happy and happy in my heart like this."

Fu Qiuning got up and blew out the candle, and the faint moonlight came in through the window paper dimly. She looked at Jin Feng's handsome and innocent face, who was caged by the moonlight. She sighed softly in her heart. She was in a high position and echoed a hundred responses, seemingly beautiful. Unlimited, who knows that there are so many dangers hidden here, because I couldn't help but chanted slowly: "You don't see the white waves soaring to the sky and the leaves are in danger, and you are afraid of the late transfer of the boat. "

Jin Fengju muttered twice, her eyes flickering, staring at Fu Qiuning and said: "This is really a famous saying. It is hard for Qiu Ning to have such knowledge. Yuanhu is Jinzhou's Yuanyang Lake? These four sentences are like a conclusion. It should be returned. There is a front, why don't Qiu Ning say the whole thing?"

   Fu Qiuning suffocated, and was so angry that he couldn't give himself two mouths. He wanted to be shameless, really shameless. It's nothing more than pirating drama, you still steal poems, Fu Qiuning, Fu Qiuning. You are too shameless, what should I do? I forgot that this **** is Tanhua, he must be accomplished in poetry. Just rely on this sentence. You know that there is a verse before it, which is terrible. Are you going to memorize Yuanhu Qu? Ah bah, are you going to continue to be a literary thief? But if you say that you don't remember, you don't know whether this **** believes it or not, after all, you are a talented woman.

  Because he was distressed, Qiu Ning was really helpless when he heard Jin Fengju still questioning there. I had to say: "When I was a child in Zhuangzi, I heard a subordinate read a lot of words. At that time, I was not very old. Where can I remember? I thought these last four sentences were a bit interesting, so I kept remembering them until now."

   Jinfeng raised his eyes and looked at her shiningly. She seemed to know that she was prevaricating, but she didn't break it. She just smiled and said, "I only know today that the country village where Qiu Ning lives is actually a gathering of capable people, I'm afraid that your palace hasn't been like this yet. A well-educated scholar. Whenever I have time to spare, why not take me to take a look? Maybe I can meet some unqualified university students."

Fu Qiuning blushed, knowing that Jin Fengju had guessed it, but at this time, of course he could only die to the end, so after a few perfunctory words, he persuaded Jin Fengju to go to bed. At that time, there was also the sound of clappers outside. Thinking of getting up early and going to court, he stopped teasing Qiu Ning and went to sleep.

   slept until midnight, just listening to the rain outside, Jin Fengju opened his eyes, and seeing Qiu Ning also opened his eyes, he whispered: "Is it raining outside?"

   "Yes." Qiu Ning replied, and then whispered: "Spring rain is as expensive as oil, and there will be less rain this spring. This will be the next one, but it will happen. As the saying goes, spring rain is as expensive as oil."

Jin Fengju nodded, listened to the rain for a while, and laughed: "The emperor said a few days ago that there was little rain this year, and I was afraid that the year was bad. Now the rain sounds like it's not small. Now it's fine. Emperor Minger must be in a good mood."

Fu Qiuning knew that what he was thinking about was Prince Rong's affairs, so he smiled and said, "Yes, the saint is in a good mood, and even the sin of carrying Prince Rong is a bit smaller. Lord, go to bed, it's still early before dawn." Hearing Jin Fengju's agreement, he was seen closing his eyes in the dark.

   The weather in ancient times was really changeable, and when I slept, I still felt that the moonlight was pretty good, but in a blink of an eye, it actually rained. Fu Qiuning thought in a random manner, and suddenly remembered the phrase he loved very much: "The young man listened to the rain song upstairs, and the red candle was faint. The middle-aged man listened to the rain in the boat, Jiang Kuoyun was low, and the broken wild goose called the west wind. Under the house, there are stars on the temples, and the joys and sorrows are always ruthless, dripping until dawn before a tenure."

I thought in my heart, I couldn't help but burst into tears, and secretly said that I have passed through now, but I can't go back anymore. On the contrary, I am not as good as the traveler. . And me? I'm afraid that when I reach the temples, I can only leave a little bit before that step, and I will never see the asphalt roads and concrete forests of my hometown again.

As I thought about it, I couldn’t help feeling sad. I didn’t fall asleep again in the middle of the night. Seeing the clapper sound again outside, she pushed Jinfeng and said, “Master, I think it’s time to get up. It’s gloomy today. It's not dawn, but the hour has arrived."

   Jin Fengju got up and asked Fu Qiuning to help him clean up. Before he could eat, he hurried out with an oiled paper umbrella. Fortunately, he had a glazed lamp in his hand, so he was not afraid of being soaked out by the rain.

As he was hurriedly walking in the Yuchui Garden, he suddenly saw a flash of lightning flashing through the air, and then the sky rolled over the heavy thunder, his heart was tense, the secret road here is full of trees, there is a slight danger, and he hastened his pace because of his rush. , But saw another flash of lightning light up in the air, and then a thunder blast, and heard a "click", a tree with a bowl of thick mouth beside him was split in half by the thunder. Down.

Jin Fengju quickly flew back. Unexpectedly, he only concentrated on avoiding the fallen tree, but did not notice that there was a sharp-pointed stone behind him. He tripped down accidentally. He was very quick to react. , But couldn't grasp the balance of the body, the calf was deeply pierced by the stalagmites, and the blood flowed immediately.

   It was a thunderstorm outside, picking lotus and jasper in the study, just waiting anxiously, Jin Ming has been out to meet the master for some time, but still has not come back, why not worry the two maids? Now it's thunder and electricity, and the master is going through the garden again. What if something happens?

   was thinking about it, and saw that Jin Fengju was supported by Jin Ming and appeared in the courtyard. The two maids felt tight and rushed out in a hurry, "What's the matter? Lord, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, let the stone pierce it, Cailian Biyu will get me some salt water to wash the wound, and then I will go up to court." After Jin Fengju finished, he didn't know where it was caused, and it hurt again. She called, but her hands trembled with fright.

"Master, or just take a day off, you can see how you are like this, how can you go up?" Jin Ming looked bitterly at the wound on Jin Feng's calf, and muttered: "Besides, it's just the minions who will deal with it for you. This is not appropriate, I should call the royal doctor to have a look."

"Where did the nonsense come from?" Jin Fengju snorted, and said to Jin Ming: "Hurry up and prepare the sedan chair. In today's morning, don't say I just got one leg pierced by a stone. Even if I break both legs, I must Go. Well, the so-called way of mourning soldiers, maybe this is God's intention to help."

   Jinming heard him say that, he knew that his father had a plan, and he hurriedly agreed. He went out and arranged the sedan chair. The sedan chair was carried and dashed on the road. When he arrived at the court house, it was only a quarter of an hour before the morning.

   At that time, the ministers were chatting in the court room, and several princes with official positions were also here. Seeing that Jin Fengju asked his servants to help him in, I couldn't help being very surprised, and they were busy asking why.

   Jin Ming was not qualified to enter the court room, so he helped his master to sit in his seat, and he retired. Here, Prince Rong's face was stained with concern, and he asked how Jin Fengju made it like this? However, Prince Hong and Prince Lie's eyes flickered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are some schadenfreude in their eyes.

   Jin Fengju briefly talked about his own experience, and when it was time for the upper court, the ministers filed into the court hall under the leadership of several princes. At this time, it was obvious that Jin Fengju was embarrassed. He could only limp into the hall. Even so, he worked hard to do it. Otherwise, one-legged jumping is the most suitable way for him to walk.

The emperor sat behind the screen and kept it all under his eyes, frowning slightly, and hearing the **** chanting "The emperor is here", he walked out, sat down on the dragon chair, and the **** stood next to him and stepped out loudly : "There is an early play, but no retreat."

   How can there be no Ben? Several ministers stepped forward one after another and told something about it. At last, seeing no one stepped forward, an official from the censer came out and knelt down and said: "Tell the emperor, the minister wants to participate in the crime of laxity in the government. ."

   Jin Fengju's heart jumped, and a secret message came. On the surface, he made an extremely surprised look and suddenly raised his head to look at the Yushi. This person he knew, called Chu Daxiu, was a hard-core supporter of Prince Hong’s faction. It’s no wonder that Prince Hong gave him this task this time. To do it.

   "The door is not strict?" The emperor frowned almost impossible to find. He glanced at Jin Feng, and then said calmly: "What is the crime of laziness in the door? Let's listen."

   So Chu Daxiu told the story of the Yasukuni government’s house of innocent women. The ancients attached great importance to women's chastity. Even the famous family like the Jin family had no explicit requirements, but secretly the rules were that even remarried daughters were not allowed to appear. Therefore, Yu Shi said the crime of laxity, but he could barely justify it. RQ

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