Higher Level Wife

Chapter 159: : "Psychological Counselor" Fu Qiuning

   He said this, Fu Qiuning understood that he was afraid that some people would catch this matter and make a fuss, but only said that Prince Rong, in order to quell the incident as soon as possible, took the princess back, and would not hesitate to kill the hot potato. Anyway, how to deal with this prostitute was a difficult problem. In addition, Prince Rong returned to the house today. It seemed that Prince Rong was afraid of trouble and cruelty. I was afraid that the emperor would lose his judgment when he became angry. After the cannon fodder, even if the emperor turns his mind in the future and believes that there is something tricky here, he probably refuses to admit that he has wronged his son. If you make a mistake, you will definitely refuse to admit and repent.

Thinking of this, a heart could not help but hung up, and suddenly heard the sound of footsteps outside, and then a young servant said: "The young man has met Master Hou, mistress and grandma, and at the order of Chief Jin, I specially come to report to him. Girl Qiuju has saved her life, but she is still in a coma. She has been admitted to the palace and found an imperial doctor for treatment. The prince said that she understands the meaning of Lord Hou, please rest assured that Lord Hou can heal her wounds."

   Jin Feng lifted up and said: "I know, I'll report any letter again. Let's make a reward tomorrow."

   Xiaosi hastily thanked him. Here Jin Feng lifted a sigh of relief and smiled: "As long as you are alive, you don't have to worry about it. It's just my sister, I'm afraid I will be wronged, I don't know how resent me in my heart."

Fu Qiuning said nothing, and understood in her heart that this incident was originally a hot potato. I am afraid that Prince Rong did not know how to deal with it. However, because of this lot, the girl Qiuju was taken into the palace. If the emperor knew about this matter. , Of course, he can leave him with Prince Rong's true love and justice. For this woman and the fetus in his womb, the impression that the emperor will not be afraid of angering the emperor will also be accepted into the mansion, but in this way, the woman has a foothold in the palace. It is impossible for Princess Rong to send her out.

  Because he looked at Jin Fengju, he saw a trace of worry in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't understand the woman, and didn't know if she was really strong temperament, or deliberately stole the sachet of the maid, and then was discovered again.

   If this is the case, then this woman can be described as deep, I am afraid that Princess Rong will be troublesome in the future. But at first, this strategy is very risky. Once the maid is slower, she will go back to find the sachet later, I'm afraid she will really die. Even if the woman's scheming is deep, she may not have such courage. Secondly, Princess Rong also came from a big family. Mentioning these house fighting methods is definitely not an ordinary warrior. So Fu Qiuning thought about it, and let her down. She secretly said that Princess Rong and Wang Xifeng have a temperament that resembles that of Wang Xifeng. She is absolutely fine. Get it done.

After dinner came, Yu Niang did make a few fresh dishes, and I heard that Jin Fengju was thinking about shepherd’s purse boxes. Because there was no shepherd’s purse, she replaced it with baby spinach, and baked a few zygotes with meat residue. Sure enough, Jin Fengju After eating this bite, I also found it delicious, but Jin Yanfang and the others didn't have any thoughts. Although the dishes were novel, they only ate a few chopsticks and then put them down.

   But when I heard that it was raining again outside, it turned dark when I saw it. Fu Qiuning stood up and said to Jin Feng, "Master, lie down on the bed. It's late, I'll send some younger sisters back."

   Jin Feng lifted up and said, "Also, talk to them well.

   Tell the woman-in-law at the gate, that I am here, you went to the Zhenyue Pavilion, and asked Shangye Deren to check other places first, and then close the courtyard gate when you come back.

   Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "I also ordered this to be used, don't I know?" Jin Fengju smiled as he finished speaking, and said, "I know you know, but I'm just asking."

  Because a group of people walked out in their clothes, it really rained lightly outside. Fu Qiuning laughed and said, "I love rain and snow. Now that it’s light rain and there is no wind, I should hold an oil-paper umbrella, quietly walk through the flowers and trees, and walk across the bridge. It’s not picturesque. View?"

Jin Yanfang reluctantly smiled and said, "My sister-in-law is so interested. Isn't this the style of Jiangnan? When we were in Jiangnan, we happened to be on a rainy day when we were on a boat. The Jiangnan woman in the rain was holding a beautiful oily paper umbrella. , The willow green and red flowers are really different in the rain. It’s just that there is a long way to go, and there is no way to appreciate it."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "I didn't have the thought of appreciating at that time. I should have it now? I hurried into the Fengya Building now. I didn't prepare for anything. I will ask your brother to buy some beautiful oiled paper umbrellas to prepare them in the future. If you stay out to play on a rainy day, the scenery of this garden is not worse than that of Jiangnan. Although I am mediocre, but with you girls with outstanding appearance, just walk around in the garden, wouldn't the scenery be better than that of Jiangnan?"

   Jin Yanfang was moved when she heard that she was comforting herself. But my heart was still very heavy, and I stopped talking.

   The group of people returned to Zhenyue Pavilion in silence.

   Feng Yuanzhan and Feng Yuzhi came to salute when they saw a visitor. They also met a few aunts. The aunt Mei took them with them. It can be seen that the two children have a very good relationship with her.

"My brother and sister are familiar with this mansion when I want to come. I can let them walk around in a few days. What does my sister mean?" Fu Qiuning gave each of the two children a lucky and auspicious golden naked child. , And flicked again before letting Aunt Mei take them away.

When talking about the child, Jin Yanfang opened her brows slightly, and said softly, "Yes, it's time to go out, but I'm still a little worried, alas! Anyway, in this situation, I'm really moving around in the house, and I'm afraid it's not. So wishful.

Fu Qiuning knew what she was worried about, and smiled and said: "The saying goes well. The children of the poor take care of their families early. Why do the poor have more good children, but the rich have dandies? So, sometimes children should also be tempered and suffer. It’s okay to be a little frustrated. Look at my two children. If you talk about the situation, your second brother would like to have never given birth to them before. Isn’t he inferior to your brother and sister? What is it now? I still let them join the clan school. , Your second brother also likes what they like. Although it is said that this is all suffering, if there is no previous training, I am afraid that it will not be the same as now."

Jin Yanfang lowered her head and replied softly: "My sister-in-law said that children should be so." After speaking, she raised her head a little hesitantly, and said softly but firmly: "My sister-in-law said that I know the ins and outs of that, I want to know what happened. ."

   Fu Qiuning came secretly, yes, I went through it for a while, and I really became a psychological counselor. Only after enlightening the princess, now I am going to enlighten a few poor women under the fence. No, Jin Fengju has to give me a salary increase. Modern psychological counselors make a lot of money.

I thought to myself, but did not show any expression on his face, slowly lowered his teacup and said: "Listening to my sister, I must know the ins and outs of this matter. I just want to ask, even if I know it, even if it’s because of you, let that The official surnamed Chu participated in a book, what are you doing? Do you have to strangle yourself with a rope for the sake of the wind? With all due respect, now your brother has finished negotiating with others in the courtroom, you are here now It’s useless to commit suicide with a rope. So what should we do?"

   Jin Yanfang who said in one sentence was also stunned. She didn't have any ideas in her heart. After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and said: "Anyway, I...I just want to know the truth..."

"The truth is that the official surnamed Chu is shameless. He saw Prince Lie attending Prince Rong. He thought it was a good opportunity to get into trouble, but he did not hesitate to put his brains on you. In fact, these court struggles shut down our women. What's the matter? He is really shameless doing this. Do you still want to get yourself in because of such shameless people? Not to say that it is the daughter of Feng Mansion and Jin Mansion, which is the girl of ordinary people. There is no such foolishness."

After finishing talking, I saw Jin Yanfang biting her lip and tears in her eyes. Several girls from the Feng family were also sobbing there, listening to her choked up: "Then...what should I do? Now the second brother has been punished by the emperor for this. Stopped, we...we can't do anything but trouble him, this...what can we do?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "If you talk about this, don't worry about it. Don't you know the temper of your second brother? When you disappeared that day, he hurried back to the mansion. The first sentence was to tell the second wife that you are still alive. , I will definitely bring you into the mansion, and no one is allowed to say anything bad. It’s not that I praise my husband, my master’s knowledge, it’s not like the vulgar and hateful men of the world. Then I thought about finding and rescuing you, that’s really dedicated. Do your best.

   When the uncle found you that day, did he ever ask something that shouldn’t be asked? In those few days, from the old lady to the maids, they were all hanging on for you. I only look forward to your safe return, and finally I finally hoped. According to your second brother's mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this Yasukuni Palace will be your home from now on, and it will be your shelter from wind and rain. Speaking seriously, everyone in the world knows about you, where can there be no rumors? But have you heard one sentence in this mansion? These are all the painstaking efforts of the old lady, the second wife, your uncle, and the little Houye, for fear that you will be a little wronged and uncomfortable. It can be seen that it puts you in your heart. It's funny, all the civil and military people know this, but no one speaks. Originally, why should they worry about our housework? It happened that Chu Daxiu talked about it just to get to the bottom of the well. Don't you think, is your second brother the one who is willing to suffer? What's more, Chu Daxiu secretly slandered your innocence. It would be nice if he didn't fight the opponent in the court. Speaking of it, he is not an impulsive person. He has tolerated many things face to face, and then retaliated back later. But what is his impulse this time? Isn't it because it concerns you? When I came back, I took pains not to let a person slip my tongue, lest you worry about guilt when you know it. "

When she said this, she sighed, shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Seriously speaking, this matter is that I'm tired of my sister. If you didn't help me out in the afternoon, I'm afraid Ms. Wan would not hate it. It’s just that she is also jealous. Now your brother is angry with her and has left Qingwan Pavilion. It’s enough if she wants to come to her and learn the lesson, but the younger sister doesn’t need to take it seriously. As for your second brother being punished by the emperor, you don’t have to Take it to heart. Although it is a punishment, shouldn't he still be healed? The emperor is still facing him in his heart. He must be presumptuous in the court because of his anger. Maybe the public surnamed Chu will not be able to step down, so the emperor is deceived. In the face of everyone, it's not good to be too partial, so this story of bright rewards and dark punishments came out."

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