Higher Level Wife

Chapter 163: : Send off

Jin Fengju raised her eyebrows and glanced at Xu's, and she saw her rushing to Jin Zhenyi, and said bitterly, "Do you still dare to lie? Look at this big mouth, look at this blood, it's still leaking out now, you Think you can conceal this kind of injury if you want to lie? You almost killed our brother Yi. Fortunately, you are only nine years old. If you are eleven or twelve, you will have more strength, brother Yi. I'm afraid I'll be dead now, wooming..."

Jin Zangfeng panicked all of a sudden. He jumped up from the ground, but then bends his knees in pain, but he ignored his pain and pointed at Jin Zhenyi and said loudly: "You...you are talking nonsense, I didn't He broke his brother's head, and his head was just a big bag." He ran to Jin Fengju, pulling his sleeves anxiously: "Daddy, you believe me, the child really just threw the inkstone out. I wanted to hit my younger brother's arm, but he squatted to avoid him, but accidentally touched his head. At that time, he really just picked up a bag and didn't have so much blood. Daddy, Jin Zhuan could testify to the child."

"Bah, that's your follower, who naturally helped you lie. If you don't believe me, I will ask the other children. I really don't believe it. There are still people in this house who can cover the sky with one hand, and it won't be possible to buy everyone?" She said. He cast his fierce gaze on Fu Qiuning.

   Fu Qiuning remained calm, but looked at Jin Cangfeng with a concerned look.

   Jin Fengju didn’t seem to be moved by Jin Cangfeng’s cry, but turned his head to look at Jin Zhenxuan, and whispered: "Zhenxuan, come over and tell the matter well."

Jiang Wanying's heart tensed, lest her son get involved in this matter, one of them didn't answer correctly, and she was also tired. She hurriedly said, "How can children stand this kind of scene? I just want to let Xuan'er go out. I called the other children in the school to ask questions, it must be clear."

   Jin Fengju snorted and stretched out his hand to Jin Zhenxuan and said in a deep voice, "How can my son, Jin Fengju, be afraid of this little battle? Zhenxuan come over and tell his father how this happened."

Jin Zhenxuan walked slowly, glanced at Jin Zhenyi on the bed and then at Jin Zangfeng, before he lowered his head like an adult: "When you go back to Dad, Mr., let him play freely for a while, and his son felt that the school was also noisy. So I took the book and went to work hard under the big tree outside. Later I heard the noise, and my son didn’t care. When he knew about it, brother Zhenyi had been carried back, so from beginning to end, his son didn’t know. In the end what happened."

Jin Fengju looked at this six-year-old boy, and then smiled for a long time before nodding, "That's it, okay, let Xuan'er go out to play." After saying that, he didn't ask Jin Cangfeng anymore but raised his head and said to the door: "Has the imperial doctor come?"

   But I heard Jin Ming said: "If you return to the Lord, I haven't come yet... Ah, here I am, I just entered the courtyard gate."

   Jin Fengju said to Mrs. Jiang: "Mrs. and Qiu Ning Wanying, please go into the back room. Let the doctor show Zhenyi the injury first.

  Mrs. Jiang was playing drums in her heart, always feeling that her son's eyes were cold and penetrating. She glanced at the Xu family, and thought to herself that this matter must have been caused by her, but it didn't seem to be flawed, so why did Fengju seem to be cruel? Could it be that he saw any way? "

Mrs. Jiang still knows her son’s cleverness very well. Even the Xu family couldn’t help playing drums at this time. After all, Jin Zhenyi’s head injury was processed by her, and she only wanted to arouse Jin Fengju’s sympathy and anger. , I didn't find a doctor before and didn't wash Jin Zhenyi's face, and it seemed to be a bit showing off.

   When I thought of this, my heart became even more disturbed. Then I heard a full-sounding voice outside, but it was the visitor to Master Xiaohou. Everyone knew that this was the imperial doctor.

Fu Qiuning shook Jin Zangfeng's hand and sneered softly, "Feng'er, don't be afraid, the real can't be faked, and the fake can't be real. The wound was hit by you, or it was repaired somehow later. Your father might not be able to see it. It doesn’t mean that the imperial doctor can’t see it either."

   Xu's face suddenly turned pale, biting his lips tightly, and when he was about to rush out, he only felt that his calf trembled, and he couldn't move even half a step. Madam Jiang and Jiang Wanying on the other side only heard Fu Qiuning's words, and when they looked at her complexion, their hearts became clear.

Sure enough, I heard Doctor Li’s voice outside with a smile and said: "A little injury, don’t worry, let my brother touch a sharp weapon like a knife and awl in the future. My brother is still young. Fortunately, I just made a hole today, just in case. What hurts the eye is not for fun."

   Jin Feng lifted up: "Doctor Li said that the wound was cut by a knife? Isn't it the inkstone touch?"

There was no sound outside for a while, and after a while, I heard Doctor Li’s voice sounded: "Brother, this forehead is red and swollen. I think it is the inkstone that Xiaohou said just now. The children in the school are all naughty. The two grandsons of Qian'er Liang’s fighting were also throwing inkstones. The injuries were heavier than this. Not only did they become red and swollen, they became blue, and bloodshots were bleeding. This is not a problem. It can be seen that the subordinates showed mercy. Well, my brother is joking. I don’t need those cruel hands. It’s just that my brother was out of luck. After he put the bag on this head, he somehow injured the knife. Although blood was still oozing, the wound was shallow and it didn’t matter. Master Xiaohou is relieved, apply some herbal dressings, change the medicine every seven days, and it will be better in half a month, and the scars will not be left. The next official will pack the ticket for you."

   This old Chinese doctor seems to be a funny one, otherwise he wouldn't talk so much because of a wound. It's just that the speaker had no intention of the listener's heart. In the inner hall, the Xu family was so scared that his legs were weak. If he hadn't been holding a chair, he would have been sitting on the ground at this time.

   Next, Jin Fengju and the doctor Li said something more, Xu didn't hear all of them. She only knew that she was finished. Recalling the coldness and mockery in Jin Fengju's eyes at that time, she finally knew what a stupid thing she had done.

   At last, the outside was completely quiet, and the doctor Li was sent away, and there was a sound of tapping the table gently. It was Jin Feng holding up and tapping the table gently with a fan.

Mrs.    Jiang glanced at Xu, sighed, and walked out first, and then Fu Qiuning and Jiang Wanying also walked out.

   "What else do you have to say?" Jin Fengju looked at the last one who walked out, and he seemed to be unable to hold Xu, and asked coldly.

"Father, it's not the mother's business, it's the child himself... It's the child who refused to accept his brother's entry into the clan school, so... that's why I thought about this strategy." Jin Zhenyi, who had been lying on the bed in a dying state, suddenly sat up and jumped off. Coming to the bed, knelt beside Jin Fengju and said loudly.

"The strategy you want?" Jin Fengju's eyes were stern: "You have this motive at a young age? And you went to school with a knife? Don't you think I don't know the rules of the clan school, except for wood. Apart from practicing some kung fu with swords, can't I bring sharp weapons?"

   Jin Zhenyi's shoulders shrank, but his eyes refused to retreat, and he said loudly: "Yes, the child has been planning for a long time, so...just beg your father to punish the child, it's none of your mother's business."

   "You planned it for a long time?" Jin Fengju sneered: "In that case, how did you irritate your brother? Tell me about it."

Jin Zhenyi froze there all of a sudden, opened his mouth, but could not speak, but listened to Jin Fengju and said coldly: "Zhenyi, you only have one chance. If you let me know that you still lie to me, don't blame it. Daddy is not polite to your mother, let me remind you that your brother is not a person who can't help being angry. I don't know what you did to him in ethics in Su Ri Li.

   So even I am very curious about how you irritated him this time. "

   Jin Zhenyi's head drooped suddenly, and he whispered: "I..."

"Lord, it's not about Brother Yi's business. This is all concubine being confused. Concubine shouldn't be jealous of grandma being favored. That's why he came up with such an idea. Father Mingjian, this has nothing to do with Brother Yi." Suddenly snatched it out, knelt in front of Jin Fengju and kept kowtow.

"Finally, as a mother, you haven't completely wiped out your conscience." Jin Fengju looked at her coldly: "Brother Yi hasn't passed his seventh birthday, what does he know? You can say Su Rili's disobedience to Feng'er. Isn’t this what you instigate in his ears on weekdays? A mother like you doesn’t know how to educate children in harmony and love, unity, but only knows to instigate separation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to fan the flames, even to frame Qiu Ning mother and son, even Your own son doesn't hesitate to start, what qualifications do you have to be a mother of two children?"

"Lord, it's the concubine who was wrong, and the concubine knew it was wrong. I beg the master to spare the concubine this time. I won't dare to dare again next time, and never dare to do it again..." With tears streaming down his face, Jin Fengju's harsh words and Xu's actions completely frightened Jin Zhenyi, who had been a prostitute since he was a child. After all, he is a child less than seven years old. What can he have? When I saw my father and mother like this, I couldn’t help but panic. He knelt and climbed a few steps to come to Jin Fengju and cried loudly: “Father, it’s the child’s fault. It should be said that her Shougongsha was following someone else... With a "pop", Jinfeng lifted a slap and broke the folding fan in his hand, and the table trembled a few times under his strong force. After all, he was not a master of martial arts. , So this table of Eight Immortals finally escaped the fate of falling apart after shaking for a few times.

   "You shameless woman."

Jin Fengju yelled in anger. No one in the room, including Fu Qiuning, had seen him so angry. For a while, he was a little frightened. Except for Fu Qiuning who barely remained calm, even Mrs. Jiang tightened his hands. Clutching his chest tightly.

"It's hard to stay, I will never leave you in this mansion to harm you." Jin Feng's body trembled, and shouted outside: "Jin Ming, Jin Ming, send two mothers-in-law and daughter-in-law, and send her away. Go to Zhuangshang, and from then on, you are not allowed to step into the Yasukuni Palace. Have you heard?"

   What is Jinming thinking? Let me do this errand? But I had to agree, but fortunately, picking the lotus jade and knowing the opportunity, he quickly came out of the house and started arranging candidates.

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