Higher Level Wife

Chapter 168: : Indifferent

  As soon as the voice fell, Jin Zhenyi stood up suddenly, pinched his small fist and turned red and shouted, "What are you going to do in her room?"

Jian Feng's coldness made him startled, but then he calmed down and smiled and said, "It's okay to think about it, but it's because Young Master Yi and Third Girl arrived for the first time. These people are not familiar with Fengya Building. Under one roof, so I have to say something, Master Yi, don't worry."

   Jin Zhenyi's face rose even more red, and said bitterly: "Worry? What am I worried about? I don't believe it. She dare not eat me? Hmph, although my mother is no longer there, but father is still there."

   Jianfeng smiled and said, "That's what I said, so..." She paused, raised her tone a little, and waved her hand outside: "Please."

"Hmph, the little master is not afraid of her, but why should the little master go to see her? If she has something to say, let her come to see us." Jin Zhenyi raised his head, looking provocatively at Jian Feng with big eyes. The maid did not speak, her head was lowered on the surface, but in fact she was waiting to see what Jian Feng would do next.

However, I saw a sneer on Jian Feng’s face, and the original harmony was missing in his voice, and his voice was clear and bright: “It’s not just because our grandma is Xiaohou’s wife, even if it’s Aunt Xu today. Here, grandma calls her to come over, because she is afraid that she is unwilling, so she has to come here too. If the young master and the girl don’t want to go there, it’s okay. Grandma is also very quiet. Originally, she didn’t agree with Master Xiaohou to send you over. Little Hou Ye said that the old lady and his wife are not in good health and can't help the children making noise. If you are sent to Qingwan Pavilion or Mianxiaxie, I am afraid that you will be bullied..."

When she said this, she saw Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan's eyes flicker, and they were even more clear in their hearts, so she calmly continued: "Aunt Cui and Yuelan could have been there, but they were in their situation. The young master and the third girl do not necessarily understand, they are the most honest. In the future, the young master girl will not say that she has gotten into trouble, even if she is angry, I am afraid that there will be no one who can help you, so the young master wants to think about it. I knew that our grandma didn’t want to, so I sent you here. To tell you the truth, my grandma had a headache just now, and it was a little stronger now, so I asked me to call. If the young master and the third girl insisted In the past, naturally it will be with you."

After she finished speaking, she made a gesture to leave. Suddenly, when she saw that the maid hurriedly came forward and pulled her sleeves, she said with a smile: "Sister, don’t worry, the young master and the girl are also a little sad because Aunt Xu has left. Besides, how can I go to see my grandma without changing clothes? Let's wait until we help to tidy up."

Jian Feng nodded and smiled and said, "That said, I'll go now. If you want to come, tailors should also come. Qianer's money for making clothes for the maids is still in my hand. I want to give them." Curled away. The maid here just breathed a sigh of relief, when Jin Zhenyi in the room smashed a cup severely, and exclaimed, "What is she? Entering this Fengya Building, even a maid would dare to talk to me like this, what is she? ?"

   Seeing this maid rushed back, Jin Xiunan also began to cry. Jin Zhenyi said bitterly: "Bai Lu, why are you servile to her like that? We Hemingxuan is not dead, and father didn't take it back. I don't believe it. Without her, we would not be able to live? Hmph, I'm afraid that if she were not for her, my mother would not end up where she is today."

The eyes of the maid named Bailu were also red, and she hugged Jin Zhenyi and said, "My master, don’t you hear that people have to bow their heads under the eaves? Why did the aunt leave the servants? I went to the Zhuangzi alone? Not because Do you really remember the young master girl? The attitude of the cut Feng just now is considered good, otherwise you will go to Qingwan Pavilion and Mian Xia Xie, as she said, if you go to Aunt Cui and Yuelan, they If you are too busy to take care of yourself, how can you take care of us? Master, when you listen to the slave and maid’s words, you should bow your head when you should lower your head. Those who hate and hate, just keep it in your heart. When you grow up in the future, if you can hold this The right of the family, are you afraid that you won’t be able to bring your aunt back? All her hopes are in your body."

   She cried and said that those women kept peeking at the door, for fear that these words would be heard. After a long while, Jin Zhenyi calmed down, clenching his fist and said: "Yes, Bailu, you are right, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Let me change my clothes."

   Bai Lu was greatly relieved, and hurriedly found out two half-new clothes for the siblings to change, and then a few people came to Fu Qiuning's main house.

   Fu Qiuning was sitting in the room drinking tea. Seeing them coming, he said to Yujie: "Brother Yi and the third girl have tea."

   Yujie agreed to go, and after a while, he really served two plates of exquisite desserts and two cups of tea, and then he quit. Here Qiu Ning puts down the tea cup, looked at Bai Lu a few times, and smiled: "You are the dowry girl of Aunt Xu that day. I heard that when Auntie Xu came to Zhuangzi, she insisted on leaving you behind and went alone, thinking-to believe in you. pole."

Bai Lu's heart suddenly stunned, she added a little panic, and hurriedly laughed: "Grandma has misunderstood, the aunt left the slaves, but because the young master and the girls are both slaves and slaves who grew up and are familiar with some of their habits. It was because of this that Master Hou left a servant." She was afraid that Qiu Ning would cut off the wings of Jin Zhenyi's brother and sister. If that was the case, she would undoubtedly be the first person to be cut off, so she hurriedly carried Jin Feng out, hoping for Fu Qiuning. Can be more scrupulous about this.

   How can Fu Qiuning not understand her careful thoughts? I couldn't help but sneered in my heart, and secretly said to save others by myself, thinking that I am the same person as Aunt Xu's grandmother?

   While thinking about it, he slowly said, "Don't panic, since it is a motherly heart of Aunt Xu, I won't be too unkind."

After speaking, he smiled and said faintly: "Last night, the master told me that there are several industries and villagers in Aunt Xu's dowry. Now she naturally doesn't need it, and wants to take care of it for me." She saw Bai Luhe. Brother and sister Jin Zhenyi's complexion turned pale suddenly, so she coughed and laughed, "I've always been bored with these things. There is a master's compassion in Fengya Building, and there is no shortage of money for food and clothing, so I don't need to count on anything else, so I thought, it's Aunt Xu Although she is not here and her brother and sister are young and can’t take care of her, it’s better to leave it to you. Since Aunt Xu believes in you deeply, she is also relieved if she has given it to you. What do you think?"

   This was really unexpected, Bai Lu opened her mouth, but was speechless for a long time. She has been with Aunt Xu since she was a child, and she can be regarded as a maid who has been trained in a large house. All she has experienced is fighting for power and profit. Have you ever seen someone vomit out the fat? Especially when I heard that Fu's previous difficulties, she could really let go of that fortune? You know, every year is not much, but it is also an income of one or two thousand dollars.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was a trap, so I cautiously laughed and said, "Where did my grandma say? Naturally, the master arranged the best. Those industries have limited income. The young masters and girls don’t need money for food, clothing, and school? , I want my grandma to stick to it. The servants feel that the master's decision is the most wise, so grandma don't refuse."

Fu Qiuning glanced at her and said with a smile: "You don't have to test me, thinking that I must create a name and let you take care of these industries. Maybe in the end of the year, maybe in the weekdays, always think If you want to take the money out of your hands, you are underestimating me. In the six years of Wanfengxuan, I didn’t get a cent from this mansion, and I had a happy life with my two children. Although I don’t I dare to say that I just treat money as dung, but I also have a little eccentricity. I shouldn't have it. I don’t want to ask. But since the Lord has trusted me, I dare not give it all to you. To be honest, Aunt Xu Believe in you, I believe in you now, but Brother Yi and the third girl are young after all, and if this person has money, he will be more afraid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So you usually help brother sister I take care of Aunt Xu’s property, and show me the accounts every quarter to let me know that you don’t have to go. Naturally, you will have to work harder in this way, and you won’t be in vain. Next, naturally let your young masters and girls give you generous rewards. If you say you are afraid that what I say is good now, and then think of ways to make money later, I will swear you a poisonous oath..."

"The slave girl dare not." Bai Lu knelt down quickly. Although she was still half-believe in such a sudden good thing at this time, when she thought about the nature of this mistress Ning, she believed most of her heart and smiled because of her busy schedule: "The maidservant listened to grandma's instructions and arranged that, where would you dare to make grandma swear?

Fu Qiuning nodded and sighed: "Since you grew up taking care of them, you have to pretend to be more of them. I don't have any stewardship power in this house. My brothers and sisters are gone, I'm afraid of the future. Marriage and other matters, except for the money given by Master Xiaohou and Granny Wan, everything else must be paid out of your own hands. Over the years, you will help them save the money for use at that time. As for food, wear, etc. It’s the same example as Feng Erjiao’er, withdrawing from the mansion, so you don’t have to spend on it."

   Bailu didn't expect that she could say such a thing again. She was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. But I saw Fu Qiuning turning his head, looking at Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan who were sitting in the chairs frowning, and said lightly: "Okay, I have finished talking about this, so I have to talk to you about other things. Now your dad entrusts you to you. Give it to me, I will take this responsibility. I didn’t finish my words. Suddenly I saw Jin Zhenyi jump up, red eyes and loudly said: “Whatever you say pretense, don’t think I will call you a mother, I have only one mother, I will never Will recognize you as a mother. "

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