Higher Level Wife

Chapter 179: :Intend

   So he took the gold, silver and copper money into the bedroom, and saw Cailian coming in with a box, and said to Fu Qiuning: "Here is all the money he saved for his private house over the years. Grandma, take it away."

Fu Qiuning frowned and said, "What kind of private money? Didn't those just now?" As he said, he opened the box, and saw that it was a stack of silver bills. The top ones were in denominations of one thousand taels, followed by five thousand taels. The bottom three turned out to be ten thousand taels. Rough calculations, the stack of banknotes alone is worth two hundred thousand. "

  I’m not a big corrupt official when I rub Jinfengju? Fu Qiuning was so dumbfounded, she looked up at Cailian and said, "He...Where did he get this money? Shouldn't he pay this amount of money to the public office? Where is this private money? I am afraid that it is not the case. More?"

Cailian smiled and said: "If the public only has this amount of money, what should we do with such a large expenditure of the government? Grandma, don't worry, the master is the most famous person. There has been nothing wrong with doing business these years, but it is the emperor's reward. The income of some shops is nothing more than the fact that the father really puts his grandma in his heart, so that he will give all his wealth to his grandma, otherwise even the second grandma Wan knows that the grandfather has a sense of self. Dare to dream."

   Fu Qiuning took a long breath after a while, and asked Cailian in a deep voice, "Does anyone know about this?"

Cailian smiled and said: "How can you hide so many boxes from others? But the ordinary box that the Lord chose deliberately, so we only said that it was given to *** some silk and satin jewelry playthings. Grandma is deeply in love and has handed over all her wealth, so grandma can rest assured that you won't be the target of the public. It's just suspicion and jealousy."

   Cailian is a clever one, and he can see through what Fu Qiuning is worried about at a glance, and hurriedly said with a smile. After speaking, seeing Biyu come in, and holding a box in his hand, Fu Qiuning suddenly became big. Lost his voice: What is it here again? "

"It's the land deeds of some of Zhuangzi's fields." Biyu handed the box to Fu Qiuning, then turned to ask Cailian: "Yesterday, the Lord said that the weather is hot, and he asked me to bring all the fans he collected a few years ago to Grandma. . I haven’t read it for a long time, do you know where it’s been?"

   Cailian smiled and said: "I said why the boys are here, you are gone. It turned out to be looking for this. I know the place for those fans. I'll go back and get them." After speaking, she turned and walked out of the house.

Here Fu Qiuning has seen the deed of the field property in the box, and only felt sweat on his forehead, and couldn’t help muttering: “Master, there are always thousands of hectares here, right? He has so many of them, which shows that other people in this house want How many are there? It's not even in public..."

Before she finished her words, she heard Biyu smile and said, "Either everyone is willing to be an official, and when he is an official, he hopes to have a knighthood. Isn't it the riches and nobles who are running? Then again, our mansion is for several generations. Business. Only by doing business secretly can we have such a prosperous and wealthy mansion. If it is an ordinary palace of the lord, I am afraid it does not have this scale."

   Fu Qiuning nodded, thinking that this Jin family is from the old to the young. It seems that all of them have their own private money, but at a critical time, they can still be of the same mind. It is no wonder that they can operate so well. It's really funny, my grandfather and dad still use me to slap people in the face, now think about it, what is that? I'm afraid that at that time, although the reputation of the Hou Mansion was not good, the wealth in this secret was enough to hold up a sky. "

   As he thought about it silently, he also put away those house deeds and so on. Knowing that this was Jin Fengju showing sincerity to himself, he wanted to use these things to tell himself that from then on, the husband and wife were united. Not only did he rely on him the most, and entrust these things to himself, then he was also his greatest rely on. As I thought about it, I felt like my heart turned soft and I didn't know what it was like.

   was in a trance, and suddenly heard Biyu smile and said: "Cailian, who is tired and lazy, why won't you come back? Isn't it possible to dress and dress again?"

   Fu Qiuning sighed, feeling that what Jasper said was really strange, not to mention that Jin Fengju is not in the house now, even in the house, as Cailian, a general house girl, how could he deliberately dress up in front of his grandmother? Well, even if she dresses up secretly and wants to fight for favor, shouldn't this be said from Jasper's mouth?

   Because I looked at Biyu carefully, I felt that this maid had always been prudent and had a loyal temperament, so she shouldn't be the kind of person who instigated and framed her. Suddenly, she saw that Jasper’s head was just a blue silk, and she didn’t even have any jewellery. Then she remembered that she had just picked the lotus. She seemed to be dressed like this. There was not even a bead flower on her hair. It was a bit strange. Now Jasper said so on purpose again, could it imply something?

Fu Qiuning is also a smart person, not to mention that in this big house, after experiencing some things, he is not smart, and he has to develop a seven-orifice exquisite heart. After only thinking for a while, he suddenly woke up and said with a slight smile: "Yes. Now, why are your two sisters dressed so neatly today? You are the master. Although it is a good thing not to be extravagant, you shouldn't even have a piece of jewelry."

When Biyu heard Fu Qiuning say this, she knew in her heart that she understood, and said with a smile: "My son is anxious today, Cailian and I will come here before we can clean up. Besides, with grandma, where can we show off? Dai? With so many jewels, it's a lot of ugliness in front of grandma."

Fu Qiuning shook his head and smiled slightly: "These words don't make people blush. In terms of appearance, I can't compare to the two of you." While talking, he took out a jewelry box from the cabinet and picked a piece of gold there. The flower hairpin, handed it to Biyu and said: "Put this on. Your father gave it to me that day. I looked at this cluster of flowers. They are very unique, and the pearls in the heart of the flower also line you."

Biyu quickly humbly declined, but Fu Qiuning stuffed her into her hand and smiled: "What's the matter here? It's all the people of the Lord. You are dressed beautifully, and my face has brilliance. I didn't wear Cailian too. Is there a hairpin? I saw it that night. It happened that the rain step was in the house and he rewarded her. I am still thinking about giving her something." After speaking, he took out a pair of jade bracelets from the box. , Asked Biyu: "What do you think of this? I think she has a pair of bright wrists, which fits this bracelet very well."

"This is too expensive." Jasper said only one sentence, and heard the sound of footsteps outside, and then came in with lotus picking, holding a sandalwood box in his hand. Fortunately, there are just a few fans here. Although they are fans, they are golden phoenix flowers. It goes without saying that the thoughts collected are of great value.

   For a while, Fu Qiuning rewarded Cailian with the pair of bracelets. At first, she didn't dare to accept it. Later, after Biyu helped a few words, she was helpless to accept it. After a few more gossips with Qiu Ning, the two left Fengya Building.

As soon as she returned to her room, Cailian complained to Jade: "You really don’t remember long. You gave my grandma a step back for me, so you can't forget how the master scolded you? Now? Reach out and pick up things, don't you really want to stay in this mansion anymore?"

Biyu smiled and said: "You were bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of the ropes. Su Rili is smart. This is because it is about yourself, and you are actually fascinated by the authorities. You don't want to think about what identity are we? Two She's not even a concubine, she's not a slave to put it bluntly? She dared to show off in front of Ms. Ning. This is because my grandmother is kind and doesn't care about you. If it's Ms. Wan, you dare to hold her That little careful thinking? How did it turn out? You don’t want to think that Grandma Ning is on the cusp of Grandpa’s heart now. Even if she doesn’t reason with you, can Grandpa be able to tolerate it? I just heard that the step has been appreciated. Rain steps."

   When Biyu talked about this, Cailian said in frustration: "I made the hoof cheap for no reason. I'm so angry."

Jasper said lightly: "This is the truth in seriousness. No matter how good the steps are, the things of the minions are the minions. How can they be hard to insert into the *** head? The Lord did not treat us, even if it is based on the love of these years. I’ve been assigned. After rewarding the rain rank, this matter is considered to be uncovered. I’m just afraid that my father’s heart will not be happy, and when I think about it in the future, I will eventually pick you up and my fault, so today I secretly reminded my grandma. Sure enough, grandma. It is a delicate and clear compassionate heart. I probably knew that we had let the Lord reprimand, and then gave these two things, in terms of value, this pair of bracelets and this golden flower hairpin are only more expensive than that step, not lower than that thing, which is certainly compensation , In addition, it means to speak nicely in front of the Lord for us. It is the right thing for a serious master to reward the slaves, not to mention that this is to say that grandma does not care about the previous complaints. I am grateful that it is too late. You have not realized the deep meaning of this. I really don’t know it. It’s not about letting lard bewildered."

When she said this, Cailian suddenly realized, and quickly laughed and said: "It's not such a reason, or your hoof is smart, and now my heart is completely let go. Sure enough, the Lord said that it is good. People only need to live a lifetime. I was blinded by greed. I will never have delusions anymore. In fact, I didn’t have any delusions. It was just... then somehow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just..."

Before she finished speaking, she listened to Biyu sneered and said: "Yes, you have no delusions, just thinking that Ms. Ning's kindness, she has been left out in the cold for so long before, maybe she is just a shallow eyelid, you too Don't think about it, if the mistress is really as unbearable as you think, she can hold the heart of the father? Oh! What do you mean by this? I don't know what this mansion will look like in the future. There is no end to the world. Feast, picking the lotus, let me tell you a word, we should also think about the future earlier, don’t look above the top just because you have been with the master. If there is a loyal, honest, down-to-earth and good person, we should win over and win over. Live."

When she said this, Cailian couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Biyu, how do you say such a thing? But what do you hear? We...we have been with the Lord for so many years, Lord... Is he really so cruel?"

Jasper looked out the window and said calmly: "Is it cruel? I don't think it is necessary. Master is a generous person. If we don't want us, he will definitely consider what we mean. If it doesn't help, he will also arrange a good family for us. This is considered intentional. It's time to use your favor, otherwise the master of other people's family, including the concubine and aunt, once they are not favored, how bleak the situation is, have we heard of these few years? Besides, if you pick lotus, ask yourself, the master now has With Ms. Ning, even Ms. Wan and Aunt Huo Yuelan basically don’t go there, let alone the two of us. Are you really willing to live such a widowhood life? You don’t want to have a home of your own. Can a husband who lives with himself have his own children?"

   Cailian was stunned by what she said, but she was shocked, but because of Jasper's words, she suddenly gave birth to a trace of expectation and longing that she shouldn't have.

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