Higher Level Wife

Chapter 181: :Cream dessert

   So he coughed and concealed it. Fu Qiuning took the box and opened it before taking a closer look. The long-lost sweet scent of cream puffed her nose and almost made her tears.

  A long-lasting memory emerged. Fu Qiuning blinked her eyes vigorously before swallowing her tears back. She took a deep breath. She stretched out her hand to pick up a brioche, slowly put it in her mouth, and chewed it carefully.

   After all, this is ancient. Although it is a cream snack, the taste is somewhat different from the modern one. Fu Qiuning remembered that he had seen the ancient way of making butter in a novel, thinking that there was no industrial revolution in the West at this time, and it was not even certain whether the West in this overhead era was the West she knew, so this cream Such things must have been made with ancient methods, and there can never be specially made machines.

   "How is grandma? But is it more chic than our snacks?" Huo Shi saw Fu Qiuning slowly chewing, with a look of emotion on his face, he was very complacent, and asked briskly.

Fu Qiuning came back to her senses, and now her mood was completely calmed down, so she put down the snack box, nodded and smiled: "No, it tastes good. But I don't know where to go to invite this western master, or let the master invite it too. Wouldn’t it be good to come to our house and make these western dim sums?"

Huo Shi laughed and said: "Grandma is joking, where are so many foreigners? It has been only more than ten years since Daning opened the trade port. I heard that the ocean is bigger than the two Daning countries. The wind and waves, no matter how strong it is, it can’t escape. There are not many people who have come in the past, that is, in the past two years, it is better than before. But who wants to wander in a foreign country? The foreigner of our family. It’s not a cook, but my father met occasionally, and the two of them had a good relationship. Then they came to our house and served as a guest of honor. Whenever the New Year’s Day meets, please let him show his hand. Otherwise, where is the cook of foreigners? So easy to find?"

   When Fu Qiuning heard that she started by saying that she had invited a foreigner's dim sum chef. This meeting suddenly became a distinguished guest. She knew in her heart that either Huo Shi deliberately showed off and let herself know that they had a foreigner's dim sum chef. Or after listening to what I said. I'm afraid that Jin Fengju will wait for the powerful and powerful in the capital to go to her house and ask for the foreigner. So I changed my tone again.

   She didn't care too much, but Huo Shi didn't seem to notice her indifference, just blindly looking for topics to chat. Suddenly heard the sound of footsteps outside, and then the voice of the little maid rang out: "Young masters and ladies are back." When the voice fell, a few small figures came in as soon as the curtain was picked up.

   Jin Cangfeng and Jin Zangjiao Jin Zhenyi and others didn't expect Huo Shi to be here, they couldn't help but froze for a while, after which Jin Cangfeng and Jin Zangjiao gave a respectful ceremony. Orally called Auntie. Jin Xiu Nan also did it quickly, only Jin Zhenyi snorted with nostrils upside down, before she could say something strange. After hearing Fu Qiuning's light "cough", she slowly dialed the tea cup and said, "Is it so late? I think Master Xiaohou will be back soon, too."

   Jin Zhenyi is most afraid of his father. As soon as I heard this, even if I didn't gritted my teeth, I had to lower my head and grumble extremely reluctantly. Everyone didn't hear clearly what they said, only knowing that they probably asked Aunt Huo for peace.

Huo raised an eyebrow in surprise, and couldn't help but look at Fu Qiuning, but saw that she was just quietly pulling the tea cup, her heart suddenly stunned, but her face was not exposed, she hurriedly stood up and smiled: "Indeed. It’s getting late, I’m afraid that our embroiderer is also after school, I have to go back now, or I can’t be found, she might be more anxious.”

Jin Zhenyi snorted: "Don't worry, the fourth sister almost turned into a tail and followed behind the second sister. Maybe it's in Qingwan Pavilion for a while." He originally wanted to mock Jin Xiu's snobbery, but said After that, I remembered how my words seemed to reassure Aunt Huo, she didn't have to rush back, because she felt even more awkward.

Aunt Huo was a little embarrassed, so Fu Qiuning glanced at Jin Zhenyi and whispered: "Who is this provoking you? Her tone is like this. Auntie Huo rarely comes to sit for a while. Are you a junior's attitude? Go back to the study and prepare your homework quickly, and your dad will come back and ask you carefully."

   Jin Zhenyi heard that his father came back to ask questions, so he pouted even more. Seeing his brother and sister all went to the study, he followed behind him. Here Aunt Huo also got up and smiled: "It's really not early, I will go back now, and I will come over to see grandma when I am free, don't have to give it away, if my family is so polite, I'm afraid it will be endless in the future. "While talking, he walked out the door. Although he said that he didn't need to send it, Fu Qiuning did what he did before coming back.

But when he saw Jin Ming coming in with the two boys from the courtyard gate, he bowed to Fu Qiuning, and then smiled: "I was at the banquet at noon today, and I was dragged by a few friends to the Xijiao Hunting Ground, although it was only one afternoon. But I also hit some things back. This meeting is at the old ancestor's place. He ordered the minion to send some game over first, so that grandma will clean up and cook, and he will come over to eat after a meeting."

Fu Qiuning ordered Yuniang to collect these game, but some deer leg roe deer meat, etc. The western suburbs hunting ground is a small forest, and there are all kinds of animals. For example, this roe deer is mostly grassland, but because of the meaty taste It is delicious, so some people have caught a lot of them and raised them in this hunting ground. Because this hunting ground is not royal, it does not raise any large beasts, and the vegetation is abundant, so the breeding is very good. People like Jinfengju who are both civil and military, usually There is very little time to hunt, but as long as you go, you will definitely get a lot of rewards.

For a while, Jin Zhenyi, Jin Zangfeng and others all ran out. Seeing the fresh meat, Jin Zhenyi said to Jin Ming, "Daddy is going to shoot and hunt, why don't you take me? I'm old now, and I should go to see these things on horseback, shooting and hunting. ."

Jin Ming didn't dare to reply, so he looked at Fu Qiuning for help, but saw her smile and shook his head: "How old are you? Your brother hasn't learned to ride horses yet. You just want to go out shooting with your father, what can you do? The little guy, I'm afraid the rabbit can swallow you in one bite."

Jin Zhenyi was very dissatisfied. Although he was not older than Jin Cangfeng, he was nourished since he was a child, so he jumped very quickly. At this moment, he was half a head lower than Jin Zangfeng. Therefore, listening to Fu Qiuning said this, he was obsessed. Necked and said: "Why can't I do anything? I can help pick up the prey, and I will pick it up when Dad shot the rabbit pheasant to death."

Fu Qiuning was also amused by this childish speech. He stretched out his hand and flicked Jin Zhenyi's forehead and screamed: "Are you going to pick up the rabbit and pheasant? Just now, the running is not as fast as the hunting dog. Here the rabbit is still paying Didn't pick it up, your father didn't know how many pheasant roe deer he shot."

   Jin fluttered his wings and looked at Fu Qiuning bitterly. He didn't agree with him. Indeed, let alone himself, even his dad didn't know if he could run a hound. Because Jin Ming led the young man to the kitchen, he watched Fu Qiuning enter the house with a smile, and showed them some new clothes, all of which were thin materials from the summer. Qiu Ning embroidered some lace by himself. Two sets, and said to them: "Brother Yi and the third girl are afraid that they have new clothes for summer. How can your mother not prepare them? But that is your own. Whenever you come to me, the Lord will go there for you. I have allocated money here, and you should have your share of these outfits. Come, put them on and show me if they fit."

A few people tried the clothes, and they were very fit and cool. Fu Qiuning gave them the clothes and ordered them to go back and put them away. When Jin Zangfeng and others were all out, Jin Zhenyi didn't move here. He only asked Fu Qiuning with red eyes, "You Just said my mother, you tell me, she... can she come back in the end?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "I miss my mother? I don't know if she can come back. You have to ask your dad. But if you study hard and practice martial arts, you will be prosperous in the future, and you will have the confidence to speak in front of your dad. At that time, were you afraid that you wouldn't be able to pick up your mother?"

Jin Zhenyi turned his head and said bitterly: "Don't use words to perfuse me, my mother went to the country village, where the place is poor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who knows how many years she can survive? I'm less than seven years old now. , If my mother waits for me, wait for me..." When he said this, he clenched his fists, and his tears were about to come down.

Fu Qiuning thought of the time spent in Zhuangzi in this physical memory, she couldn't help but sighed, sitting in her chair and said: "Zhuangzi is indeed not a good place to live. Those people who live in Zhuangzi will be better than this mansion. , But what can be done? After all, I still have to get up there. Your mother is better than me, and her life will never be more sad than mine."

   "Have you also stayed at Zhuangzi?" Jin Zhenyi was a child, and didn't turn his mind for a while, wondering when she went to live at Zhuangzi? Haven't you always lived in the night breeze restaurant? That's why I can seduce my dad. I was thinking about it, but I heard Fu Qiuning laughed and said, "I spent many years in Zhuangzi before marrying to your house. The life there is really difficult."

Only then did Jin Zhenyi understand that there was a feeling of pity for the same illness in his heart, thinking that this woman had also had the same experience as her mother, so she eagerly asked: "What the **** is that Zhuangzi? How did the mother feel angry there? Do? No, I'm going to see my mother, I can't let her be bullied."

Fu Qiuning said sternly: "How can you keep your mother from being bullied? Do you just leave the Guogong Mansion and go to Zhuangzi for no reason? What if your father is angry and asks you not to come back? Not only can you not protect your mother, but your mother must protect you, not to mention that your martial arts will be left behind, and your future will be over. At that time, who will give you your first day? Waiting for your sister? She is alone in this mansion, and she is too busy to take care of herself. She is a girl again. Are you waiting for her to help you?"

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