Higher Level Wife

Chapter 183: : Sudden call

On the second day, someone brought dozens of men and women over in the morning. The older one was fourteen or five, and the younger one was only eleven or twelve. Fu Qiuning asked Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao to pick the girls themselves and saw their sons. Don’t let the charming and gorgeous, choose only the loyal and honest, and the daughter is also very pleased in her heart. After the brothers and sisters asked her what she meant, they paid the people and received the deeds of sales from these people. The head went to Zhongtian.

After Zhang Luo finished lunch, he heard that Jin Zhenyi and Jin Zangfeng said they would go to school, and learn horseback riding and archery with the masters who taught martial arts. Don't accidentally happen.

   Jin Xiunan and Jin Zangjiao were left bored, so they only made female celebrities with her in Fu Qiuning's room, while chatting about the housework.

Gradually, a few people became a little tired, so the three of them squinted on the kang for a while. Jin Xiunan slept on the left side of Qiu Ning. She only felt that this place was warmer and more human than Hemingxuan. She was different from her brother. She was never superficial. Speaking out, but with calculations in his heart, so watching Fu Qiuning treat their brothers and sisters sincerely, the original guard and hatred were put down.

Fu Qiuning just squinted for a while and got up. It happened that Jin Yanfang and several Feng's girls came over to talk, and then Jiang Wanying, Huo's Cui and her concubine Yuelan also came over, making Fu Qiuning wonder if it was someone who came in here today. Days, but because of this, Fengya Building suddenly became lively. Although the women were hiding their wits, they were all on other people's turf. Besides, Fu Qiuning was not the kind of person who couldn't hold back his position, so he was in peace, and looked like a peaceful scene.

That is, when everyone was laughing at Yan Yan, they suddenly heard the rush of footsteps outside, and then the little girl outside the door just said: "Master Xiaohou is back..." Before the voice fell, the curtain was picked, Jin Fengju unexpectedly Before the girls hit the curtain, they lifted the curtain and rushed in in a hurry.

"Master, what happened?" Fu Qiuning saw that Jin Fengju's expression was a little wrong and quickly stood up and asked. There are mostly Jin Fengju women in the room, so there is no need to avoid it. Only the three girls of the Feng family want to hide at this time, let alone don't want to hide at all. Standing shyly behind his sister-in-law, they hung their heads and did not dare to look at the handsome man, but couldn't help but lift them up with the corner of their eyes, a heart like a deer.

   Jin Fengju didn't care about the different forms of the women, and took Fu Qiuning's hand and said: "Go and clean up, then follow me into the palace to see the queen mother and the emperor."

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of the other women in the room were immediately changed, and Fu Qiuning's complexion changed greatly. Fortunately, she had always had a good concentration. At this time, the catkin in Jinfeng's raised hand couldn't help but tremble, and asked hurriedly. Said: "Master made it clear, what is the reason for letting the concubine enter the palace?"

"Anyway, it's a good thing. I don’t have time to explain it. You go into the house and tidy up, and pick up the jewelry I gave you. Don’t be so clean. Let the queen mother say I’m stingy, and my wife is not willing to dress things up. "Without waiting for Fu Qiuning to ask again, he pushed her into the back room in one breath, and then turned around and smiled at Jiang Wanying and the others: "Why are you free today? There are so many people together, it's like asking for the next post. ."

   Jiang Wanying's eyes flickered, and she felt angry and hated for a while. This breath stuck in her chest and couldn't get up and down, almost suffocating her alive. On the face, he forced a smile on his face and asked Jin Feng, "Isn't he in the palace today? In the morning, I heard my wife say that all the relatives and ministers of the emperor will be watching the show in the palace today, even the uncle will pass by. Now, what are you doing back now?"

   Jin Fengju smiled and said: "Your news is well-informed. I'm anxious now, I'll talk about it another day." The voice fell, and he turned to Fu Qiuning in the back room and said, "Are you finished?"

   Jian Feng and Yu Jie helped Fu Qiuning change clothes, and then picked her a five-phoenix chaoyang bead hairpin and a few beautiful bead flowers to wear on her head. Fu Qiuning looked in the mirror and couldn't help but laughed at herself: "Well, my head has never been so decent now. It's a pity that it's an ignorant person. I don't think it looks good at this time. I just feel that it is heavy and fast to death. I am."

   Yujie and Jian Feng both laughed and praised their grandmother for her determination. Only Qiu Ning herself smiled bitterly in her heart, and the concentration of secretly fart was amazing. Jin Feng raised this one who suffered a thousand swords, and I told him that, after all, I still leaked out my background. Hearing what Jiang Wanying said just now, it’s not. Last night, he also said that today is going to watch the performances of the World Civilizations Association. Among so many talents, no one is outstanding, so this guy gave me Pushed it out, right?

She suddenly woke up after hearing what Jiang Wanying said outside. Jin Fengju also said it clearly last night. He also said that if there is no good show for these civilizations of all nations, she has to tell the play by herself. He came out and trained people to sing. Fortunately, he won the first prize in that civilized society, but at that time he thought he was just a joke, but Fu Qiuning didn't expect that this joke would come true now.

   was a little annoyed at the same time. At this time, Yujie and others had helped her dress neatly, so she was helpless and had to walk out in a hurry. At the moment, everyone could not help but brighten up, because Fu Qiuning did not dress up in the sun. Suddenly, she was covered with beaded emerald powder, and there was an extra grace and beauty, which was quite different from the ordinary women in the past, although It can't be called an overwhelming country, but it's still gorgeous and dignified.

Jin Feng raised his gaze and looked at his costumed wife without blinking. Jiang Wanying and Huo Shi waited to see his gaze, and her heart was filled with jealousy, but she suffered from no way to deal with this woman. See if she is not humming or calming quietly. It looked like a bully, but it happened to be kicked on the iron plate several times. Jiang Wanying and Huo Shi and others had to converge. Not to mention, Cui Shi and Yuelan were all people who are safe at all times. Jiang Wanying existed, so naturally she didn't dare to mess with the woman who is currently the most favorite woman.

"I didn't expect my sister-in-law's dress today to make people's eyes shine." With a knife-like gaze, Jin Yanfang clapped her hands, smiled, and said to Jin Feng: "It's all the second brother, Su Ri Li refuses to let her sister-in-law dress well, but is afraid that someone will **** her away?"

Jin Fengju smiled and said, "This is nothing wrong with you. Ask your sister-in-law, how much jewelry did I give away? How many times did I ask her in private to give me a face and just dress up? She refuses. If you say that, I will leave this task on you in the future and get up every morning to supervise her to clean up, how about?"

Jin Yanfang chuckled and said, "Second brother is still as cunning as before, so he has to act, and my sister-in-law has to serve you up to court. I don’t know how early I wake up every day. I was still asleep at that time, so I can’t help you. Work."

   Because of a few jokes, Jin Fengju smiled and pulled Fu Qiuning away. For a while, everyone in Fengya Building was left there, but Jin Yanfang smiled at Feng's sisters: "Let’s go too, the master is out, what are you doing here?" Xiang Jiang Wanying said: "Don't the second sister-in-law go back? It's going to be dusk. I'm afraid that there will be a daughter-in-law who wants to get back to you, right? You won't go back and sit down?"

   Jiang Wanying bit her lip, really can't figure out why Fu Qiuning was summoned by the emperor and the queen mother. With such a magnificent face, the granddaughter of Lu Guogong hadn't been on the stand, so why let that humble woman take it away? I don't know what kind of rhetoric the Lord said in this, and he held her to the sky to have such great glory. She didn't know the ins and outs of the matter, but thought it was Jin Feng who cared about Qiu Ning and praised her for her, which made Fu Qiu Ning come out of the limelight.

Because I was resentful, jealous, and unwilling, it was useless to just stand here. Because I glanced at Huo's Cui's Yuelan, he didn't get angry and said: "Go back, what are you doing sitting here? Waiting for the mistress to come back. Do you want to give a reward?" The voice fell, and he went away angrily.

It just so happened that Jin Cangfeng and Jin Zhenyi also came back at this time. I heard that Fu Qiuning was rushed into the palace by his father to see the queen mother and the emperor. What can a child do? When I was anxious, I heard Jin Zhenyi cough: "Okay, don't worry about it. Dad spoils the auntie so much that she will never let her go to the palace to die."

In fact, he was also worried. The original intention of saying this was to comfort Jin Cangfeng's brothers and sisters, but he didn't expect that when the words were spoken, it didn't sound like that. At the moment, Jin Cangfeng glared at him, and Jin Cangjiao's eyebrows were erected, and he scolded in tears. Said: "Bah, you crow's mouth, mother will have nothing to do, I know, you just want her to have something, you don't want to think about it, mother has something wrong, the first unlucky person is you, then I will send you there. Qingwan Pavilion, let you taste what it feels like to fall into the hands of other women."

   Jin Zhenyi was originally good intentions, but who knows that in exchange for such a robbing, he immediately became angry and angry. Suddenly seeing the curtain of the door pick up, Jian Feng walked in and said with a smile: "Why are the brothers and the girls all down? Don't worry, the Lord said, it's a good thing to take grandma into the palace, don't worry."

When she said this, the younger ones were relieved, and Jin Zhenyi murmured: "I said that I was okay a long time ago, but in the end I still said that. It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin and not knowing good people. Cut, pretending to be knowledgeable and reasonable in front of the lady. Without the auntie by her side, there is no way to be king. What other woman? That's also Erniang, Dad's flat wife, so you call it."

Let him say this, Jin Zangjiao realized that she had failed to speak, and her pretty face could not help but flushed red. Only because of a few incidents, she really didn't have any favor with Jiang Wanying, so on the surface she was respectful and respectful in front of others. I have never regarded the other party as a relative in my heart, and now I am impatient and rude. Therefore, although the teeth were sharp and the mouth was sharp, there was nothing to say about being robbed by Jin Zhenyi at this time.

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