Higher Level Wife

Chapter 197: : Appreciation

Two people took the lead, and the other concubines all joined in and flattered. The old lady who was talking about became happy and nodded and said: "Since everyone is thinking about this play, just ask more people to have fun. Bixi, go ahead and tell the emperor. With a sound, I said that the Aijia invited him to come to the theater in the afternoon.

   Fu Qiuning thought that the relationship between the queen mother and the emperor is very good, alas! This biological mother and son really are in harmony. Suddenly, the queen mother said again: "Yes, let the two eunuchs go to the Jingguo Gongfu, just say the words of mourning family, this afternoon when their daughter-in-law is showing their talents, let them come over and listen to this half of the play. Also, several princes and concubines also went to yell."

Prince Lie’s mother smiled slightly and said: "The empress dowager is really thoughtful, and anyone can forget it. Don’t forget about Prince Rong. Who doesn’t know that Prince Rong is the most competitive, and now this is her brother-in-law. If she was not invited to the rehearsal, she would still be whispering behind her back."

   Fu Qiuning thought to herself that this imperial concubine is really not a thing. She has the heart to help distinguish two sentences, but she feels that her identity is a bit low in this room. Moreover, sometimes it is better to fight than not to fight. Does the queen mother have no idea? Therefore, there is no words, just sitting quietly with your head down, listening to the Queen Mother's dispatch.

Sure enough, seeing that Fu Qiuning was still sitting quietly, the queen mother could not help but nod her head in her heart. She secretly said that King Zhenjiang was only the merit of fighting with the first emperor in his early years. I didn’t expect to be able to raise such a daughter. Yes, I heard Feng Ju said that this child was exiled to Zhuangzi because he was not treated with her mother before, and was banished to Zhuangzi. Later, In order to marry her to Fengju, he took her back.

Ugh! Now it seems that this is really each having its own chances, and the father and son who have eyes but do not know the gold inlaid with jade, it is cheaper for the kid Fengju.

As I was thinking about it, I saw Fu Qiuning standing up and saying: "Rehearsing the empress dowager, since it is the afternoon to rehearse, but the concubines have to go and see, let them familiarize themselves with the stage and singing, and strive for the perfect performance in the afternoon. Not worth it..." Before I finished speaking, I listened to the Queen Mother with a smile: "It's OK. After rehearsing for so many days, you have worked hard enough. What else to see? There will be no major problems around. I will stay here at noon today to have a meal with Ai's family, and then take a nap. When the plan comes down before the time, you can just pull the theater team over."

   A sentence caused everyone to laugh again, and Fu Qiuning had no choice but to accept it. At noon, she accompanied the empress dowager to a royal meal. She didn't dare to really take a nap, although she was really a little drowsy, but she came to Bilian Xie with great energy. At that time, the singing and dancing girls knew that they would rehearse this afternoon. The news of the drama could not help being so excited that the infected Fu Qiuning was no longer sleepy. The crowd waited until the end of the drama to be arranged again, and then they had a purpose and ordered them to go to the Tianxiang Tower to perform.

   Tianxianglou, the name Fu Qiuning is of course familiar, where Qin Keqing really died. I just didn't expect that the place to watch the play in this palace is called Tianxianglou, because together with Lin Sile, leading the many female musicians to the Tianxianglou. I saw that the two floors of the play were already full of people. She originally wanted to comfort these singers and dancers, thinking that this was their first time singing, and it was unavoidable to be nervous. Who knows that although these people are singing for the first time, they did not know how much singing and dancing had been performed before Yujia, and they were already very proficient. · There was a little nervousness, and it quickly disappeared without a trace, but the words of encouragement and comfort she had prepared for a long time were useless.

Here just put on the new costumes for the performance, Fu Qiuning looked at it, and the heart is ancient. The wisdom of the working people is not known how many times better than modern people. Without advanced machines, this costume is even better than modern ones. Beautiful, if this were performed on stage, the scene of the gathering of the seven fairies would be very eye-catching at the beginning.

   was thinking about it, and saw an **** walking over with a lovely smile: "Madam, the queen dowager and the emperor have asked you to go to the theater. They said they have worked hard these days, and now they can be used. Madam please please."

   Fu Qiuning nodded, and then exhorted a few words with Lin Sile, before he came to the seat of the Queen Mother. After seeing her, the emperor asked her to flatten her body and said with a smile: "It's been a few days since your husband has left. I have written to you and are preparing for some things at the border. Everything is safe. Just rehearse here with peace of mind. I must wait for him to come back. This The operas are all lined up. By then, your husband and wife will both be the pillars of my Daning Dynasty. Yes, it really matches well."

  The emperor even said that a woman is a talented person. Although she followed the Jinfeng exercise, it was already very difficult. Fu Qiuning hurriedly thanked her, and listened to the Queen Mother gently saying: "Your mother-in-law and the others are there. Because you go out early and return late at night, so you have brought the four children under your knee. Go and sit down."

   Fu Qiuning promised, feeling a little sad, secretly asking why not let my mother come over? I am her daughter. Since today is my rehearsal, shouldn't my mother be the first to watch it? It's just that although it was not peaceful, he knew in his heart that Yu's Luo's status was too low, and he was not qualified to come to see him in the palace, so he had no choice but to slander in his heart.

   But when she saw Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zhenyi, she was still very happy. For so many days, she didn't say a few words with the children. Basically, she had to be busy with some things when she went back. When she was done, the children went to sleep. Therefore, I was really affectionate at the moment, and I joked with the old lady again. Xu felt that she is now glorious, and even Madam Jiang said a few words to her kindly, no longer the former cold eyebrows. Looks like.

Seeing that the hour was about to come, the emperor had already made an order to start the play, but he saw Princess Rong Jin Yanqiu beckoning to her. Fu Qiuning hurried over, but saw her only pursing her mouth and smiling, and then whispered: "Yes. Such a talent is only revealed at this time, Fu Qiuning, Fu Qiuning, you are a good one, and I will settle accounts with you when I go back."

   Fu Qiuning was taken aback, and quickly looked around, seeing that the prelude had already sounded, everyone was attentively on stage. She breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly whispered: "Wang Hao said carefully, people in the palace are so messy, please go back and say anything." After speaking, she returned to Madam Jiang. Jin Yanqiu frowned here, then his expression was stern, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth. He clearly understood why Fu Qiuning had such words.

   "The days in the palace are too bleak and clear, and the elder sister often says that the world is good, men ploughing and women weaving time..."

This segment is the beginning of the Huangmei Opera. The singers who play the seven girls on the stage are really beautiful and beautiful, with a bit of fairy and jade. This opening attracts everyone's mind and the music. Turning to a little more cheerful: "Why don't I go and find the eldest sister, she can be the master and can bear it." After the sentence, the applause sounded like thunder.

Then seven women all went on the stage. Everyone saw the colorful embroidered dresses flying in splendor, which was as dazzling as a butterfly wearing flowers. At this time, the music was all in a very cheerful tone, so that all the faces of the audience were Smile.

   "The fisherman lives in the middle of the water, and the reed flowers on both sides of the bank are like walls. The boats are opened and the nets are cast. A net of fish and shrimp and a net of food..."

Old Madam Jin leaned her body in front of Fu Qiuning, and said with a smile: "This is a good sing, with these instruments, it sounds better than your cappella." While talking, Fu Qiuning couldn't help looking forward, and saw the emperor and the queen mother. They all nodded, and occasionally joined together to say a few words with a smile on their faces, while the others shook their heads, as if the whole person was immersed in this drama.

   "Xia Guang, thousands of auspicious clouds open, drifting down to the earth. I don't love the fairy years, I would like to be a mandarin duck and fly..."

   Along with the light dance of the seven fairies, they danced a fairy-like gesture, and the cheerful rhythm sounded again. Then the beauty on the stage took the sleeves away, slowly stopped, and looked forward to the distance.

   and the music slowly stopped.

Fu Qiuning stood up, came to the emperor and the queen dowager and knelt down and said, "Enlighten the queen dowager and the emperor, because the time is short, the rehearsal is only here at present, and the rest will take some time to complete the rehearsal. The queen dowager and the emperor can feel the rehearsal. How about it?"

   How can this be? If it weren't for Fu Qiuning to speak, everyone would still be immersed in the play. For a time, not only the emperor and the queen mother nodded in praise, but other people also applauded and whispered incessantly. Here the emperor and the queen dowager praised Fu Qiuning again. Because of his happiness, the emperor deliberately left all the courtiers and female servants who were watching the show, and gave a royal banquet.

   Fu Qiuning was tired after so many days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ finally could take a breath, returned to Fengya Building and rested. Seeing her tired and thin face, Yu and Luo couldn't help feeling a little distressed, and couldn't help but smile: "If Xiaohouye came back to see this, maybe it would be more distressed." Because they didn't bother her.

I slept until early in the morning of the next day. Fu Qiuning talked with Yu Shi Luo and Jin Zangfeng’s brothers and sisters. After a while, I saw Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan also sway in. Jin Zhenyi didn’t care that these people around him were there. When he came to Fu Qiuning, he grinned and said, "Mother, you have made such a great contribution now. Even the emperor and the queen dowager praise you like that. When Dad comes back, you can always intercede in front of him and let us visit my mother. Did you kiss?"

   Fu Qiuning looked at him with a smile. She was a cautious and indifferent person, so she didn't like Jin Zhenyi's arrogant temperament. However, this guy slowly reduced a lot of arrogance in the Fengya Building, and kept Aunt Xu in her heart all the time. At this moment, she felt that no matter what, it was rare for the children of a big family to be so affectionate and righteous. Therefore, he said with Yan Yue: "This is natural. Right now your father hasn't come back. It's almost doubly at this time. There is more than a month before Liqiu, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is farther away. You can wait for a while with peace of mind."

   Jin Zhenyi was also happy when she said this. I remembered that when my mother left, hugging herself and her sister and crying bitterly, she only said that she was afraid that there would be no chance to meet in this life. Tell them two brothers and sisters to be careful and study hard, maybe they will have a chance to meet again when they grow up, or she will have no hope at all. I also thought that in less than a year, I and my sister could go to give my mother a surprise, and could not help but feel a feeling of "I have grown up, I am a man".

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