【Welcome to the highway survival game】

【Each player brings a car and some supplies at the beginning. All you have to do is drive along the highway. 】

【If you want to survive, you must keep looking for supplies to make yourself stronger. Supply boxes will be randomly refreshed on the highway, please grasp them well. 】

【Along the highway, you may come to rainforests, deserts, plains, wastelands, or special areas. 】

【The players selected for this game are all young people. The elderly, children, and people with special diseases will not join the game. 】

【There is only one life, and if you die, you will die forever. 】

【In the early stage of the game, please do not leave the vehicle too far. 】

【Do not abandon your vehicle. Only by driving the vehicle can you reach the end. 】

【The vehicle is everything. In order to ensure safety, upgrade the vehicle as much as possible. 】

【This world is also divided into day and night in normal time. For your safety, please make sure to stay in the light at night. 】

【This world is full of dangers. Live well. 】

【The game officially begins. 】

Shen Feng opened his eyes and found himself sitting in a car with both hands holding the steering wheel.

"Where am I? What is this place?"

Suddenly appearing in a car made him panic. He was just working overtime in the office, how come he appeared here in the blink of an eye?

He looked around anxiously, wanting to know where this place was.

This is a two-box car, the space inside the car is small, and the interior is very simple.

A green area outside the car window caught his attention. Shen Feng stuck his head out and saw a prairie outside the window.

The sky was cloudless, the sun was hanging high in the sky, and the long road divided the prairie into two. The ups and downs of the road could not see the end.

The two sides of the road were full of grass, and the green grass was endless. In the distance, many cattle and horses were seen grazing.

Shen Feng felt a headache looking at the prairie in front of him. He couldn't figure out how he got here for a while.

"Am I kidnapped? That's not right. I was in the office just now. Am I dreaming?"

He pinched his thigh hard, and a pain came over him, but the scene in front of him did not change. The prairie was still the prairie, which meant he was not dreaming!

He was about to take out his cell phone to call for help, but his pocket was empty, even his wallet was gone.

Except for his clothes and shoes, all other items on his body disappeared, and he began to search in the car.

Suddenly, a light blue screen appeared in front of him, with dense words written on it.

After reading the words on the screen, he began to understand that this was a game world, he had traveled through it, and this game was full of dangers!

Suddenly he saw several options above the screen, among which the chat option kept flashing. Just as he was thinking about how to check it, the blue screen had automatically jumped to the chat option.

[Welcome to chat channel 1. ]

[Here you can speak freely. 】

"Help!!! I'm in a desert now, I'm dying of heat!!!"

"I'm on a snowy ground!!!"

"I'm being kidnapped? Who's going to save me? Woohoo."

"Whoever can save me, I'll give him 100 million!"

"There's a bear in front of my car, what should I do? Waiting online! Urgent!"

"Hit it!"



Shen Feng frowned as he looked at the messages in the chat box. He was more certain that this was a game world, and at the same time prayed for the buddy who met the bear.

He noticed that everyone in the chat room spoke with real names, and all the avatars and names were real.

In addition to the chat function, the game system also has trading, manufacturing, announcements, and some unopened functions. Shen Feng didn't spend too much time studying them, after all, these functions are of no use to him now.

Now everyone is in a state of panic, and the messages in the chat room are worthless. Reading too much will only spread negative energy. Instead of complaining, it is better to find a way to survive first.

He looked around the road and didn't find anything useful. The game system said not to leave the vehicle too far, so he didn't go into the grassland to explore.

The hot weather made his back wet. There was a wooden stick and a bottle of water on his co-pilot. These should be the resources given at the beginning.

[Pure mineral water (600ml)]

[Introduction: Water is life! ]

[Wooden stick]

[Introduction: An ordinary wooden stick, you can use it to open boxes or do other work. ]

When he looked at the item, a text description would appear next to the item.

Shen Feng started the car, and the old car made a loud noise before it started slowly.

He opened the window, and the wind blew into the car through the window. He kept the speed at about 40 yards, and observed the surroundings while driving.

Many animals can be seen in the grassland. If they were not unable to leave the vehicle too far, they would be good food.

Shen Feng drove along the road for dozens of minutes. The hot weather made him dry and thirsty. He simply took a sip of water and continued to drive.

After driving for dozens of minutes, the road still didn't seem to end, and the size of the road remained the same. It seemed that just like what was said in the game, this was an endless road.

He didn't see anyone along the way, it seemed that the players in the early stage of the game were scattered all over the world.

After driving for a long time, he didn't see a supply box, which made him a little irritated. A bottle of mineral water can't last for long, and the car also needs oil.

"Brothers, I found a treasure chest. There are hot dogs and water in it, hahaha."

"Brother, where did you find the treasure chest? Why can't I see it?"

"The treasure chest may be hidden under the sand on the side of the road, or on the tree on the side of the road. The designer of this game is stupid. The treasure chest is usually hidden. It is difficult to find it without careful observation."

"Fuck, I found a mouse."

Shen Feng opened the chat room and found that someone had found the treasure chest. He also learned that the treasure chest was hidden.

"It's really stupid."

Shen Feng slowed down the car and drove the car to the side of the road, always paying attention to the scene on both sides of the road.

"Huh? Not right."

Suddenly, Shen Feng stopped the car and squinted at the haystack on the side of the road. There was a place where the haystack was higher than the surrounding area.

"This should be the treasure chest."

He took out a wooden stick and got out of the car. He looked around and confirmed that it was safe. He dug through the haystack and found a box!

A wooden box was half buried in the soil, with some dirt on it.

[Ordinary treasure chest]

[Introduction: An ordinary treasure chest, but it is the key to your survival. Open it! It may be full of treasures, or it may be empty. ]

"Finally, it's time to open the box."

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