Shen Feng's eyes were sharp. Instead of dodging, he rushed forward.

Since the tree people wanted to pull him over, let them pull him.

Shen Feng no longer resisted the pulling force of the little tree people. He just held the long sword tightly and performed the shadow step with his feet. With the help of the pulling force of the little tree people, the whole person turned into a black shadow and rushed out at a very fast speed.

The tree roots pierced the road again, pierced out from the floor, and missed again.

Monsters are monsters after all, and their IQ is far from the level of humans.

Shen Feng rushed towards them with the help of the pulling force of the little tree people. The white bone long sword began to ignite flames and completely burned the entangled branches.

Dragon roar!

The long sword wrapped in flames chopped at the tree people, and the flames were mixed with dragon roars, which shocked the little tree people.

This knife was very powerful and directly cut off the five surrounding tree people in half, and the flames engulfed them again.

Shen Feng did not stop attacking, because these tree people would grow again after taking root in the soil and absorbing nutrients. He chopped at the roots of the tree people quickly, not giving them a chance to revive.

Swish! Swish!

The tree roots flew everywhere, and the tree people were chopped into pieces and could not grow again.

There were only a few tree people left, and they looked at Shen Feng tremblingly, with fear on their faces.

Shen Feng did not let them go, and rushed over again. He kept an eye on the ground and prepared to avoid the roots.

The tree people moved very slowly, and could not keep up with Shen Feng's speed at all. Soon, Shen Feng was close to them.

Shen Feng dodged the attack of the tree roots underground while chopped the tree people frantically.

After a while, the tree people around were all torn into pieces and could no longer grow.

"It's your turn next."

Shen Feng stared at the big tree in front of him. Since he couldn't find which one was the tree spirit, he would chop them all.

The tree spirit seemed to sense Shen Feng's deep malice. A big mouth and two small eyes grew on one of the tree trunks.

A strange cry came out of its mouth.

Suddenly, its branches grew longer and hit Shen Feng like a whip.

So fast!

The speed of the big tree spirit was several times faster than that of the small tree man. The whip left a phantom in the air.

Shen Feng dodged quickly. The whip hit the road, leaving a crack in the original place.

The power was also very strong. He took a look at the road that was hit. It must be painful to be hit.

After the big tree spirit made a strange cry, all the branches on its body turned into whips and whipped towards Shen Feng.

Dozens of whips were waving in the air, bringing a whistling sound of breaking wind. Dozens of whips surrounded Shen Feng, making it airtight.

Shadow Step!

Shen Feng performed the Shadow Step, turned into a black shadow, and kept dodging.

Snap Snap Snap!

The speed of the whip is always slower than the Shadow Step. The road around Shen Feng was torn into pieces, and all kinds of stones were floating in the air.

This is not a solution. Sooner or later, he will be exhausted by it.

Shen Feng turned into a black shadow and kept dodging. His physical strength was rapidly depleting. Dodging all the time was not a solution. He had to find a way to fight back.

Iron Cloth Golden Bell!

He released the Shadow Step, stood in place, and cast the Iron Cloth Golden Bell. Dozens of whips immediately came over.

A golden bell with green runes appeared from his body, blocking dozens of whips outside.


The whip made a sound when it hit the golden bell, and then the golden bell emitted a golden light, shaking the whip away. The whip, which was originally in a rigid state, immediately became soft after being shaken by the golden bell, and the branch drooped.

Good opportunity!

Shen Feng cast the Shadow Step again, turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards the tree spirit with the protective golden bell.

The branches behind him hardened again and shot towards Shen Feng.

Dozens of whips intercepted him in advance and surrounded him. Suddenly, the whips tightened and tightly wrapped around the golden bell.

The huge force made Shen Feng stop. The golden bell was tightly wrapped by dozens of whips and began to deform.

"Will it not break?"

Shen Feng raised his eyebrows. He was surrounded by whip-like branches at this time, and his vision was also blocked.


The golden bell made a long sound, continuously emitting golden light, resisting the branches.

Dragon claw!

Shen Feng vibrated the long knife, used the dragon claw, and chopped at the surrounding branches.

The sky-high fire came from the golden bell, and the surrounding branches were swallowed by the flames.

Suddenly, he felt a vibration under his feet again, and the roots of the tree were about to pierce out from the ground.

Not good!

The surrounding branches had no intention of loosening, tightly wrapped around the golden bell.

Shen Feng kept waving the long knife, and the surrounding branches were constantly cut off, but they could be made up again immediately after being cut off.



The extremely sharp tree roots pierced out from the ground and pierced the golden bell below, making a loud noise.

Shen Feng was surprised. He didn't expect that the iron cloth golden bell could even defend against underground attacks. It was an absolute defense with no dead angles. He was prepared. Once the tree roots pierced out, he would cut them off immediately.

The tree roots showed a small head from the road and pressed against the golden bell tightly, without piercing the defense of the golden bell.

But at this time, the golden bell had become dim, and even cracks began to appear on it.

Shen Feng clenched the long knife, used the dragon roar, and chopped the branches around.

Dragon roar!

A dragon roar came from the golden bell, and the surrounding branches suddenly shook. The flame knife light formed a semicircle around him, and all the surrounding branches were cut off.

Shadow Step!

Shen Feng seized the opportunity, performed the Shadow Step, and turned into a black shadow and rushed forward. Tree roots kept piercing out from under his feet, but he was always one step behind him.

Without the obstruction of branches, he had arrived in front of the tree spirit in a few breaths.

"Go to hell!"

Shen Feng's white bone long sword ignited a blazing fire, and the long sword vibrated rapidly, slashing towards the trunk of the tree spirit.

Dragon claw!

Three flames of sword light slashed towards the trunk of the tree spirit.

The face of the tree spirit was full of fear, and its trunk began to grow thick bark, trying to resist the flames of the sword.

The long sword slashed on the trunk, and a tough touch came, and the bark formed by the tree spirit blocked the knife.

But bark is still bark after all, and it can't resist the damage of the flame and is ignited by the flame.

The branches behind him attacked him, and Shen Feng performed the Shadow Step, dodging the branches while slashing at the tree spirit.

The duration of the golden bell has expired, and the golden bell beside him began to slowly disappear.

At this time, a raging fire had already ignited on the tree trunk, and the fire engulfed it.

The big tree spirit cried out in pain, waving the branches in his hands and slapping the flames on his body, but there were too many flames and no matter how he slapped them, he could not extinguish them.

"I can't burn you to death."

Shen Feng sneered and began to walk around the big tree spirit, letting the flames engulf it.

The firelight shone on his face, and a ball of flames was reflected in his cold eyes.


Suddenly, the big tree spirit was uprooted, and the huge tree roots were pulled out of the soil, and it began to run towards the grassland.

The flames kept falling from its body and fell on the grass, and sporadic small flames ignited on the grass.

"There won't be a fire."

Shen Feng caught up with the big tree spirit, and he was a little worried. There was no one here to put out the fire. If a fire broke out, I'm afraid the whole grassland would be affected.

The flames on the giant tree spirit continued to burn, and branches from its body kept falling down, with flames on them, igniting the surrounding grass.

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