Him and their stars

Chapter 1059 The city of friendship made of blood

Mihir Kent thought about it seriously and then said: "And there are still transfer orders from the front line, and another division has to be removed. Fortunately, we have captured all the A1 polar bases next to it, and there is one Our division, and two Circassian divisions. However, the strength inside the fortress is indeed less than two-thirds of the empire."

"Why did you specifically point out that it is less than two-thirds of the empire?" Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses and calculated: "The troops of the Minlan people are unreliable. They are quite capable of fighting on ships and in the sea, but this In the fortress, the enemy might just need to turn off the humidifier to lower the moisture in the air, which would deprive them of their combat effectiveness."

"That's why they are equipped with the latest type of power armor. It is said that it can save more water and even has a certain internal circulation function of water. The Republic of Minlan joined the coalition just to test the performance of this Sea Knight power armor. Although the Minlan people are not good at fighting, then who is this enemy you are talking about?" Kent said with a smile.

Akinayama Hachiman pretended not to hear anything and continued: "The Torun people's army is quite fierce, and they have a good relationship with us, but the equipment is really hard to explain. But the two Cherk divisions on the A1 fortress It can be regarded as a reliable foreign aid, but how to get here is a problem."

"Let's engage in defense replacement training." Kent said: "The day after tomorrow I will attend the military liaison meeting sent by the Galactic Civilization Council. I can raise this issue then. It is said to maintain everyone's combat status, but also for military and cultural exchanges. You can Conduct several small-scale joint exercises around the fortress. At that time, how about replacing the Minlan and Torun people inside the fortress with the Circassians on the A1 satellite?"

Akinayama Hachiman agreed, and then said: "The Torun people are very interested in the Wk-2 Worker and Peasant Guard class power armor used by the Sand People and Lumina soldiers of the 38th Division, and have already asked if it can be exported. ”

"...Isn't that just an exodynamic skeleton with armor pieces on it?" Mihir said.

"At least the armor pieces are made of high-quality minerals from Xinyumen and high-explosive dust and are tempered with high strength. The external power skeleton also uses elastic alloy." Hachiman explained patiently: "The armor pieces and elastic alloy are now But it is the flagship product of New Yumen Metallurgical Company. The former is widely used in the orbital and marine construction of New Yumen and New Lushun, and the latter can at least be regarded as the most versatile labor exoskeleton in the universe."

Can't you? The Tauren of Torun are not short in stature, and are much bigger than Lumina and the Sand People. If they can use it, one can imagine its versatility.

"Together, the two make a very good power armor?" Kent smiled.

"...At least the versatility and protection are very good." Hachiman pushed up his glasses, but did not mention the issues of power and battery life. However, the physical fitness and absolute strength of the Torun Tauren are even higher than those of the Sand People, so the utilization efficiency of this kind of armor must be better.

"There are very few power armors suitable for creatures of this size, and they don't have many choices. The Toron people recently discovered huge gold reserves in their colonial galaxy, and they are quite wealthy. If they changed to ours The Worker and Peasant Guard armor can at least not fall behind when faced with a death squad composed of Wulfling werewolves."

Kent sneered. In this world, besides the Empire, who else has an established stormtrooper force composed of werewolves?

"What I mean is that when conducting exercises inside the fortress, I hope the empire will not overthink it." Hachiman said seriously and seriously.

"Understood. I will convey this matter to the Empire in a frank and candid way." Kent also nodded solemnly and said, "But is it too late?" Kent frowned and said, "I heard, The militia in Xinyumen has expanded to 100,000 people, most of whom are composed of sand civilian soldiers. They are all waiting for the Tulong Ordnance... Machinery Factory to equip them with armor. Can production capacity keep up? "

"I can't keep up. The machinery factory still needs to produce light wing accessories and other parts for the shipyard, as well as a new type of rapid-fire gun group, which can equip all militia groups with a power armor, at least until the second half of the year."


"It doesn't matter, just ask the 38th Division to unload the existing equipment and transport it back here. The 38th Division is to strengthen the division's establishment, and when it is dispatched, it takes into account the losses in battle. The sand people soldiers The armor coverage rate is actually 170%. If all are shipped here, it will be enough for the Tollon people to equip two divisions."

Even Mihir Kent couldn't help but feel that this guy was a little too out of touch. He was speechless for nearly half a minute, and then he pressed his temples: "...The 38th Division on Yaochi Star is still here. There are nearly fifteen thousand people, and they are all unarmed now. The empire has also established a barracks on the back of Yaochi Star. Judging from the current scale of construction, this is at least the size of a division-level barracks."

"I know." Akinayama Hachiman said, "But it's only been like this for these two months."

Michiel Kent was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Are you talking about the so-called equipment for an entire synthesizer that Boss Yu negotiated for us in the alliance?"

During this period, although Yu Lian was enjoying his long-future "Sea Capital Holiday", he was also sending an average of seven or eight emails a day to the front lines of the New World. This of course includes the current national conditions and public opinion of the alliance, the progress of the construction of dreadnoughts, and the unexpected joy of getting a general-purpose synthetic division equipment for free.

Thanks to the galaxy-level source wave relay device dug up by Yu Lian and his friends, it only takes more than twenty hours for the mail to be sent from Gibraltar to the "Devil's Throat". Although it is difficult to send videos due to traffic, if they are replaced with text, data and tables, the problem will not be big.

"The deputy minister of the Alliance Defense Equipment Department, Lieutenant General Gu Jiao, was assassinated. However, this did not affect the agreement reached by the two parties. The equipment of the division was loaded and set off yesterday. If everything goes well, it will be ready in early February. When we get here, we can send it to Yaochi in the late afternoon." Hachiman said.

"The Alliance is really looking forward to the test data of these weapons!" Kent sighed: "But, this is new equipment after all. Can it really make up for the combat power of the 38th Division?"

"According to the boss, as long as the soldiers can master the performance of these new equipment, the combat effectiveness can even be increased by 40 to 50%. It sounds a bit unbelievable, but at this time, we can only choose to believe him." Hachiman said: " Fortunately, so far, he has not betrayed our trust.”

But even what he said was true. The new equipment of an entire division, from power armor to fire support to command systems, are all brand new, and it is very difficult to adapt to them in a short period of time.

Such doubts flashed through Kent's mind. However, he pondered for a moment and nodded: "Indeed, we are dancing on eggs now. When it is time to bet, we must have the courage to place the bet. At this time, we not only have to trust Boss Yu, but also My comrade!"

These two Crouching Dragon Phoenix chicks from the Lion Heart Society, the first and second chiefs of staff of the Volunteer Army from the 830 world in another timeline, took their leave after discussing the details of the execution.

Of course, they are not going to carry out any work that is disharmonious and detrimental to the unity of galactic civilization, but quite the opposite. You know, it is New Year's Eve after all. As the entire Great Expedition has gradually returned to calm, the possibility that the predators may sneak attack and reflect has almost been ruled out. As a result, the military forces stationed on the fortress will naturally have to It would be better to engage in some activities that are in line with the mutual benefit and common prosperity of galactic civilization.

Therefore, Yang Xiyi was going to drink wine with the feudal lords, and mid-level officers like Kent and Hachiman also had to attend a party belonging to their class. The versatile Michiel Kent even prepared a tenor solo, which aroused applause from the audience.

Of course, the most popular program of the entire party was actually the skit performed by two Cherkian officers and two Imperial officers. Although during the performance, the Circassian who played the stowaway and the Imperial officer who played the customs inspector seemed to really get into a fight, at least everyone watching was quite happy.

At least on the last day of 832, the atmosphere in the "Unity Fortress", which gathered more than 20 countries, more than 40 intelligent races, and more than 600,000 soldiers, was still very harmonious.

Yes, the Galactic Civilization Council has officially passed a decision. At the beginning of next year, the "Devil's Throat" galaxy will be officially renamed Dawn Pass. As for this vast and fertile "Devil's Maze" star field, it will also be officially named the Dawn Star Field. As for the "Devil's Throat" fortress, which caused nearly a million casualties to the two armies of various countries, it was happily named "Friendship Fortress" by everyone.

This is of course used to commemorate the sincere unity of the major civilization alliances in the galaxy, the unbreakable unity and friendship forged with blood. Dawn represents the dawn of the golden age when all intelligent creatures in the universe unite.

As for the sovereignty of the entire star field and the ownership of the "Unity Fortress"...well, it is still in the final critical stage of the war. Of course, what we need is to "put aside the dispute and develop together." Anyway, in this huge ancient fortress, all the guerrilla soldiers hiding in the secret alleys have been eliminated. Since the interior is "quiet", of course "harmony" and "joy" are needed.

What is also very joyful is that it is 1,700 light years away from the "Unity Tournament" and located on the Yaochi Star in the middle of the Devil's Labyrinth, ah no, "Dawn Star Territory".

The official naming of this planet has also been approved by the Blue Star Community officials and the Galactic Civilization Council.

On this point, the empire has shown a considerable degree of openness. Even their official documents use the name "Yaochi".

This is of course easy to understand. The empire, which is full of martial virtues, actually likes the solemn, deep and mysterious atmosphere of fairy tales. The atmosphere of the whole country is always a bit divine, probably because this can increase the sanctity of the Dawn Royal Family and the Millennium Nobles.

In short, the imperial barracks built on the back of Yaochi Star also has the temporary establishment of "Yaochi Garrison Headquarters".

This temporary command includes an armored grenadier brigade and a stormtrooper division, two surface air groups and a marine exploration command, and three engineer commands.

Although the only troops in place so far are the stormtrooper division and an engineer battalion, from this organization alone, we can see the empire's ambitions for the vibrant planet Gaia.

Of course they also know that there is a city belonging to the community 10,000 kilometers away from their straight surface. It is even known that there are 300,000 to 400,000 refugees and an Earth Marine Division in that city.

"One Imperial soldier can take care of at least three Alliance soldiers and five Earth soldiers. What's more, I heard that the Marine Corps was just established, and its main source of troops is a bunch of lizard natives." The commander of the 404th Imperial Stormtrooper Division, A brigadier general named Takai said: "If my subordinates take action, they can capture Gray City in one day at most."

He is an extremely burly Legg giant, and his status in the empire is even lower than that of the Wulflings and Kyeyans. He is an absolute third-class citizen, but this does not stop him from being interested in people who look like giants. The lizard-like sand people are racist.

"It's Marshal Li Gullah City. This is a city to commemorate Marshal Victoria Li. Also, the higher-ups have not approved this plan." The commander of the Yaochi Garrison Command, Major General Aiduka, said.

He is a slightly older Imperial human. His temperament and appearance are uniform. At first glance, he looks like a professionally trained old aristocrat, or a professionally trained obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"We are still friendly forces at the moment. Don't pay attention to them." He said the current situation very seriously. Then the military commander Laige on the opposite side understood instantly.

Then, during the period when the Imperial Army began to build the base, both sides seemed to really pretend that the other side did not exist, each doing their own thing.

However, what Major General Aiduka never expected was that on New Year's Eve, Marshal Li's city of Galle, 10,000 kilometers away, actually sent a convoy to come here beating gongs and drums. There are a total of ninety-six large and small vehicles in the fleet, including two giant vehicles that look like moving fortresses.

The empire's mobile armored city, used for urban fortification and large-scale firepower projection, is of this size. As a result, the Imperial Army generals at the "Yaochi Command" immediately became nervous and quickly took out everything, big and small. While preparing for battle, they also reported to their Highnesses on the "Unity Fortress" and the Dawn Angel. A signal was sent to ask if the Earth side had launched a sneak attack without any sense of martial ethics.

...Unfortunately, the Imperial Army does not have a seismic wave communication channel in the New World, and even the gravitational wave beacons have not been completed. If we really have to wait for the lords to respond, I'm afraid we'll have to wait until next week.

Fortunately, the convoy on the Earth side still stopped at a safe distance, and then sent another friendly communication request.

No matter how nervous the Imperial people were, they would not be reduced to the point of not even answering the other party's communication request, so they naturally approved it. Then, he saw a major officer from the community, with a harmless smile on his face.

"This is Major Simon Vayali. Based on the good-neighborly and friendly relations between the two countries, and the friendship forged with blood between your and our armies on the front line of the New World, we have sent some condolences to your army to celebrate the New Year. .”

Major General Aiduk considered many scenarios, but failed to consider this possibility. He was silent for several seconds before repeating again: "Condolence items...is that right?"

Simon nodded, still smiling: "That's right, including 10,000 tons of grains, 5,000 tons of fruits and vegetables, and 5,000 tons of meat, as well as some cans, pastries and wine produced by ourselves."

Major General Ai Duke always felt that the other person's smile was as harmless as the owner of a soy sauce shop. But next to him, Commander Laige Giant, had already swallowed hard.

"Wine, wine..."

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