Him and their stars

Chapter 1352 You have a deep misunderstanding of me.

The furious Commodore Mando returned to Major General Surmei to complain, believing that the supporting fleet in orbit had failed in its duty. Unless they had eaten too many leaves, there was no reason why they could not find the enemy's artillery positions.

However, the crew members felt extremely aggrieved. Since yesterday's attack, the radar soldiers and lookouts on the support fleet have been working in three shifts 24 hours a day. Not to mention Ye Zi, they haven't even eaten a whole hot meal for fear of missing the enemy.

However, they did not find the enemy's artillery.

"Okay, first of all, you didn't find the enemy's tunnels, and then you didn't find the enemy's artillery. Could it be that those who bombed us were ghosts?" Brigadier General Mando shouted loudly.

"I can tell you as many times as you want! Not a single soldier in the fleet has deserted. We have done everything we can." The captain's voice was not loud, but his attitude was firm.

"You chirping scarecrow!"

"You barking mad dog!"

As a result, Brigadier General Wolfgang Werewolf Marines and the captain of the Kiyan destroyer began to glare at each other murderously across Major General Surmei. If these two were nobles or psychics, they might have already prepared for a duel of honor.

Major General Surmei felt a splitting headache and a depressed heart. He simply stood up, waved his cane and struck at the werewolf Brigadier General, and soon beat the latter to the point where he could only huddle together and squat in defense.

He then swung his cane at the Kyeyang captain, but the latter was much more alert and shrank behind the table and begged loudly for mercy.

Major General Surmei, who came from the academy, felt that his anger had calmed down a little.

Just when he was about to show his superior authority and order the two of them to ignore this scene, the fleet's chief navigator, Colonel Arianne Aichner, said: "It could be AK."

This navigator lady is the "navigator" of the third ring, and also has the position of Hoshimi officer. Although her face is very tender and looks like an underage JK, her status on the ship is actually very transcendent.

It's just that Miss Navigator is a silent and quiet lady. She spends most of her time touching... ah no, she is obsessed with her own spiritual world, probably comprehending the mysteries and the avenues of the universe.

It is rare for the navigator lady to express her opinion, so naturally everyone still needs to pay attention to it.


"Mr. God's Chosen Champion, the convenient ion cannon made at the 250th God of War Festival. It can be made in a small workshop, and its power is comparable to our squad ion cannon. The disadvantage is that its service life is not long and its performance is unstable. .The advantage is that it is very cheap and light, and an adult wearing an exoskeleton can move it." Colonel Arianne said seriously.

Did something like this happen during the God of War Festival? The officers present looked at each other.

"Now, the Flemish and Sumi rebels are already using this weapon in large quantities."

There were indeed many people present who watched the live broadcast of the God of War Festival, but due to well-known reasons, the channel of the God's Chosen Champion was restricted for a long time, and some passages even completely disappeared and became inexplicable online legends. Everyone is really familiar with this scene.

"They may also be lurking in the tunnel. After the bombardment is completed, they can immediately withdraw with the ion cannon." The navigator said.

It was rare for Colonel Arianne Einach to say so many words at one time in a meeting, let alone say it so reasonably. Even Brigadier General Mando, who has the most explosive temper, has to admit that this should be the most likely scenario.

However, even if the situation is confirmed, it does not mean that the current situation has improved. Besides continuing to attack, everyone really didn't know what else to do.

"Spread out the formation. Pay attention to mine clearance. In addition, ensure three destroyers in low-Earth orbit for monitoring. Seven more flying gunships will be deployed in the atmosphere! Maintain fire suppression on the ground at all times." Major General Surmei said.

"So, where's the forward base?"

"We are attacking and building at the same time. We are also attacking instead of defending!"

Major General Surmei still felt that since he had agreed to push forward from the ground, he must establish a forward base. This is actually a bit suspicious of obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, this is still the most stable approach.

So, at dawn on the third day, two brigades of Imperial troops began to advance. This time, they finally approached Marshal Li's trenches and fortresses outside Grad. The two sides began a fierce battle.

However, the seven flying gunships within the atmosphere did not plow the community's defense line immediately.

When they landed 10,000 meters above the ground, they were called out one by one by the sudden rail gun again.

Facts have proved that these man-made creations with an average length of more than 250 meters can only be regarded as small if placed in space, but placed in the atmosphere they are like giant beasts straddling the sky, formidable.

On the battlefield of suppressing the uprisings of natives and alien races in colonial stars, these steel warships can scare most of the rebels out of their wits and make their limbs weak as long as they pass through the sky. Like the ATAT, which looks like a steel mammoth, it is also known as the crouching dragon and phoenix chick among the equipment of the Imperial Marines.

However, this also means that they have a huge projection and are easily focused and hit.

After a series of railgun fire, five of the seven flying gunships were destroyed and shot down, and two were seriously injured and forced to land. Thousands of Imperial soldiers died on the spot.

This kind of flying gunship is equipped with armor and shields. What can directly pose a fatal threat to its hull is not as superficial as an individual soldier's ion cannon. It must be a more professional and powerful fort.

The Imperial Army's reconnaissance plane quickly captured the attack direction based on the ballistic trajectory. It was in a hilly area in the northern part of the battlefield, 94 kilometers away from Marshal Li's Grad City and 114 kilometers away from the base the Imperial Army was building. It formed a triangular distribution with the two, covering the entire battlefield. Within range.

The reconnaissance plane quickly tilted all its ammunition into the hills.

Afterwards, the furious Chasseur Regiment quickly surrounded them, and indeed found the defender's fort in the cracks of the Burning Hills.

...However, it is more like more than 20 simple small positions rather than a fort.

After the previous bombing, less than half of the positions were still resisting.

The soldiers of these communities fought to the end, and most of them died in the battle. Less than ten of them broke through and escaped deeper into the mountains and forests, and only five of them were seriously injured and captured.

Then, the Imperial Hunters found only the remains of more than a hundred Community soldiers in the flaming ruins. Earthlings, Rumina, Sand People, and even three Mazavi and two Umba Sphinxes. These warriors from different corners of the universe finally died together.

"In other words, there are only six defenders on average at each gun position?" After receiving the battle report, Major General Surmei suddenly showed an expression of "Are you kidding me?"

"Yes." The adjutant reported. It was actually hard for him to believe it, but with the facts here, he couldn't help but disbelieve it.

"Just six people? They want to build positions, build forts, install and debug professional equipment, bombard our airships, and resist until the last person under our noses?" Major General Surmei still found it difficult to understand.

"Your Excellency, it did happen. These soldiers are all dead soldiers."

"That's not scientific either!"

Although dead soldiers are hard to find, they are not extinct after all. However, it is incredible that a dead soldier is an elite technician and a professional gunner.

Then, the adjutant handed over the photos taken at the scene.

Although those rail guns were bombed to a great extent, some were still intact. As a result, a strong unprofessional green-skinned style caught Major General Surmei's eyes, leaving him speechless for a moment.

Although Major General Surmei did not know what "green skin style" was, he did have similar emotional resonance.

"This should be called 107." The navigator took a closer look and explained: "A complete rail gun can be assembled with twenty-one standard modules prepared in advance. The advantage is that it is easy to carry and conceal, and it is also cheap. The disadvantage is that the tracks and capacitors are not professional, and they will fall apart after only three or five shots at most.”

If this kind of thing, which is about to fall apart after three or five shots, were produced by the imperial military industry department, everyone from the person in charge of the arsenal to the engineers in each workshop to the technical foreman would be thrown to the dragon.

However, it was this weapon that even sounded a little ridiculous, but it caused the greatest battle damage after the Empire's landing.

"...Is it also the God of War Festival?"

Arianne nodded listlessly.

"Is he also the divinely chosen champion?"

Arianne continued to nod.

"People are not there, but they are everywhere! Sure enough, this is called the Dragon of Dawn!" Major General Suermei smiled instead of being angry, and sighed with admiration on his face, and then ordered: "... withdraw the troops. Again There will be no results if we continue fighting like this.”

As a result, the third day's attack came to an end before noon. Counting the crashed gunboats, the Imperial Army dropped ten times as many corpses as the enemy, but still failed to achieve any staged results.

Major General Surmei said that as an academic, he was well-informed, but he had never seen such a ungrateful style of play. Fortunately, just when he fell into depression, he also received news that reinforcements - the Yeager Soback Squadron was about to arrive.

He was not prepared to hide his defeat at all, nor did he show any emotions such as anger, jealousy, or resentment. He very calmly shared the battle reports of the past few days with his allies, and his behavior seemed quite orderly.

However, when Major General Surmei really showed his pattern, the person who was embarrassed would be the other party. At least Soback himself does feel that way.

"So? Major General Surmei has never seen this kind of fighting style without martial ethics. Am I the only one who has seen it?" Soback looked at Miss Serlu's expectant eyes and couldn't help but press the button in distress. He pressed his temples and couldn't help but said: "Does he have any strange expectations for me? I am just an ordinary squadron admiral. Not to mention commanding the Marine Corps, I have never even fought in a gang war..."

"Thinking about it, it seems true." Miss Serlu nodded.

"Besides, when we were in the Ring of Miracles last time, when the battle cruiser Tevarin that broke out from Earth rushed past and was about to join the gang in a desperate attempt, didn't I just get out of the way?" Soback shook his finger. , said seriously: "To put it bluntly, it's just because of unprofessionalism."

To put it bluntly, it was actually because I was scared.

After all, when the Soback fleet arrived at the encirclement location, the main force of the Community fleet had completely collapsed. The few ships that still had the courage to continue fighting, in order to protect the friendly forces, even showed the courage to kill themselves, and the battlecruiser Tvarin was one of them.

The Community's Hippogriff-class battlecruiser was obviously riddled with holes, but it immediately assumed a desperate posture and headed straight towards the Royal Rabbit at the highest charging speed. Looking at the courage at that time, it no longer looked like joining a gang, it was clearly like running into each other and dying together.

However, at that moment, Soback gave a calm command and ordered the entire fleet to disperse. At the same time, the twelve auxiliary thrusters of the Royal Rabbit were also at full power. Relying on the fact that it was a newly built new ship and its waist was still flexible enough, it managed to avoid the opponent's collision by a hair's breadth.

Only when he was running for his life did Soback show judgment and determination that surpassed ordinary people. He was still very proud of it.

At this time, Captain Peggese added without looking back: "Avoiding the enemy's edge is the right choice. Then, while the two ships were crossing each other, you destroyed the Tevalin with a salvo of broadsides. The flank of the enemy was completely disabled, creating an opportunity for the friendly forces to capture it."

What's wrong with you? Moreover, wasn't it you who ordered the port gun salvo to fire at the moment when the two ships crossed each other? Soback glared viciously at the back of the other man's head.

However, after that battle, everyone believed that the opportunity for the broadside salvo to blur the face of the enemy ship was created by themselves. The military medal certainly belongs to Captain Pegese, who decisively ordered the firing, but it also belongs to Commander Sobek.

Then, immediately afterwards, he became restless under the admiring gaze of the viscountess.

"Is this why His Highness Brünnhilt personally commended you after the war? If you try to trap the enemy troops who are desperate to break through, you will suffer heavy losses, but if you open a way, you can create greater losses. Result."

Well, after the war, Yeager Soback received a Knight of the Red Dragon medal in recognition of the commander's merits, and it was awarded by King Sulyuka himself. In the brief investiture ceremony, his ranking was even ahead of the Queen's confidants Maimidal and Rowentour, and only behind Countess Lamut.

"Moreover, you can defeat the enemy without joining gangs. Sure enough, this is the true form of a famous general. Speaking of which, last time the Generalissimo's Office published a paper called "Theory of the Uselessness of Joining Gangs." Although it was The veterans of the Generalissimo's Palace and the Knights scolded me miserably, but after all, it was written by your old enemy, so it is naturally very reasonable."

I've also read the article "On the Uselessness of Joining Gangs". Soback thought, I think it does make sense, but it really wasn't because of this last time.

"I have also read it, and I feel it is still somewhat forward-looking. However, it is probably more difficult for the paper to be turned into tactics than for the research results of basic physics to be turned into mature technology! Fortunately, we are at least on this path. "Captain Peggese continued to add without looking back.

So you are just a captain, why do you talk so much?

"Major General Suermei also said that in the battle of Yaochi, although General Yu Lian was not around, the entire battlefield seemed to be shrouded in his shadow. Perhaps it will take you, the only enemy recognized by the Dragon of Dawn, to find a solution. That’s the way to go. That’s what Major General Surmei probably means,” Serlu said.

Soback didn't know that Miss Viscount was obviously a noble lady, but she could be so abstract even when she was in the second grade. He was so ashamed that he wanted to open the skylight of the bridge and jump out. He quickly interrupted the other party's thoughts by saying, "This is not the point! As I said before, this kind of ground fortress attack is not my specialty!"

"But, didn't you command counter-rebellion in the Divine Grace Colony Sector before? In the battle to suppress the Ain rebels and the Ian gang, you were invincible in ten battles and ten victories."

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