Him and their stars

Chapter 1485 The disappeared fleet

Marshal Farrell glanced meaningfully at his old friend and showed a helpless smile: "Okay, okay, sometimes you are really annoyingly sharp."

"It's easier to understand the Yaochi side. That's a Stellan stone mushroom that can't be boiled or chewed. It's not that easy to get." Admiral Orosha said an imperial proverb: "It's just that Yang Xiyi's fleet What's wrong?"

He is not the fleet commander, but he also knows that Marshal Farrell has used all means to catch Yang Xiyi's fleet. Of course, considering that instant communication is not available in this vast starry sky, and the routes are too extensive, even if there are several imperial fleets chasing after them, and the leaders are all excellent generals, it is difficult to guarantee that they can completely force the opponent. Dead end.

It can be expected that this grand hide-and-seek game will continue for a long time.

Yes, it is true that our side will not be able to catch Yang Fleet so easily, but with the opponent's current state of hiding, it is unlikely that anything will happen again.

All their channels leading to Yaochi are blocked, making it impossible to support the 38th Division. The only way for them to retreat through the Eye of Dawn is also blocked, making it impossible to leave this star field. In addition, as the escort scale and patrol warning range increase, the chances of attacking the supply and patrol fleets become increasingly slim.

No, Admiral Orosha has not heard about the attack on his own supply fleet for nearly a week.

Marshal Farrell said: "I issued a broadcast to the entire star field with the news that Yaochi City was breached. Then, I mobilized a supply team and took the main line of the Blossom Channel directly to Yaochi. Preparing to transport some underground drilling equipment, there are also two Enbu people’s special underground divisions as reinforcements.”

In the era of their home planet, the Enbu people were actually an underground race living in underground cavities. Of course, they were very good at digging holes and fighting in tunnels. This is evident from the fact that they are despised as "mole people" by humans.

If the city of Yaochi is breached, the next step is likely to be a tunnel battle with the earth's defenders. At this time, the Enbu troops can have a very good effect.

If the large mole men of these two divisions are really transported to Yaochi, the pressure on the 38th Division will be too great. After Yang Xiyi got the news, he should do something.

General Orosha shook his head and said: "Yang Xiyi will not be fooled. We have actually invaded Marshal Li's city of Golla three times. Most of the buildings in the city have long been razed to the ground."

Marshal Farrell smiled bitterly and said: "However, this transport fleet has indeed been defeated."


"Then, the Valerys fleet and the Maytig fleet, which were patrolling nearby, went up, and the Byrus fleet blocked Yang Xiyi's retreat. My staff has calculated it many times, and this time it must be able to intercept Those who live in Yang Xiyi are almost foolproof." Speaking of this thunder, Marshal Farrell showed an expression of disbelief:

"But, he is indeed missing."

Admiral Orosha also showed an expression of disbelief.

Of course he could hear that "missing" and "slipping away" were completely different things.

"Is this possible? The people on Earth have actually found a new shipping lane or even a new galaxy nearby?"

Marshal Farrell said: "Vice Admiral Valerys also has the same view. His fleet is stationed in a nearby star system and is exploring. Of course, for safety reasons, I asked the Maytig fleet to also be on alert nearby. Available at any time.”

Admiral Orosha's eyes suddenly became subtle. This is equivalent to using a huge fleet composed of more than ten battle cruisers and large aircraft carriers as a fixed garrison force. Even someone like Admiral Orosha felt that the other party was a bit extravagant for a while.

"As for them, I will find a way to allocate part of the fleet from the Miracle Ring." Marshal Farrell said.

"The Valerys fleet and others were all separated from the Ring of Miracles, and they should be included here. Moreover, have you noticed that with the changes in the war situation, even the escort fleet and the guard fleet were placed on the mainland? They can destroy the country, but the fleet around you is getting smaller and smaller." Admiral Orosha frowned.

"There will be at least Vulcan Ai Ran and three Dreadnoughts left in the Circle of Miracles. Don't worry, no matter how bad I am, I won't be beheaded by Yang Xiyi with so many enemies."

However, King Soleyn has been beheaded. Admiral Orosha really wanted to say this,

Marshal Farrell showed a smile and pretended to be relaxed: "This young man is indeed a rare general. If possible, I would rather surrender such a talent to the empire. But in the final analysis, the troops in his hands are still limited. Like the community soldiers who broke out from the No. 1 continental plate in the ring, they played the role of guerrilla transfer. In other words, they were more like pirates."

If you think about it carefully, Yang Fleet's role now really looks a bit like a pirate. Moreover, judging from their current combat power on paper, they may not be as strong as the several great pirate kings from the Abyss Nebula and the Spiral Nebula.

What? Half of the great pirate kings in the Spiral Nebula have been completely wiped out, and the other half have been recruited on the spot by the Galactic Empire? Then there's no problem.

But, looking at your attitude just now, it really doesn’t look like you’re dealing with pirates!

"...Haha, your expression is ugly. Do you think I will underestimate the enemy? I have applied to the Generalissimo's Mansion to continue to serve as the theater commander of the Dawn Star Territory, and I will also apply for some reinforcements. Oh, oh, hell, Oh, my spirit of the universe! Because of the existence of Yang Xiyi’s fleet, I actually feel that my own strength is stretched thin. I can’t even allocate troops to take the initiative to attack.”

Marshal Farrell has always had plans to send troops to attack the Community's New World sector, but it has never taken shape due to various accidents. Among them, the existence of Yang Xiyi's fleet indeed played a very good role.

"As for Yaochi... I just received a report from Major General Surmei, saying that the attacking troops have entered the city of Yaochi, and our army is occupying the upper peak. Of course, this is the battle report they sent thirty hours ago. Haha, does this sound familiar?" the marshal sneered.

"I have heard similar reports three times. Major General Surme is indeed born into a famous family." Admiral Orosha pondered for a moment, and his tone became serious: "How about it? Do you need me to go there? "

Of course, Marshal Farrell heard the murderous intent in his old friend's voice, and quickly shook his head and said: "...There is no need, you will go on a killing spree. You will soon be appointed as the commander of the Tianyu Guard. In the future, I will inevitably have to talk to you all. When dealing with big nobles, there is no need to create extraneous matters at this time."

"Well, even if the Yaochi planet is really a stone mushroom that can't be chewed, it can't hinder our affairs after all. It can't shake the entire war situation. The fact is that in the entire Dawn Nebula, the only stronghold of the community that is still resisting is One, I have seen the opportunity for the end of the war." Marshal Farrell said.

From a strategic perspective, there is nothing wrong with Marshal Farrell's words. Apart from the spiritual effect, the battle situation in Yaochi actually has nothing to do with the overall situation.

By this time, he had even considered withdrawing his troops and just letting the fleet block the orbit.

However, this is equivalent to giving in. For the imperial army with a glorious tradition, this is no longer a slap in the face, but a round of self-circulation. It is conceivable how much pressure the person who issued such an order would be under. Even a highly decorated Imperial Navy marshal like Marshal Farrell could not make such a determination for a while.

Of course he didn't know that the situation in Yaochi was worse than imagined.

At this moment, Marshal Li's battlefield in the hilly area on the northern outskirts of Galle had already come to a standstill. There were burning vehicles everywhere, aircraft crashed to the ground, and bodies standing or dead. There were also vague gunshots that sounded in the distance from time to time, but they seemed quite sparse.

The imperial soldiers who had lost their will to resist walked out of the mecha and sat on the ground with numb faces in their anti-Dutch suits, like puppets whose will had been taken away.

The beaming community soldiers walked behind the prisoners with guns in hand, waiting for the vehicles sent by their own side.

Probably because the hottest explosions and hand-to-hand combat were over. The scene was obviously still covered with fires, wreckage and corpses, and the air was still filled with the gloomy smell of blood, but it seemed much empty at this time.

Therefore, people who have just arrived here can easily see a huge body lying in the wilderness in the center of the battlefield, not far from the entrance of the rift valley into the mountain road. Because its body was too fat and it was covered in thick armor, at first glance, it was thought to be the wreckage of the destroyed tank.

It lay in a scorched field, its dim eyes lost focus, looking into space full of regret, the expression on its face still frozen in shock and pain. Besides Major General Hongkesi, deputy commander of the Imperial Yaochi Front Army, who else could it be?

There were many wounds on his body, and a lot of blood flowing from the wounds had solidified on his body, which looked very tragic.

In addition, the giant's chest armor has been melted through, leaving a bloody black hole, which may be a fatal injury.

But even so, the community soldiers surrounding them still maintained a safe distance of at least ten meters, pointing their weapons and talking in their ears.

"Oh ha, we killed an Imperial general? Thank you Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother."

"What age have you been, and you are still thanking Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother? What kind of person are you?"

"Can't you even express your feelings? Even the platoon leader who is a pioneer party member doesn't care about me."

"So, we did kill an Imperial general, a real Imperial general?"

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