Him and their stars

Chapter 1518 Titan is your prey

Colonel Gauram was right. The Void Realm Lord's body, which was originally biting the Nature's Crest, had actually slowed down under the bombardment of Sobek's fleet, and was far away from his prey. Seeing him struggling and twitching, with a ghostly look, he looked very much like a certain Ah Piao in the movie who was about to be recaptured by the mage.

Of course, it's just a little oversized.

But, then again, this lord of the virtual realm had already put on a shaky appearance half an hour ago. He couldn't even let go of his own wind and mist tentacle monsters. Why is he still there now? Alive?

Of course, this actually has little to do with the Thunder Strike fleet. So far, this virtual realm lord has acted as an ally of the earth.

Even so, everyone decided not to stimulate the inexplicable giant ghost. This was actually a decision that everyone had discussed before the war. This means that all lightning strike ships must ensure a safe distance from the Lord of the Void Realm. They can only enter the attack position from behind the hull of the Natural Crest, and quickly turn around and leave the battle line after the attack.

In this way, the attack trajectory of the lightning strike ship suddenly became somewhat predictable. However, for the lightning strike ships equipped with space bubbles, this has never been a serious problem.

"The first thing to ensure is that the first round of attacks, the first round of attacks, must knock out the engine of the Natural Herald." Anne Romanova said: "At least her speed must be reduced to three points of the current speed. of two."

"According to the plan, after the speed of the Nature's Emblem is reduced, our battleship will follow and prepare for a gang-hopping battle!" Colonel Gao Lanfu added and explained: "So, after attacking the engine, The main target of the attack is to prepare the armor and secondary guns of the enemy's E-12 compartment on the starboard side. I have sent target instructions to your ship terminals."

"So, what Commander Yu wanted from the beginning was to capture this Titan?"


"Be good!"

"As expected, he is indeed Commander Yu!"

"Yes, comrades, we will soon have Blue Star's first Titan ship, are you impressed?"

"Don't dare to move! Don't dare to move!"

These pilots, who braved the enemy fleet's desperate resistance and intensive anti-aircraft firepower, and finally broke through to the enemy Titan ship, were filled with a sense of accomplishment and revolutionary romanticism. As for the intimidating towering body of the Titan ship, it is naturally far from being a deterrent.

The channel was suddenly filled with a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere.

From the beginning of the war to now, they have cut down all the way from the High Sea to the Nebula on the far coast. They have killed more than a million enemies. They have beaten the dreadnought more than once and visited the entire universe several times. Of course, the only prey they have not yet taken away is Off to Titan.

Neither Anne nor Colonel Goranf were prepared to correct this. They are all pilots. In fact, they all know that during a war, the more relaxed their mentality is, the more stable they will be when executing tactical actions, and they will be able to complete the mission. This is something that even youth team coaches should understand.

Of course, before that, we still need to re-plan the grouping. There are currently only about twenty lightning strike ships arriving at the scene, and the number is limited. However, this is officially the case, and a complete queue is needed to ensure maximum performance.

At this moment, the latest battle situation was also shared on the pilots' combat terminals.

At this time, the three dreadnoughts of the Fuxi formation also completely broke through the defense line of the Tanlian fleet, but it would take at least twenty minutes to reach the battlefield. On the other hand, the Zeus formation on the other side was faster. Although the Zeus dreadnought was obsessed with beating up the enemy's remaining soldiers, two battle cruisers and six cruisers actually escorted six armored assault carriers to the vicinity.

Of course, Survey Eye 7, which was ambushing Era No. 1 in Count I's T1 system, also sent information about Admiral Rosanaio's reinforcements. It was a huge fleet including one Titan, four Dreadnaughts, and eight battle cruisers, with more than 600 ships of various sizes. It was only two hours away from Seide.

However, isn’t that the time yet?

It is even said that the Imperial Fleet, personally commanded by Marshal Ikenluojia, has already set off. This is a huge army with more than a thousand ships, which literally covers the sky and the sun.

However, isn’t this also the case?

Even General Sylvester and Commander Yu Company didn't say they were in a hurry, so why should they, the middle-level officers who were performing their missions, be in a hurry? Colonel Gauram and Major Romanova decided to ignore the situation.

The only thing they were concerned about was that their own assault carrier had arrived nearby. Does that mean that more than 30,000 marines can start joining gangs at any time?

"Everyone arrived just in time. The time is ripe for attack." Colonel Gao Lanfu said.

"Understood, start attacking!" Lieutenant Colonel Anne Romanova nodded and began to give orders as a matter of course as the former enemy air strike commander.

Anyway, Colonel Gao Lanfu is a very Buddhist and fastidious uncle. He has never wanted to compete for power with the "Moon Man" who is half his age and only one level lower in military rank.

"Take four aircraft as an echelon. The first echelon is the main engine of the enemy ship A, and the second echelon is the main engine of B. The third and fourth teams destroy the E12 extravehicular armor and shield. The fifth team is the general reserve team, and Prepare the gravity warhead." Anne continued to order.

"New China understands!"

"Rogue Squadron understands!"

"The Dragon of Dawn understands!"

The promise was made so neatly, as if all three squadrons were present. Tsk, if everyone really breaks through, I won't even bother to form a team and just go through A all the way. Miss Anne Romanova couldn't help rolling her eyes again, muttering to herself while operating the airship, and took the lead in rushing towards the target not far away.

She regarded herself as a former enemy commander, so she must take the lead. They will always naturally take over command from their seniors or even superiors when necessary, but they will always be the first to do so. The difference between the "Moonmen" of the 830th class and other "elite bureaucratic groups" is about this.

Well, if we carry out this round of bombing, we won't affect that guy Yu Lian, right? The former eldest sister of the Baofei Clan couldn't help but flash this thought.

At this time, in a certain subspace world that exists based on the Natural Crest, the battle between psykers is still going on.

Another round of siege began, but Yu Lian still decided not to give an inch.

In every previous round, he faced attacks from multiple psykers. Every detail of his body is exposed to fatal danger at any time. Even if there is just the slightest flaw, it may be caught by the opponent and cause fatal harm.

Every second, his sword edge meets the enemy hundreds of times, and the lightning flashes to form a continuous flame. Every step he takes, even the vibrations of his shoulders and wrists, are affected by various psychic techniques that are difficult to identify and difficult to prevent.

This is actually a very clever technique. There is no lightning, thunder or flashing effect, just like the air in this field is everywhere.

Even Yu Lian suddenly discovered that his physical and spiritual energy were consumed much faster than before after fighting these people for ten moves.

His physical senses were also affected. If you want to show the same strength and agility as usual, the same steps will definitely require far more physical strength than usual.

In fact, if it weren't for the existence of the etheric body that allowed him to switch his body between entity and nothingness more quickly in the subspace realm, he might have been fatally injured.

His method even made Duke Garibian look surprised.

"Compared to the Thousand-Eyed Root Demon, Yu Lianqing, I think you are more like a virtual creature." She said with a smile. In such a fierce confrontation, she was still able to speak, probably because she wanted to show that she was at ease.

Then, Yu Lian also showed a frank smile: "You are really knowledgeable. Do you want to learn? But I just won't teach you."

Yes, he also has to talk some trash, and he also has to express himself with ease.

So, immediately after, he felt the texture of the ground change, as if it instantly changed from a solid floor to touchless air. The air was still burning, as if there was an erupting volcano hidden in it.

Come on, she is indeed an "old hag". Although she looks like a king on the surface, she is actually very petty in her heart.

Yu Lian laughed and avoided the trap lightly, but his actions were a bit more ruthless and courageous than before. He is still making progress.

With a sudden change of mind, the Dawn Sword was still flowing in the air, colliding with the enemy's unknown treasure, and occasionally creating space turbulence, finally giving Yu Lian a chance to break free from the constraints.

Taking this opportunity, Yu Lian broke away from the encirclement of the four knights. The deadly vortex formed by the spirit storm materialized from his own spiritual world into reality, was thrown into the air, and began to explode, forming an airtight... Spirit barrage.

This was Yu Lian's first effective counterattack against the enemy.

The astral knights headed by Viscount Shameen pushed aside the blazing beams and bounced them around. However, this is just a cover after all.

The real killing move came from the light spear in Yu Lian's hand. He knew all too well the skills of these people. He also knew that most of the Astral Knight's moves were used to deal with sieges and find opportunities to turn defeat into victory.

Even if you have to deal with the siege of so many astral knights, what can you do? He is more skilled, more agile, more powerful and aggressive than any of the astral knights present. He can create killer moves as long as he is five times, ten times, or twenty times faster than usual.

What the etheric body gives him is not only the fusion and affinity to the virtual realm, but also perhaps some other abstract attributes.

In short, after the barrage of the spirit child storm, Lin Guang bloomed with a full brilliance, like the rising sun. Yu Lian's light spear collided with the weapons of all the besiegers. The explosive force exploded from the disordered force field entangled by the disintegrating force field. The air dissipated instantly, forming an instant vacuum field, as if It seemed like a powerful vacuum bomb was detonated in the center of the knights.

Even a psyker wearing a heraldry machine could not bear such an attack calmly. The knights groaned and took several steps back, all suffering considerable injuries.

The only exception is the youngest Viscount Shameen. His armor flashed with thunder, and even his armor instantly entered elemental form, completely avoiding the moment when the vacuum bomb exploded.

This action of avoiding a direct attack seemed very relaxed and freehand, without any fireworks. Although there is the bonus of the Noble Phantasm Armor, it can also reflect the results of its own practice.

Of course, to these masters, the Spirit Storm is a false move, while the light spear is the killing move. So, for these "background soldiers" who serve as part of the psychic array, every force field shock wave without attributes from the Spirit Storm is a killer move.

These "miscellaneous soldiers" whose average strength was around the third ring barely resisted, but they always seemed a little in a hurry. The heraldic machines of two of the knights were set on fire.

However, before this fatal spiritual fire destroyed the alchemical circuit in the armor, it quickly extinguished as if it encountered a flame retardant.

Needless to say, this could only be the work of Duke Garibian.

"I've never seen this trick before. Why, did you stuff a set of the magically modified sequel to the popular comic strip into their heraldry machine?"

Garibian said she didn't understand, but she also felt that there must be a big gap between the way of thinking of geniuses and ordinary people, and it was understandable that there would be problems with the radio system.

"Do you want to learn? Yu Lianqing? You are a genius. You must be able to learn quickly." Her voice was very warm, as bright as the warm sunshine in spring.

But then, her voice became deeper and more miserable than a black hole: "I don't want to kill you at all. Don't force me to kill you. Yu Lianqing."

"I have often heard this sentence before, and most of it comes from you." Yu Lian laughed loudly and jumped towards the other party quickly. In the blink of an eye, his figure had passed a hundred meters away and was directly close to Duke Garibian.

His light blade flickered like the sun.

However, after the same flash, the Duke's figure once again retreated a hundred meters away.

Yu Lian secretly thought it was a pity, but he was not too disappointed. This subspace is the realm of disputes established by Duke Garibian based on the material possessions of the Titan ship and the alchemy array. In this space, she has priority and can control space and distance with her own will. Even if you want to crack this space, it will take a lot of time.

Tsk, what a pity. If some riddle robot that is eating melons can take action, maybe this mysterious space can be restored to a mathematical model that is clear at a glance.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian couldn't help but glance at Xiao Hui's position again. She had finished eating the melon now, but she put on a clean and neat outfit, with a red belt around her waist, and the short coat on her upper body was pulled down halfway, revealing a fair and translucent body, but full of gorgeous muscle lines. Shoulders and arms.

...Well, the last time you tried on the latest fashion, you had the figure of a supermodel Chai Heniu with thin arms and legs. Is it now a model for bodybuilders? It's not so fast to take hormones, right?

Then, she pulled out two drumsticks like a magic trick, and a huge cowhide drum grew beside her. The type used for full-scale army charges in the cold weapon era.

I don’t know if Miss Gray is preparing to boost Yu Lian’s morale, but anyway, he no longer has any sense of crisis or tension.

He sighed and drew his sword back with a graceful gesture, neutralizing another round of attacks from the knights who rushed towards him.

"Hey, I recovered very quickly. Thank you for your hard work, Your Highness." Yu Lian smiled.

Duke Garibian didn't seem to hear his opponent's weird words, but asked instead: "Yu Lianqing, when you said you were not fighting alone, did you mean those heroic subordinates? Those passionate pilots on the Thunderstrike ship, and those on the aircraft carrier who were ready to go. Stormtrooper. Your initial prey was this Titan, right?"

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