Him and their stars

Chapter 847: Sister, you have to take responsibility.

Yu Lian finally restrained his Qilin arm, which wanted to pull out the light spear and kill people. He pinched his temples and said with a dry smile: "Okay, let's talk about something that is not prohibited. You run out to collect information and decompose the industry." Scrap nanomachines gnawed at a food factory’s compression depositor.”

She was not surprised: "While I was sleeping, those children were occasionally a little naughty and their thinking was very simple. They might accidentally injure the running machines."

"Accidental injury? For the advanced intelligent machines of the Age of Enlighteners, it really doesn't make sense to use accidental injury, right?" Yu Lian looked directly into those sparkling silver-gray eyes: "Although I haven't read many books, you can't either Lie to me!"

Miss Gray pursed her lips and smiled: "During my slumber, my children will automatically search the entire planet in a loop. After all, my body is sleeping here, so you must be cautious. Therefore, equipment that will cause safety hazards will automatically It decomposes and destroys.”

"The decomposition and purification machine in the food processing plant!" Yu Lian was shocked: "Why would the equipment in the food processing plant pose a safety hazard to you? Moreover, the equipment there was debugged by people from the Omnic Brotherhood, and nothing was found. What a problem!"

"The Omnic Brotherhood! It turns out that it has really been established. When I woke up last time, when I was talking to the young scientist, he felt that the integration of human body and machinery would be another evolutionary direction, so he decided to gather like-minded people Companion. It seems that it’s great that he succeeded..."

Yu Lian thought to himself that this is indeed excellent, and the previous one has developed even stronger under your protection. Just, can you tell me something I don’t know.

"So, you have to check it yourself. Why are the equipment in the food processing factory judged to be a safety hazard by my children?" Miss Gray said with a smile: "Maybe if you understand this, you can master what It’s new technology.”

Yu Lian pondered for a moment and nodded.

"In addition, you can rest assured that I am a good person, sister. The program has restrictions. As long as they do not have my order, they cannot attack living people. Of course, if they encounter unclaimed corpses in the wild, they will speed up their attack. It decomposes, promotes the natural cycle of the planet, and prevents plagues.”

Yu Lian thought to himself, I believe this too. However, your nanomachines are regarded as divine beings by the sand people, mostly because of this.

Miss Gray added: "Also, who said that my foyer is only opened once every ten years? I am also a super-advanced intelligent AI after all! Even if I am sleeping, how can I use such a simple and crude mechanism with no technical content? ?The initial interval is actually one hundred and forty-four years. This is actually to try not to interfere with the civilization process of the local indigenous people. However, when my nanomachine detects the civilization on the surface of the planet and in low-Earth orbit, it will be based on The development index increases the frequency of activation."

She gave Yu Lian a thumbs up: "The planet is developing quite well now. If you fail to come in this time, the next time it will open will be two years at most."

"Development index?" Yu Lian blinked.

"Yes, how many civilized people are there on this planet, how much energy consumption, how much machinery, how many factories, and how much modern transportation. This requires quite detailed analysis. Although my children are not very smart, these analyzes and studies are It was done independently, and so far there have been no mistakes." Miss Gray put her hands on her hips, looking like she was very powerful and very proud.

The girl thought for a while and then said: "As for the wars and turmoil in Laoshizi you mentioned? Why does it sound like the big devil in some comic book? However, I was five hundred years ago, eight hundred years ago I have awakened before, and a thousand years ago, and have had many exchanges with the outside world, and have also left some information. I hope that humans in this civilized generation can come to this planet as soon as possible to awaken my true body."

At this point, she finally realized something and showed an unhappy expression: "However, it is only my clone that acts in the Milky Way. According to your carbon-based organisms, it is just a few cells, and it is not easy to communicate. Even if it is smooth, there may be some information missing. Coupled with the misdirection of some evil-minded people, information will turn into rumors, rumors will turn into legends, and legends will eventually turn into the ravings of magicians."

At this point, she added seriously: "Yes, people with evil intentions really have no talent at all except to cause destruction. You humans will always have such people, and my creator also has this problem."

"So, you admit that enlightened beings are indeed human beings?"

"Haha, I told you this is forbidden."

Yu Lian wanted to press his temples again, but at this time, he heard the other party say angrily: "If you had come earlier, there would be no such rumors. As a glorious leader of intelligent AI, I was... It really makes me unhappy to think of him as that kind of charlatan-type devil who plays tricks on people, both in terms of his IQ and taste."

"But this place is more than two million light years away from the mainland of the Milky Way. If the star gate is not opened, we can't come." Yu Lian said helplessly.

"Huh? Isn't it just two million light years? If the Star Gate is not open, you won't be able to come? If you don't get in a stroller, you won't be able to walk? If you don't hang the cake around your neck, are you ready to starve to death? So You look so worthless, do you have the nerve to call yourself a human being?"

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Yu Lian could only continue to apologize for the incompetent ancestors of this civilization.

So, what the hell does this have to do with me? The technology tree is crooked and it’s not my fault that I have become an idealistic idiot. He couldn't help but roll his eyes and said: "So, what are these two million light-years like? Subspace folding? Or artificial wormholes? You have to give me a research direction."

Xiao Hui blinked, then put his finger on the plump lips: "This is forbidden."

Yu Lian was about to complain, but the other party smiled and said: "I can only say that you have to have confidence in yourself. You see, my development index will not be wrong. If you turn this planet into this, it means that your work It’s still pretty good.”

She is still very proud of her "development index".

Of course, Yu Lian also felt very proud.

In the previous timeline, whether New Yumen was under the rule of the Community or the Cathay people, the big shots only regarded it as a source of raw materials for spices and gems, and never seriously developed this planet. .

Qazi Khan, the independent father of the Sand people, realized that New Yumen needed to be developed and built, that it needed its own basic industry, that it needed a large-scale literacy campaign to step into the path of civilization, and that it needed more in-depth higher education and basic education. Healthcare and pension systems. However, perhaps because he realized this, he only served as the father of independence and the new head of state for three years before he fell into the rebellion of his subordinates.

Therefore, after decades of turmoil, the lives of Xinyumen and ordinary sand people have hardly changed, and development has basically stagnated.

But now, this timeline is different.

Compared with the Tulon incident more than two years ago, the urban area of ​​Tulon City has expanded by half, and the number of native immigrants on the planet has increased from two million to three million. The light rail running through the Inland Sea Plain and Mount Kiliro is under construction, and the roads from Tulon City to several surrounding satellite cities have also been renovated. At the same time, large-scale machinery cities and metallurgical industrial zones are under construction. As a result, various large-scale construction machinery roared day and night.

In addition, there is a string of defense turrets and two orbital defense satellites in the sky, and large food processing plants and hydroponic dome farms have also appeared in the wilderness south of Mount Kiliro. Therefore, just to maintain these facilities, only two more power plants were built.

In order to test their governing ideas, Akinayama Hachiman and Simon Wayali, two lawless people, even used the pamphlets that Yu Lian usually compiled on the sand people.

Although there is still a lot of land that can be reclaimed in Xinyumen, and it has not yet reached the point of land reform, it has also found various excuses to eliminate a considerable number of monarchs and tribal chiefs.

As a result, more than half of the leaders of the sand people rebels who participated in the Tulon period were wiped out. However, those "friendly" princes only dared to tremble in fear, and even honestly gave up the labor force they controlled.

Then, there is personal liberation, literacy, barefoot doctors, household registration and people...

Not to mention, the effect is really good. Although this kind of reform is far from changing the world, in just two years, at least one million more industrial people have been added to the planet out of thin air.

Then, the industrial population was organized into households and the people became an army, which easily defeated those fierce and cruel plunderers.

This is not called development. What is development?

Yu Lian suddenly wanted to feel proud, but fortunately he was not carried away yet, so he asked again: "The predators have come to the New World now... Uh, predators, do you know?"

"You know, a group of unlucky guys who were driven to the center of the galaxy formed a unique social form of cosmic nomads." She smiled and said, "This is actually of great observation value."

"Their main force got rid of the empire's blockade, broke through the star gate, and now they have escaped all the way to the New World."

"Empire? Oh, the Holy Galactic Empire, right? I remember that it was the most powerful political system of your kind." Miss Gray nodded: "Are you so spiritless? Have you been taken advantage of by the nomads?"

Well, I also feel very lethargic. Now the whole universe is watching the empire’s jokes. However, it must be admitted that this great expedition of marauders can indeed be regarded as a military feat that will go down in history, both in planning and execution, it has been perfected.

But why didn't this happen in the previous timeline? Where did my butterfly wings go?

"Then they disappeared."


So, Yu Lian explained the current investigation situation in detail, and also called up a star map of the New World, and then clicked on a blank position: "According to normal development, they should have reached this direction. , but no trace was captured at all. The empire's reconnaissance fleet was said to have gone several rounds, and occasionally had several small confrontations with the predator's peripheral fleet, but could never find the location of the opponent's main force. "

"This star map of yours... don't tell me, this is the most detailed star map of the Andromeda Galaxy that you have so far." Seeing Yu Lian nodding affirmatively, he couldn't help but tutted: "Take this to the kindergarten children. The geographical enlightenment is too crude."

I’m really sorry that the results of more than thirty years of exploration by all civilizations in this generation across the galaxy are not enough to open kindergartens for enlightened people!

Hui added: "However, the place chosen by these nomads is quite interesting. They should have dug out some of the legacy left by the creators, and then found this star field, which is suitable for the founding of a nation. .”

"The star field transformed by the Enlightened Ones?" Yu Lian's heart was lifted.

"This is a forbidden matter!" Hui put his finger on his lips again: "However, I can tell you the things that are not forbidden. This star field is not too big, and it contains more than a hundred in total. Star system.”

More than a hundred star systems are just a drop in the ocean among the entire galaxy. According to the probability, if we can find two or three naturally habitable planets, or a dozen transformable Earth-like planets, they can be considered fertile, and it really does not look like we can maintain an interstellar hegemony.

But if this is really the case, why did the talented Khan pay such a high price and engage in such a big battle?

Well, nine times out of ten it has been modified. Yu Lian bowed his hand to Miss Gray: "Thank you for your candid confession."

Miss Gray rolled her eyes and added: "In addition, this star field is protected by a device called the canopy generator. If there is no special star map and travel code, baby strollers like yours now It is absolutely impossible for people with advanced aerospace technology to get in. Haha, where did these nomads dig up the star map and password? What good luck!"

"...So, do you have a special star map and password?"

"Of course I don't. As I said, I'm just a guide robot with different functions and permissions! And even if I do, it's prohibited." Miss Gray said proudly.

You are so proud!

"However, I do know how to turn off the curtain generator." Miss Gray paused, looked at Yu Lian, and smiled: "Originally, according to the rules of a leader, I shouldn't go too far. . Nomadic civilization is also an expression of the civilization of your generation, and it is still worth observing. However, Sister Gray, I think you are more pleasing to the eye, so I will give you a benefit. Click here!"

She waved her hand, and the star map projected by Yu Lian's personal terminal slid in front of her.

She reached out and fiddled with the blank space on the star map a few times, and then clicked on a light spot representing a galaxy.

Yu Lian's eyebrows jumped. This galaxy is indeed not within the discovered star map, but the physical distance is indeed not far from the community's territory... However, why is this location so subtly familiar?

Miss Gray marked and entered a piece of data on the newly lit galaxy, and then pulled a line directly connected to the route of the New World Highway.

Well, the new channel is just there! But this time, not only did Yu Lian's eyebrows start to twitch, but his eyelids also started to twitch.

He now feels more and more déjà vu.

"Then, this is it." She drew another route on the other side of the galaxy's light spot, and then, the second light spot representing the galaxy flickered at the end of the route.

Then, with a flick of his eye, a red skull jumped out of the light spot in the galaxy.

"Kill this thing to death, and the canopy generator will be unlocked. Young man, I like you...wait a minute, what are you doing like this?"

"Sister Hui, please support me!" Yu Lian raised his fists above his head, and then bowed at a 90-degree angle: "As a leader, you must take responsibility!"

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