Him and their stars

Chapter 954 Destruction is nothing

Yu Lian tilted his head and thought for a moment, suddenly realizing that the independence of the community and the Seventh Galactic War happened in the last century. As for the past thirty years since the beginning of this century, there has indeed been no shortage of disputes and turmoil among small countries, but the scale is far less than the two million light-year expedition of the predators.

What's more, the empire has mobilized nearly one-third of its military strength in the New World, including three Titan ships. Many young people born after the ninth century of the Common Era have not even seen a Titan ship.

Well, this Ms. Twi'lek is right. This is indeed the biggest war of this century, and it can indeed be regarded as the biggest stage as the other side calls it. After all, she didn't jump around in another timeline, but she doesn't know how lively this universe will be in a while...

its not right? Aren't you, lady, the legendary "Great Prophet"? He is one of the top thirteen cadres of the Snake Organization under the three Time Lords. He is also a legendary god-man who can see through the past and the future. He is the most trusted lieutenant of the Time Lords and the leader of the Snake Organization. The eye of insight…

However, the great prophet lady may not know that Yu Lian knows her, but Yu Lian does know him. Yu Lian, who came back from that era, knew very well that this Twi'lek woman was actually a "generalist", that is, a seven-ring psyker of the "wisdom" star ring. In addition, she must have had a unique encounter and mastered a deduction technique called "psychohistory", so she was able to extract the most useful context from the massive information generated in the entire universe, thereby predicting the future.

Yu Lian felt that this should not be some metaphysics, but science.

Since she is such a person, she should be able to deduce that a larger-scale war will be a matter of time.

You must know that the last galactic war was actually not too big in scale. It did not resolve any underlying geopolitical conflicts, nor did it act as a stable pressure relief valve between the two poles of the Empire and the Alliance for hegemony. The two poles, plus their respective minions, were not satisfied with the outcome of the war and wanted to find an opportunity to get the situation back. If it hadn't been for the addition of a new human country that attracted a lot of attention, as well as the development and colonization of the New World , the war might have started thirty years earlier.

But the problem is, whether it is the Blue Star Community pretending to be the third largest military power with a tiger skin, or the "New Continent" that is visually richer and vaster than the Milky Way, they have no chance to become a factor for peace. On the contrary, they have become The source of war.

In addition, various cults and behind-the-scenes associations are fanning the flames, and Charlie hides in the shadow of the sea of ​​stars and jumps out at any time to create a biological disaster or something. Under such circumstances, a long-term war that will bring all countries and civilizations in the entire galaxy into a period of turmoil will happen sooner or later.

Of course, all of the above are just hindsight as Yu Lian uses the results to overturn the process and causes. But if it was this great prophet, she should have already figured out this situation.

At this time, I heard the other party smile sweetly, and said in a warm and clear voice: "The Milky Way is about to fall into chaos. This is a problem that everyone of our generation has to face. You can break through so easily. It is actually a good thing that the outer body labyrinth has arrived here. We can put down all psychological burdens, ignore the constraints of the world, and have a good discussion about real issues. "

Twi'leks are actually eighty-nine times similar to humans. Although the two sides are reproductively isolated, they can still be regarded as a type of demi-human. In this generation's civilization where everyone has become accustomed to human supremacy, this race with elegant and slender bodies and gorgeous skin is also a race in the cosmic civilization that is rich in beauties. Even their sensory tentacles extending from the base of their skulls are seen as an exotic aesthetic that is different from Three Thousand Hairs and Blue Silks.

In short, it must be admitted that this is indeed a beauty who completely resides in the human strike zone.

Her smile is very beautiful, her voice is very clear, and her temperament is even calmer, giving her an ascetic saintly air.

Yu Lian pretended to know her for the first time, and looked the Twi'lek beauty up and down with a not-too-polite look, and then let his eyes show a certain degree of alertness in the surprise, but also in the alertness. He thought about it for a third of time, and retained a bit of murderous intention in his thinking.

Well, if I hadn't started deliberately training expression management a few years ago under the guidance of a girl who has a great director style when she just debuted, I'm afraid it would be difficult to create a fan pattern effect for my eyes now. of.

"Let me introduce you first. My name is Xin'an Sumo, the senior partner of World Snake. You just need to know that I can fully represent the will of the leaders," she said.

"Senior partner?" Yu Lian raised his eyebrows in surprise, pretending to be hearing this for the first time. Of course he knew that the so-called "senior partners" were the Thirteen Faces under the Lord of Time, but he was not sure whether the other party knew that he knew, so of course he had to pretend to be stupid.

"To put it bluntly, it's just a big snake head. In this case, I don't think we have anything to talk about."

But she smiled nonchalantly and continued: "The reason why I use this statement is to tell you that in the Snake of the World, when you reach the level of a senior partner like me, you are actually the same as the leader of a higher level. , there is no direct subordinate relationship, let alone personal dependence. Compared with the military organization where the top and bottom are strict and orderly, and also subject to the constraints of bureaucracy and incompetent rulers, such a structure should be more in line with your style. .”

Yu Lian chuckled: "Let's open the skylight and speak frankly. What exactly do you want to say?"

She nodded and stretched out a hand to Yu Lian very calmly: "Join us. Together, our organization can guide the development of the Milky Way galaxy and even all known universes, towards normalcy."

"Well, this is really new." Yu Lian smiled.

This is nothing new. Yu Lian thought, you have invited me several times in your last life.

"I just killed your colleagues." Yu Liandao.

The great dramatist is so pitiful. It had only been seven days since his bones had chilled, and the organization at that time began to recruit his murderer. Can such a snake organization really have basic cohesion?

"It doesn't matter. My leader also killed his predecessor." Miss Prophet said. She seemed to be trying to express her sincerity and goodwill by following Yu Lian in speaking Earth's common language. Naturally, the pronunciations of "he" and "she" were the same.

However, Yu Lian knew that the leader of the other party should be Ms. "Now". In other words, the reason why this one of the Time Lords was able to join the organization was because he killed the previous "present"?

Well, this is the first time I heard about this.

"Our companions come from all over the world. They all have different understandings of the universe, civilization, history and life, and they all have different ideas. Naturally, they also have the side of expelling the old and adopting the new. You see, Mr. Yu Lian, snakes are among human beings. , among us Twi'leks, and in the cognition of many different civilizations, it has the cultural meaning of constant transformation and constant rebirth. The reason why the world-circling snake always exists in the vast torrent of time is because the universe also needs us."

"You just exist in this generation." Yu Liandao.

The other person smiled and said nothing.

"In addition, the Shared Foundation and the Void Spirit Temple have existed for many generations." Yu Lian added.

"The reason why intelligence dealers and occult clubs exist is because the rulers who stand in the sun need their existence. After all, they are all human beings. Even if they are ready to destroy the star, they must leave a line for themselves. . From this perspective, whether it is the ferocious Dragon of Dawn or the greedy Rainbow Rose, they are always led by clear-headed wise men." The great prophet smiled slightly: "But the difference between us is that we are not subject to these The domination of the Supreme Power, even most of the time, acts as their opposition. It is because of this that it is possible to reconcile the universe."


"I'm very proud of our cause." Ms. Twi'lek straightened up a little, looking quite proud, but she always had one hand behind her back.

"The Empire and the Alliance have dominated the entire known universe for more than 30 centuries. But, Yu Lian, don't you realize that this world has actually been stagnant for a long time?"

Why do these words sound so familiar? When was it?

"However, the next step of stagnation for a long time is the decline, whether it is life, country, or civilization."

"So, how to move?" Yu Lian asked with great interest.

"This is a big topic. If you are interested, we can continue to discuss it after we have established more trust." She did not give a positive answer this time, but said: "But at least we can make this universe not It will decline so quickly."

"Relying on your organization's behind-the-scenes terrorist activities?"

"Yes, from a secular point of view, we are indeed a shady secret society, not only engaged in terrorist activities, but also many pirates, gangs and even extremist terrorist organizations on the bounty list, even at our lowest level. "She said calmly, looking like she was not ashamed but proud.

"Most of our actions are not understood by everyone. They sound illogical and cannot even pass the most basic moral judgment. We have never dared to claim the high ground in the moral sense. This is because we share the same relationship with the empire and the This is the biggest difference between the alliance. In this way, we can put down our burdens and solve the problem from the root of the situation."

It sounds very reasonable! If it were anyone else, he might actually have been deceived.

"What you call the root cause of the situation is to assassinate the empire's elected emperor, provide a large amount of intelligence and technical support to the plunderers, and find a land in the New World for them to develop?"

"The triangular structure is actually more stable than the two poles."

Yu Lian suddenly showed an expression of contempt: "You, a rudimentary car wheel talker, can't even fool the keyboard politicians on the interstellar network now."

"This third corner cannot be a new hegemon. Otherwise, she may swell into a decisive force at any time while jumping left and right, completely breaking the balance. Similarly, it may also be regarded as an ambition by the other two powers. They join forces to stifle the vigorous challenger."

This statement finally has some fresh meaning.

The former reminded Yu Lian of the earth that belonged to another universe in his previous life, and the latter reminded Yu Lian of the earth that belonged to this universe in his previous life.

But in fact, no matter which one, it is a historical change that has not happened on this timeline in this life.

This great prophet lady does have something! Yu Lian thought.

"This third corner should be the collection of all forces that can restrict the empire and alliance. It may not be a real group, but it should be a ghost floating in this dark universe. Everyone is It is it, the ambitious Zionist organization, the rebels of tyranny, the fanatical religious elements and terrorists, the gangsters in the shadow zone... Of course, there are also emerging countries, like you, like this one made by Egypt. Just like the multi-racial United Empire rebuilt by the Luo people.”

There was a vague hope and outlook for the future in her tone. However, that kind of chaotic future only made Yu Lian feel creepy and even a sense of being offended.

To put it bluntly, can you call this a "ghost"?

"Let me introduce myself again. In the World Serpent, everyone calls me the prophet." She showed a mysterious smile again.

Well, I already knew that! My teacher taught me this before. People who have to introduce themselves twice are either narcissists or mildly mentally retarded. Yu Lian was suitably surprised.

"My strength tells me that if no action is taken, this era of chaos will continue forever, until it brings us all into decline."

Yu Lian appropriately showed a surprised expression, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "So, a chaotic era with long-term wars, this is your prophecy? And the reason why you want to help the predators is to avoid that future ?”

"You are indeed a very smart person." The great prophet lady still did not directly answer Yu Lian's words, but smiled and said: "You only need to know that the country of Tomitelli Khan is part of this restricting force. Moreover, you are actually wrong about one thing, Yu Lian, we are not the only ones who helped the predators."

Yu Lian frowned slightly. He clearly heard the subtext of the other party - it was not just the World Serpent who helped the predators, but also other powerful forces and people, and he didn't even know them at all.

"I know that you consider yourself a patriot, which is a virtue. So, from the perspective of a patriot, wouldn't it be a good thing for the community to let this country continue to exist and disperse the power of the empire and the alliance? ?”

She saw that Yu Lian had fallen into silence, and then smiled and said: "You have enmity with the plunderers, but with the extinct long-bearded demon warlord Noka Grand Duke, not with the Great Khan of the Ero people, whether in public or private matters, You have no chance to eliminate the other party. Join forces, Mr. Yu Lian, and we can severely damage the extraordinary power of the Empire and Alliance, but I guarantee that no one will doubt you."

"After you walk out from here, you will still be the most eye-catching young hero, the protagonist of this historical era. The empire and the alliance will still regard you as a star of hope that can be won over, and they will also regard you as a serious problem. Of course, in At the same time, you will gain a new ally."

"The vacancies on the Thirteen Sides of the World Serpent will still be reserved for you. After joining, it does not mean that you have to give up your official organizational relationship. How to prevent the coming of the era of chaos and war in the future, how to plan for civilization future, and it’s in this organization that you can find true fellow travelers.”

Yu Lian just silently counted the closing and closing of the corners of the other party's mouth. He waited until the Twi'lek woman finally stopped talking, and then said quietly: "If this era of chaos really comes, it will really be like you said, If it continues for such a long time, if our civilization will decline or even be destroyed because of this, then it actually means nothing."

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