Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 197 Pursuit Let Us Meet

As for what Jirobo said, no one refuted anything.

Although everyone has their own ideas, and although everything is unknown now, this choice is temporarily the most suitable for everyone's heart, the deepest string.

The silence that followed pretty much said it all.

Then Jirobo honestly put the wooden barrel engraved with mysterious runes on his back again, and continued their journey of escape.


Tian Guoyin Ninja Village, a mysterious basement.

Orochimaru leaned back on a large seat, his bandaged hands resting on his lap.

His eyes were closed, and he seemed to be enduring unbearable pain.

It's easy to see, nothing else.

The gnashing of teeth from time to time, the incessant sucking of cold air, the trembling body from time to time, and the sweat oozing out of the forehead unconsciously from time to time are enough to explain everything.

And wearing glasses, white hair tied in a short braided pharmacist's pocket.

Standing silently on one side, he was very quiet, his eyes silently watching Dashewan, as if he was already used to the situation in front of him.

After all, the wait was long, Yao Shidou didn't pay too much attention to Orochimaru, and subconsciously raised his head to look at the ceiling.

The eyes seemed to be full of inexplicable brilliance, as if thinking of something, or planning something.

When Orochimaru opened his eyes again, it seemed that he suppressed the pain that pierced his soul, or stopped the most difficult stage.

Seeing this, Yao Shidou returned his attention again, because he knew that Dashe Wan must have something to say next.

Sure enough, Orochimaru coughed twice first, and then said in that obviously weak tone: "Du, are they back yet?"

Pharmacist Dou said in a somewhat businesslike tone: "Master Oshemaru, Jirobo, Tayuya, Kidomaru, and Zuo Jin You Jin have no news yet."

"But if I'm not mistaken, right now they are being chased and wanted by Konoha!"

Orochimaru didn't speak, or was too weak to say a second sentence.

Pharmacist Dou continued: "Although the strength of the four of you is already very good among your subordinates, they can also start the second stage of curse seal."

"However, this is still very dangerous. Although we have seized Konoha after the death of the third generation, the fifth generation Tsunade succeeded, and we are vigorously integrating the entire Konoha, and we are doing enough to fight against the Hokage prosecutor Shimura Danzo who appeared inexplicably. hole card."

"So at this stage where most of Konoha's powerful ninjas are performing missions outside, Konoha is not a small ninja village after all."

"Although things happened in a hurry, it is absolutely impossible for them to reach the point where no one is available."

"So I think that if we don't send people to support them, they may really not be able to complete the task that your lord entrusted."

Just after the pharmacist finished talking, Orochimaru seemed to be in deep thought.

A calm voice came over: "Master Orochimaru, let me go!"

I saw a handsome young man in a kimono with white hair and a red flower on his forehead walking over from a distance.

The person who came was naturally Kaguya Junmaro. The appearance of Junmaro and the sound he made immediately attracted the attention of Orochimaru and Yaoshidou.

As for Jun Ma Lu's words, the two didn't express anything, but seemed to be considering the feasibility.

Jun Malu was not in a hurry, and came to Dashewan from a distance, and instead of going to talk to the pharmacist, he just bowed to Dashewan and said: "Master Dashewan, let me go!"

Dashewan didn't speak, but Yaoshidou said in a persuasive way: "No, Junmalu, in fact, everyone knows exactly what kind of condition your body is in."

"In the case of just finishing a course of treatment, although you seem to be back to the top in theory."

"But the battle with the fourth generation of Shaying Luosha in the early days has already exhausted your weak body again."

"If you still go this time, the result may be."

It seemed that because the next words were a bit cruel, he couldn't even say them for a while.

Jun Ma Lu still didn't talk to the pharmacist's pocket, just now he heard from a long distance, saying that he was supporting the four Otonin, it was obvious, judging from the current situation.

In the entire Yinnin Village, he is the only one who can support him, because only he has this qualification. Although there are many people in Yinnin Village, their strength is still not so good after all.

So for this kind of guy with not very pure mind, Yao Shidou is actually very disgusted, if it is not because this guy seems to be useful to Master Dashewan.

In fact, he really didn't mind, and directly shot and killed Medicine Master Dou.

But he thought about it in the long term, and he could also think of what Yao Shidou meant. He probably wanted to take this opportunity to replace his own position.

And he himself is well aware of all this, but he also knows that his time is running out after all, although he looks very healthy now.

But how many people know the pain he suppressed in his body.

If he hadn't thought about doing a little bit more for Oshemaru-sama, maybe he would have given up this painful life long ago.

But now, he feels that the time has come, and he has also heard and knows the importance of Uchiha Sasuke to Oshemaru-sama.

This can be said to be the most perfect and most suitable boarding body for Oshemaru-sama after he developed this disease.

But now, this important item has not been brought over by those four idiots.

So, at this moment, although he knew the purpose of Yao Shidou, what he said was the truth.

So he didn't want to wait any longer, he just wanted to hear Master Da Shemaru's agreement now.

Orochimaru, who was lying sideways on the wide seat, looked at Junmaro with wandering eyes.

What an innocent child! So innocent that now Orochimaru doesn't want to deceive him any more.

Although Orochimaru was ruthless, he didn't trust everyone.

However, I don't know when it started, but his eyes on Junma Lu had some other colors.

After learning of Kimaro's blood-inherited genetic disease, and at the same time shifting his attention to the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

He also made a different choice for Jun Ma Lu than others, although this included the reason of Jun Ma Lu's strength.

But in order to extend Jun Malu's life for a while, he actually said that he did his best.

If conditions permit, he even feels that he can give up some things that are not important to him to help the child.

But, now, he was a little bit insecure, so he agreed.

"Jun Ma Lu, are you really going? You should also know that if you go, you may really not be able to come back."

Jun Ma Lu, lowered his head, bowed, raised his head, looked at Orochimaru with resolute eyes, and said in a more decisive tone: "Master Orochimaru, let me go!"

"My time is running out. Instead of staying here and waiting to die, I think I can do one last thing for adults."

In his heart, he silently added: Since he is so important, let me bring him to you!

silence, silence,

Orochimaru: "Go! Good boy, if you can."

Having said that, he paused slightly before saying, "I hope you can come back in one piece."

Jun Malu didn't say anything, bowed to Orochimaru again, turned around and left.

Walk resolutely and chicly, and at the same time, there is a kind of relief.

Orochimaru murmured in a low voice: "It's a pity."


In fact, the four of them left in a hurry, and they left in a hurry without even cleaning up the traces of them resting there.

Not long after they left, Konoha Xiaoqiang's pursuit team arrived smoothly, and this shocked the spirits of the chasing Naruto and the others.

Because judging from the situation at the scene, this time we can tell from the situation that the other party walked very quickly, and the time to leave was not long, which means that they are not far from the target.

This time, Inuzuka stepped forward, and after picking up a broken step from a certain corner, he said to everyone: "Okay, now they can't even run away if they want to."

As he spoke, he put the broken step in front of Akamaru's nose, and Akamaru sniffed it immediately, and let out a loud sound.

Inuzuka's eyes lit up, and he said to several people, "Okay, no problem, everyone hurry up and follow Akamaru."

"Akamaru has already smelled their residual aura, as long as we follow this aura to hunt them down, we should be able to catch up with them soon."

Shikamaru also breathed a sigh of relief, but then brought it up again, and then said: "Okay, everyone, pay attention, this time we are very close to the goal, don't be careless, we still have to rely on Hina Tian and Ningci rolled their eyes."

Hinata Kohin nodded to Neiji, and Naruto also came out to liven up the atmosphere at this time and said, "Yonishi, everyone work harder! Let us bring Sasuke back smoothly."

Several people conducted a survey here again, and after finding nothing else, they immediately followed Akamaru and galloped towards a certain direction.

The four Otonin who fled soon had to stop.

The reason is very simple, Tayuya said with an ugly face: "No, we may not be able to escape if this continues. There should be scout ninjas in the other party."

"Besides, the scope of investigation is much wider than mine. There are only two ways for us to leave."

"One is to leave one person to block them and create opportunities for others."

"Second, everyone stay here and fight with all your strength, try to kill the scout ninja directly, and then escape,"

"But this uncertainty is actually very large. We may not be able to judge whether the other party is a scouting ninja, or we don't know who the scouting ninja is."

At this time, the time left for them to think about is actually extremely scarce, so Jirobo stood up and said, "I'll stay!"

After speaking, he threw the wooden barrel at Kidomaru, and then said: "I know that trick, if I use that trick, I can not only delay enough time, but also restore my chakra to its peak. "

A few people nodded, indeed, at this time, Jirofang, who has mastered the Tudun and has no dungeons, is indeed the most suitable candidate.

Everyone didn't pretend to say something like be careful at this time.

It can't be said that they are ruthless, it's just that they grew up under Dashewan, in fact, they really take these two words of life and death very lightly.

The only thing they may really care about is whether they can complete the task assigned by Orochimaru, see if that guy is upset, and consider whether to kill him.

And shortly after the three left, Konoha Xiaoqiang's commando successfully met with Jirofang.

The fat man with only three yellow hairs on his head looked indifferently at the group of Xiaoqiang queens who stood in a row, headed by Shikamaru,

It was very simple and straightforward, and started to seal directly. It didn't do a wave of unnecessary BB first as imagined, and talking harshly was never an option for a ninja.

Of course, this can be an exception for Naruto who has mastered Zuidun.

So at this time, Naruto also successfully performed the exercise: "Hey, guys in front, what did you do to Sasuke?"

As soon as these words were uttered, Hinata immediately felt that the atmosphere at this time, all the coercion at this time was gone.

Instead, the style of painting changed directly to a group of social gangsters coming to collect debts. Hinata secretly vowed in her heart that if possible in the future, it would definitely be better to form a team with Naruto.

Once you open your mouth, it is completely indistinguishable rhythm.

Jirobo ignored it, he is a ninja, he is a tool, he has no feelings for Dashemaru, he just wants to kill the opposite group of people, or be killed by the opposite group of people.

The simple thought prevented him from being directly affected by Naruto's mouth for the time being, while Naruto spoke.

He started pinching the seal in his hands, and soon after the completion of the seal, he directly grabbed the ground with both hands,

Shouting at the same time: "Tudun, Tuling Tuanzi."

Then the ground shook, and soon his hands grabbed a huge round boulder from the ground and lifted it above his head.

After a roar came out of his mouth, he slammed the huge boulder towards Konoha Xiaoqiang fiercely.

If he really didn't dodge, he would be smashed hard, probably, he could make dumplings directly.

Therefore, at this time, even the stupid Naruto fled to the side without any hesitation.

Soon, the huge boulder fell to the ground, and after smashing a circular deep pit, it bounced up again, continued to roll backwards two times, and plowed the ground into a deep ravine before finally stopping.

Hinata was really not used to Jirobo's way of saying hello. She was caught off guard, and her whole body was ashamed.

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