Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 229 Unlucky Mizuki

In the end, this Anbu actually left in a very speechless way.

Tsunade naturally didn't know this, and even if he knew, he wouldn't say anything.

I am also the Fifth Hokage anyway, so naturally I have to have my own bearing.

In fact, to be honest, she also noticed something wrong with what she said just now.

But there was no way around it, the repressed breath in my heart seemed to have a vague tendency to be uncontrollable at that time,

She had no choice but to use this method to relieve a little.

After Anbu Ninja left, Shizune also walked over from the side.

With a tired look on his face, it was obvious that Jing Yinwei had made a lot of effort at a glance.

Tsunade felt a little distressed in his heart. After looking at all the files that had almost been processed, he said directly: "Mute! You have been tired all day."

"Let's go home early and rest!"

Shizune shook her head and said, "It's okay Tsunade-sama, I'll accompany you next!"

Tsunade said: "No need, although this incident has a big impact, it really doesn't have any meaning, so ah! I just stare at it alone."

"Of course, I should go home after paying attention for a while, otherwise, it is impossible for me to keep an eye on everything about Konoha."

"If this is the case, then I might as well plan to resign early, otherwise I will definitely be exhausted if this continues."

Jing Yin didn't continue to persevere. To be honest, she also knew that she was very tired, so she didn't have to be hypocritical at this time.

Since the problem is not big, there is no problem in leaving by himself.

After tidying up Hokage's office a bit, Shizune left directly.

Tsunade frowned a little as she watched Shizune leave. Now that she was at leisure, she suddenly seemed to realize something.

At noon, didn't I remember who was in Konoha Prison? It felt so familiar, but I couldn't remember it all at once.

Even though she was idle, she did not hesitate to take a file beside her that recorded all the prisoners in Konoha Prison.

Since you can't think of it, you can only rely on coolies.

I was depressed, as if something was stuck in my throat, and it was very uncomfortable if I couldn't get it up or down.

Then it started to flip, and it started to flip at an alarming speed.

Tsunade suddenly froze, and his gaze stayed on a certain page.

The above information shows the information of Fengshen.

Tsunade showed a hint of memory: Oh! No wonder, it was these two brothers! The head is a bit stupid, but the strength is absolutely powerful and scary.

If this is the case, then the explanation is natural, and then she remembered something and immediately ran out of Hokage's office, and said to Aoba in the mountain city who was still on duty

"Go, let me investigate and see if Mizuki took two people with him when he defected."

"This should be very easy to inquire about. Their name is Fengshen Leishen, and they have some brains."

Shancheng Qingye didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took orders, and went directly to the reference room on the side.

Tsunade frowned, if it was really what she guessed, maybe the people who went to surround Mizuki this time might suffer a big loss.

Now the news has not been confirmed, so she must not act rashly.

If it is really determined, she will not hesitate to join the battle.

Because these two guys seem to have no one else in Konoha who can easily solve them except themselves.

And this, the former self wasted a lot of hands and feet to completely convince this pair of brothers, even if others have strength.

Being able to directly suppress these two brothers will definitely be a trouble at that time.

But now in this time period, I have almost finished my work, so let's take a look at it myself!

Although these two brothers may not have any bad intentions, Tsunade is a little depressed in the heads of these two.

If one does not pay attention at that time and really kills someone, then this matter is really difficult to deal with.

Tsunade's heart is a little decadent and depressed, and often these unnecessary emotions can actually be converted into anger and vented.

So at this time Tsunade's anger has been completely imposed on Mizuki.

Although nothing can be seen on the surface, but when she left Hokage's office.

When passing by the mountain city green leaf, in an instant, the mountain city green leaf only felt a shiver in the body.

With his dazed effort, Tsunade had already gone far, and he planned to follow without any hesitation.

Tsunade waved his hand, and said without looking back: "You get off work! Go home early and rest, don't follow me."

Shancheng Qingye was slightly taken aback, what's going on? But after thinking about it carefully, he seemed to,,, figured out something.

Mouth in a low voice: "Impossible!"

Then he shivered all over, and then he said nonchalantly: "Oh, I'm so tired today! It's finally off work."

Talking in a calm manner and words that others couldn't understand, he walked slowly, but he seemed to have left Hokage Tower in a very hasty manner.

And after walking out of Hokage Tower for a long distance, he said again: "Mizuki! Mizuki, after all, they are all of the same generation. This time you really went too far!"

"Although what you did made me very angry and annoyed, I wish I could solve you with my own hands."

"But at this time, we were classmates at any rate. If this is the case, I hope you will have a good end."

"After all, Tsunade's fist is really famous. If you are really beaten to death, don't worry, I will find some friends to raise some money for you to buy a coffin and a cemetery."

After sighing inwardly, he left without any hesitation.

At this time, in the Konoha forest, Iruka was advancing cautiously. The night was dark and there was no moonlight, which already made the bottomless forest even darker.

It seems that at this moment, Konoha Forest has directly become a ferocious beast that chooses and devours people, and has already opened his huge mouth!

It seems that the next moment he will close his mouth and swallow all the ninjas who have stepped into his mouth.

Iruka was still advancing cautiously, although it was almost too dark to see any traces.

But Iruka is a ninja, and ninjas are quite adaptable to such an environment, so these did not affect him.

But now he was a little puzzled, very puzzled, and kept thinking in his heart, what exactly was his old classmate, old colleague, old friend, and new enemy Mizuki planning to do.

I have come to the forest of death, and there should be a charter for what will happen next.

And he has been in the death forest for a while, so Mizuki is playing tricks on him.

This shouldn't be necessary, maybe when the two sides meet, it will be a life-and-death battle. There is no need to play tricks on yourself at this time.

Could it be that the other party overslept, or something,

Of course you can't, this is not a child's play, on such a serious occasion, you say you overslept, how is that possible.

But the real biggest possibility now is that the other party has already come and found himself, and now he may be secretly observing himself in a certain position.

Although he didn't understand what Mizuki was thinking, he should have his own reasons.

And thinking this way, Iruka felt that he should be more careful.

Ever since Mizuki's true face was uncovered, he knew that Mizuki could be said to be someone who could do whatever it takes for a certain purpose.

But now that I am under the observation of the other party, if I am not careful, I may not even have a chance to see the other party, and I will be assassinated by the other party.

But this is obviously because Iruka is a little paranoid, because Iruka obviously doesn't have the time to pay attention to him at this time.

In terms of the reason, Mizuki has actually planned everything, and he has also prepared the mysterious potion that can enhance his strength.

And at this time of night, according to his plan, he will take the potion directly after fighting Iruka,

Then directly gain powerful power to crush Iruka.

Finally, get rid of the other party in the other party's angry, unwilling, and disbelieving eyes.

But things have obviously changed, Konoha Anbe ninja is definitely not in vain.

After doing a little investigation on Mizuki, I discovered a dead spot of Mizuki, Chie Tsubaki.

After Anbu got enough information from Chie Tsubaki, and the two brothers of Fengshen and Leishen with him were really too conspicuous.

So when he sent a letter to Iruka, he came directly to the death forest and began to wait

It was less than twelve o'clock, that is, around eleven o'clock, when he discovered a group of Konoha ninjas who gradually began to come towards the death forest.

The most basic of these is Chunin,

At that time, he turned and ran without thinking.

But it's a pity that fate really tricked people. Now that such a incident has happened, it is absolutely impossible for him to wait here.

Of course, she also knew that it wasn't Iruka who exposed herself, and Iruka was definitely not that stupid.

Besides, if Iruka really exposed himself, then Konoha should definitely not be in such a lineup, but should be more sneaky behind Iruka.

After he formally contacted Iruka, he suddenly appeared.

So judging from the situation, it should be that Konoha got some clues from Chie Tsubaki.

So after discovering this, he didn't intend to continue to die, after all, his life was his own, and there was only one life.

Even if he already has the potion that can make him stronger, he also knows that even if the time comes, his prestige will be the same for a while.

But when the time comes, it will definitely be hard to beat four hands with two fists,

I will definitely be surrounded to death by the other party.

Although in the third battle, the final record of the third generation of Raikage can be said to be shocking, but in shocking the world, it is also a fatal end.

Mizuki felt that he was still very afraid of death, no, it wasn't that he was afraid of death, but it was called pity for life.

He has not been completely dazzled by this power, because he knows that even if he becomes stronger,

That is naturally not as good as Orochimaru, because since Orochimaru dared to give this potion to himself, then he absolutely believed that no matter how much he absorbed it, he would definitely not be able to reach the level of Orochimaru.

In other words, Tsunade is the only one in the village who can be at the same stage as Orochimaru on the bright side.

When choosing to retreat at this time, Mizuki was obviously very clear-headed,

All the pros and cons of it have been considered clearly, it is not cost-effective, yes, it is not cost-effective.

If Hinata knew what he was thinking at this moment, he would definitely explain it to him.

Hinata might say, "Congratulations, comrade, you are really lucky that you didn't meet Naruto,"

"If you meet Naruto, if the forcibly reduced intelligence halo that comes with it can be activated, you may feel that you may feel that you have achieved every second of every second at this time."

But Mizuki's plan is very good, since it is obvious that there is nothing to do, then there is no need for him to stay here any longer.

However, God's will tricks people, no one knows what they will suffer.

When I was about to leave, I couldn't think of the Fengshen Leishen who I asked him to follow around me all the time. When he left, he was too big and exaggerated his strength.

When passing by a big tree, I accidentally bumped into it, and the whole tree broke immediately.

And this obviously alarmed the ninjas who had already begun to investigate the forest of death.

At that time, he felt as if he had been hit on the head by something. Although he didn't feel any pain, he was instantly stunned.

For a while, he stared blankly at the broken tree in a daze.

After being in a daze for a long time, he reacted immediately.

After swearing fiercely in his heart, he didn't care about anything anymore, turned around and ran away with Fengshen and Leishen.

And it was because of the break of the tree that it had already attracted the attention of Konoha Ninja.

Adding the undisguised movement at this time, it immediately attracted the attention of all the ninjas.

Needless to say, the louder voice was naturally Fengshen Leishen.

The two of them are huge in size, if they really started to run recklessly, their speed would naturally be dissatisfied.

But move! Can you imagine the scene of dozens of wild boars galloping by together?

That's right, it's such a situation. This can be said to be a scene of a steamroller. Naturally, some pits damaged Mizuki,

Mizuki chose to abandon Fengshen and Thor at this time. But at this time, before he opened his mouth to speak, the gazes of Fengshen and Leishen were directly noticed by him.

At this time, he felt that if he dared to say some inappropriate words, he didn't even think about it, and he naturally knew that he might be beaten to death by these two brothers all of a sudden.

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