Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 243 Ranmaru's Worries

On the second day, Hinata and Xiao Li woke up early in the morning. In order not to bother Granny Sanjiao, they didn't bother Granny Sanjiao to prepare breakfast for them.

Instead, he brought the Bingliang Pills that he and others had already prepared in Konoha.

Although the taste of Bingliang Wan is not very good, but to be honest, Bingliang Wan is still very practical.

It can not only supplement the energy needs of the human body, but the nutritional value contained in it is quite high.

But it doesn't matter how high the nutritional value of Bingliang Pills is.

But because of the taste, in fact, no one really wants to eat Bingliang Wan as a meal except under special circumstances.

And along the way, although some Bingliang Wan was consumed, there were still some left over.

It's not that they are frugal, but that it took a long time to walk this way,

And because of the wounded Liusuke, if Bingliangwan really moved forward at this speed, it would definitely not be enough.

So for all kinds of reasons, it is definitely necessary to use other things to supplement their food and clothing during the slow journey in the wild.

Although ninjas are most taboo to do these meaningless things during the mission, it is very likely to expose their whereabouts.

After all, it is right, if it is changed to the Ninja World War period, this approach is considered to be in the rear, if there is such a team, two teams like this.

That's basically asking for death.

After all, except for some natural fruits, everything in the wild requires the use of open flames.

Whenever an open flame is generated, it will definitely generate smoke. If there is smoke, it will definitely attract enemies wandering nearby.

Even if there are no enemies, if the food is meat, the moment the food is cooked, it will definitely attract the beasts looking for it nearby.

Even if the beast didn't pose much threat to them, it was still a trouble after all.

That's right, the food is all cooked, and it's just waiting for me to pick it up and put it in my mouth.

But the successive troubles will definitely make people feel uncomfortable,

So as long as it is really not the kind of real rookie, there are really very few ninjas in the wild who will make this kind of mistake.

But now it is different after all, no matter how dark the ninja world is still, but now, after all, it is not the period of the ninja world war.

In any case, a peacetime title was hung on it.

So relatively speaking, there are still many problems now, but it is much better than during the Ninja World War.

The most important thing is that Konoha, the country of fire, has fought several ninja wars, and basically ended in victory.

In the eyes of other people in the victorious country, basically 99% of the people still have a little awe and fear.

And the remaining 1% of people are either the kind of lawless people, or the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, or they are really people with that kind of great wisdom.

And people with great wisdom can actually find out that although the former Konoha was indeed brilliant, and after several battles, it has won consecutive battles.

But if you put all these together and compare them, the current Konoha is actually going downhill.

The first generation of Naruto overwhelmed the ninja world, with the name of the god of ninja world, overwhelmed the ninja world,

Although the second generation of Hokage is not as radiant as the first generation, it still arranges Konoha in an orderly manner.

It can be said that Konoha can almost be completely stabilized. Although it has declined in some aspects, it has really tested Konoha's status.

But since the second generation, no matter whether it is the third generation or the fourth generation, they are serious about everything that happened in Konoha Village.

It can almost be said that they have made their due contributions to Konoha's development and status without false publicity and selfishness.

It's a pity to use a powerful sentence: the world must be divided for a long time, and it must be united for a long time.

No matter how hard they tried, they seemed to be unable to control Konoha and gradually began to go downhill.

Of course, although the tiger is getting old day by day, it is still not to the point where the tiger falls into Pingyang and is bullied by dogs.

And the most critical point is that the biggest capital to do this in the wild is actually because of Hinata's supercilious eyes.

The full range covers 360 degrees centered on Hinata and all conditions within one kilometer.

If you are attacked by others at this level, then you don't have to think about it, just wash your neck and lie there waiting to be wiped by others!

Obviously, although this is indeed a bit risky and violates the ninja survival rules, this thing is dead, but people are alive.

Otherwise, if you really act according to this rule, then many people will starve to death.

And although this kind of rule is strict, who will take care of so much when it is really a last resort.

Today, the three of Hinata started to act early, although they are not familiar with this area,

No, to be precise, this area is familiar, but the place of the Jinjiangcao Gold Mine is really unfamiliar.

And now what they have to do is to thoroughly investigate the Jinjiangcao gold mine based on the information provided by Liuzhu.

It might seem a little difficult to switch to another team.

But they are different. This should be very difficult in the eyes of others. After Hinata, to be precise, Baiyan, although these are a bit more troublesome,

But that's really not a big deal.

Of course, this is the opinion of Xiao Li and Tian Tian, ​​​​but Hinata doesn't think so, because she has watched anime, so she knows that there must be something wrong in it.

In his opinion, Lei Ya didn't even mean much, no, to be honest, it only depends on Lei Ya's strength.

In fact, his restrictions are still very large, and he should be almost the weakest of the seven ninja swords of Mist Ninja!

After all, for his strength alone, without Ranmaru's assistance, he would not be able to reach this price. At most, he should almost touch the threshold of elite jonin.

Moreover, his ninja sword, thunder sword, tooth, is not at its peak in normal times,

And all of this can only be said to reach a peak in thunderstorm weather.

And what Hinata is really interested in is actually Ranmaru. After all, Ranmaru's blood succession limit is really special, it seems that he was born to restrain his eyes.

And such a powerful Blood Successor Limitation seems to be a little unknown in the later stage, and there is no clear answer until the end of the Hokage anime.

The specific functions and abilities are very reminiscent,

And Lanwan's body is unhealthy, so it may not be used to a large extent for the real purpose of this blood succession limit.

For the time being, let's call Ranmaru's blood successor limit boundary a red eye!

Judging from the information already known, the ability of this blood succession boundary should be able to penetrate space and see things within a certain range that the owner wants to see.

This can almost be said to be able to ignore all obstacles, fog and other common effects that can interfere with ordinary people's sight.

The second is that this blood follower limit boundary can use some red dust that he can control to affect the detection effect of the detection ninja by operating his own pupil power.

Others, Hinata doesn't know, but she has some doubts. If the red-eyed blood following the boundary is really serious and deep, it should be able to dig out a special talent like Uchiha Sharingan.

Of course, these are just thoughts, and what she really wants to know now is that Ranmaru's blood succession limit ability can fool Neiji Hinata's investigation.

But myself, if I don't open the reincarnation eye, will I also be confused.

In fact, from the very beginning, she knew that as long as they appeared within the range of the Jinjiangcao gold mine.

In fact, it is impossible to escape Ranmaru's detection,

And after these two days of serious discussions, it seems that the teachers and the people are mobilized.

But Hinata is very clear, all these efforts are of course wasted,

The ninja world said that the white eyes of their Hyuga clan can be said to be the most powerful detection method in the whole ninja world, not only the distance, but also the range, and everything that comes with it.

But red-eyed, the Jinjiangcao Gold Mine covers a very large area, no matter where Lan Wan and Lei Ya are in, in the original book, Naruto Xiao Li, Tian Tian, ​​​​and Ning Ci had already been noticed by him when they first appeared.

This has fully demonstrated that the detection effect of red eye can be said to be very significant.

So regarding this meaningless practice and Xiao Li's plan to discuss, Hinata is actually not willing to do it.

But in order not to appear so abrupt, and to show her character, she naturally had to cooperate happily.

After traveling for more than half an hour, they finally came to the edge of the Jinjiangcao gold mine.

Looking over there from a distant mountain top, one can find that there are many people working hard at the entrance of the gold mine.

If you just look at the number of people, it feels that the work is really in full swing.

But this can only be regarded as normal, without any known clues for analysis.

And if you add the information that Hinata and the others have in Liusuke's mouth, you can know.

In this seemingly lively scene, how many people are willing to participate in it.

How much disgrace is there in these things.

The distance here is still relatively far, even if Hinata really uses the white eyes to investigate, it is impossible to really investigate carefully.

It can only detect a rough idea, which is estimated to be about one-twentieth better than their naked eye observation at the moment.

Of course, it is impossible for Hinata to say this clearly. What she said is that if the distance is too far, it is impossible for the white eyes to cover anywhere.

Xiao Li and Tiantian naturally had no accidents, since there were no accidents.

Then the distance will naturally be shortened. As long as the coverage of Hinata's white eyes is within one kilometer, it is almost the same.

As long as you are careful at this distance, Tian Tian and Xiao Li believe that basically all problems can be solved directly.

To be honest, Xiao Li's character, how should I put it, although most of the time it is the kind of dead-headed person who looks real.

But when it really happened like this, all the caution that Xiao Li would not have had in normal times showed up one by one at this time.

Anime is anime after all, and reality is reality after all. Reckless people will definitely die very quickly in such an era.

This also proves once again that without the interference of Naruto's wisdom aura, such a game between ninjas can be regarded as a real reality.

The three of Xiao Li continued to push forward, and when Hinata felt that the distance was almost the same, he yelled to stop. In fact, it could have been detected further away.

But now thinking about it, they have already been exposed under the eyes of Lei Ya and Ran Wan.

And this way the distance is shortened, not only can he save himself, but also give Lei Ya more time to deal with them.

As expected, Lei Ya came to the highest point of the Jinjiangcao Gold Mine Mountain again, holding a ninja knife in his hand, and carrying such a huge backpack.

Folding his hands on his chest, he looked down with a trace of cold eyes.

Perhaps because it was too high up here, he could only see layers of mist below.

At this time, Ranmaru's voice sounded: "Master Lei Ya, I saw that those three ninjas should be from Konoha, and they have continued to choose to move forward."

"One of them should be an investigative ninja with white eyes belonging to the Hyuga clan."

"They are still about one kilometer away from the mining site."

"However, according to the analysis of the white-eyed characteristics of the Hyuga clan, it should be impossible for us to be detected by the other party at this distance,"

"Now, Lord Lei Ya, what should we do?"

When Lei Ya heard this, his eyes immediately turned cold, and he said, "What else can I do? For this kind of practice of breaking into someone's house without the consent of the owner."

"Of course we should have given them a beautiful funeral," he said.

Then he hesitated and said: "However, for such people, I can't even do their most basic situation, if a funeral is really held."

"I can't cry. Since it's a funeral, it's natural to express everything with real tears."

"However, for them, I really don't have the slightest bit to shed real tears for them."

"A funeral like this would not have been perfect if it hadn't been washed with tears."

"So, my final choice is to just keep them here, but I won't go to the funeral for them. I really want to try to find some reasons."

"But I really can't think of any tears for them, these strangers."

Ranmaru generally doesn't want to interface with this kind of thing, obviously he is obviously avoiding something.

But this time he said directly: "Lord Lei Ya, what did you say, this time, but,"

He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it after all.

Instead, he said: "Good Lord Lei Ya, from now on, I will silently watch all their whereabouts."

After finishing speaking, he immediately added: "Lord Lei Ya, be careful this time."

Lei Ya, although he didn't know what Ranmaru was hesitating this time, what he saw, and why he didn't speak out directly, but he didn't ask.

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