Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 276 Gathering

And Beichen was not the only one who left at the same time.

In the complex landscape of Chuanzhi Country, the iron-footed ninja was sweating profusely, but he didn't seem to notice anything, and directly handed the letter in his hand to the old man He Yan.

Then, using their standard of conduct, after saluting He Yan, they directly used the scud skill to disappear in the blink of an eye.

Regarding this, He Yan was not surprised at all, he just held the envelope with his right hand, and at this moment he began to fall into deep thought.

However, at this time, the clansmen were resting, so no one cared about He Yan standing here for a long time.

A few minutes later, He Yan seemed to wake up, then bent over with his hands behind his back, holding the envelope in his hand, and walked towards the core area of ​​the camp step by step.

Near an unknown large animal, Huimina was cooking food under the shadow of a big tree at this time,

Seeing He Yan coming back, he immediately said, "Father, the food is ready, can we have dinner now?"

He Yan showed a gentle and friendly smile and said, "Huimina wait a moment first!" He shook the envelope in his hand and said:

"Let's talk about it after I finish reading this letter! It's impossible to tell which friend was in trouble, so he handed it to me."

Although he said it, He Yan's tone was not flustered, it was obviously a joke,

As for why it's a joke, it's naturally because He Yan doesn't have many friends in the whole ninja world, and even if a friend has something to do, he basically won't find him.

After all, a traveling caravan without a home would not be rich enough to go there.

Huimina also smiled and said, "Father, that's fine!"

He Yan nodded, sat down on a rock, and opened the envelope without thinking too much.

In fact, to be honest, He Yan already had some guesses about the owner who wrote this letter, but even though he had guesses, it was impossible to know what the letter would say in the end.

Although he was smiling all the time, no matter what, he already vaguely felt that what this letter represented was not necessarily a good thing.

And as expected, after he read the letter, he fell into deep thought without showing any expression on his face.

After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind and said to Hui Mina who was packing up: "Hui Mina,"

Hui Mina heard the words and said: "Yes, what's the matter, Father."

He Yan sighed and said, "Huimina, after I finish this meal and arrange the caravan affairs, you can go to a place with me!"

Huimina was very sensible, she didn't ask anything about the decision made by He Yan, but immediately nodded and said in agreement: "Okay,"

As for the other place, it doesn't look like a big one, and it's located in a small town within the territory of the Kingdom of Fire.

At this time, Passerby A also just took a letter from the iron-footed ninja.

In an instant, his original plan to go to the tavern for entertainment as usual was immediately swept away.

Grabbing the letter, he also directly returned to the small home he just bought,

After carefully closing the door and passing through, he also went directly to a corner where no one could see, and carefully opened the envelope like a thief.

After reading the contents of the envelope, Passerby A immediately seemed to turn pale with shock.

Without it, the content on the envelope is actually very clear. It is possible that during these days, he joined this mysterious organization inexplicably.

The letter from the leader who made him feel terrified in his heart, the content on it was also very simple and rude, and he had already explained everything clearly to him.

And the core content is actually, nothing more than telling him that during this period of time, the core members of the dawn organization and the peripheral members included in the establishment will gather towards him if there is no unexpected situation.

Of course, he didn't really come to him, but passer-by A already had his own guess about the specific reason.

After all, this small town may be the one closest to the headquarters base of the former Baitu Hunting Group.

And since the Baitu Hunting Group was wiped out by ruthless suppression, he also went back, after simply cleaning it aside.

He also returned to this small town and bought a residence in this small town with the silver stored in the original base.

On weekdays, he also used the money for entertainment, but in fact, he also quietly started working as a doorman.

During this period of time, he also had some awareness in the underground black market or gold exchange.

No matter where the two battles were, he actually noticed a reward list, and the content of the reward list was to inquire about all the intelligence of the Dawn Organization.

The generous rewards have attracted the attention of many wandering ninjas or bounty hunters.

But this is a matter without any reason at all. The only thing that can be found out, and the only thing that can be found out temporarily with all our efforts, is the many branches of the exterminated Baitu Hunting Group.

There were not many of them, and they belonged to a trace of Li Ming's exposure, but since someone issued this reward, it was also aware of Li Ming's existence during this incident.

So those wandering ninjas and bounty hunters can only touch their noses because of this task.

But the meaning of passerby A's letter is completely different, if it is used to exchange for the reward task.

Then the Dawn Organization, an extremely mysterious organization, will be truly exposed to the ninja world.

After all, the contents of the letter clearly stated that the important members belonging to the dawn organization will gather in this small town one after another.

But now that he knew this, Passer-by A was even more frightened and helpless. He really wanted to ask that terrifying person, "Can you stop being so straightforward!"

"Isn't it okay to express it in a more obscure way? After all, people who understand like this will naturally understand, and those who don't understand may not understand even if they want to break their heads."

"But in this case, if there is any accident, it will be troublesome!"

When thinking about this, without any hesitation, he found a tool for ignition, and burned the letter to ashes in a panic.

After doing all this, he finally let out a long breath.

Of course, what he didn't know was that just writing these three letters had already made the terror leader under his influence very unpleasant.

After all, to explain things clearly, basically every letter should be written at least a thousand words.

Three copies are 3,000 words.

Maybe this doesn't sound like much, but for Ms. Hinata, that is her temper, which is something that no one can do anything about.

Don't know what time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle?

In fact, to be honest, passerby A is still very self-aware.

Because he also knows the particularity of this secret base, not only is it hidden, but to be honest, it can also be reorganized with less effort.

Therefore, after he completely abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, he also returned here directly,

It can be regarded as silently playing the role of a big housekeeper.

Because he knew that this place must be valued by the high-level figures of his organization.

But now, it was obvious that he had indeed made the right bet, and he could clearly feel that his treatment in the organization had improved a bit.

In fact, speaking of it, it seemed that when he chose to leave the Baitu hunting group at that time, he was either forced or willing.

Ever since the Baitu Hunting Group was completely turned into a cloud of history, he has actually entered a period of confusion.

I joined a muddleheaded organization in a muddleheaded way. Although I knew that the organization might be a little powerful, everything was muddleheaded.

This made him a little uncomfortable, and no one arranged for him, which also made him really a little confused.

And under such circumstances, perhaps because of the few choices, or subconscious choices, he finally came here after all.

Perhaps drinking for pleasure during this period of time is his resistance to confusion!

But looking at it now, it seems that fate is still vaguely taking care of him.

At this moment, he can be regarded as really having some energy.

Since this time may be regarded as a relatively important scene for him, he is now regarded as the person who plays the role of the big housekeeper.

There must be something to do before this.


Three days later, Passerby A was sitting cross-legged on a big tree with luxuriant branches.

With his eyes closed, it seemed that he was meditating at this time.

But in fact, he doesn't have such a high artistic conception. The main reason why he is showing such a posture at this time is actually.

It's just that it will be more comfortable, and if you are tired, you can take a nap or something.

After learning from the letter that the members of the dawn organization will gather here one after another.

He naturally did some things that he could do first.

And the position he was at at this time was naturally not far from the entrance of the base,

It looks like he has temporarily changed from Li Ming's butler and servant to a security guard.

And the security guards in this wilderness are naturally waiting for the real master to come.

It was when he was resting with his eyes closed, or simply dozing off.

Suddenly, there was a quiet but very clear singing in the wilderness.

From the voice, one could tell that this was a girl who was definitely not too old.

And the sound was considered to have successfully attracted the attention of passerby A. He opened his eyes, stood up directly, stood on the tree trunk and looked in the direction of the sound.

And soon the voice became louder and louder, and an expected judgment appeared in his line of sight.

A little girl may not be able to see clearly because of the distance and the obstruction of trees and leaves.

But when the distance between the two sides got closer and closer, he finally saw clearly that this was indeed a young girl,

The girl is not very old, only about fourteen or fifteen years old,

At this time, they were walking and jumping, quite lively, singing songs, and holding a basket that seemed to contain some tools in their hands.

It seems that all this is normal,,, a wool!

In the wilderness, there is definitely something wrong with a little girl appearing in such a way! Passerby A immediately cheered up,

Soon the distance between the two sides was less than ten meters.

But because Pedestrian A was hiding on a big tree with luxuriant foliage, the little girl did not find Pedestrian A.

But Passerby A naturally did not continue to observe with that kind of wait-and-see attitude.

Instead, after looking at it from a similar distance, he immediately jumped off the tree.

Perhaps because of the ninja, he also wore a black mask very coquettishly,

After landing, he didn't say anything, but directly lowered his head,

First of all, although he may have already guessed that this person might be a member of the organization, but to be honest, he is not familiar with it, so it is better to be quiet at this time.

Next, let's see what kind of personality the other party shows!

Kurama Wuyue didn't seem to be surprised by the strange man who suddenly appeared in front of him,

After Passerby A appeared, she also stopped, and at the same time put down the basket she was carrying.

Looking at this passer-by with burning eyes,

After seeing the performance of the other party, Kurama Wuyue seemed to lose some interest, but he also asked: "Ah, ah, am I the only one here?"

When Passerby A heard this, he didn't look down on the other party because of his age, but said more carefully: "Well, yes, sir, you are the first,"

Hearing the word lord, Kurama Mingyue was obviously a little unhappy and said: "Don't call me lord, since you also belong to our Liming, just call me Huansheng."

Passerby A nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, Huansheng."

Kurama Wuyue nodded and said: "By the way, you should be a passer-by! Why do you have such a strange name?"

Passerby A really didn't know how to answer this question, and he didn't think there was anything weird about his name, so he just chose to keep silent.

Seeing that passer-by A did not speak, Kurama Wuyue was not angry, and seemed to have the nature of a conversation at this moment and said: "Say, passer-by, what did you do on the tree just now!"

Passerby A lowered his head and said, "I'm just meditating."

Kurama Wuyue seemed to nod her head very clearly and said, "Really? You meditate very seriously, and your saliva is drooling."

Passerby A immediately retorted: "My lord, it's impossible to drool or something."

Kurama Wuyue nodded and said: "Oh! It's so rare that I am interested in drawing such a picture. Could it be that I read it wrong."

As she spoke, she even took out a piece of drawing paper from her basket.

And on it is a picture of a passerby sitting cross-legged on a tree trunk with his head tilted to one side.

Looking at the picture, it seems that the person who painted the picture is sitting opposite the image.

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