Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 277 Completion

This seemed a little embarrassing, and the problem became more confusing, because Passerby A really didn't know whether the painting was about him or not.

Because in fact, he really fell asleep, but let's just admit it, it seems that there is still some fluke in his heart.

So he had no choice but to let out a couple of laughs to express his embarrassment.

But it was obvious that Kurama Wuyue didn't want to do anything. After seeing the expression of Passerby A, he seemed very satisfied and nodded.

He casually threw this painting to passerby A, and then said, "I'll give it to you."

Passerby A hurriedly said thank you.

Time passes time after time,

Next is Beichen, the water is as cold as the moon, and the winter rain arrives in turn.

And when Hinata and Wuzhu arrived, He Yan was actually the only one who did not arrive.

And with the arrival of Hinata, the purpose of the Dawn Organization's gathering this time can be regarded as the real beginning of implementation.

Passer-by A, because Beichen is a peripheral member and is also a smart person, he didn't ask Hinata why he did this, or suggested to Hinata to find someone who is in charge of the team to do these things.

After all, this base is quite big, and if only a few people come, it is actually a bit hard, boring and boring.

As for the core members of the dawn organization, Wuzhu and the others didn't show anything, and they were actually even more embarrassed to show anything.

In fact, to be honest, the so-called rectification of this base is actually not as simple as cleaning up the hygiene at home.

To clean or something, if this is really the case, Hinata can actually let passer-by A alone give him enough time to clean slowly.

Besides, everyone is a ninja, if you only do these things seriously, it won't take long.

If you have learned some corresponding ninjutsu, it will be easier.

Therefore, the real purpose this time is actually to arrange enough corresponding defense and investigative systems like the Yuren Village in the Ruxiao Organization.

And that, of course, is the real trouble,

Some formations have been arranged, tests have been carried out, and puppets bought from the black market have been assembled.

Set up some darkrooms! I checked it over and over again. Anyway, it is quite simple to say, but it is quite troublesome to do it.

And at the same time, this time can be regarded as a rare gathering,

Hinata's thinking is also quite simple and casual. Since this is the core base,

Then naturally it is necessary to reserve a room for each core member.

Maybe this is actually a very inconspicuous matter to others, but in Hinata's view, it is still very commemorative.

Perhaps after this time, Liming has completely had a place that truly belongs to her home.

And two full days passed in this boring and tedious situation. During this period, Hinata and the others had completely turned the things left by the former owner inside.

To be honest, there are quite a lot of good things in it, let alone, there is not a lot of silver and gold, silver and jewelry in it,

Just smelling some things that can be used by ninjas found a lot.

For example, blades that can cover chakra. Of course, although these can transmit chakra, the actual effect that can truly transmit chakra is not so strong.

It should not be said that it is useless, but for the Dawn members gathered here, in fact, if they really use these things, it is really a bit overkill.

However, it's okay, even if no one is interested in these things for the time being, there is actually nothing wrong with just being a collectible.

At worst, all of these will be given to Bei Chen. After all, this is the first peripheral member who really joined Liming, so he should be able to receive some preferential treatment, although these may not be suitable for him.

But Beichen is different, in fact, there are many wandering ninjas gathered under him, and these are given to Beichen for him to distribute to his subordinates.

It can also be regarded as a waste utilization!

However, it is said that the blade that can transmit Chakra,

Hinata had an idea of ​​her own in an instant.

After all, everyone's strength is already quite good, and it may be difficult for some people to advance in strength.

These people naturally refer to the peripheral members of Liming,

So in such a situation, it is very necessary to obtain some weapons that can efficiently transmit chakra.

And if you can really collect these things, then no matter who is in the organization, you can get a certain increase in combat power.

In fact, Hinata also had fantasies, fantasies, if the members of the dawn organization could hold a Kusanagi sword, it would be so daunting.

However, this is obviously unrealistic,

In the anime, it seems that there are ten Kusanagi swords in total, but from the beginning to the end of the anime, only three were actually exposed.

Orochimaru, Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi.

It seems to be two, after all, the one that can't be said about Sasuke still inherits Orochimaru.

But whether it is two or three, it just shows the preciousness of this Kusanagi sword.

Hinata thinks that she does not have the fate to get all the remaining Kusanagi swords,

So keep your eyes peeled a little bit! Just put these on weapons that can channel chakra efficiently.

When talking about this, Hinata already has some ideas of her own about being able to obtain these weapons easily, and there is no major danger.

Now she reckons that after she has cleaned up the affairs here thoroughly, she may not have to go to Craftsman Ninja Village.

When he came to this world, he also had some understanding of the alien village of Craftsman Ninja Village.

If you put everything aside, this should be regarded as a village full of blacksmiths.

Although he can build weapons and has such a lot of strength, but to be honest, he is really a rookie when he really does it.

If it weren't for this, the dignified Craftsman Ninja Village wouldn't be forced by four sand coins to make the whole village decide to move temporarily.

And when it comes to these words, then of course we can't talk about Seimei, the founder of the Craftsman Ninja Village.

This seems to be a figure from the same era as Senjujuma.

But maybe that era should be called the era of the gods of the ninja world, which led to Seimei, who had ambitions but no strength, could be said to be obliterated by everyone.

There were no waves in that era.

And this guy can be regarded as a very tenacious guy, who created the so-called Four Saint Cloths, since he can't be the overlord in this era.

Then wait until the god of the ninja world will talk about it a hundred years later. In the end, it may be true God's will to make peace.

It really came back to life like this. When I first came back to life, it was called an invincible person,

But it's a pity that since there is no trace of this historical loser in that era, it can only be regarded as an experience boss for Xiaoqiang in this era.

He burped as soon as he appeared in an episode,

Keke, far away.

Hinata's idea is naturally, to go to Takumi Ninja Village, anyway, now because of the banning of the huge wealth left by the former owner here.

Use these things to see if you can exchange some treasures from Craftsman Ninja Village.

After all, if you can do it without doing it, everyone is a civilized person, so why bother to fight and kill all the time.

How barbaric, how rude.

Of course, if the weapon that can efficiently transmit chakra is too expensive to buy, or people don't buy it, or there are other reasons.

Let's talk then!

And today, the old man He Yan finally arrived after a long time.

And what surprised Hinata was that the old man He Yan didn't know what he was paying attention to, and he didn't know why he brought his daughter Hui Mina here this time.

Obviously, in this place where Hinata can be said to be eloquent, since Hinata has doubts, she will naturally ask questions, and there is no need to pretend anything in front of Hui Mina in the future.

He took He Yan directly to a room and asked directly.

From Hinata's point of view, it may have been a long time ago, or more likely, it was on the way to and from the country of Kawa.

He Yan should have instilled a lot of things in his daughter,

So much so that although Huimina still looks a little confused now, no matter what, she should completely accept this thing that she might not have dared to think about before.

After all, I am the leader of the caravan on the surface, but who would have thought that he would be the same as those people I have seen before,

A ninja with special abilities.

Perhaps this is enough to subvert her three views, and no matter what happens next, it seems that there is nothing unacceptable.

In fact, bringing them into this room should not be called after being in the conference room.

He Yan also started talking very consciously, and didn't ask Hinata to ask anything.

But when He Yan opened his mouth to help Hinata, he regretted it a little, and it was too late to interrupt him next time.

As soon as the old man He Yan opened his mouth, snot and tears flowed from his nose.

A wave of hardcore buying started directly.

First of all, he first said how difficult it was for him for so many years, then he said that he was old, and then he only had such a daughter.

If you can't let go of something, what will happen next, and so on. Anyway, as long as you can make yourself worse, obviously He Yan won't mind at all.

If it wasn't for the fact that Hinata is a girl and she is not very old, maybe it was because of her last bit of face,

I can't say enough, I will grab Hinata's arm or thigh directly, maybe tears, nose, saliva or something will come up.

The most important thing, Hinata thinks that the biggest reason should be Hui Mina's reason!

After hearing the old man He Yan's mourning for a long time, Hinata was obviously a little impatient.

Instead, he asked directly: "Okay, okay, let's talk! What do you want?"

After He Yan wiped away all the pickled things immediately with a big hand, this conversation really started.

And through chatting, Hinata also understood what He Yan meant. I don't know exactly what old man He Yan was thinking, but according to what old man He Yan meant.

It was obvious that he wanted to send his daughter into the Dawn Organization, and he said verbally that it was actually quite boring to be in the caravan for the rest of his life.

He felt bad for delaying Huimina's ability to have a higher and wider stage.

And their immigrant descendants from the ancient empire now seem to have ended their mission because of that incident.

Speaking of which, they are really free, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with them making some other choices in the following years.

No matter what old man He Yan paid attention to, the important point was that old man He Yan wanted his daughter to stay completely.

And this can actually be seen clearly by anyone with a discerning eye. After thinking about it carefully, Hinata seems to have no choice but to agree to it after adding the current specific situation.

But Huimina is actually not young anymore, so it is impossible to become a ninja.

But it doesn't matter, and He Yan doesn't want his daughter to go to the battlefield to fight the enemy after becoming a ninja.

So Hinata thought about it, and it seemed that his Dawn Organization still lacked a secretary.

This seems to be a completely idle job, but although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

The necessary accessories are pretty good too.

Besides, maybe the Dawn Organization will enter the money-raising mode in the near future, and let Huimina count the money every day, not afraid that he has nothing to do.

If you can do it, there is no problem. If you can't do it, you are talking.

Hinata nodded, indicating that there is no problem for the time being. He Yan felt relieved.

The matter can be regarded as a temporary finalization. To be honest, the entire transformation of the base will not have much impact.

After all, there are not many things Hui Mina can help with.

But no matter what, Huimina seemed to be quite quiet from the beginning to the end.

It seems that she is not dissatisfied with the new choice her father, old man He Yan, made for her.

Until one month later, the base can be regarded as completely completed, and there may be some small improvements to be made, but this is naturally a matter of the future.

And today is a real meeting and a celebration of this event.

The process and process are actually nothing special.

Perhaps the only thing that caught people's attention was the fact that there were nine people, four adults and five young people.

But from beginning to end, there are four adults surrounded by five children. Obviously this scene is very uncoordinated.

Of course, this is for outsiders, but for the four of Huimina in the team field, it should be because the heart is really too big!

He didn't even feel that there was anything wrong, but it was the shrewd old man He Yan, the slippery passerby, and the honest-looking Bei Chen.

In fact, they naturally know the horror of these young people, and the real scene in the ninja world is that what can really be seen in the ninja world should actually belong to their own strength.

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