His Artists Were Selling Arms, And Boss Yang Went Abroad Overnight

Chapter 103 The Blood Blade Base Was Exposed, And Lu Zimu Killed Xavier To Silence Him!

"You help me short Tesla."

“Short selling will be as large as the scale is!”

Lu Zimu decided the matter with one sentence.

He knew that Tesla's decline this time was far greater than before.

Therefore, this kind of opportunity is very rare, and it will be difficult to encounter this kind of opportunity in the future.

Because of this, he decided to short Tesla on the largest scale.

on the market.

He will short as many stocks as he can buy.

After all, the size and number of stocks that can be shorted is not unlimited.

Shorting stocks.

It's actually very simple.

Borrow shares from the market and sell them at the current price.

Then, within the agreed time, the stocks are bought back and returned to the institution that lent them.

The price difference is the profit from shorting the stock.

but if.

During this period.

If the stock price does not fall but rises.

The price difference will be a short-selling loss.

Short selling is a bet that the stock price will fall. It is the same principle as long selling, but it is just the opposite.

And how big a short position can be.

It depends on how many stocks the institution controls and how many stocks it can lend.

If you can't borrow many stocks.

Even if you want to go short on a large scale, there is nothing you can do.

That's why Lu Zimu would say how large the scale of short selling is, and it depends on how much Tesla stock the market can borrow.

The more stocks he can borrow, the larger his short position can be.

At this scale, there will be no upper limit.


“I will try my best to find a way.

"Then how long will this short selling period take?"

Xavier asked immediately.

She has no objection to Lu Zimu doing this.

Although she didn't know how sure he was, she still trusted him unconditionally.

As long as it is his decision, she will support it without hesitation.

Even if this decision is completely contrary to the market trend, it does not prevent her from doing so.

"A month at most."

"But the results should be available within half a month!"

Lu Zimu replied extremely confidently.

According to his plan, it will be implemented within half a month.

And at most, it won't last more than a month.

Therefore, by going short during this period, you can get the maximum benefit.


Lu Zimu wanted to devote himself wholeheartedly to this plan.

He didn't have the energy to short Tesla. The idea of ​​shorting Tesla was originally his idea.

Only then did he think of leaving it to Xavier.

She has enough experience in this area to complete this idea.

As long as his plan goes smoothly.

Then she doesn't need to be prepared for shorting Tesla.

This time, short selling is not difficult.

Just borrow enough stocks to sell them, and then buy them back at the right time.

As for funds, it is no longer a problem.

No matter how much money is needed, Lu Zimu can get it.

As one of the world's largest arms dealers, he is never short of cash.

Shorting Tesla at least ten times is more than enough.


"I see!"

Xavier nodded repeatedly.

She has already figured out how to short Tesla.

With Lu Zimu's words, she didn't have to worry about anything.

Moreover, she really wanted to do this well and did not want to disappoint the latter.

Because this is the first task he has given to him, he cannot let it fall into his own hands. He will definitely find a way to do his best.


Xavier eagerly took out his laptop.

She connected to the satellite network on the plane and began to operate the securities market.

Although Lu Zimu gave her half a month, it didn't mean that she would have plenty of time.

Shorting this kind of thing.

The earlier you prepare, the greater your harvest will be.

Therefore, she didn't want to waste a single minute, she just wanted to get to work immediately.

for the first mission.

Let Xavier hope to do the best.

She hoped that she could perform better, and as long as she was better, she could always stay by his side.

Not just to be a well-behaved and sensible maid.

At the same time, she, the maid, must be able to help her in order to make him like her even more.

For Xavier.

Lu Zimu is everything to her, her god.

This made her just hope that she could satisfy him and be with him all the time.

Saw this scene.

Lu Zimu couldn't help but laugh.

This Xavier is so sensible, so sensible that people like her even more.

Who wouldn't like this kind of girl.

She is well-behaved, sensible, gentle and considerate, and she is also very helpful.

A few hours later.

The Airbus A380 just landed at the airport.

But after arriving at the airport, they immediately got on the helicopter.

The helicopter flew far away.

After leaving the city, it finally hovered over the forest.


Lu Zimu and others got off the helicopter.

He fell directly into the deep mountains and old forests.


"No tracking found!"

After coming down.

Xiao Wu and the others also started to take action.

Everyone started to check if they had been discovered.

Only after confirming that he was not being followed did he report to Lu Zimu.

Listen to the words.

Lu Zimu walked directly into the mountain.

Xiao Wu and the others also followed them in one after another.

As for Xavier, he was naturally following behind him and seemed very nervous.

Because she knew where she was going now, it must be a very mysterious place.

this place.

It is very important to Lu Zimu.

That's why he seems to take it so seriously, and others are also extremely cautious.

For such a place, Xavier will inevitably be nervous, fearing that he may accidentally discover a big secret.


"Do I need to be blindfolded?"

Xavier suddenly asked cautiously.

She was even mentally prepared for this.

As long as this is necessary, she can be blindfolded immediately and will not think there is a problem at all.

"What are you doing with your eyes covered?"

Lu Zimu listened.

He couldn't help but laugh.

Then, he asked again knowingly.

"I just can't remember this place."

"As long as I cover my eyes, I will remember the route."

"At that time, the secret of this place will not be exposed, and I can keep my eyes covered!"

Xavier is very serious.

She felt it was necessary to do so.

Let’s not talk about whether you can trust yourself. Even if you do, it’s best not to let yourself know.

In this case, she doesn't have to worry about being taken advantage of.

By the time.

Even if he is captured.

Don’t worry that Xavier will tell you about this place.

Listen to the words.

Lu Zimu couldn't help but laugh.

He thought Xavier was so cute that he would have such thoughts.

This made him want to tease her.


"It's too much trouble to do this."

"After you have seen this place, I will silence you directly when the time comes, so you don't have to worry about the secret being exposed.

Lu Zimu deliberately threatened: "You have to know that only dead people in this world can keep this secret forever!"


Xavier was shocked.

She thought he was serious.

Could it be that if you have been to this place, you will be killed and silenced?


"Can I not go?"

"I'll wait for you outside so you don't have to silence me, okay?"

Xavier was so anxious that he almost cried.

Although she regards Lu Zimu as her god.

But she didn't want to be silenced by him, she still wanted to live well.

If you die like this.

Then how miserable I must be.


Lu Zimu smiled even happier.

This Xavier made him feel more and more interesting.

She was so cute and innocent that he couldn't help but want to tease her.

It was very interesting to see her anxious look.


"I'm just kidding.

"You are so obedient, how could I be willing to silence you.

"Don't worry, I can bring you here, which means I can let you know this place!"

Watch Xavier come out soon.

Lu Zimu no longer scared her.

In fact, he could indeed let her know about this place.

even though.

This place is the most important secret base of Blood Blade.

At present, this base is the place where Blood Blade is least allowed to be exposed to the outside world.

But after Lu Zimu came this time.

This base needs to be moved to another place.

Therefore, he is not afraid of being found out by Xavier, since he will have to change places soon anyway.

Even if she memorized the route.

But the next time she comes over, the base won't be here.

You will only find an empty shell, or it has been used for other purposes.

If not.

Then Lu Zimu wouldn't let Xavier know.

He is more cautious than anyone else when it comes to treating this base.

Because the most important person to him has always been waiting for him at this base. .

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