His Artists Were Selling Arms, And Boss Yang Went Abroad Overnight

Chapter 105 Shen Chuqiu, The Leader Behind Blood Blade, Is A Shocking Super Genius!

"Brother Mu.

"I miss you so much!"

After the gate opens.

A figure fought back.

See this.

Lu Zimu was not surprised at all.

He subconsciously opened his hands to welcome the other party's arrival.

At the same time, his face was filled with a smile for the first time.

And this girl.

She is the most mysterious proprietress of Blood Blade——Shen Chuqiu.

If everyone saw her, they would never think that she would be the real boss lady of Blood Blade.

Because her image doesn't match the style of Blood Blade at all.

She looked younger than twenty.

A flawless baby face with a melancholy and fragile temperament.

This doesn't seem to have anything to do with arms, let alone a famous arms dealer like Blood Blade.

But actually.

Shen Chuqiu is the real boss lady.

Her position in Blood Blade cannot be replaced by anyone.

Not only because she is the most important to Lu Zimu, but also to other members.

All members of the Blood Blade.

You can sacrifice your life for Lu Zimu.

In the same situation as "Four Eight Three", he could risk his life for her.

Her contribution to the Blood Blade was second only to him as the leader, and no one else could match her.


Shen Chuqiu didn't understand any force.

She will basically not leave Blood Blade's base and will not directly participate in any operations.

But her position in the Blood Blade is still something that no one can challenge, and no one will disrespect her.

Except Lu Zimu.

No one can replace her.

It is also due to various factors that this status has been achieved.

But the reason why Shen Chuqiu can become a real boss lady is that no one can replace her.

Mainly because of her ability and her contribution to the Blood Blade, this is what makes everyone respect her from the bottom of their hearts.


Except for the internal members of the Blood Blade.

Shen Chuqiu is not well-known, and not many people know her outside.

Most people who know the Blood Blade don't know the existence of Shen Chuqiu, and they don't even know that the Blood Blade has a boss lady.

Let alone the outside world.

Even the inside of the Blood Blade.

Those who knew about Shen Chuqiu's existence were basically core members.

Some peripheral members also don't know that Erren has a real boss lady.

And that's just because of her character.

In addition, Lu Zimu did not want her to be exposed, so he would not announce it to the public and conceal her existence as much as possible.

Only the real core members of Blood Blade can know of her existence.

Long time no see.

It also made Su Ming miss Shen Chuqiu very much.

"Brother Mu."

"I'm so afraid it's a dream."

"When I wake up from the dream, I won't be able to see you!"

Shen Chuqiu curled up in Lu Zimu's arms.

His behavior showed unabashed attachment.

And her tone was filled with deep nostalgia, fearing that she would never see him again.


"I haven't come to see you for so long!"

Lu Zimu's tone was also full of apology.

It was true that he hadn't come to see Shen Chuqiu for a long time, which made him feel very guilty.

Although he had his own reasons, he was still full of guilt.

"You don't have to apologize."

"I know you didn't come, but it was because of me.

"So, I'm very happy that you can come back today!"

Shen Chuqiu said immediately.

Although she misses Lu Zimu very much, she wants to see him all the time, day and night.

But she also knew that the reason why he didn't come back was not unfeeling, but just to protect her.

It was because she was special that he protected her so carefully.

Therefore, she would only be moved by this incident and would not complain that he had not come to see her for so long.

After hearing this.

Lu Zimu was also a little pleased.

In fact, he was also very worried that Shen Chuqiu would not understand this good intention.

It was a small matter that his feelings were not understood, but he was worried that she would act impulsively.

Shen Chuqiu is very special.

The reason why she can become the real boss lady of Blood Blade.

It's because of her IQ of 232 and her expertise in mathematics and physics.

At the same time, she is also a super computer expert.

It can provide an irreplaceable role in various scientific researches of Blood Blade.

The reason why Lu Zimu can produce such powerful weapon technology is inseparable from her support.

Such as super electromagnetic guns, intercontinental missiles, etc.

It was because of Shen Chuqiu's participation that the group was born so quickly.

Without her.

Many of Lu Zimu's technologies would not be available so soon.

Shen Chuqiu’s high IQ.

Make her more than just proficient in math, physics and computers.

At the same time, it also allows her to quickly get started with anything she learns and achieve mastery quickly.

As long as Lu Zimu needs any ability, she can learn it immediately and put it into effect quickly.

It is said.

When she was eight years old.

I took the mock college entrance examination for the first time and got 70.

Even though this score is not as strict as the real college entrance examination, it is still extremely scary.

For an eight-year-old.

It is unrealistic for them to understand the college entrance examination papers, let alone make accurate answers.

But Shen Chuqiu did it, and her score exceeded many of the most talented people at that time.


Shen Chuqiu's parents are paranoid scientists.

They kept her at home and refused to let her have any contact with the outside world.

Just because of her terrifying talent, she kept learning all kinds of knowledge and trained her into a machine that could only learn.

Moreover, she was locked up in the basement almost all the time.

Except for her parents who occasionally appeared, she could not see a third person or hear other people's voices.

In the basement from a very young age...

Even if it is sunshine, she has never felt it.

During that time, she even lost her emotions and desires.

There is no happiness in childhood, only endless knowledge.

She didn't get any sense of accomplishment from learning, mastering any knowledge, and it didn't make her feel happy.

Because she only knows how to keep learning, as if this is her only mission in life.


After an accident.

Shen Chuqiu's parents were both killed.

And it just so happened that Lu Zimu saved her by chance.

He was the one who brought her out from the basement and was the first person she saw besides her parents.

his appearance.

It completely changed her life.

After Lu Zimu learned about her past, he felt very sorry for her.

Therefore, he took her with him and wanted to introduce her to the outside world.

But because of my childhood experience.

She resists the sun and the time outside.

At the same time, she is also very resistant to getting along with people. The more people there are, the more panicked she will be.

Even scared to the point of fainting.


Only then did Lu Zimu place Shen Chuqiu in the basement of the base.

In other words, the entire basement was built specifically for her, just to protect her.

He is not locking her here, but she is not used to the outside life yet and needs to use the basement to protect her.

This is why he kept this base secret.

She just didn't want anyone to disturb her, Su, and didn't want her to have a stress reaction.


This would be even more true if Lu Zimu did not reveal Shen Chuqiu's identity.

If the outside world knew her identity and her terrifying talent.

By then, countless forces will target her in every possible way, and various actions will follow.

These forces will try their best to get her, and they will do anything to get her.

Once Shen Chuqiu was exposed.

Then the situation she faces in 4.0 will be unbearable for her.

If it were Su Qingjin, she could handle it easily.

But Shen Chuqiu can't.

These harassments will make her mentally broken.

It is true that she is a super genius, but she is also a very fragile porcelain doll.

That's why.

Only Lu Zimu protected her so well.

Let her do scientific research, just to let her find a little fun.

She used to study constantly.

There is no happiness gained from mastering any knowledge.

But with him, she would feel a sense of accomplishment every time she achieved results.


It's not about being happy with results.

But because she could help Lu Zimu, she was full of surprises.

But no matter what, it’s fine.

All this made Shen Chuqiu gradually develop emotions and desires.

Let Lu Zimu believe that as long as she takes her time, she will be able to face the outside world sooner or later.

This may take a long time, but he is willing to wait and keep working hard. .

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