His Artists Were Selling Arms, And Boss Yang Went Abroad Overnight

Chapter 41 The Big Dog Is Crazy, It Wants A Big Killer!

The two had a conversation.

The number of arms deals was quickly determined.


Ibutisamu only wants to purchase US$2 billion in arms.

But with Lu Zimu’s enthusiastic recommendation.

This transaction was abruptly mentioned at US$3.5 billion.

And he himself was very satisfied.

I also think Lu Zimut is too considerate of his customers.

As for discounts?

Neither of them mentioned it.

In Ibutisamu’s opinion.

Lu Zimu is such a good arms dealer, and his price must be very affordable.

Then there is no need to bargain.

As for Lu Zimu.

He thought the arms were discounted.

It's an insult to these big dog owners.

In order to show his trust in the strength of the big dog owner, it is absolutely impossible for him to discount.

This is also the greatest respect for customers.

Other things.

Maybe not for big dog owners.

But when it comes to money, you can never say that he is not good at it.

"Mr. Lu."

"Actually, I don't want to buy more than these arms."

"I have other ideas that I want to talk to you about. I wonder if it's convenient for you!"

Ibutisamu suddenly spoke.

His expression this time seemed a little solemn.

He had never been so solemn before buying 3.5 billion US dollars of arms in one go.

You can see this.

It's definitely not that simple.

It's not just as simple as buying ordinary arms.

"Please say!"

Lu Zimu nodded.

He more or less guessed it all.

However, it is hard to say whether this matter can be done.

"Mr. Lu."

"I'm not going to hide it from you, you've already seen it."

"Our Shaluotuo Kingdom is just a superficial beauty, and we will be bitten by other countries at every turn."

"Especially in the United States, it goes too far every year. Every time, the lion opens its mouth, making us unable to speak out about our suffering!"

Speaking of which.

Ibutisamu was also helpless.

The Shaluotuo Kingdom is very rich.

But this wealth is also brought about by oil.

At the same time, it also attracted a lot of covetousness from the Shaluotuo Kingdom.

Especially America.

Has been controlling the Sand Camel Kingdom.

Even if the latter doesn't want to buy American arms, it won't work.

Each time America draws a number.

And Shaluotuo Kingdom must accept everything as ordered.

Once you don't want to agree.

America will immediately put on eye drops.

Let Shaluotuo Kingdom have no choice but to submit obediently.

Especially this time.

The cronies around Ibutisamu.

They are all spies controlled by the United States.

This made him even more furious, but he had no ability to resist at all.


This made him have other ideas.

If successful.

Then he will be a great hero in Shaluotuo Kingdom.

Everyone will consider him a hero.

"Please just say it."

"What do you need me to do?"

Lu Zimu got straight to the point.

Regarding the situation in the Sand Camel Kingdom.

Of course it was impossible for him not to know.

But he just wants to make money and doesn't want to worry about this kind of thing.

Such a non-profitable thing.

A qualified arms dealer would not do it.

"These are the munitions we purchased."

"It can deter some neighboring countries, but it is useless to the United States."

"So, I want to buy some weapons that can make the United States afraid."

Ibutisamu immediately said: "There is no need to directly confront the United States, it is enough to let it restrain itself!"

This is his purpose.

It can also make him a hero of the Sand Camel Kingdom.

"Make America afraid?"

Lu Zimu smiled.

He suddenly felt that this person was so cute.

How could such an extremely naive idea arise.

Arms that even the United States is afraid of.

There is only one kind.

That is the real killer weapon - nuclear weapons.

Moreover, nuclear weapons can still be launched into the United States.

Except for ICBMs.

Other conventional weapons are really useless.

"Prince Ibutisam."

"You may have misunderstood me. I respect international agreements very much."

"As a law-abiding citizen, I will also abide by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons!"

Lu Zimu reminded very solemnly.


Is this something that can be sold?

Even if he can sell it.

But can the Shaluotuo Kingdom buy it?


After Ibutisamu heard this.

But he was overjoyed and didn't feel disappointed at all.

Because Lu Zimu refused.

But it is not because he does not have such weapons that he refuses.

Instead, it stated that it would abide by international treaties and thus refuse to sell such arms.

What does this mean?

Of course it means that he has such a big killing weapon.

It's just that he doesn't want to sell it, it's not that he can't get it out.

As long as Lu Zimu has it.

Then many things would be much easier to handle.

In Ibutisamu’s opinion.

An item is not sold just because the price is not right.

As long as the price is in place.

The boss will definitely be willing to sell it.

As for violating international agreements.

An arms dealer.

Do you care about this kind of paper agreement?

And with Lu Zimu's acting style.

Then it's even less likely that he would care, at least it's just a piece of waste paper.


Ibutisamu doesn’t think there is a chance.

On the contrary, he felt that the opportunity was very great.

"Mr. Lu."

"I know it's difficult for you, but you don't want to see the United States being tyrannical."

"So, please help us. As for the price, I will never let you down. I know how to do it!"

Ibutisamu immediately expressed his stance.

As long as Lu Zimu is willing to sell, the price is easy to negotiate.

"I can give you this number."

"If Mr. Lu feels dissatisfied."

"We can also renegotiate and we will definitely satisfy you. Money is definitely not an issue!"

After seeing that Lu Zimu was unmoved.

Ibutisamu directly extended a gesture.

Later, he also said that the price can continue to be discussed.

"Prince Ibutisam."

"You don't have to say it anymore, I will never do anything that violates international treaties."

"However, I have long been disgusted with the behavior of the United States, and I should help the weak to fight against this big country that destroys peace."

Lu Zimu said: "Money is not important. What is important is that I can help Shaluotuo Country fight against evil. That is my original intention!"

The first two sentences.

Much to Ibutisamu's dismay.

But the last two sentences immediately made him feel happy and angry.

This attitude changed.

It almost made Ibutisamu unable to react.

He thought it wouldn't work.

Who knew that Lu Zimu would change the subject.

Maintain peace.

Fight against the United States that destroys peace.

This is so beautifully said.

Ibutisamu couldn't help but nod his head.

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